1954-02-08 Regular Meeting , 483 Meeting of February 1, 1954 - Continued - Captain T. Peders a resident of the River Nnad, Masonboro Township, appeared to complain of trash being dumped on his land and along the road-side, which is most unsight],y and detracts from the beauty o£ the highway. The Commissioners were in full sympathy with hi.un, but it appeared nothing can:be-done to remedy the situation ex- cept by indictanent of the guilty parties for dumping trash on his private land or along the public highway. The matter,:;was discussed at length but no action was taken. ' ? Upon motion, duly seconded`County bills No. 2156 to 2271 were approved for payment. `- . The fo116i7ing good and lawful persons were 3rawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Crim- SW?? inal cases for.the two weeks term beginning February 22, 1954: First Week: ' Daisy Morgan, 3032 Princess St. Rd. Margaret Roberts, 107 Colonial Drive Ray Gardner, Rte 1- Box 187 Y.irby Thompson, 203 MacRae St. M'i M. Moore, Rte 1- Box 528 Althea W. Haskett, 406 S. 17th St. Geo. W. Garriss, 13 Bellwill Ave.' J. W. Clark, 110 Davie Drive Sohn E. Stanley, 221 N. 23rd St. Benj. Vernon Benton, 112 No. 5th St.Francis Charles, 403 Harnett St. W,'H. Barnhardt, Box 103 Car. Bch. Hoyle Foster, 247 Lake Forest Pkwy. J. L. Cherry, Rte 1, Box 504 Sallie Joe Miller, 1822 Carolina Ave. Albert T. Gore, 211 hieares 5t. L. D. Ball, 12-D Iake Village Buddy Chavis, Rte 3- Box 419 G. W. Downing, 11? Woodlawn Ave. H. L. Pittman, Rte 2, Box 16 Louis Miller, Rte 1 Box 98 Fdgar D. Anderson, Jr., 1111 S. 3rd St.-Jas. T. Ydest, Rte 1 Box 286 G. R. /?yash 1418 Dock Street G. L. Flitch Rte 2-Box 240 Jos. M. Bell, 902 S. lOth Street E. K. Beckett, 908 Live Oak Pkwy. H. W. Hunt.er, 1103 S. Front Street S. K. Evans, Jr., 2-% Lake rorest Julius C. Rhodes, 613 S. 17th St. S. Behrends, 306 W. 5th Street Alvah M. Blake, Hox 143 S. D. Barthelow, 110 Sumter Drive Urchie B. E11is, 217 N. 26th St. K. C. Bird, 2711, S. Front St. Marion Fosmy-Duval 28 Moringside Dr. Margaret B. Clark, 2622 S. Front St.Sidney C. IIsrnett,Ocean View Apts.WB.Geneva L. Robinson, Bx.218 Wri.Bch. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Grant,904 Mkt.St. J. M. Brinkley P.O. Box 455 Bessie Roberts, 1115 S. 2n3 St. C. J. Chapman, 200 S. 41st Street E. H. Cheschire, Rte 1, Hox 511 Herman S. Cathey, Rte 3BoX.85• William Clyde Cherry, 1616 Castle St.W. L. Gaski:ll, Sr. Rte 2 Box 182-A Lonnie Burris, 713 S. Front St. 1905 Castle St. John Wesley McItay 609 Wooster St. Alex Lashley , Second Week: H. W. Alexander, 304 N. 21st St. A. L. Williams, 2115 Chestnut St. R. L. Hunsucker, 1-F Lalce Forest W. D. Farrior, Jr., 24 Woo3lawn Ave.Fdwin J. Schwin, 9-B Iake Uillat;e C. E. Fryar, 2845 Adams Street L1oyd T. Brown, 723 N. Sth St. J. A. Bostic, 8-U Iake Forest J. H. Tiencken, 1513 Ann Street G. T. Hardwick, 18-W Community Drive-S. 0. Felkel, 1415 S. 4th Street J. F. Klein, 2918 Princess St. Rd. R. A. Cooper, 2709 Wrightsville Ave.Oscar W. Cleaton? 4805 Wrightsville Ave.-Fred P. Conner, 189 Parln,tay Dr. Mrs. Lucille Green, 132 Market St. DorotY?y H. Matthews, 19 S. 7th St. A. J. Jordan, 23 Swrunit Walk Mrs. Fnily K. Walton, 317 N.45th StTC. H. Register, 7-1 Iake Village A. C. Craft, 119 N. 6th Street Jdmes R. Hewlett, Rte 3- Box71-A Hettie Mae Ifing, Rte 1, Box 272 G. R,'Kornegqy, 111 S. 5th Street G. J: 5heppard, 1917 P'rincess St. Mary E. Waters, 3914 Wrightsville Ave.-T. F. Cspps, 113 S. 7th Street S. E. Reynolds, 10-G NesUitt Courts W. A. Cannon, 2509 Adams 3treet Mrs. W. C. Capps, 14 Renwood Ave., Leon M. Fletcher, 6-U Lake Village H. W. Clemmona, 105 IaUZ'el Drive ' Fdward L. Crawley, 22 Lee Drive Jumes John'son, 1108 S. 8th Street W. L. Satson, 21 N. 23rd Street Jdinson Morriss, 726 Essex Drive Lonnie M. Ray, 128 Spofford Mills S. S. Browning, Rte l, Box 441 W. T. Morgan, 1606 Marl:et Street Primas Lacewell, Rte 2. Box 41 R. C. Allen, 1509 Nankin Street W. J. IIellauy, 515 Market Street W. T. Garvey, 802 Market Street I4rs. J. S. Bryan, 520 S. Sth St. Allen B. Blake, 609 Colonial Drive J. P. Bloodworth, P.O. Box 145 Mary Dell Thomas, 314 S. 4th St. Lerris P. Hall, 413 N. 2nd Street Henry L. Lindsey, 122 Spofford Mills-L. Frances Jordan, 2209 Princess Pl.Rd. The meeting then adjourned. 