1953-11-30 Regular Meetingr 46- 8 Neeting of November 23, 1953 - Continued - Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the form of abstract was approved for printing. Mr. 0'Shields recommended that the press copy what we indicated we would adopt for public observation. Upon motion of Mr. TraskI seconded by Mr. Davis, an appropriation of $500.00 was granted the Wilroington Athle- tic Association toward the-expense of its three-day Azalea Golf Tournament in March 1954, requested by Mr. G. F. Palmer. The Commissioners feeling that such an expenditure out of the advertising fund will be to the County's interest for advertising its resources and advantages. ? The follolaing good and lawful per•sons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civi1 cases for the two weeks term beginning December 7, 1953: Jas. C. Justice, 304 Wright Street J. S. Simmons, 116 Penn St. E. 0. Hewlett, 314 S. Front 5t. Ethel P. Cardiaell, 2415 Oleander Dr. Perry B. Harnett, 2529 Van Buren St. Alva R. Gair?y, Sbl Castle Hayne Rd. 4?ilbur Jones, Castle Hayne, N. C. F. A. Babson, 2411 Jef£erson St. Cooper S. Page, 410 Walnut St. Homer iyon Clark, 2214 Oak Street Frank Hollis, Rte 2 Box 113 Ken Alpert, 2226 Brandon Road N. R. Skipper, Rte 1 Box 225-A Sanford Carter, 135 Sumter Drive Wade K. Cayton, Castle Huyne, I? C. Wallace Nobles, 508 Market Street C. L. Barnes, 4206 Wrightsville Ave. Robert L. Farrar, 106 Church St. J. R. Hobbs, Rte 1 Box 495 F. A. Jordan, Rte 1 Sutton Idobley, 707 S. 6th St. K. E. Johnson, 209 Keaton Ave. E. Fred Banck, 4911 Pine Street R. C. Parker, 2869 Adams St. J. Edward Johnson, 719 Essex Drive Arden Hiclna.n, 20 Barnard Drive Nabel hlcD. Silvia, 1614 Orange St. J. M. 'ricHeithan, 165 Lake Forest Isaac King Jr., Rte 1 D. W. Coble, Rte 1 Louis Rubin, 12-5. Iake Forest John W. Roderick, Jr., 1202 S. 15th St. Henry W. Lewis, 78 Spoffo'rd ifiills Lennox A. Johason, 2511 Burnett B1vd.W. J. Padrick, 3009 Market St. George W. Ross, 15 Lee Drive For the Second Week - December Q, 1953: A. C. Smith, 4-J I,ake Village Kenneth H. Benson, 2707 S. Van Buren St.Fred F.awards, 205 Aenwood Abenue McK. Cheshi're;_ 222 Pinecrest Pki,y. J. H. Morse, Box 421 Castle Hayne Rd. J. R. Babb, 511 Nun Street Charl ie Jewell, 50 Spofford NLills J. Edward Andrews, 2320 Brandon Road C. B. Bolton, 2 525 Monroe St. H. E. Bollinger, 103 Central Blvd. J. C. Cavenaugh, 2924 Princess P1.R'. C. F. Andrews, 119 Penn St. dohn B. Abbott, 120 N. 13th St. Luthe r Rogers, 218 N. Water St. H. E. Peterson, 1908 Castle St. John Amos Carter, 9 Alabama Ave. H. P. Eason, 127 Spofford Mills Fdgar Z. Blanto n, 713 Orange St. R. H. Robinson, 614 Colonial Dr, H. J. Bland, 308 Wooster St. A. W. Mitchell, Rte 2 Box 235 Charl es E. Edens, 108 S. 9th St. H. H. Hathews, 1706 Chestnut St. R. A. Willetts, 615 Orange St. T. L. Evans, 702 Fssex Drive John G. Thigpen, 606 Queen'Street Leon Blaustein, 502 S. 17th St. Alford Elzgene Gibson, 602 Colonial Ave.W. L. Russ, 216 N. 7th Street C. F. Theobold, 716 C. C. Road A. W. Thayer, 15-V Iake Village James E. Finger, 14-C Lake Village B. F. Beacham, 224 N. 25th St. J. T. Stancil, 702 S. 18th St. W. S. Tharp, 709 S. 15th St. J. D. Fdwards, 114 Colonial Village The meeting thena3jous•ned. Clerk. ? Wiimingtan, N. C., November 30, 1953. v The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Corunissior_ers Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Bellany, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, Cot:nty Auditor, • The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J. S. Crowley, a retsred Presbyterian Minister. Copies of the minutes of A'ovember 23, 1953, having been previously mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. 'p Sealed bids for repair of Court House and Totders according to speci£ications ffi advertised, were received from fC?? the following: Harry C. McCartney and Son, Wilmington, N. C. $ 18,434•88 E. S. Piver and Son 'r " 16,513.00 If copper is used on the center steeple in place of slate, ad3 $490.00 Jones and Henness, Steeplejacks, New Bern, N. C.: Old Court House Building ? 996.00 New " " " 998.00 Three (3) Towers 997.00 219q1.00 I?i?? ??-- Upon motion of t-tr. 0'Shields, seconde3 by Mr. Davis, the foregoing bids ware received for further study. 