1954-03-01 Regular Meeting4'89 4+ Wilmington, N. C., March 1, 1954. The regular weekly meeting cC the Board was he13 this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. , Present: R.T,Horton, Chairnian and Commissioners Claud 0'Shield5, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifor3 Trask, Cicero P. Yow County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Alexan3er NLiller, Pastor of 5t. Pauls Episcopal Church. , Copies of the minutes of ineeting of February 23, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the sa*ne were upon motion of Mr. 15avis, seconded lY? Mr. Love, approved. With reference to the complaint filed by Mr. W. R. Davis at the last meeting of the Board, concerning business estaUlishments on the fishing pier at Kure Beach, creating a shopping center over the water, the Chairman announced the County Attorney had contacted lvs. Davis and advised tii.m to take the matter up witli the Town Officials of Kure Beach. The following bids to furnish three automobiles for the 5heriff's Department in accor3ance with speci£ications and provisions as advertised were received: Cape Fear Motor Sales - 3 1954 Ford Tudor D9ainline 6 cylinder automobiles for $5,025.00 ' Less trade-in allowance of 3 1952 Fords 9.300.00 . 1,'725.00 Three heaters @ $35.00 105:00 Totsl net price $10830.00 If V-8 130 Horse Power Motor is selected add $75.00 per unit 225.00 ' $2,055.00 . Raney-Chevrolet Company - 3 1954 Chevrolet Town Sedans, according to specifications, NET $2,600.00 Three heaters Q$?,0.00 each 120:00 Total Net Price $2,720.00 , Atlantic Motors Compar?y - 3 1954 Plymouth automobiles, Plaza Line according to speci£ications $2,850.00 A\?v Upon motion of N?r. Trask, secon3ed Uy Mr. Davis, the contract to furnish the three automobiles for the Sheriff's Department as advertised, including heaters, was awarded to the lowest bidder, the Cape Fear Motor Sales, md the Sheriff was suthorized to select either the six or eight cylinder Ford:automobiles. ? ? A letter was received fPom Lt. General W. 0. Brico, United States h;arine Corps, Washington, D. C., aclmowledging ----{i? . receipt o£ our resolution dealing with further negotiations concerning the Airport, expressing his appreciationa ,for our interest in the matter and assired that the Marine Corps realize the mar?y advantages o££ered by the 4Jilmington area, but at the present time cannot provide additional in£ormation concerning their prospective base installations. Mr. Dennis Botevsky appeared to complain o£ the Carolina Power and Light Company crossing his land with their power line in Cape Fear township, which he said will damage his property for crops and sale of lots, Pt and asked that some help be given him to have them follow along the e3ge of the rice field where there is sufficient room and will not interfere with his property. Instructions were given to write the Power Company urging, that if it is possible, to locate their line in the rice field area. A petition of six property owners petitioning the Commissioners to request the State Highway and Public Works Counaission to hardsurface Victoria Drive Extension in Cape Fear township, which runs from `the end of the har3 surfaced portion of Victoria Drive for a-distance of approximately half mile on which three houses are located, was upon motion of Nr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission £or its consideratinn. Also, a petition of 24 property owners asking for drainirg and grading a dea3-end road leading off the o13 \?? Wrightsville Tu? 1npike Highway from a point west of the old shell road crossing, for a distance of approximately quarter of a mile on which thirteen houses are located, was upon motion 'of Mr. Love, saconded by Nir.O'Shields, approved and referred to the 8tate Highway and Ftrblic Works Commission for consi3eration., A petition of 45 property owners requesting the State Highway and FuUlic Works Commission to take over for maintenance the 18 foot asphalt paved ( 60 foot right o£ wa}r ) road in Oak Crest Develop;uent, Harnett township, ? }:nown as Oak Crest Drive, 'Oak Leaf Drive and connecting roads, 8/10 of a mile in length on whicl7 twenty houses are located, was approved and referred to the State Highway and