34 . erk. Wilmington, N. C., February 8, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was hel3 this day at'10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow County Attorney an3 T,D.Love, County Auditor. The mee'ting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Thomas 13. Ruff, pastor of Delgado PresbSrterian Church. The Commissioners having been in conference with Naval Officials in Washington,D.C., over the week-end concerning the airport matters) and not having'time to look over copies of the minutes of February 1, reading of the same 0) was dispensed with. In view of the Navy terminating further negotiations with the,County for the joint use of Bluethentka.l Airport at a conference of the Commissioners with the Ivavy in Wa'shington Thursday and rriday, February 4th and 5th, approximately 50 business men and interested citizens appeared to urge the Commissioners to take such steps necessary to re-open , negotiations with the ]@avy to a successful conclusion if possible, for the joint use of the sirport. Nx. Love explained in detailthe various stages of negotiations with the Navy From the time the £irst request was made by the iVavy in October 1951, to the present ti.me, relative to the several agreements sutanitted, considered, revised an3 re-written and various conferences held with the view of securing the.best contract possible, with less interfeLence' with commercial and civilian use, idone of said contracts were ever signe3 by the Tdavy. ?_?• Having he'ar'd nothing further £rom the IJavy after the meeting of December 3, 1953, at which 1:ime the Board failed to approve a'"r?e-written agreement by the County Attorney in accordance with the amendments suggested by the Commissioners and Navy representatives, all the Commissioners Feeling an agreement coul3 be reached, met with the Navy Officials in Washington 'Phursday and Friday, February Qth and 5th to flzrther pursue the matter and to expedite the conclusion o£?? ? the same.. The Commissioners caere told T`hursday the Navy was still interested in the airport, but were advised next morning,.Fri3ay, that they were no longer interested, that contracts for improvements to the runway etc., at Bluethenthal already started would be completed. Mr. Love £urther stated IIeaufort, S. C., was never in ? competition with Bluethenthal Field as that vras under a separate division , the main trouble, ne said, was Government.appropriation cuts and cnrtailmant of public spending. h:essrs Noah Plisco, Geo.13.Canady, H.G.Noffsinger, Frederick Willetts, Dr. J. T. Hoggard, lt.L,Mans£ield T4ayor of ` Carolina Beach, ana E.L.White, Nayor of the City of Wilmington and others, all urged the Commissioners to start ? immediate negotiation with the Navy to reconsider the whole matter in an effort to get the Navy Jet Airbase here. At thi.s point lfs. Trask stated if you folks had co;ne up here when we were discussing it, things may have been different, I'am afraid it is hopeless now, • -A 4S4 tdeeting of February 8, 1954, continued. Mr. 0'Shields said it was his only thought 4Ln3 desire throughout the negotiations to protect the interest of the citizens of idew Harover County. The Navy would not consider anything other than that contained in fd` the contract, and also called attention to the nearness o£ the airport to the heart of the City. I am here to represent the people for what they want. ' Mr. Davis said he was ready and willing to make a motion to start re-negotiations with the Navy. in an e£fort to get its airbase established here, and aske3 if ar?yone present oUjected. No one objected except Mr. R. A. Shew who said he was definitely opposed to it. To bring jet planes here would endnnger the lives . ? of the inmates at the hospital, the citizens, and would lower prices on real estate