1954-02-01 Regular Meeting• Meeting of January 25, 1954 - Continued - 4rS J_ ?' . A lett'er was received from the 5tate Department of Motor Vehicles concerning the Motor Vehicle Safety'Respon- sibility Act of 1953, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion as to the County's Auto-Vehicle Driver's ?J Liability obligation covering the Departments of the Sheriff, County Home, Airport or aqy other Department of )?5 the County. Notice of final decision by the State Board of Allotment and Appeal, on sppeal from the County Welfare Board in the following Cases were received: Sarah King Parker, 505 Walnut Street, ADC appeal: Issue involved, termination of payment because children a? were no longer deprived of parental support. Amanda Fiing DeBruhl, 2010 Princess Place Road, OAA appeal; Issue involved,termination of payment because of sufficient income in the home of the daughter with whom you live. SS - The action of the New Hanover County Welfare Board was upheld in the two above cases. ' Csrrie 5ellers McInnis, 215 Red Cross Street, OAA appeal; Issue involved, termination of your payment be- cause of su£ficient incorue in home of daughter with whom you live. Decision of State Board of App'eal: Rein- state payment for amount of $10.00 monthly effective October 1953. Rea.son - evidence presented at the hearing S 5? shows that income in the home of the daughter is not sufficient to meet need as budgeted in accordance with the State plan. _ A report of Airport receipts for January 15th and 21st, w ere received an3 filed. G)YLrGut7? A comUined report and list of patients waiting to be admitted to the Sanatorium as of January 19, 1954, togeth- er with formal applications for hospitalization £or Lula Mae Johnson, 805 S. 8th St.; Frances Holliday, 1011 Fhnning Street and Elsie Brown, 1005 Fanning Stroet, colored patients. This will give us a check on patients ?- to be hospitalized that may be passed on to the State Sanatorium, rather than having to move them from the Sanatorium to make room for other patients. A statement of receipts and disbursementa for Com-nunity Hospital for the six months period July 1, to December 31? 1953, was received, showing 50.3% Portion of budget used.. ? Request was received from Veterans Aiiministration, first mortgage holders, that future tax bills be sent to yy)r ? Loan Guaranty Officer, Veterans Administration Reginal Of£ice, Winaton-Salem, N. C., covering the property of William Eduard ifraft, Lots 26 and 27, Edgewood, Harnett Township, and Paul Ellis Rich, Lot 2 in Block 11 Princess Place. A report of receipts and disburaements for the Wilmington Colored Library as o£ November 30, 1953, was receive3 and filed. A report was received from the Board of Health showing extra food inspection, and reported not less than thirty #epAy ? (30) places inspected per month. Pamphlets on ABC Control in North Carolina were received and distributed. Mr. Horton reported on tax listing as of Saturday, January 23 as follows: Wilmington Township 72777 Masonboro Township 498 Harnett No. 1 " 11129 Federal Point " 684 - Harnett No. 2 " 49$ Businesses 708 Cape Fear " 809 Non-residents 745 9" Total of ' 1208l,8 19?3G ? The Chairman said the half-way mark has not yet been reached, but we will be able to take cas•e of all iaho may come in this last week to list under the.Law. Upon inotion of Air. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, instructions were given to advertiae for bids £or the purchase o£ three (3) automobiles for the Sheriff's Department, to replace the three old cars now in use to be traded- in, on option bids for Standard or Speoial Police Cars, on specifications.to be prepared. 4 Upon motion of Yr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. W. Allen Cobb, Local Attorney, was appointed Assist- ant Solicitor for New Heinover County on the recommendation of District Solicitor John J. Burney, Jr., in accord- ance'with Chapter 134, 1953 Session Iaws of North Carolina. The meeting then adjourned. /TTo?