f'ublic Works Commission for w nsideration. •5?g? An invitation was received from the Sunset Park Elementary P,T.A., to attend the dedication Services and Open House of the new Sunset Park E7erientary School on Sunday afternoon, 2",arch 7, 1954, at 3:00 o'clock. An invitation was also received from the Wrights'ville Beach P.T.A „ to attend aninformal school party at the HARBOR ISLAtdD SCHOOL 5:00 P.N,,, Thursday, March 4, 1954• ?aU Sp D7r. Junius E. Coui?cilsubtnitted his resignation as a mamber of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital ? account of new assignmaht with the Post Of£ice Depertment, which will. keep him away from Wi]mington for along period of ti.me , making it i.mpossible to cont:inue his service on the Board. ? The Chairman read a statement of Cbunty expenditures, Revenues and Reserves £o period Ju7,y 1, to December 31, 1953, showing amount appropriate3 $412,251.56, Expenaed $197,547p20, Balance un-expended $214,704.36, Overall Expenditures .$,2%; Revenue $282,519.25, Reserves $189,653.25, Total Taxes collected $1,470,287,46, Mr. George H. Huta£i' appeared to tell the Co,wnissioners the Government had agreed with him to clean-out the ditches on his farm, and asked if it would be alright to do that work himsel£ to complete the drainage. No objections were indicated by the Board to his cleaninL, out the ciitches and was advised to get io touch with ? Lt. L'Fhgle, 3r,, officer in charge of i-arine Corps Auxillary Landing Strip, for instructions., With reference to his complaint and proper steps to take concerning coastal flights over beach lands, which he said was 3angerous to fishing, he:?was referred to the CAA £or cooperation, rs. Buis o£ Cape Fear township, appeared again to follow-up her previous objection to the use of Bluethenthal (ZCQ? CQ? va4Mield by the Marine Corps as an Airbase which is now in process of'negotiations, stating it would be a dangerous hazard and interfere withthe peace and happiness of the residents'in that area, and insisted that the sirport • be put to a better thse. ' 49'?'-O Meetimg of hiarch 1, 1954, continued. An invitation was received from Mr. C, Heide Trask, Third Division State Highway Commissioner, to attend the opening of the Third Division Highway Shops, Friday evening, 7:00 o'clock. Upon motion of A;r. Love, seconded by Mr,( Davis, the Board approvei the purchase and installation of a .? C Wrought Iron metal sign, 12 inch letters, reading " NEW HANOVER COUIdTY COURTHOUSE " on frame, mounted above the Third Street Entrance of the Courthouse, from the Host Agency, at a cost of $156,00. A matter presented by the Chairman to provide a better service in the Tax Collectorts office, by arranging to have the tax year now ending October lst changed to end tiizth the County fiscal year June 30th, which would enable the Tax Collector to close the tax books earlier and devote more time to the collection of current personal property taxes, and which would also eliminate the ex.pense o£ an additional audit, and be to the.best interest and saving to the County. Upon motion tlie inatter was referred to the Chairtaan to work it out with the proper authorities and report his recommendations to the Eoard at the next meeting for final decision. r With re£erence to a spread of surety Uond coverage over a larger category of employees, hD include Hospitals, y Airport and Clerks in the othet Departments of the County., was referred to the Chairman to secure a list as to who sliould be bonded together with the cost of the same and report to the Board at the next meeting. i11 •? A ret}uest of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company that the County obligate itself to the maintenance of a ?j propose3 culvert they agree to open and install under its tracks north of the Gorden Road, on the New Hern Branch of the railroad, necessary in connection with the County drainage now being provided in that area, was referred to the County Attorney to investigate with the with the railroad attorney, an3 report to the Board. ? A letter was received from Dr. Ellen Winston, Commissioner State Hoard of Public Welfare, requesting an ? opportunity to talk to the members of the Board, '15zesday morning, blarch 2nd, concerning various