and government loans on the same. V?JMr. Davis then move3 to start re-negotiations with the Idavy to establisti its airbase here, and incourage them `to come in. The motion was seconded by Na. Love and unsnimously 6arrie3. . / Considerable discussion followed and Nr. Love suggeste3 the appointment of a committee to be composed'of the ??Nayors o£ the City of Wilmin?;ton, Carolina Beach, Kure and Wrightsville l?eaches, respecti;ely, to assist the ? ? Board in its further efforts with the Navy Department. A moti.on offered by Mr. Trask to approve the last contract of December 3, 1953, failed of a second. A substitute to Nir. Davis' motion was then offered by Mr. Trask and seconded by Mr. Love anit unanimously adopted, to renew negotiations with tkie Idavy to establish its sirbase at Bluethenthal Field along the same lines or baSis of the last joint use agreement sutmitted at meeting of December 3, 1953. At the suggestions of i9r. Jas.E.L.Wade, City Councilman, 1:he delegation'stood to extend a vote of confi3ence to the Conunissioners fortheir previous actions in this matter, to forget the past ctnd go forward with a reconsideration of the matter with the Navy. ?iX The following were named to assist the Commissioners in their efforts to re-open negotiations with the Navy Department for the establishment oF its airba.se at Bluethenthal Airport: / Honorable E. L. White, Mayor of the City o£ Wilmington, Honorable G. Tnft Russ, Mayor of Kure Beach,- Honorable M. C. Brown, Mayor of Wrightsville Seach, Honorable A. L. Mansfield, Mayor of Carolina Beacli, P. M.• _ Camak, F.kecutive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Frederick Willetts. ?i A request of the Navy Department that a section of Kerr Avenuej approxinately 1675 £eet long across the pro- perty acquired by the extention of runway 5/23 at ihe Airport? be considered close3 as of Monday Februsry 8, 1954, was upon motion oF Mr. Davis, secon3ed by hir. Love, approved, and 'r ef erred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consideration. A letter was received from Mr. Wn. G. Robertson advising the Board of his a cceptance of the appointmerit to serve as a member of the New Hanover County Civil Service Commission: A letter was receiv ed from Mr. William D. Wyatt, Representative of General Motors Parade of Progress Pro- ? pG11'' gram, expressing his appreciation for the I3oard's cooperation in extending to them the use of ground space in the rear of the Airport Torminals, for their showing of the Parade of Progress, and advised it will ar-. rive on March 23, and will remain on the grounds until the morning of March 30. On recommendation of the Chairman, the Board voted to go on record with an ocpression of congratulations to Mr. Charles T. Burke for having secured the appointment of Pcs tmaster of the*Wilmington Post Offic e, An invitation was received from our Farm and Home Demonstration Agents, toattend a meeting of the local Q.? 11,fJ Agricultural Workers of the Rural DeveloFanent Board, to hear recomnendations on the s ituation of the Farm Program in New Hanover County, Monday, February 8, at 3:30 P.M., at the Corununity Center, A letter of thanks was received from Mr. C. D. Gurganus,Head of the Social Studies Department of New Hanover High School, for the Hoard members'pictures given them for their Social Stu3ies Classrooms. ^ A copy of a letter receive3 from the State Boat'd of Medical Ekaminers, advising that an application of Dr. B. A. Harris, 310 Davis Street for limited license to the Community Hospital, was found he is not eligible /r for license in this State, was received and filed. Mr. Ra1ph Rollins, Sr., operator of Rollins Barbecue at Winter Park, representing the Lions Club, suUmitted to Mr. Ha1.J. Love an offer to be o£ some assistance to the County in improving the picnic area and mainten- ance of same, at Hugh MacRae Park located near his place of business, was re£erred to the Chairman to take up with Mr. ldorse, Chief of Parks, who will be in town today to look over the