1953-11-23 Regular Meeting' 1+ .L ' 466 -- -j Meeting of November 16, 1953 - Continued - Airport Receipts and Disbursements, Home Demonstration Agert, Colored Home Demonstration Agent, Farm Demonsi:ra- ,?Q.? tion Agent, Board of Health, Housing Authority of the City of Wi]mington, Wi]mington Public Library and note of appreciation from Mrs, Harper, Librarian, attached, for the fine Boolanobile which went out on its first run ? November 3, 1953. _/IeZ report of expenditures for forest fire control for this Co•anty for October, was received from the I'orestry Div- ?ry ision of the State Department of Conservation arid Development, in the amount of $3,405.12 of which amount 40% is due by the County or $1,362.05, as per contract. Major items appearing in the report was for tvro Chevrolet units at a total cost o£ $3,006.31. Surety Bonds for J. H. Corbett and C. W. Wilson as Justices of the Peace, in the amount o£ $1,000.00 each with J ? the National Surety Corporation as surety. The said Bonds having been approved as to £orm an3 execution by the ? County Attorney and the amounts fixed by Iaw, were upon motion of Mr. 1^rask, seconded b;• Ns. Love, approved. hotice of formal hearing on appeal in the matter of Aid to Dependent Children filed by Sera King PArker, to be -? held in the office of County 47elfare Tuesday, November 24, 1953 at 11:00 A.M., was received. ? A statement of Budget ES;penditures £or the three months period ending September 30, 1953 was received from the County Puditor, shoiaing total budget of $5,331,124.07 out of which has been expended $1,124,00°.67, leaving an un-expended balance of $4,2071114.40. y Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconde3 by iMr. Inve, abatements to correct errors in the £ollowing tax lists were - authorized: J / ?Ai E. H. Bellamy, Lots 1 and 2 Villa View, Harnett Township $100.00, listed by Mrs. Eliza B. Williamson for the year 1953. Double charge. Hroadfoot Iron Works, Block 85, Machinery, $18,000.00 sold in August 1950, abate taxes for 1951. H. H. Stewart, Block 38, Lot 6, Carolina Beaeh, taxes abated for the years 1940 thru 1953, account o£ double charge. Same listed by Esi:ate of Dr. Pearson, as acreage. ? Upon motion of Mr. Davis, secondec,' by Mr. Love, abatement of taxes for the years shown was authorized and the tax records ordered corrected, in the followirig cases, for the reason the said property has been taken over by the Housing Authority: HTACY. DESCRiPTIOid NAi?E YEARS ABATED 24 W end 6 Leon S. Geyer 1951-1952-1953 24 SW Q --Hrs. L. James Green "." " 24 NE 2-Ptl -Scottie Lee Holden " " " 24 Pt WM 6 ^Noses Randull " " 24 Pt EM 2 Pt 3 _ Ella Hobinson " " " 24 NWJ 1 ?Hrs. Lumm.ie Shaw " " " 24 IId 1 Pt 2 -Estelle i4ack " " " 24 NE 1 ME and 1 - Joseph C. Kerr 24 Whi 6 -Herman Powell 25 N4F4 4 - Sarah H. Ha11 25 SE 4 - Hrs. Willie Johnson 25 SWi Q - Sarah Singleton 38 W end 2 ' C. W. Davis 38 Pt WP1 1 - F. E. Livingston 38 E end 1 - Rethea E. Roderick 39 M 1 Pt 3 - James Henry Brown 39 Pt EM 1J2 Ft 3 Joe Edward Brown 39 w 5 NE-' 4 SW 4 . Church o£ God • 39 EM 13 2 Chas. Crosley 39 WM 6 _ Eknma J. Ebans 1950- 39 SEQ 4 _ Bishop C. M. Grace, Tr. 39 Pt E end 2,3& Pt EM 1220 -Hrs. Alex Huggins 39 Iv'E4 4 -Hrs. Judge C. Newkirk 39 E 3) 4, 5 _ Hrs. Agnes J. Robinson 39 Ft. E 6 ?Hrs. Andrews 39 W end 3Pt 2 -Hrs. J. A. Scarborough , ?. 1?1 .v? f / . .?. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'5hields, County bills No. 1109 to 11+03 were approved for payment. The mee ing then adjourned. 1;)?j petition to close certzin streets in Flemington 5ub-division was declined as the date for the hearing has been A letter was received £rom Mr, E. S. Capps, Membership Chairman of the Y.N,C.A., calling att ? ention to its 70th ? Annual Membership Ehrollment Week? November 17th thru the _l?th? and soliciting such help we may be able to give toward ?ssing the enthusiasm about the Y.M,C.A., Service on to our constituents and employes. Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., I4ovember 23, 1953. • The regular iaeekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. • Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Riiford Trask, Marsden Bellamy,County Attorney and ':. D. Love, County Au3itor. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of I4ovember 16, 1953, having previously been maile3 to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, approved. A request of Frink and Herring, Attorneys for the opponents for a continvance of the hearing in the matter of ? set for December 3, 1953, and personal notice and notice by publication has been given as required by statute, and a continuance o£ the same did not appear necessary. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the folloxing 5tate Institutions an3 Training Schools were ?J granted donations in the amounts shown below) to supplanent their Christmas ?d for the inmates in consider- -?? ation of the inmates from this County in said institutions, ard being in the same amounts as appropriated last year: _ 4, +,. Y , Meeting of November 23, 1953 - Continued - u '-? `.. •,a r, - ! Caswell Training School, Kinston, N. C. $25.00 -Eastern North Carolina Training School, Rocky Niount, NC 25.00 /Samarcand hfanor, Eagle 5prings, N. C. 30.00 ?State T*aini.ng School for Negro Girls, Kinston, N. C. 25.00 iStonewall Jackson Training School, Concor3, N. C. 30.00 , American Advent Christian Home and Orphanage, Live Oak, F1a.25.00 . iMorrison Training School, Hoffman, N. C. 25.00 v ??ySpecifications for repair of Court House roof and towers on sealed bids to be recei??ed 10:00 o'clock A.I?1., Monday, November 30, 1953, as advertised, were read by the Chairmanand approved. request of the Coble Dairy Company for a license to operate a milk business in this County, was upon motion of Nir. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, referred to the Chairman to harnale with the Board of Health at a meet- ing to be called and held as early as possible to take abtion on the_matter. ' A letter received from the State Nagazine seeking information about our navigable and recreation waters for mater- ?.. ial to be used in the preparation of a feature eclition of the "State". was referred to the Chamber of Commerce and hir. Louis T. Noore, Chairman of the New FIanover Historical Commission to furnish the information desirecl. ? f?1?t was agreeable to the Board for the High School 5qcial Stu3ies Department have nine group pictures made of S" the County Commissioners, next meeting, to put in each,of their nine Social Stndies Classrooms, requested by Mr. C. D. Gurganous, Head of the Social Studies Department. request of Dr. Ellen Winston, Commissioner, State Board of Public Welfare that our Welfare Department be fur- shed with monthly statistical r,eporting on all assistance and hospitaZization cases handled thru Mrs. Juliette GI M. Highsmith, to enable the Welfare Department to incorporate this information in their monthly statistical re- port of all-other public assistance payments made in the County, which information is requested'by the State Board by the United States Degartment of Health, Education and Welfare, and needed by the State office for its continuing study of the total public welfare program and needs in the State, was-approved by the Bcar3. /Notice of £ormal heari.ng on 013 Age Assistance appeal of Amanda Kine DeHruki1,.2010 Princess Street Road, and Carrie Sellars McInnis, 215 Red Crpss Street, in the Welfare Of£ice Ri?esday?) November 24, 1953, was received from the Siate tso2rd of Allotments?and Appeal. .. " ??nstructions were given to write Mr. Kirby Daniels, former Superintendent of the Couni;y Home and long time em- ,f? ploye of the County, a letter of.sympathy in the passing of his wi£e, a former Matron of the County Home who - died November 19, 1953. i ,,-J 0,1 report of the Grand Jury November Term 1953, was received, and the same dealing principally with recommenda- tions as to schools, a copy of the same was ordered referred to the Board of Education for its consideration. ' 1 Advice was received from the State Highway and Public Works Commission that Fourth Street and Atlanta Avenue ?c?5 in Carolina Beach, and the new Niggerhead Road which replaces two parallel roads as shovm on map, whi.ch have , been abandnned, have been added to our County Highway System. ?u?^ l°" The matter of re-routing a drainage ditch 140 feet in length which is entirely on the property of Mr..C. D. Patterson, 110 South Audubon Boulevar3, which appears to be too expensive to pipe, was referred to the State Highway and t''izblic Works Commission with the idea of re-routing the drainage to Peachtree Street thence west- wardly to the drainage Canal a distance of about 2$0 feet which would drain a11 the water east of Audubon Boulevard. A petition of 25 property owners to grade and drain or pave Allens Lane in Harnett Township, wh9.ch runs from ? a point on US 17, about four (4) miles east of Wilmington,to Wrightsville Sound, a distance of approximately four miles on which it is reported 30 houses are located,-was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved and referred to the State High4ray and °ublic Works Commission for consideration. ?6-A notice of a public hearing to be held on nTOVember 30, 1953, 4ras received from the United States District Eh- gineer on the application of Mr. U. L. Spence, Jr,, Trustee, on revised plans for dredging on the north end of Wrightsville Beach to fill an additional area of approximately 15 acres on the northwest side of Sunset Lagoon, with materi.al to be dredged from Sunset Iagoon and Banks Channel. Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Trask, no objections were raised by the Board if the Town of Wrightsville Beach has no objections. /A letter was received from the State Board of Public Welfare advising that $51,960.45 was sent to this County £or OAA, ADC and APTD grants and hospitalization £or the month of September. ? A statement of Receipts and Disbursements and Ealance Sheet of Community Hospital as of October 31, 1953, Re- ? ceipts and Disbursements £or Wi3mington Colored Library for October and report of Airport Receipts for Novem- 1953, were received and £iled. ?? `a ?7pon motion, Seventh-Day Adventist Church was granted an abatement of taxes for 1953 on property in Block 508, the same ordered place on the Tax Free list account of the same used and occupied for Church purposes only. :+- ?No action was taken on a request filed by Col. R. S. McClelland, Attorney, that Meyer Miller be released from the payment of interest and sales cost on back taxes charged agair_st property in Block 31, for t he year 1952, account of claim that no notice was r eceived of the balance of taxes due occasioned by increase in the tax rate after prepayment was made. ??A request of I•ir. Aistace Norfleet for repairs to bridge at the end of McRae Avenue in Fox Town which he claims lf?P was damaged by the Telephone and Carolina Power and Light Companies, was asked to look to those who are re- sponsible for damages to the same. .? / Guidebook ?? Copies of the Fourth/Series-Instructions for the use of List Talcers and Assessors by Henry W. Lewis, Assist- ? ant Director of the Institute o£ Government, were distributed to the members by the Chairman. /,The Chairman then reported'ori the meeting of Tax Supervisors at the Institute of Government, Chapel Hill 19th, -`-a? 20th and 21st November, whi.ch was the inost largely ever held in the State. Among some o£ the high lights men- tioned, were twelve counties who had re-valuations and reported gain in values and substantial decrea,se in taxes as a whole, and reduced tax rate, which met with the satisfaction and approval of the people. LThe Chairman urged that thought be gi.ven to the selection of the Tax Listers, to have list completed by Decem- ber lst, that at least two days be given to coaching and instructing and going over the abstract caith the Tax Listers, and that the Judge of the Superior Court be invited to sit-in on the meeting to explain the Lsw and ` Duties of the List Takers. e Chairman then Presented a proposed revised abstract showing a number of new items not heretofore carried on -tu same, and recorn¢nende5 the use o£ one color of abstract for both white and colored tax payers which will great- ly expedite the handling of the abstracts the same then to be arranged by the List Takers for binding instead o£ loose filing as hereto£ore. Discussed the percentage o£ assessments for Personal Property values for taxes, and recommended a separate list for businesses to be handled by one tax lister exclusively. \ 46'7 J r 46- 8 Neeting of November 23, 1953 - Continued - Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the form of abstract was approved for printing. Mr. 0'Shields recommended that the press copy what we indicated we would adopt for public observation. Upon motion of Mr. TraskI seconded by Mr. Davis, an appropriation of $500.00 was granted the Wilroington Athle- tic Association toward the-expense of its three-day Azalea Golf Tournament in March 1954, requested by Mr. G. F. Palmer. The Commissioners feeling that such an expenditure out of the advertising fund will be to the County's interest for advertising its resources and advantages. ? The follolaing good and lawful per•sons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civi1 cases for the two weeks term beginning December 7, 1953: Jas. C. Justice, 304 Wright Street J. S. Simmons, 116 Penn St. E. 0. Hewlett, 314 S. Front 5t. Ethel P. Cardiaell, 2415 Oleander Dr. Perry B. Harnett, 2529 Van Buren St. Alva R. Gair?y, Sbl Castle Hayne Rd. 4?ilbur Jones, Castle Hayne, N. C. F. A. Babson, 2411 Jef£erson St. Cooper S. Page, 410 Walnut St. Homer iyon Clark, 2214 Oak Street Frank Hollis, Rte 2 Box 113 Ken Alpert, 2226 Brandon Road N. R. Skipper, Rte 1 Box 225-A Sanford Carter, 135 Sumter Drive Wade K. Cayton, Castle Huyne, I? C. Wallace Nobles, 508 Market Street C. L. Barnes, 4206 Wrightsville Ave. Robert L. Farrar, 106 Church St. J. R. Hobbs, Rte 1 Box 495 F. A. Jordan, Rte 1 Sutton Idobley, 707 S. 6th St. K. E. Johnson, 209 Keaton Ave. E. Fred Banck, 4911 Pine Street R. C. Parker, 2869 Adams St. J. Edward Johnson, 719 Essex Drive Arden Hiclna.n, 20 Barnard Drive Nabel hlcD. Silvia, 1614 Orange St. J. M. 