1954-01-11 Regular Meeting4t"77? Meeting of December 28, 1953 - Continued - ' members the proper course to follow, his unusual lnowledge of the historical economic, social and business back ground of the Community, and to his understanding and sympathetic ability to appreciate the problems of the aver- age citizen. THEREFORE, we recognize in his retiring, the loss of a valued County Attorney and Counseller of the County Com- missioners, and we resort to the Scriptures for a phrase which fits hir. Bellamy's connection over many years, in ?useful and deserved measure, with the guidance of this County, that it can we11 be said of him "bJell done, thou good and faithful servant." ir ? . . Bellamy expressed his thanks and appreciation for the confidence and honors shown him by this and former Boards of County Commis sioners, over the years, and assured the Comr,iissioners and iMr. Yola, his successor, he will - gladly render them ar?y assistance he can in the future. ' ? ? . . ? Nirs. Mankie. Hodges, 114 South 3rd Street, appeared to compl.ain of the $15,150.00 assessment on her home, stating the assessment should not be more than $10,000.00. She was instructed to file a formal complaint on form provid- ed for that purpose for consideration and`investigation by the Board of Fqualizhtion and Reviewt or for immeaiate attention in case of error. e?C The annual report o£ Mr. Foster Edwards, C1erk of the Superior CourtJ of public funds in his han3s as o£ Decem- ber l, 1953, was received and upon motion was referred to a Committee of the Board £or checking and approval, and a copy of the same ordered published, and the original filed with the Register of Deeds as the Law directs. .?Upon i.;otion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Iove, a request of Mr. James C. Fox, Manager an3 Vice President of the Dillard Paper Comp2ny for an adjustmer_t of the 1953 taxes on a basis of 50% of the true value of inventory, same ' as allowed others, which was listed by his £iz^n at 85% of its true value reported to the State, was granted on ac- pount of error, and an abatement of taxes on the adjusted difference was ordered. .. ? With reference to the James Walker Hospital Bond Issue, which has been proposed by its Board of Nanagers; Mr: . S. B. 5himp, 309 South 46th Street, appeared to ask by what legal authority does the County have to subsidize ' a private institution. The County Attorney advised him that was up to a vote of the people to make it legal as ? provided by Lew, after the property would first become publi.c property by transfer of title to the County, ?UY -_ Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, secor.ded by Mr. Davis, absitement of tar.es on all City-County owned tax foreclosure property, was ordered, so the new owners to whom such property is or riay be sold, will not be ch:rged with taxes for the time the City-County rrere the owners, and future abatement of taxes on parcels of land so acquired by the ` County in the future. ?GUpon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, a petition of 23 property owners petitioning the Board to request the State Highway an3 Public Works Commission to take over as a part of the Cotu3ty Highway System for paving and maintenance, a rozd in Harnett To•vrnship, known as Lullwater Drive which zUns from northeastern intersection of Lullwater Drive an3 Greenway Avenue to the northwestern intersection o£ Lullwater Drive an3 Greenway Avenue, as shovm on plat at±ached, was approved and referred to the State Highway anU Riblic Works Commission for its con- .?siaderation. ? Upon motion of Mr. Davis, sen nded•by Mr. Love, the Board approved the sale of City-County oianed SWf.,Lot 2, in Block lg to John S. Campfield £or $900.00, subject to City approval, and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board are hereby authori2ed and directe3 to sign a deed conveying•the same in the name of the Courty upon payment of the purchase price. • ?w ?The foilowing good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as•jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Crim- inal Cases £or the one-week term beginning January 11, 1954: Z. V. Hodges, 109 S. 15th St. E. H. Bugg, Wilmington Hotel George A. Cairne, 710 S. 5th Street H. M. Britt, 332 Castle Hayne Rd. Davis G. Riley. 