park. A1so, the Chairman will take up with him the matter of installing the Hugh MacRae Plaque at the,Park entrance, whinh he suggested should be tied in with the deducation of the park roads. ,?Y Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded Uy I?ir. 0'Shields, payment of $25.00 to the ldilmington Junior ChamUer'of Commerce for an advertisement publisheu in the State Jaycee Directory was approved. It appeared the said advertisement ? CD was published.in their last years directory, but in some manner payment for same was overlooked. The Chairman stated he would like to clarify the Commissioners position as to the secretive angle in connection with the meeting of the Commissioners with Lhe Navy Department, Washington,D.C,, and asked ?\V``1? Mr. 0'Shields to speak for the Doard: W Mr. 0'Shields Said: "6de hatl an appointment with Colonel Lane £or 10:00 o'clock Thursday morning in his office, room 616 Pentagon building. We arrived some fifteen or twenty minutes late. Upon arrival we were told the meeting would not be held in Colonel Iane's office, but wou13 be held in a conference room on the fifth floor. Colonel Iane having already left for the c6nference room, we were ascorte3 by a Major in Colonel Iane's of£ice, to the meeting place. We met with Colonel Lane? Commander L.C.Lor3 representing the IJavy and Mr.W.P.Tiencken, Civilian Representative of the Bureau oP Yards and Docks. At no time during this meeting, which lasted aUout two hours, were the doors to the conference room closed. After making arrangements with Colonel Iane for Friday morning 10:00 o'clock, we left for a luncheon angagement tiaith Senator Lennon. On arriving at Senator Lennon's of£ice we were informed that a reporter had called Senator's Lennons office and stated that a Colonel Hendrix in Colonell Iane's office had refuse3 to te]l hirn where the joint meeting was being held. This was a complete surprise to all of us. After luncheon we met with sai3 reporter 14r. Van Der Linden, at this ti.me we informed him o£ the 10:00 o'clock meeting for Friday morning. At no time was there ar?y intiroation tliat the Thursday morning meeting was to be held in secret, so far as I know." ? , 485 Neeting of Febrna.ry 81 1954, continued. Upon motion of 14r. Love, seconded by Ns. Davis, the Board approved the sale of taac foreclosure lot #15 in block #11 Wi]mington Beach to Harry L. Bankhead an3 wife Winifred E. Bankhead for $207.62? and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Soard were authorized and directed to er.ecute a deed for the same in the name of the County. \` A report of the Wilmington Colored Library for December, Veterans' Service Officer, Farm and Home ?emonstration Agents, Wilmington Public Library and Bookmobile for January, were received an3 filea. Notice of final decision on appeal be£oTe the State Soard of Allotment an3 Appeal, uphol3ing the New Hanover County Welfare Boar3 in its decision to terminate APTD assistance to Robert Carr Kel],y, and ??OAA assistance to Florence I{elly Hargrove, both residing at 2109 Gibson Avenue, were received and filed. ??j - A statement was received from the State Board oF Public WelfAre advising that $55,269.55 was sent' to this County in December for OAA, ADC, APTD grants and Administra'tion. A report was received from the Back Tax Office showing that $4,651.87 was collected for the City (?Xi and $4,268.03: for the County, making a total of $8,919.88 back taxes collected for the mor.th of Jaraiary. ?? A census report of John C. Wessell Tzberculosis Sanatorium for Fabruary /?1 1954, was G] receiveu showing the following: White patients 10 Negro " 16 26 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 6 ? 