1953-12-07 Regular Meeting7 .- ? N,eeting of December 3, 1953 - Continued - _? ? The Chairman reported progress en the roa3ways thru Hugh Mac9ae Park? and also the installation of sixty-inch concrete pipe back of the Winter Park Baptist Church. The Chairman took this opportunity to er.tend greetings to our County Attorney, Mr. N,arsden Bellamy, on the oc- casion of his Seventy-fifth Birthday, tomorx•ow, December 4. 1953. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by 11r. 0'Shields, the Board'authorized the payment of W750,00 out of the advertisement fund to the SENCBA, iahich in its opinion, will be to the County's interest for advertising its advantage3 and resources, Mr, R. A. Sheta was present to personally suggest that the Commissiotiers, in dealing with the Navy, bear in ,mind the safety of our citizens and the inmates of James Walker Memorial Hospital, in connection with jet plane ??„/operal;ions at Bluethenthal Field, should the Navy taice over. Would rather theJ take the Airport under the ^ R???? right oi eminent domain thereby reIlieming the County of that liability. Nir. Hugh Morton appeared to thank the Commissioners ior the manner in which tlie Navy-Airport matter has been J handled and hav=ng given opportunity for public opinion. Speaking of bad accidents by jetst he said accord- ing to the Law of Averages, some will crack-up somewhere, and it sould be away out of town. As to real es- (i,> tate transactions, he said it would make it tough to secure a loan under the GI Bill of Rights i£ an Airport ?--VJet Operation is located t•rithin two (2) miles thereof, and would therefore hurt the real estate business and bring no blessings. The Chairman asked if anyone else would 1?ke to make any conments. Mr. R. B. Page, Jr., Chairman o£ the Cham- ber of Commerce Aviation Committee said.."You lmow what we think about it if the;/ get their foot in the door, they will kick us aboutsas to civil.ian aviztion; we don't care to have them come in as they want to". The ChAirman called upon Messrs. Carter and Bellamy, Attorneys to read andexp3a5n the re-written Use-Agroe- ? ment between the County and Navy, and each paragraph was read and discussed at,length wi.th Mr. E. E. Beaty, Real Estate Manager, Sixth Iiaval Bsse, Charleston, S. C. Mr. Carter said the Use-Agreement redrafted by he a_nd Mr. Bellamy, as amended, gives some protection to County use for Civilian Aviation, stating that in their --? opinion, it is the best agreement which can be written, but di3 not provide complete protection £or Civil Aviation. Af'ter lergthy discussion of the proposed amended agreement between the IJavy ond the County for the joint use of Bluethenthal Airport, Mr. Trask stated that in his opinion the agreement zs re-written by the Coun.?y Attor- e ney in a ccordance with the amendments suggested by this Board, is to the best interest of the County, rather than have the Navy resort to condemnation proceedings to acquire the field; and moved that the amended agree- ment as re-written and submitted, be apnroved and £orwarded to the Navy Department for its approval and exe- cution, and that the same then be returned to this Board for execu.tion. The motion was seconded by if,r. Horton, but faile3 on the negative vote of Commissioners Davis, Love and 0'Shields. The meeting then adjourned. - -4..Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C., December 7, 1953. The regular week?y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Hellamy, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend S. M. Houck, Pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of November 30, 1953, having been previously mailed to each member o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of Nir. Trask, approve3. ? The Chairman told the Board that Messrs. Jones and Henness of New Bern who submitted the low bid o£ $2,991,00 ? for repairs to the Court House roo£s and towers as advertised, would be here this weekto look into the build- ing of scaffold. Thereupon Nr. Trask moved an3 it was seconded by Mr. Love and carried, to award them the contract for repairs to the old and new Court House buildings and towers for the bid price of ;;2,991.00 in accordance with their bid of Novemoer 5, 1953; PROVIDED they will put up a net to protect pedestrians from possible injury from falling materials and debris. Payment of bid price to be made upon completion of