12 Cape Fear Apts. 0. T..Cairnes, QOQ Sunset Avenue ` . Wm. T. Spragens, 1727 Carolina Ave. J. S. Hinson, 2251 Mimosa Place Henry L. Mahony,Jr.; 2824 Adams St. ° Chas. C, Baggett, 1019 Y1ooJ.coot Ave. Chas. A. Peschau, Rte 1. Box 197 S. W. Blanchard, 2006 Perry 9venue Leslie E. Register, 619 S. Front St Odwin F. Cain, 26 Ivey Circle Jonathan D. Stanford, 2905 T'1e.rket St. W. A. Penny, Jr., 2210 Princess St.Rd. M. H. Pegram, 1303 S. 3rd St. Willie E. Hollemon 710 Colwell Ave, Hughay A. Pearsall, 2729 Harrison St. H. F. Pau1, 2719 Jackson St. Edmund B. York, 2526 Washington St. G. A. Perrett, 622 Colwell Ave. W. F. Perkir.•s, 801 Central Blvd. D. L. Pate.Sr., 142 Colonial Uillage J. J. Johnson, 213 Casble St. Walter D. Woodcock, 603 Chestnut St.Wm. M. Ingram, 472 S. 18th St. W. H. Alexander, Rte 1 W. G. James, 2002 Market St. Howard 0. James, 209 Adams St. Nora L. Parrish, 106 Castle St. B. F. 04fens, Rte 1 R. C. Parrott, 1717 Orange St. Elzgene Bing, 1308 N. lOth St. J. W. R.od.erick, 1202 S. 15th St. John Owen Railey, 10-W Lake Village James D. Orrell Jr., Rte 2-Eox 123 C. S. 5anderson, 2922 Park Ave. E. P. C.inningham Sr.,401 S. 4th St. . • H. T. Sanderson, 2718 Van Buren St. S. W. Sanders, Jr.,19 garnard Dr. Jsmes M. Wood, 407 Walnut St. R. G. Callier, 304 Sunset Drive Andrew L. Jo}inson, 113 BrooY.wood Ave, W. F. Quinlivan, 12 W. Community Dr. W. S. Arthurs, 316 Castle Heyne Rd. Roy W. Harts, 909 S. Front St. Thomas Hunter, 2803 Columbia Ave. ' W. H. Land, 2307 Princess St. R. F. Shipman, 21 Hudson Driue An invitation was extended the Commissioners to be present at the SPA Docks at noon today, to witness the arrival of the SS Cnosa, with a cargo of Douglas Fir Lumber from Vancouver, B. C., for the Tabor City Lumber Company, wl-,ich is tkie £irst cargo of foreign lumber received at the State Ports Authority docks. The meeting then xljourned. ? if. X-e .. 'r.- Clerk. ? Wi]mington, N. C., January 11, 1954• The :egular weekly meeting of the Hoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.t4., Present; R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Cicero P. Y041. The meeti.ng was opened with prayer by the Reverend Guy i4oore, Pastor of Southside Baptist Church. • Mr. J. R. Hollis, Welfare Officer, appeared to report on the helpful assistance and need o£ an Assistant Dis- trict Solicitor to assist his Departnent to handle warrants in cases of non-support and abandonments under the ' reciprocal agreement law, an3 urged that a successor be appointed to £ill the position made vacant by the res- ignation of Mr. John J. t3urney, Jr., who resigned toaccept the appointment as District Solicitor. Mr. Burney, the first Assistant District Attorney for this County, was present an3 told the Board when he took the position there were 200 cases on the docket for trial in the Superior Court, that Mr. Clifton Moore, the then District Solicitor, didn't have the ti.me to devote to the preparation o£ the cases to clear the docket, that he as his Assistant, prepared•the cases £or trial and kept the docket cleaned up which greatly increased the efficiency '. . and economy in the administration of justice, and called attention to the services rendered in the prompt hand- { ling of abandonment an3 non-support cases under the uniform reciprocal non-support law, and feel that the ser- vices of an Assistant District Solicitor is important and necessary, and urged that the appointment be made. J 418 Meeting of January 11, 1954 - Continued - 2 Mr. Burney further stated that he had r eceived approximately ten applications for the job, and would make his -- ? recommendation £or appointment as required by law. The Chairman congratulated 14r, Burney on the fine job he did while Assistant District Solicitor, and will support his recommendations. ? Thereupon Mr. Davis moved and it.was seconded by P+,r. Trask and carried, that the appointment of an Assistant District Solicitor be postponed until next Monday's meeting. ? Upset over a recent article appearing in a recent issue of the Wilmington Morn:ng Star released by Mr. A. E. ? Gibson, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors o£ State Zlzberculosis Hospitals, to'the effect that State ? Tuberculosis Institutions are equipped and are now ready to receive T. B, patients ;rom smaller institu.tions ? for treatment; a delegation of approximately 30 interested citizens and former pa.tients of the Johr. C. lJessell Tuberculosis Sxnatorium appeared to oppose any such nove so far as it would intei£ere with the antinued oper- ation of John C. 4lessell ilzberculosis,Sanatorium, basing their objections on the fact that contentment of mind, qniet and peaceful surroundings in the happy homey atmosphere of their home-commixnity Hospital is a major and necessary requisite in the treatment and cure of tuberculosis. Speaking