welfare matters, prior to her meeting with the County Public Welfare lJorlcers at 10:30. It was agreeable to the Commissioners • to have her'meet with them at 10:00 o'clock A.M. A letter was received from Senator Alton Lennon acknowledging receipt of a copy o£ a letter the Chairman wrote to ivir. Jack E. Cochrane, Director of the Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C., concerning the use of Bluethenthal Field as a lsarine Cor?s Airbase, and assuring us he will persue the matter and advise us upon receipt of ar?y official information. A census report was received from John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium as of February 20, 1954, showing: ? ' White patients 10 Negro " 16 26-- Non-residents 1 ' Vacant be3s 6 33 .? A copy of formal applications for hospitalization for Juanita Hampton, 610 Campbell Street at John C. „ a? Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, was received from Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Of£icer. A reply to our letter of February 24, was received from Mr. W. Frank Burl;on, State Archivist, advising that he ? is not equipped to furnish the people to separate the records in the court house and dispose of them, as we requested, but did advise that he would personally supervise the work if we would furnish the men to help ?- with the work, if and when we would advise him when to come, which met with the approval of the Board, and the same was referred to the Chairman with power to act. , A report of the Vetarans"Service 0£ficer for February was received and filed. Upon motion of 1,4r. Tra.sk, the Board authorized the use of our labor to erect bleacher seats for the Azalea Golf r Tournemant, ? ! A?,5 The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial'of civil cases for the tewo weeks term beginning March 8. 1954: ' Simon Lipton, 619 N. Qth St, dulia L. Fonnell, 24 Wrightsville Ave. J,E.Crorrell, 1-D Lake V'illage. James A. Sholar, 2846 S. Front St. E,F.Bryant, 210 Keaton Ave. Geo. F. Coston, 3-D fJesbitt Covrt. ' E.W,Schiffer, 129 Mercer Ave, l+f.H,Lane, 2524 Monroe St. Harold E. Iane, 2219 Klein Road. R,W.Leonard, 248 Vance St, E,R,Brownie, Rt.l, Box 211. Geo.F.Branch, 3909 Park Ave. Frances C. Sanders, Rt,l. Box 246. J.C.Iapdreth, 817 S. Front St. Nobert James Robertson, Box 814. J.B.Uaught, Jr,, Box 1118. C. E. Harunond, 2216 Plaza Drive. A. J. Litgen„ 24 Ivey Circle. Louise Shepar3, 317 S. 2nd St. Harlee I4illis, 4912 Wrightsville Ave. Mrs. Margaret Lippitt, 110 Nun St. Harry I,itchell, Jr., YNCA. G. T. Everette, 2228 Mimosa Place. I.EOn C. MeDuffie, Apt., 3-F Oleander Court. Fdward L. Gray, 402 N,arsteller St. Sam L. Houston, 517 S. 4th St. E. L. Miller, Ht, 3,• Eox 271. W. R. Padrick, Car 25, Box 312 A. W. T. Willetts, 1201 S. 5th St. A. W. Horre7l, 121 Castle Hayne Road. Harry George, 5-S Lake Village. W. E. Caldwell, P.O.Box 67. T.T.Sellers, 911 Cherry Ave. Elmer E. Boegli, 2103 N,etts Ave. 19rs. Elsie S. Iane, 1512 Orange St, Y. M. Scott, 2111 Brandon Road. * J. L. Knox, Rt. 3, Box 300. J.F.Collum, Jr., 1009 N. 4th St. W.T.Fales, 714 Coldwell Ave. Miss Margaret Shannon Morton, 1821 Ann St. C. R. Koonce, Rt. 1, Box 175. J.L.Lamb, 112 N. 42nd, St. Mrs. Lucy Boylan, 9 S. kth St. G. W. Rodgers, Rt, 3, Betty L. Boegli, 2103 ldetts rlve. J.A.Lancaster, 4910 Oleander Drive. Caldwell W. Niintz, 4,0 Lake Village, ' E. C. Herring, 8 N. 9th St. Roy S. Wells, 2730 Van Buren St. ' N.A. Iamay, 3-C L'ake Village. J. G. Gantt, Rt. 2, Box 209. Mrs. S. A. Stockard, 303 N. 15th St. F. D. Sineath, 318 S. 2nd St. E4igene D. Arend, 312 Greenfield St. J,Q.Ruseell, Rt.l, Box 229. C.L.Harper, 615 S. 15th St. R.L.Sessoms, 114 Bordeaux Ave. 'r;iss Valeria Council, 24 Colonial Apts. Clif£ord H. Smith?Jr., P.O.Box lor, Car.Bch. Miss Elma Teachey, Rt,2, Box 1L,1. ? V.E.Phelpso 404 Wrightsville Ave. S,W.Brinson,Sr,, Rt.2, Box 186. John C. Scott, 37?+ N. Sth St. David E. Miligan, 506 Dawson St. Sam Dawkins, 307 S. 6th St. Geo. M. Morris, 2409 E1m St. W,B.Klander, Sr., 4402 Oleander Dr. Carl D. Moore, 115 Wright St. H.W,Seavey, jr., 116 Morningside Dr. Richard A. Moore, 603 Chestnut St. , J.G.DeBose, 210 Pinecrest Pkwy, htiss Georgia Ezzell, 215 ldrightsville Ave. . , The m ting then adjourned. Clerk. \ O