the iaork satisfactory to the County Commissioners. The Board then proceeded to re-organizo.tion. 9 motion offered by Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by 14r. Love, to adopt a Managerial form of Government for New Han- '? C? over County, failed on the negative vote of Commissioners Davis, Trask and the Chairman. Mr. Dsvis said we should look into the County Manager form of government in this State, if that is the idea, C? he had an open mind on it, but wanted to lmow how it was working in other counties in North Carolina; not in Virginia and California, but in North Carol9.na. Mr. Trask said in e££ect, he did not s ee the advantage of em- ? ploying a Manager at extra expense to the Tax-payers when it can be handled satisfactory and more economically by the Chairman in connection with his other duties. ? Mr. Davis moved that Ilir. Horton be re-elected'Chairman of the Board and Mr. 0'Shields, Vice-Chairman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask. ?t?Mr. O'Shields nominated Mr. Davis for Chairman and Mr. Trask for Vice=Chairman, stating he didn't want ttie ap- C? ? pointment of Vice-C:?airman. It was seconded by iMr. Love. Mr. Davis nominated Mr. T. D. Love, the County Auditor, for Tax Supervisor, It was seconded by Mr. Trask. ?4 $ vote was taken on Mr. O'Shields' motion to elect Mr. Davis, Chairman'of the IIoard and Yx. Trask, Vice-Chair- man. Mr. O'Shields and Nir. Love voted "Yes", and Nr. Davis and Mr. Trask voted "No". A tie was declared, and the Chairman voted "Ato", and the motion failed to carry. Mr. Love then offered a substitute motion to start over again, and vote on each o£fice individually, it vras seconded by Mr. O'Shields and adopted. G?Mr. OtShields re-submitted his motion to elect Mr. Davis, Chairman, was seconded by N?r. Love, but failed on ? the negative vote of Commissioners Davis, Trask an3 the Chairman. The motion made by Nir. Davis to Y'e-elect Mr. Hortnn, Chairman of the Board was seconded by Mr. Trask, a vote Yt}' was taken and Commissioners Davis and Trask voted £or the motion, and Commissioners O'Shields and Love voted against the motion. A tie was declared and the Chairman voted "Yes", and the motion was carried, and Mr. Horton was re-elected Chairman of the Board for a term of one year ending the first Monday in DecemUer 1954. Upon motion of Nr. Davis, seconded by Nu-. Trask, Mr. Claud O'Shields was re-elected Vice-Chairman of the Board ?on the affiriaative vote of Commissioners Davis, Love, Trask and the Chairman. Mr. O'Shields voted "No", stat- ` ing he did not orant the o£fice o£ Vice-Chairman. L ? ,,, _4'73I Meeting of December 7. 1953 - Continued - ?' Upon the foregoing motion Mr. Marsden Bellamy was re-elected County Attorney, an3 Thos. K. Woody, Clerk by CbL ? unanimous vote. Mr. Bellamy inaccepting the appoint;llent as County Attorney expressed his appreciation for the confidence the Commissioners have placed in him over the oast 41 years he has served, and would accept the appointment to Jan- uary-l, 1954? 8t which time he will ask to be retired from the office. l?Ir. OtShields feeling that inasmuch as a majority o£ the Board had expressed its £aith in Mr. Horton to elect him Chairman, moved that he be appointed Tax Supervisor3 and the motion was seconded by Pdr. Love. A substitute (r(? ? motion was of£ered by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davls that the County Auditor, Nir, T. D. Love, be named Tax ? Supervisor. A vote.was taken and Commissioners Davis and Trask voted for the substitute motion, Commissioners 0'Shields and Love against. The tie was broken by the Chairman voting against the suUstitute motion, and Mr. Horton was re-elected Tax Supervisor on the first motion by the affirmative vote of Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. Love and the Chairman, ` Upon motion of D;r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, was grant- _ ed an extension of thirty (30) days time for iiling his annual report. A request of Col. R. S. McClelland for adjustment of the assessment and 1952 taxes on the property of Catherine • Kennedy Home; Block 128 account of some of the buildings having been removed, and separation of the assessment and taxes on the part use3 exclusively for-charitable purposes which he claims should be t ax free, was re£erred to the Chairnan and Tax Ascessor for checking and reqort to th'e Boar3. ? A report