in their behalf to that end, Mr, W. G. Smith, local AttorneJ appeared to urge a continuation of the valuable and successful service rendered by the Hospital, to enable its patients to remain at their home institution.among their friends and kinfolk, ll,r. Smith submitted soi:ie 21 letters received from patients and friends of the institution, urging tfie Commissior.ers not to close the same, but give it their unanimous support for continued service. Mr. A. E. Gibson, Vice Chairman of the.Board of Directors o£ State Tuberculosis Hospitals was present to explain that the recent publicity given this matter was me'r,ely inten3ed to convey an invitatibn to the smaller institutions to send their patients to the 5tate Hospitals that are now ready and equipped with the very best facilities for the best service possible. "There is no rush in the -matter,"he said, "Take as long a s you wish to decide, and will do everything possible to cooperate," Frankly, he said, that he did not care whether we sent Lhe patients to a State Institution or not, he was merely interested in rendering a service to the commwiity in which he lived. ' At this point, ]?ir. Horton annoLUiced that we requested the State last year to give considerai,ion to the enlarge- ment of ow• T. B. Hospital to take care of coastal counties. All int2rested persohs present were unanimous in their plea to continue the Hospital, in response to an invitat.ion by Mr. Davis that all be given an opportunity to be heard, Mr. Love stated he knew nothing about the closing o£ the Sanatoriurn, he was s;f!npzt!ietic to tlie cause and apprec- iated the expression of a number of the people that we are doirg a goo3 job there, Mr. O'Shields said he has always been interested in the Sanatorium within the £iue cents levy. In the event Lhe tax levy or State £unds are not su£ficient, he personaJ.ly would like tosee it continue, but some Lhings wouldhave to be straightened out to determine its financial status. If on a sound financial basis, in favor of continu=ing it and forget the whole thing. Mr. Davis suggested that we continue the operation on the Hospital for eigl-iteen (18) months, and give further ? consideration to the matter at the end of that time. A i;otion was then offered by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields and adopted to postpone the matter until next Monday for decision. ?\y A petition of twelve (12) property owners for improvements and maintenance of the Watters Hnad in Harnett Toi,m- ship, rrhich runs from the Niiddle Sound Highway to the Sound, a distance of approxir.;ately 310 yards on which elev- en (11) houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the State Higtiway and Azblic Works Commission for consideration. \\?V' A lstter of thanks was received from i4r. H. J. Rollins, State Veterinarian, for the cooperation and valuable as/ 0 sistance given him during the outbreak of Vesicular Ecanthema in this County. The rapid liquidation of infected and exposed swine was necessary to prerent the issuing of a Federal quarantine on all swine in the County, and seriously doubt that they would have been able to dispose of the hogs without our assistance in providing a drag- line thru the cooperation of the Chairman. A letter of thanks was receive5 fr•om Nrs. Cicero P. Yow, Chairman of the Christmas Bureau Committee for the per- mission to use one of the County's trucks during their recent program, and for the services of Mr, Rhoda Farrow and assistants which contriUuted to the success of their project. l A letter was received £rom the State Highway and Public Works Commission advising that the Seabreeze Road in Fe3- -- eral Point Township hzs been added to our County Highway System £or improvements and maintenance as requested. ?p,No objections were indicated .by the Board to the application of Mrc. Laura Mildred Aiken for a St1te Permit to '' sell at "F'ifth Wheel Truck Stop" Rte 1, Box 418. . . An invitatior was received from SENCBA to attend its Eighth luznual Fishing Rodeo Banquet and final award of the grand prize winners, January 21,,1954, gt a place 1;o be announced at a later date., . $. Upon motion oi Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Nir. Dsvis, Miss Elise A. Ortman 76-year old indigent bed patient,native citizen o£ this Coitnty who has no one to look out for her, was on recommendation of the Supprintendent of Public i C Welfare admitted to the County Home as an inmate. , With reference to disbursement of delinquent tax collections, the BcErd upon motion of Mr. Love) seconded bx Mr. Davis, authorized and directed the payment into the general fund all of the proceeds of taxes which are, when, ' collected, two or more years delinquent, in accordance with and as,Aixthorized Ug Chapter 827 Session Iaws of . 