+ il. ?. 'fl, - Clerk. ? The regular weekly meeting of the Bcard was held Wilmington, N. C. February 1, 1954• this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting wrzs opened with prayer by the Reverend S. J. Howie, Presiding Elder of the Wilmington District A.M.E.Zion Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of January 25, 1954, having been mailed to each menber of the Board, the same were upon motiori of Mr. Love, aeconded by Mr. Davis, approved. ?i- ka?? LS- With reference to a request o£ representatives of the Williston High School Band Boosters Club, January 25, 1954, for an appropriation for transportation expense for the band members to participate in a band clinic at Greens- boro and Asheville, wnich was received for investigation as to funds available. The Chairman reported the Advertising F1znd has been exhausted by disbursements of $3,686.16 to various organizations? plus $500.00 each ear-marked for the Azalea Festival, the Azalea Golf Tournament and State llssociation of County Commissioners' Convention. The total budget appropriation was set at $5,000.00. Mr. Dwight McEtaen submitted for the Board's consideration, a statement of his net annual income received for his services as Court Reporter for riew Hanover County, with the view of an increase in compensation allowed hitn by the County. Upon motion thesame wasreceived for consideration in next year's budget. Mr. Harold Sternberger appeared to a sk for a refund oF the $107.10 he paid the City and County for a tax fore- ?j?/ closure IAt 25? feet in size in Block 309, he bought in June 19/?9, for the reason, lie said, he can't sell the l`??!C, lot and it is too small to build anpthing on it. He was told that it was tioubtflxl that the Commissioners had the legal right to re£und the purchase price an3 take the property back after waiting this long to make his re- quest, however, the matter was referred to the County Attorney for opinion. -A 4 82 Meeting of February 1, 1954 - Continued - ? ? Mr. C. S. Lowrimore, C.P.A., appeared to 4sk for an eactension of time for his clients to list their taxes. Mr. Horton advised that C,P.A's clients and businesses whose fiscal year is different £rom the tax listing period, who have asked for extension of time, ha5 been granted. The 10% penalty will be added after the time is up as it would be too expensive to permit listing to drag on as the listers will have to check the sheets and new values, therefore listing will have to be closed as soon as possible. II ? Mr. O'Shields brought up the question of business forms that have been signed and sent in being public property. Mr. Aorton explained that confidential sheets are not for gublic inspection, but the abstract and confidential ? sheet totals are open to the public. The totals are checked against last yearfs listings and adjusted by the Tax Supervisor and County Auditor. - Concerning extension of the tax listing time, Mr. Horton called to the attention that due to the??fact tax list- ing started on January y.th, and the Iaw provided that tax listing shall continue for thirty (30)?days, except- ing Sundays there were only 24 days in Janusry the tax payer could list his taxes, and the tar listing period J could be extended legally in his opinion, thru February 6 which rrould be within the.time prescribed by Iaw. Thereupon Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by Mr. Trask and unanimously carried' that the 1954 tax listing period be extended thru Saturday, February 6,' 1954, and ar?yone finding it impossible to come in and list their taxes during that period, upon written request, be granted an a dditional extension of tuee. With reference to the drainage work for future farming benefits in the area on the Gordon Road and'requests of folks to cross the New Bern road and include their property, the question whether to extend the dro.inage to J cross the New Bern road or w ntinue dovm along side the railroad, was referred'to Mr. 0. R. Hecht, Soil Con- servationist, to check and make recommendations to the Board. Mrs. J. M. Highsmith, Count'y Investigator, reported tiao (2) Cases (DPW case #7648 and ADC case #14597) as hav- ing received public assistance thru the Ldelfare Department illegally, and aslced thi.s Board to mske a decision as to whether or not these persons should be prosecuted for having received public assistance under false pre- tence to break up this practice. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, instruc'tions were given to turn the matter ovor to Mr. J. R. Hollis, Superintendent of Azblic Wel£are and the Assistant Solicitor to take such steps that may appear to be necessary, , ?y Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, surety bond premiiuns of $5.00 each for Mr. R. A. Jarrell, Dep- uty 5heriff, Harold Dsniels, Deputy Sheriff, and Mr. J. S. Williamson, Clerk in the office of the County Audi- tor, were approved for payment. Upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by Nr. Love, instructions were given to write our Congressmen and Senators to use their good offices and influence to oppose ar?y effort to abandon Moore's Creek National Park, and to use I their every effort to retain the same as a National Park, along the lines suggested by ihr, Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission. ' /?? A report of the Grand Jury, January Term 1954, was received and £iled. An audit report of the ABC Board prepared by Mr. J. N. Brand, CPA for the six (6) month- period, ending Decem- _*? bes 31, 1953, was received and filed: A.A. report of .'virport receipts for 29th o£ January 1954, was received and filed. P?f?Q . A report of North Carolina Fublic Welfare Statistics of Juvenile Delinquency Cases from 1929 thru 1952, was re- ?ceived and filed. : A card was received from the New Hanover Count,y Unit of the American Cancex Society calling attention to free (1 cancer examinations every 1ues3ay at James Walker Hospital. Also a letter from tha Institute of Government con- cerning County Accountants School at Chapel Hill, February 18 and 19. The program will cover a number of top- ? ics but will be chiefly concerned with the requirements of the County Fiscal Control Act, the Law governing budgeting and accounting in the various Counties. The County Auditor was authorized and urged to a ttend the school together with ax?y members of the Board who may find it convenient to do so. ? The following letter receive3 from the Neia Aanover County Board of Ectubation requesting the County Conmissioners to float the balance o£ $993,000.00 in Bonda authorized under the $2,993,00O.Bond Election of Nexy 31? 1952, was upon motion of NIr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, unanimously approved: 'Ii1iimington, N. C., January 26, 1954. ' "Boar3 of County Commissioners New Hanover County Wilmington, N. C. ' Gentlemen: 'At a regular meeting of the Board of Education of New Hanover County duly called with notice to a11 members, and held at 6:30 P.M., on January 19, 1954= there were present: Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman, J. C. Roe, E. A. Ianey, James S. Craig, Jr., S. Bryan Broadfoot, an3 t9rs. J. C. Birmingham. Following an analysis of the expenditures for School Facilities under p Othe authorized Bond Issue of $2,993,000.00, the Board found that by April 1, 1954, it wou13 be necessary for them to have available the balance of the total $2,993,000.00 authorized by the Bond Election of May 31, 1952. Upon motion of Mr. I.aney, seconded by Mr. Roe, tke following resolution was unanimous.?y passed: BE IT RFSOLVED that the Ne?, Hanover County Board of Commissioners be requested to float the balance of $993,000.00 in Bonds authorized under the $2,993,000.00 Bond Election o£ Ifray 31, 1952. BE IT FUR1^HER RESOLUID that the County Commissioners be requested to market these Bonds for the fiscal year 1953-54 and in time to have the money available by April lst, 1954. Yours very truly Isl H. M. Roland Secretary of the Board" ? Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by P1r. Davis, Hnbert Lee Jdinsont 81-year old disabled citizen, was on recom- 1C? men3ation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare admitted to the County Home as a pay patient at $40.00 per month. ' Mr. Horton reported very good progress was made in tax listing over the past week; 2,281 having listed Satur- ,? U? day and a total for the week ending January 30,-8,775, which brings the grand total up to 21,623. This repre- sents approximately 96% of returns t o be made. ? , 483 Meeting of February 1, 1954 - Continued - Captain T. Peders a resident of the River Nnad, Masonboro Township, appeared to complain of trash being dumped on his land and along the road-side, which is most unsight],y and detracts from the beauty o£ the highway. The Commissioners were in full sympathy with hi.un, but it appeared nothing can:be-done to remedy the situation ex- cept by indictanent of the guilty parties for dumping trash on his private land or along the public highway. The matter,:;was discussed at length but no action was taken. ' ? Upon motion, duly seconded`County bills No. 2156 to 2271 were approved for payment. `- . The fo116i7ing good and lawful persons were 3rawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Crim- SW?? inal cases for.the two weeks term beginning February 22, 1954: First Week: ' Daisy Morgan, 3032 Princess St. Rd. Margaret Roberts, 107 Colonial Drive Ray Gardner, Rte 1- Box 187 Y.irby Thompson, 203 MacRae St. M'i M. Moore, Rte 1- Box 528 Althea W. Haskett, 406 S. 17th St. Geo. W. Garriss, 13 Bellwill Ave.' J. W. Clark, 110 Davie Drive Sohn E. Stanley, 221 N. 23rd St. Benj. Vernon Benton, 112 No. 5th St.Francis Charles, 403 Harnett St. W,'H. Barnhardt, Box 103 Car. Bch. Hoyle Foster, 247 Lake Forest Pkwy. J. L. Cherry, Rte 1, Box 504 Sallie Joe Miller, 1822 Carolina Ave. Albert T. Gore, 211 hieares 5t. L. D. Ball, 12-D Iake Village Buddy Chavis, Rte 3- Box 419 G. W. Downing, 11? Woodlawn Ave. H. L. Pittman, Rte 2, Box 16 Louis Miller, Rte 1 Box 98 Fdgar D. Anderson, Jr., 1111 S. 3rd St.-Jas. T. Ydest, Rte 1 Box 286 G. R. /?yash 1418 Dock Street G. L. Flitch Rte 2-Box 240 Jos. M. Bell, 902 S. lOth Street E. K. Beckett, 908 Live Oak Pkwy. H. W. Hunt.er, 1103 S. Front Street S. K. Evans, Jr., 2-% Lake rorest Julius C. Rhodes, 613 S. 17th St. S. Behrends, 306 W. 5th Street Alvah M. Blake, Hox 143 S. D. Barthelow, 110 Sumter Drive Urchie B. E11is, 217 N. 26th St. K. C. Bird, 2711, S. Front St. Marion Fosmy-Duval 28 Moringside Dr. Margaret B. Clark, 2622 S. Front St.Sidney C. IIsrnett,Ocean View Apts.WB.Geneva L. Robinson, Bx.218 Wri.Bch. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Grant,904 Mkt.St. J. M. Brinkley P.O. Box 455 Bessie Roberts, 1115 S. 2n3 St. C. J. Chapman, 200 S. 41st Street E. H. Cheschire, Rte 1, Hox 511 Herman S. Cathey, Rte 3BoX.85• William Clyde Cherry, 1616 Castle St.W. L. Gaski:ll, Sr. Rte 2 Box 182-A Lonnie Burris, 713 S. Front St. 1905 Castle St. John Wesley McItay 609 Wooster St. Alex Lashley , Second Week: H. W. Alexander, 304 N. 21st St. A. L. Williams, 2115 Chestnut St. R. L. Hunsucker, 1-F Lalce Forest W. D. Farrior, Jr., 24 Woo3lawn Ave.Fdwin J. Schwin, 9-B Iake Uillat;e C. E. Fryar, 2845 Adams Street L1oyd T. Brown, 723 N. Sth St. J. A. Bostic, 8-U Iake Forest J. H. Tiencken, 1513 Ann Street G. T. Hardwick, 18-W Community Drive-S. 0. Felkel, 1415 S. 4th Street J. F. Klein, 2918 Princess St. Rd. R. A. Cooper, 2709 Wrightsville Ave.Oscar W. Cleaton? 4805 Wrightsville Ave.-Fred P. Conner, 189 Parln,tay Dr. Mrs. Lucille Green, 132 Market St. DorotY?y H. Matthews, 19 S. 7th St. A. J. Jordan, 23 Swrunit Walk Mrs. Fnily K. Walton, 317 N.45th StTC. H. Register, 7-1 Iake Village A. C. Craft, 119 N. 6th Street Jdmes R. Hewlett, Rte 3- Box71-A Hettie Mae Ifing, Rte 1, Box 272 G. R,'Kornegqy, 111 S. 5th Street G. J: 5heppard, 1917 P'rincess St. Mary E. Waters, 3914 Wrightsville Ave.