of the a ctivities of the Colored Home Demonstration Agent, and Q-H Clubs for November was received and filed. ' Messrs. Alan Marshall, L. A. Raney, Herbert Bluethenthal, J. C. Roe, Walter Sprunt and R. H. Holland, members g? ? ` of the Board of Nanagers of James Wallcer Memorial Hospital, Horace E. H_unilton, Director and C. D. Hogue, At- ? ?., torney appeared to request the County Commissioners to submit to a vote of the people the question of a Bond issue in the amount of U,750,000.00 for the pur;wse of building a 300-bed mo3ern Hospital for the County and 'to that end the following resolutian of the Board of Menagers of the Hospital) passed at a meeting he13 Novem- ber 25, 1953 was read and presEnted to the Commissio:;ers by Mr. C. D. Hogue, Attorney: . RESOLU^lIOId OF BOARD OF MANAGERS OF JAiv'FS WALKER , NEMORIe1L HOSPEAL PASSED AT A i,EETING 41 NOVLMIBER 25, 1953 WhERElLS, the condition of the buildings comprising James Ldalker Memorial Hospital is such that repairs and im- provements are immediately necessary and that permanent i.mprovements and adaitiions to the buildings are further necessary in order to increase the capacity of James Walker Aiemorial Hospital in order to cope wii;h the growth of New Hanover County, and to make Hospital facilities available to the people o£ New Hanover Couni;y, and Wi-IERF.AS, there are not su#'ficient funds available or in the hands of the Boar3 of Managers o£ James Walker Nem- orial Hospital to make these necessary repairs, additions and improvements; and 5f WHERF.AS, certain of the buildings now comprising the present iiospital Plant are obsolete and certain other build- ? ings and facilities were built during World War II, and the materials and equigment therein have depreciated to such an extent that the necessity of replacing them is imminent; and their construction is such that the Board of Managers is advised that the cost of repairing them rrould be soEreat tnat it would be cheaper to replace the Hospital Bui}dings; and WHLRF.AS, it is the opini.on of the Board of Managers that unless the needed repairs, replacements and additions are made, or unless the present buildings are rePlaceci, the continue3 operation of James Walker Memorial Hos- pital wi11 be hampered an3 the cost o£ maintaining the obsolete equipnent and buildings will be such that the efficiency of the operation wi11 be curtailed an3 the Hospital will not be able to provide proper service to the people of New Hanover County whom it is obligated to serve; and WHEHEAS, the condition of the Hospital has been discussed with a licensed architect; to-wit, George 4latts Carr, o£ Durham, North Carolina, and it is the opinion of this.architect that it is more feasible to replace all or most of the present facility rather than attempt to repair and keep up the present fzcility and replace the equipment therein. niat ]?e has advised the Board of Nfanagers that the approximate ccst of repairing the pre- sent facility and equipment with a three-hundred (300) bed modern Hospital would be ?.z3,6oo,000.00; an3 WHEREAS, the Board of Alanagers is informed that the North Carolina Nedical Care Commission has certain funds which may be available for part of the cost of replacement o£ the said Hospital facility but which is only available i£ and when there is enough money from local sources to go into the replacement of the Hospital and that the Board has no means of raising such aiditional funds ea:cept thru a Bon3 issue. That the Board of 1?anagers of James Flalker Memorial Hospital does not have su£ficient credit to issue Bonds to finance such new ` facilities and that the money can most feasib7y be raised by a?ond issue of the County o£ Idew Hanover for the benefit of whose citizens the Hospital is operated; an3 WHEiiEA5, the Board of N,anagers is o£ the opinion that i£ the County of Neta Hanover ?rill issue Bonds i-n the amount of $2,750,000.00 that the balance o£.the flunds necessary to replace the Hospital can be raised thru the Me3ical Care Commission and other sources. • NObI, THLREFGRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of ]ranagers of James Walker N,emorial Hospital request the County Comm'ssioners of Neia Hanover County to submit the question of a Bond issue in the tunount of $2,750,000.00 to the people of Ivew Hanover County in the £orm of a Bond election for the issuance of Bonds for that amount, said Bonds to be issued for the purpose of building a three hundred (390) bed modern Hospital for the County, and only to be issued when a contract for the building of said Aospital has been let, and there are sufficient £unds available, with the funds derived from the Bond issue, to complete the said Hospital; . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED) that the officers o£ this corporation are authorized and empowered to convey all or any part of the properties of the corporation, real or personal, to t he County of New Hanover in order to allow the suid County o£ New Hanover to issue said Bonds; BE IT FURTHER RESOLpED, that should the County so request, the ooeration o£ the Hospital be turned over to the said County or to such other person, or persons, as the County Commissioners may designate and that the officers of the corporation are authorized to take such action as may be necessary to do this; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event it is necessary, that any an3 all of the deeds of conveyance or bills of sale necessar}• to carry out the purpose of this resolution may be delivered in escrow to such person, or persons, as in the opinion o£ the EScecutive Committee shall be suitable pending the outcome of a Bond election, if and when held, and the officers of the corporation are hereby authorized to enter into such escrow agree- ment or agreements, with the County of New Hanover and such other parties as may be necessary. -A ??.?.? f?. 4'74 Meeting of December 7, 1953.- Continued - ' < Mr. Trask called attention to the major part of our present $1.10 tax rate is fixed by the people and is be- ,- / yond our control, and predicted further increase to a possible $2.25 to $2.50 rate if a11 of the demands made on us are met, and asked if the matter could not be put off for a couple of years. Mr. Hamilton said it A? would take about nine (9) months to prepare the plans and specifications and ebout a year before the contract i could be let. The question o£ another site for the proposed Hospital with less interference by airplanes and • jets from 131uethenthaZ Airport was discussed, but the Board was told there would be saving of approximately $1,000,000.00 to use the present site. The 'D'oard feeling various other angles of the question shoul3 be con- sidered, voted on a motion by Ns. Trask, seconded by Nir, 0'Shiel3sp to t ake the matter under consideration. ? The Chairman told the Board Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn, presiding this December Term of Court will administer the oath oF oFfice to our tax listers at 9:00 o'clock A.M., December 8th in the Grand Jiu y Room, and asked the ' /- Boar3 to be present. ?ij An announcement of the annual meeting of the officers of the United FLmd in the Carolina Potaer and Light As- • `: ? sembly Hall 4:00 P.M., December 10, was receive3. A report o£ Airport Hangar rent and resale of gasoline was r eceived and filed. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Annie Hand George 79 years old partially disabled citizen was on recomrnendation of the Superintendent o£ Public Welfare, granted a3mission to the County Home as a pay C? patient at $15.00 per month. ? Mr. Horton as Tax Supervisor submitted a£orm of Business Confidential Tax AbstraCt which was observed by the Board. Mr. Trask thoughL it was asking for too much detail, would tend to confuse the tax-payer who wou13 not ' know what he is swearing to. Things are getting tight he'said and merchants are curtailing inventories and we will get less taxes, b1r. Horton explained the.purpose is to establish a uni£orm schedule of values on per- ' sonal prooerty which is based on a fair market value, considering the cost and a ge of the article, would set ? up a unified equalization yardstick covering every article which has been the practice in Kentucky for a num- : ber of years and has proven to be most efficient and satis£actory, and sugEested household furniture and ef- • fects be set up on a bASis o£ 15% o£ the home value after $300.00 exemption. It was discussed at length. . A motion offered by Mr. Love that on Business Firms (Automobibs and Buses excepted) a fair market value be de- ; termined then list it at 50% of the value (Amended to 40% of £air market value by Mr. Trask), but as to house- ?. hold goocis follow the same procedure as heretofore, and that the tax listers be instructed to