1953. v?The Chairman called attention to the currect criticism of articles appearing on the tax lists required to be listed by the tax payer. If there is any doubt about it, it is the same as heretofore shown on the tax list as required by law, and there 4s no basis for complaint. The list is most in favor of the tax pciyer who will actually he paying on less value than last year. Also called attention to articles o£ refrigerators and so forth, which are inciuded within the $300.00 exemption, not heretofore allowed, and auto values are lower than last year. As to break-doian as to the number of dresses and other articles of wearing apparel, reported to have been exacted from the tax payer by the lister, that is not the rractice, and there is no definite evidence that is being done, ? I?,r, Horton reported 3,506 tax lists have been taken, 2,477 for 1:ne City and 1,029 for the area outs}de the City ^?Gx lunits, and 62 businesses. Non-residents are better listings. •?By reason of the amendment by the 1953 law placing the expense o£ the Board of Health and Community Hospital on a 2/3 basis by the County and 113 by the City and division of ABC Store profits on an equal basis, the matter ? oF transferring the proper proportionate part o£ retirement funds to the County paid to the City on the old basis was referred to the County Attorney to handle with the City. An application to admit Sam Jones Butler,, 64-year old in.briate, to the County Home as an inmate was referred ? to the Chairman for i.nvestigation, and with the power to act. ?.\?n The following,monthly reports were received and ordered filed: , . - c? -aK 'L' Veterans' Service Officer for November and December - County Home Agent - Colored Home Agent - Farm Agent - Wil- VZ/ mir_gton Public Library and Airport receipts for December 28th, 1953. Neport of back-taxes collecte3 for Decem- -?? ber showing $4,296.87 £er the City and %,617.57 for the County, making a total of $10,914.44 collected. A statement was received from the State Board of Rtblic Wel.£are advising that $60,819.00 was sent to this County for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration, for the month of October. L 479 Meeting of January 11, 1954 - Continued - IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Cowity bills No, 1871 to 2091 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. rJ'h•, i(. yf _ ` .? ? Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., January 18, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.141. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Auditor T. D. Love. , The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Randolph L. Gregory, Pastor of the First Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes o£ meetings of December 28, an3 January 11, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. Upon motion, the appointment of an Assistant District Solicitor was postponed until next meeting at the request of Mr. Sohn J. Burney, Jr., District Solicitor, to give him additional time to study the zpplications and make his recommendation. Mr. O'Shields stating he is willing to put off the appointment until next meeting if Mr. Burney will recommend one man. Approximately twenty (20) persons appeared in the interest of continuing the operation of the John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium which was postponed last Monday for decision at this meeting. CongItissioner Davis' v// asked i£ ar?y one grc:sent was opposed to the County continuing the operation of the Sanatorium. IJo objections ?v('s?p were in3icated. Thereupon Mr. Davis moved an3 it was seconded by hir. Trask and unanimously carried, that the County continue the John C. Wessell Tube'rculosis Sanatorium in a business-like way, under tne same high stand- ard of operation with the same qualified staff, so long as it is feasible. However, Mr, OV.Shields raised the question if the State should discontinue its aid, where wi].1 we get the sup- 1/ port to operate it. Mr. Horton advised that the Hosnit?.l was operating slightly over the Uudget appropriation. /1"v S? Mr. Love L185 in full accord to continue the operation, but sai3 we should begin to lay some ground-work toward securing authority to levy additional two-cent tax to meet the expense to?maintain it on efficient basis and standard of operation, if needed. D7r. R. M. Kernon, local