'ricHeithan, 165 Lake Forest Isaac King Jr., Rte 1 D. W. Coble, Rte 1 Louis Rubin, 12-5. Iake Forest John W. Roderick, Jr., 1202 S. 15th St. Henry W. Lewis, 78 Spoffo'rd ifiills Lennox A. Johason, 2511 Burnett B1vd.W. J. Padrick, 3009 Market St. George W. Ross, 15 Lee Drive For the Second Week - December Q, 1953: A. C. Smith, 4-J I,ake Village Kenneth H. Benson, 2707 S. Van Buren St.Fred F.awards, 205 Aenwood Abenue McK. Cheshi're;_ 222 Pinecrest Pki,y. J. H. Morse, Box 421 Castle Hayne Rd. J. R. Babb, 511 Nun Street Charl ie Jewell, 50 Spofford NLills J. Edward Andrews, 2320 Brandon Road C. B. Bolton, 2 525 Monroe St. H. E. Bollinger, 103 Central Blvd. J. C. Cavenaugh, 2924 Princess P1.R'. C. F. Andrews, 119 Penn St. dohn B. Abbott, 120 N. 13th St. Luthe r Rogers, 218 N. Water St. H. E. Peterson, 1908 Castle St. John Amos Carter, 9 Alabama Ave. H. P. Eason, 127 Spofford Mills Fdgar Z. Blanto n, 713 Orange St. R. H. Robinson, 614 Colonial Dr, H. J. Bland, 308 Wooster St. A. W. Mitchell, Rte 2 Box 235 Charl es E. Edens, 108 S. 9th St. H. H. Hathews, 1706 Chestnut St. R. A. Willetts, 615 Orange St. T. L. Evans, 702 Fssex Drive John G. Thigpen, 606 Queen'Street Leon Blaustein, 502 S. 17th St. Alford Elzgene Gibson, 602 Colonial Ave.W. L. Russ, 216 N. 7th Street C. F. Theobold, 716 C. C. Road A. W. Thayer, 15-V Iake Village James E. Finger, 14-C Lake Village B. F. Beacham, 224 N. 25th St. J. T. Stancil, 702 S. 18th St. W. S. Tharp, 709 S. 15th St. J. D. Fdwards, 114 Colonial Village The meeting thena3jous•ned. Clerk. ? Wiimingtan, N. C., November 30, 1953. v The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Corunissior_ers Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Bellany, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, Cot:nty Auditor, • The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. S. Crowley, a retsred Presbyterian Minister. Copies of the minutes of A'ovember 23, 1953, having been previously mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. 'p Sealed bids for repair of Court House and Totders according to speci£ications ffi advertised, were received from fC?? the following: Harry C. McCartney and Son, Wilmington, N. C. $ 18,434•88 E. S. Piver and Son 'r " 16,513.00 If copper is used on the center steeple in place of slate, ad3 $490.00 Jones and Henness, Steeplejacks, New Bern, N. C.: Old Court House Building ? 996.00 New " " " 998.00 Three (3) Towers 997.00 219q1.00 I?i?? ??-- Upon motion of t-tr. 0'Shields, seconde3 by Mr. Davis, the foregoing bids ware received for further study. 'p Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board joined the City in approval o£ the sale of the fol- " K-? lowing tax foreclosed property to the persons indicated: -- Parcel 46 Hlock 310 to R. J. Yow for $ 400.00 ?" 47 ° 277 " Lloyd filkins 276,00 `-- " 123 " 149 " Kenneth Evans " 405.00 And, the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute deeds'of conveyances -y-Fot- in the name of the County to the said persons upon nayment of the purchase price. The Chairman Lhen presented the proposed amended agreement between the County and the Navy for the joint use of Bluethenthal Airport. The amended paragraphs, written by the navy, wero read by Mr. E. E. Beaty, Real Estate Manager, Sixth Naval Base, Chcirleston, S. C., and did not appear fully in accord with suggestions recommended by this Board at a previous meeting, and other discrepancies appearing ih the agreement, which the Board declined to accept. Considerabk? discussion followed, and Mr. O'Shields stated that this is the most difficu.lt problem that has aris- en during his five years as a member, of this Board, and had worked in the past to cooperate with the Navy, ? He called at'tention to a statement made recently in Atlanta, Ga,, of the hazard of jet planes operation to life and property. On reliable authority was told that jet planes are not under control until they have gone - Q two (2) miles distance from point of take-off, which would piace a jet plane from the Airport about the center of the City; therefore feels that Bluethenthal Airport is too close to the City for jet plane operation on a military basis, however, if the Navy feels it has to have the field, let them exercise the right bf bninent domain and give us a swn of money to provide another field, thus placing the responsibility of jet operations, so close tothe City, on the IVavy, and moved not to sign the agreement. His motion failed oS a second..