-T. F. Cspps, 113 S. 7th Street S. E. Reynolds, 10-G NesUitt Courts W. A. Cannon, 2509 Adams 3treet Mrs. W. C. Capps, 14 Renwood Ave., Leon M. Fletcher, 6-U Lake Village H. W. Clemmona, 105 IaUZ'el Drive ' Fdward L. Crawley, 22 Lee Drive Jumes John'son, 1108 S. 8th Street W. L. Satson, 21 N. 23rd Street Jdinson Morriss, 726 Essex Drive Lonnie M. Ray, 128 Spofford Mills S. S. Browning, Rte l, Box 441 W. T. Morgan, 1606 Marl:et Street Primas Lacewell, Rte 2. Box 41 R. C. Allen, 1509 Nankin Street W. J. IIellauy, 515 Market Street W. T. Garvey, 802 Market Street I4rs. J. S. Bryan, 520 S. Sth St. Allen B. Blake, 609 Colonial Drive J. P. Bloodworth, P.O. Box 145 Mary Dell Thomas, 314 S. 4th St. Lerris P. Hall, 413 N. 2nd Street Henry L. Lindsey, 122 Spofford Mills-L. Frances Jordan, 2209 Princess Pl.Rd. The meeting then adjourned. 34 . erk. Wilmington, N. C., February 8, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was hel3 this day at'10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow County Attorney an3 T,D.Love, County Auditor. The mee'ting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Thomas 13. Ruff, pastor of Delgado PresbSrterian Church. The Commissioners having been in conference with Naval Officials in Washington,D.C., over the week-end concerning the airport matters) and not having'time to look over copies of the minutes of February 1, reading of the same 0) was dispensed with. In view of the Navy terminating further negotiations with the,County for the joint use of Bluethentka.l Airport at a conference of the Commissioners with the Ivavy in Wa'shington Thursday and rriday, February 4th and 5th, approximately 50 business men and interested citizens appeared to urge the Commissioners to take such steps necessary to re-open , negotiations with the ]@avy to a successful conclusion if possible, for the joint use of the sirport. Nx. Love explained in detailthe various stages of negotiations with the Navy From the time the £irst request was made by the iVavy in October 1951, to the present ti.me, relative to the several agreements sutanitted, considered, revised an3 re-written and various conferences held with the view of securing the.best contract possible, with less interfeLence' with commercial and civilian use, idone of said contracts were ever signe3 by the Tdavy. ?_?• Having he'ar'd nothing further £rom the IJavy after the meeting of December 3, 1953, at which 1:ime the Board failed to approve a'"r?e-written agreement by the County Attorney in accordance with the amendments suggested by the Commissioners and Navy representatives, all the Commissioners Feeling an agreement coul3 be reached, met with the Navy Officials in Washington 'Phursday and Friday, February Qth and 5th to flzrther pursue the matter and to expedite the conclusion o£?? ? the same.. The Commissioners caere told T`hursday the Navy was still interested in the airport, but were advised next morning,.Fri3ay, that they were no longer interested, that contracts for improvements to the runway etc., at Bluethenthal already started would be completed. Mr. Love £urther stated IIeaufort, S. C., was never in ? competition with Bluethenthal Field as that vras under a separate division , the main trouble, ne said, was Government.appropriation cuts and cnrtailmant of public spending. h:essrs Noah Plisco, Geo.13.Canady, H.G.Noffsinger, Frederick Willetts, Dr. J. T. Hoggard, lt.L,Mans£ield T4ayor of ` Carolina Beach, ana E.L.White, Nayor of the City of Wilmington and others, all urged the Commissioners to start ? immediate negotiation with the Navy to reconsider the whole matter in an effort to get the Navy Jet Airbase here. At thi.s point lfs. Trask stated if you folks had co;ne up here when we were discussing it, things may have been different, I'am afraid it is hopeless now, • -A