endeavor to get } t } true values of per•sonal effects. The motion was withdrawn. a A motion offered by Mr. Trask to mtxke County Auditor T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor failed of a'second. ` ^ Y \n f? Upon motion of Mr, 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No. 1581 to 1689 were approved for payment. ?. The meeting then adjourned. ? r?? e .eting ...; - Clerk. • Wilmington, N. C., December 14, 1953. The regtilar week?y of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Marsden Bellamy, County Attorney, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend A. L. Thompson, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. After a minor correction was made, the minutes of ine•eting of December '], 1953, were upon motion of iMr. 0'Shields,A .' seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. A request of Col. R. S. NcClelland for an abatement and adjustment of the 19521taxes on the property o£ Cather- a? ine Kennedy Home in Block 128, account of building removed and the ].and on Third Street used exclusively for ' charitable purposes, was upon'recommendation of the County Attorney deblined, because upon his investigation, it was £ound that the said lanc was not purchased by the Organization until June 1952, and are therefore liable for taxes, hotirever, their request that the same be placed on the tax-£ree list would be applicable for 1953, which was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Dsvis acceptea and it was so ordered. Upon motion the Azalea Festival Committee was granted the privilege to erect bleacher seats alor.g the Court ? .House property line on Third Street, north from the parking lot driveway to the south side of the Court House Thi:d, Street door-way entrance, for use during the Azalea Festival Ptzrade 1954. '. 11rs. Cliff Leiais, Tax Lister for Federal Point Township, said Tax Iister's School led her to believe that a '. J lot o£ additional work is to be done, and the Tax Vsters wanted to lmow their exact duties and pay-rate to be expected. Messrs. Dan Penton, J. C. Roe, L. A. Raney,Herbert Sluethenthal,.members of the Board of Managers of Sames Walker Memorial Hospital, and H. E. Hamilton, Director and C. D. Hogue, Attorney were present to further dis- cuss the proposed Hospital Bond issue, and insiated that a ction be taken to caIl. an election to pass on the question to enable them to start hegotiations with the Medical Care Administration and others promptly, while the funds to help in the matter are now in the hands of the Meciical Care A3ministration, should the people ap- prove the issue. Thisbeing a serious problem to be considered in connection with the Airport was continued for further study by the Commissioners and to enable them to prepare such information necessary to inform the people as to the proposed Bond issue and taxes to retire the same should the election be called and successful- , ly carried. . i h '.. Mr. Horton again presented for the Board's consideration the matter o£ estabPing a scheciule of predeterminec: - / fair market prices for listing all types of personal property for 1954, percentage scale for depreciations, " which will put every one on a fair egual valuation, and show the public what to expect, Put Personal list- ings on a 50$ basis, Automobi]es not included; Inventory on 50% of book value, and so forth. None to list « ? for less than 25% of the actual value. Mr. Trask felt that 25% was wrong, should be returned at what it is worth, or allowe3 as junk, and moved that the 25% be reduced to 10% o£ actual cost as a minimum value and if deteriorate3 out, then junke3. Mr. Love seconded the motion and further noved that the 15% of real estate value to apply on household furniture be reduced to 10%, and AutomoUiles at 50% of cost delivery price, fail- ed o£ a second. tfir. Glenn Tucker, Carolina Heach Realtor advanced the idea that most Beach homes and toux•ist places are fur- nished with attic furniture, and could notstand the increased va.luation and tax, it would hurt the tourist buainess and too much publicity to Up-Stste investors may react unfavorab],y. It was suggested that Household FUrniture in rented homes be set at 15% of the annual rent, Electrical Ap= plisnces at 20% of cost as long as in use or serviceable, Mr. Trask suggested to make it 10$, and the discus- sion continue3 without taking definite action. .