33 A bulletin on the 47th Annual Christmas Seal sale of New Hanover Tuberculosis and Health Association was receivei advising that a nurse was offered the Health Department on a one year 3emon'stration basis to follow-up contacts o£ T.B.Patients, made possible by a gift of money from the Trustees of the Red Cross Sanatorium. The Health Department accepted the offer and will make investigations and . follow-up through the,proper channels. Notice was received irom the United States District Engineerts Office advising a schedule of fees that will be charged for the purpose of recovering the cost of services rendered fos• various types of permits issued for work in navigable waters, was received and filed. 11? A petition of 32 property owners requesting drainage, grading and hard surfacing Peif£er Avenue in Harnett ??- township approximately 1800 feet in length on which 8 houses are located, and whicli runs £rom US 74/76 at Seagate to a Dead-end, was upon motion of N.r. Love, secon3ed by Ns. Davis, approved and referred to the State Highway and ntblic Worlcs Commission for consideration. Upon motion of P7r. Davis, secon3e3 by Mr. Trask, William Croom, colore3 83 year old pY?yscially disabled \,,,,,,citizen, was on recormnendation of the Supt., of Public Welfare, admitte3 to the Courrty Home as a pay patient ? at $40.00 per'month. Mr. Horton, as Tax Supervisor, reported total tax abstracts liste3 for the period ending Saturday, February 61 1954, at 24,20$ which represents approximately 98% listed, T)40?? Upon motion o£ hir. Love, seconded by N,r. O'Shiel3s, county bills No. 2272''to 2452 were approve3 for payment. The meeting then adjourned. 4,Clerk. ? _ Wilmington, N. C., February 15, 1954. The regular weekly meeting o£ the Boar3 xas held this day at 10:00 otclock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coruni.ssioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Dacis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow and County Auditor T. D. Love. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend B,D.Critcher, Pastor of 5th Avenue i•4ethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of February 8. 1954, were prsviously mailed to oach member of the Board and upon motion of N.r. OtShields, seeonded by I,1r. Love, approved. 5 Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by A1r. Davis, the Board agreed to pay hal£ of the cost of $100.00 for upper and lower dentures for Howard' Craviford Watts, a formor patient at John C. Wessell 1liberculosis Sanatorium, recoi:unended by Dr. R.II.Rodman, Nedical Director ana 14r. A. AI, Chiemiego, Senior 5tate Counselor of Vocationttl Rehabilitation. ?\_c? '?., The Chairman presente3 a list of recommen3ed schedules received £rom N,r. W. Frank Burton, State Archivist, for the disposition of iaiscellaneous county records stored in the of£ice of the Register of Deeds. Mr. Burton, at tke request of the Commissioners came here last week to check the old recor3s and make rccommendations as to uhat disposition could be made of them. He recommended preserving anything dealing with real estate. The Department o£ Archives and History, he said, will preserve ( or microfilm ) tax aUstracts, ledgers ana ta:: lists for every tenth year; will talce a sample-of the various receipts, ferry records etc., and destroy others back of ten years. He sai3 he will.bring in a crew of three men to separate the records. It was the consensus of the Board to write ' him to ascertain the cost of that service, and if satisfactory to go along on his recommendations. -`? ?A request of PFir. M. C. Brown, DSayor of Wrightsvi;le Beach, for an appropriation of $S,OOO.OOfor repairs to the jetties on the south end o£ idrightsville Beach with rock and asph4lt to prevent further damage;:t,q the::beach by erosion, stating the Town of Wrightsville Beach has only $1,000.00 set aside for that work which will cost g62000.00, he said, was talcen under advisement and to ascertain from what source county funds could be made available, if ary. Mr; Horton told the I3oard ifir. Thomas W. P4orse, Superintendent o£ State Parks was here February 9th to look over Hugh Y•:acRae Park with him, and that he suggested mo?dng the picnic and parking areas about a block further south, but not to spreaa it out. He approved the ball park and will offer suggestions for parking and picnic areas later. ? -A