'p Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board joined the City in approval o£ the sale of the fol- " K-? lowing tax foreclosed property to the persons indicated: -- Parcel 46 Hlock 310 to R. J. Yow for $ 400.00 ?" 47 ° 277 " Lloyd filkins 276,00 `-- " 123 " 149 " Kenneth Evans " 405.00 And, the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute deeds'of conveyances -y-Fot- in the name of the County to the said persons upon nayment of the purchase price. The Chairman Lhen presented the proposed amended agreement between the County and the Navy for the joint use of Bluethenthal Airport. The amended paragraphs, written by the navy, wero read by Mr. E. E. Beaty, Real Estate Manager, Sixth Naval Base, Chcirleston, S. C., and did not appear fully in accord with suggestions recommended by this Board at a previous meeting, and other discrepancies appearing ih the agreement, which the Board declined to accept. Considerabk? discussion followed, and Mr. O'Shields stated that this is the most difficu.lt problem that has aris- en during his five years as a member, of this Board, and had worked in the past to cooperate with the Navy, ? He called at'tention to a statement made recently in Atlanta, Ga,, of the hazard of jet planes operation to life and property. On reliable authority was told that jet planes are not under control until they have gone - Q two (2) miles distance from point of take-off, which would piace a jet plane from the Airport about the center of the City; therefore feels that Bluethenthal Airport is too close to the City for jet plane operation on a military basis, however, if the Navy feels it has to have the field, let them exercise the right bf bninent domain and give us a swn of money to provide another field, thus placing the responsibility of jet operations, so close tothe City, on the IVavy, and moved not to sign the agreement. His motion failed oS a second.. Meeting of November 30, 1953 - Continued - a• Mr. Trask then submitted a paragraph which he asked to be inserted in the Agreement, to the effect that this contract is for the mutual use of the field, for civilian and comzrercial use? and that at any time the Navy G) Ll would claim it necessary to take over complete use, feel this contract would in no way relieve the Navy or ? Government of its liability in providing facilities for comme"rcial and civili rin planes . . After further discussion, Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. Love and carried, that the present pro- , posed agreement be amende3 inaccordance with the suggestions made and that may appear to the best interest o£ G??Qp?J the County, and re-drawn in accordance therewith by our County Attorney with the assistance of Mr. Oliver ? Carter, Attorney, same to be presented to this Board 10:00 o'clock A.M., Thursday, December 3rd, 1953, for consideration. All members voting affirmatively except hir. 0'Shields who voted"no: The Chairman presented a check received £rom the State Department o£ Revenue for $16,300.43 which represents Pf-16C-1 ? ? the County's share of the beer and/or unfortified wine excise taxes, based on the population of the County out- side of municipalities, for the period October 1, 1952 to SeXt ember 30, 1953, in compliance with 5ection 517 , (t) (G,S, 18-81) of the Revenue Act. Upon motion o£ Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Aavis, the following were appointed Tax Listers for their respective TGn L? i townships for the year 1954, on recommendation of the Tax supervisor as required by Iaw: Cape Fear Township - Mrs. Geo. W. Wilkins Masonboro Township - Nss. Leila M. Horne Federal Point " - b1rs. Cliff Lewis Wilmington " - J. H. Womble Harnett " Ivo.l - Mrs. Eva Long - W. P. T.oon, Jr. Harnett " No.2 - IArs, Sally E. Pierce - A1rs.. John Leeuwenburg The Tax Suoervisor was authorized to employ ad3itional help if and when needed, and to replace any Tax Lister in case of a vacancy. Instruction Manuals were received from le Eederal-State Crop Reporting 5ervice for the 1954 Farm Census Re- ports and request for the names of the Tax Listers appointed £or 1954 be furnished them, was approved and or- , dered. An audit report of the Tax Office for the period October 1, 1951 to October 1, 1952, was received. IGX -? A report was received from the Back-Tax Department showing that $7,026.17 was collected for the City and ? $6,416.52 for the County, making a total of $13,442•69 back-taxes collected for the month of November 1953. i A report of Airport receipts for November 23, 1953, was received and filed, also report of receipts and dis- bursements of Community Hospital for period July 1, to September 30, and balance sheet as of SeptemUer 30, 1953, were received and filed. ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Wingate White Spivey, partially disabled-arrested T.B. case uas granted temporary admission to the County Home on recommendation of the Superintendent of Public ? Welfare. ?y Letters of acknowledgement uere received from Senators Lennon and Hoey and Congressman F. Ertle Carlyle of ' our recent reo,uest to have Fort Fisher establiahed and maintained as a National Fark, assuring us the mat- ter will be presented to the proper authorities in Washington, and will keep us advised as to developments. M Ari invitation taas received from SENCBA to attend a preliminary meeting Friday, December /,, at New Dern, N. C., CC? , for delegates from each of the three divisions of the proposed formation of a North Carolina All Seashore Highway dLSSociation. S A request was received from the Public Housing Authority for a copy of the resolution requesting the State , • Highway and Public Works Commission toaccept dedication for public use, the existing streets ai3 drives located ? .' within the boundaries of Project IdC-31027, was approved and ordered. A letter was receive3 from Mr. ,A7. Howard, General Agricultural and Live Stock Agent, Atlantic Coast Line Rail- ? road Cotnpany requesting the £ollowing persons tc serve as the organizAtion comnittee to set up an organization ? to be an Association of Fat Stock Shows of Eastern Idorth Carolina, to improve our Fat Stock Show, looking :or- ward to the calling of a meeting of the group soon a£ter the show circuit has been completed next spring to make plans £or another year. N,r. Flalter Farrior, Assistant County Agent, 4Jilson, N,C.- Mr. L. G. Walton, T. W. Wood & Sons, Wilmi.ngton, N. C. Mr. John D. Weaver, Rocky Idount, N. C. Mr. Elmer Brothers, Elizabeth City L/Stock Mkt.Eliz.City,NC. I4r, Joe Powell, County Agent, Tarboro, N. C. Mr. J. H. Mobley, Vocational Agri.Teacher,Winterville, NC. Nir. J. A. West, West Machinery Co., Kinston, N. C. Mr. J. S. Buchanan, Animal Husbdy.bct.Spec.,Raleigh, NC. A list of the October 1953 Prize Winners of the SET]CBAIS Fishing Rodeo was received, e?-- i' A statistical report of the North Carolina Public Welfare showing aid to Dependant Children cases closed and reasons for closing £or period July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1953 was received and filed. No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States District Ehgineer granting tfir. J. D. N,ercer a per-,Q?1A,?j, mit to re-construct the £ishing pier in the Atlantic Ocean at Wrigl;tsville Beach. ?? ? ? A letter of thanlcs to the Chairman was received from Miss Fa:ith Rogerson, Assistant Home Agent and Mr. Williazn S. Howell, Assistant Farm Agent, for his part in making their County 4-H Achievement Day program a success by • bringing greetings for the evening. Stating the remarks he made were very appropriate for the occasion, and sincerely appreciate his kind cooperation. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, abatements were alloried in the following cases on recommenda- ? GX f tion of the Chairman: ? . T. R. Allison, abated taxes on a valuation o£ $200.00 charge9 against him in error on Lots 27,28 and . 29, part of Farm 56 Winter Park for the years 1952 and 1953. TLie same were sold to S4ary Barberer, J. J. Rezze, -?-' and J. E. Hall and listed by them. C. C?.,-TQnes, granted an abatement of taaces on a valuation of 025.00, Lot 81 Fernside, Harnett Township -i?- for the ye ra 1951 thru 1953, account of double charge. Same listed and taaces paid by J. W. Reaves. Upon motion, duly seconded,.County bills No. ].L,OQ to 1580 were approved for payment. -`r A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M.,,Thursday, December 3, 1953, to hear the petition in the matter \ ? ? S ' of closing certain streets in Flemington Sub-Division, and such other matters that may come be£ore the Bm rd. C /lSira /1 ?C_ -Alerk. , I 1rt . ? r.. .