Attorney, presented a communication from the Wilmington Lodge Loyal Order of Noose, a3vis, ing the Lodge had gone on record as approving the retention of the Sanatorium, and urged the County Comniissioners to use eves•y ef£ort possible to retain satne in its present status. Also, a siriilar letter was r eceived from ? Dopies Pup Tent No. 13, Military Order of VF47. I4r. Oliver Carter representing the Optimist Club, extended ap- preciations on behalf of the Club, for the Board's action an3 its unsnirnous support in continuing the opera- tion of the Sanatorium. At this poirit P4r. T. D. Love, County Au3itor, advised that he would have to ask for additional appropriation for the Hospital operation. , I Upon motion of 'Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, Mr. Wm. G. Rnbertson, 2264 I4Ltnosa Place, was appointed a'me?ber of the New Hanover County Civil Service Commission for a term of four (4) years to fill a vacancy occasioned by the passing of Mr. Leonard L. Mills. , Mr. Horton as Tax 5upervisor, reported on taac\listing progress as of Saturday 16th as follows: Harnett Township No. 1 641 ` Masonboro Township 257 " " No. 2 303 Federal Point ° 384 • Cape Fear 488 Businesses 261 Wilmington 59117 Mr. Horton reported splendid listing for Saturday, and called attention to the dead-line for listing Junuary 30th, TXL? after that time 10% penalty or a minimum of $1.00 will be added to taxes on all property not listed. Mr. Horton again called attention to the City-County change over on the new set up of 2/3 responsibility by the County and 113 by the City for expenses of the Board of Health and Community Hospital since division of ABC Fluzds have been put on a 50/50% basis, and that funds heretofore paid to the City on the 2/3% basis be transferred ?'?i? ? to the County to meet the proper proportionate share for employes' retirement. ?'- Mr. Jas. E. L. Wade being present suggested a confcrence between the City and.County to adjust the matter, how- ever, a previous action.of this Board referred the matter to the County Attorney to work out an adjustment of the matter with the City. ? Upon motion of hfr. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Love, Ransome Henry Corbett, 78-year old Colored senile wheelchair invalid with no place to go, tiras on recommendation of the County Welfare Officer, admitted to the County Home as an imate. Upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by P1r. O'Shields, payment of,a bill for $42,53 to the Supreme Court for one- half of the cost in the case o£ State V. Walter Moore acquitted in Suprcrne Court on appeal from this County on a charge of bastardy, was approved as provided by General Statutes 6-38. -- Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, appeared to ask the Commissioners to maice an inspection of his basement vault ? space with the view of moving the miscellanedus records, old tax lists and books not pertaining to his of£ice and have them stored elsewhere to make room for his record books and equipment for the further enlargement of his office vault space. The board agreed to look into the matter with him at the conclusion of the meeting. Upon motion of iMr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, instructions were given to secure pernission from the Civil Aero- ? nautics Administration to dispose of the following 3ilapidated busldings, on bids, or use the material that is Qry{/f,?( usable, for repairing other buildings on the Airport. It appeared that the said Uuildings are beyond repair and dangerous to any one who might walk in them, and are an eye-sore to the general publi.c and should be removed. Building T- 393 Gymnasium Building T- 105 Base Operations " T-::1103 -Parachute Storsge & Ytaintenance ° T- 102 Administrations " T-1111 Squadron Headquarters " T- 117 Photo. Iab. " T- 960 Administration Building " S- 106 Link Trainer Building " T- 116 Crash Truck Shed A communication was received from the State Department of Public Welfare advising that $55,441.25 was sent to S S? this County for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration for the month of November. , Upon motion of Idr. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Chairman was authorized to sign a form releasing The ),!5 ( .- Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, of liability under Bond No. 191434$ covering Mr. Charles F. Smith, former County Auditor, as Treasurer of the Officers Relief Board of New Hanover County, of effective date of the new Bond covering Mr. T. D. Love, his successor, -A