1954-03-08 Regular Meeting'K e / 1 ? Wilmington, N. C., March 8, 1954. . The regular weekly meeting of the Doard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. 14. , Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thur#on C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, . Cicero P. Yota, County Attorney and T.D.Lave, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Edwin E. TLirton, Pastor of St. Marks Episcopal Church,colored. Copies of the minutes of March 1, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Nir. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, a pproved. A petition of 45 property owners prepared on State Form R; 10,to include an 18 foot asphalt paved (60 foot right of way) road in Oak Crest,Develognent in Harnett township for State 1fi.aintenance, which said petition was inadvertently omitted from the list of road improvement requests approved at meeting of March 1, 1944, was formally presented to the Boar3 and upon motion of hs. Davis, seconded by i+ir. Love? approved and forwarded to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. The Chairman announce3 that tl-ie tax collectian fiscal year change proposal to en3 with the Countyts fiscal year I/ June 30th, will be discussed with the Tax Collector, the City Authorities and Mr. T.D.Love, County Auditor this week to formulate a schedule and report to the Board. A petition of the heirs of Dr. Edwin F. Iieever to drain and grade a roadway, semi-circle in shape around the ?liv ball ?rk at Winter Park, an3 which runs from the Southeast corner of lot 201 to the Southwest corner of lot,210, was presented, but no action taken for the reason it is not customary to build roads through privately owned •s ` subdivisions when the public benefit and services to be rendered will not justify the expenditure. A request of 20 property owners to continue the pavement:o"f Park Avenue from /f4932 Park Avenue to MacNiillan ??cj Street in Winter Park, Harnett township, for a distance of approximately quarter of a mile, on which 14 houseS are located, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. ? ??,p?Upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, Mi1ce Pikramenos, 65 year old physically disabled indigent ? +?Y?N"'" citizen, 11 Bellwell Avenue, was on recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, wdmittea to the County ? Home as a pay patient at $40.00 per month. Instructions were given to have Mr. J.R.Hollis, Superir.tendent of Public Wel£are, have a case worker come before C?the Board in the £uture to give such ad3itional inforiaation in connection with applications for admission to the ? County Home that may be found'necessary. " Upon motion of i1r. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. Love, permission to use the courthouse parking lot for the placement of ?,??square dance orcheetras from 4:30 P.M., to 12:00 o'clock midnight during the Azalea Pestival March 25th through the 28th, was grante3 the A;usicians' Pritective Association, sponsors of the Seventh Annual Azalea Festival Street Dance, requested by Mr. 13obby Haas,. Chairman of the Committee. fa?/Upon motion the 'Eax 5upervisor was authorized to secure photographis 'copies of automobile registration list ? from the State for the 1954 ad valorem tax checking purposes, either in the sma11 size at $6.00 per thousan3 names, or larger size copies at $7.00 per thousan3, whichever 1'ie thinks preferable. . A reply was receive3 from i4r. M. P. McLean, Presodent of McLean Trucking Company to our lrtter of February 29th, -? thankin^ us for our invitation to locate his "Sea-Iand" terminal here, and asstiring us Wilmington is being given every consideration, and that a location will be selected within the next few weeks. ? Qur insurance rates appearing to be out of proportion, the Chairman amiounced that through the efforts of i-1U15 Mr. Cicero P. Yow the County Attorney, a better rate on county schedule coverage was secured, resulting in a, refund of 62-89.33 in returned premiums. ' tyl!Phe Chairman called attention to the Third District meeting of County Commissioners school here Thursday, t•Sarch 18, sponsored by the Institute of Government of the University of North Carolina, and advised that each Chairman of the five Boards Commissioners in the Distric? had been written a letter urging attendance and to bring their fellow cotmnissioners, County Attorney and County AuditoT with them. Nany interesting things and ? problems will be discussed including future proposed lagislation. ?ose A census report of John C. Wessell 'hiberculosis Sanatorium was received showing the following as of March 5,1954: White patients 10 Colored ° 15 , 25 iVon-residents 1 , Vacant beds 7 33 We will a3mit a colored patient, female, Monday, hSarch 8, 1954. The Chairman called attention to the matter of applications for admissions to the T.B,Hospital made in duplicate, one furnishe3 the State Institution. In the event room is not available and the patient is admitted to our hospital and it later deve7opes that room is available in the State Hospital, that we be permitted to substitute another patient in lieu o£ the one next in order for admission to the State Hospital, ifrfeund expedient. This would facilitate the handling o£ more patients and would be to the best interest of all parties concerned. The Boar3 approved the recommendation of Chairman, and gave instructions to write the State Sanatorium concerning the matter. ` Ttao colored citizens appeared to complain of a drainage corniition on the Market Street Hnad near Ogden resulting in an oyster house being condemned , was told that the dragline drainage operation noia in that vicinity would' ' take care of the situation. The Chairman ezplained to the Board the location and lay-out of the baseball diamond and two tennis courts at 1/?? Hugh MacRae Park, recommended by Mr. Thomas W. Morse, Superintendent of State Parks, which was approved by "- the Board. The matter oi disposing of certain trees that will have to be removed was referred to the Chairnan ' with power to act, to cut and dispose:of the trees by sale to the best advantage, and also to secure quotations for £urnishing and installing a metal arch sign over the main entrances to the Park. The Chairman further advised that the facilities should be installe3 and work completed'for the £ormal opening of the Park about June lst. ::1 F' 492 Meeting of 14arch 8,1954, continued. _4,?5 A statement of expenditures for forest £ire control shouing $426,52 due the State cooperative program by the County for February, was received. Monthlj reports for February were received from the Home Agent, Colored Home Agerat; Farm Agent, Wilmington ...?? Public Library, and Airport receipts for N?rch 3, 1954, and ordered £iled. • ?-j?A report of the Grand Jury for the February Criminal Term, 1954, was receive3 and filed. Instructions were given to write the State i,agazine our appreciation in recognition of its article appearing in the February 27th issue of tne"State" on the Seventh Annual Azalea Festival•March 25th through the 28th, 1954. The Chairman presented the matter of purchasing a small size postage stamp.machine at a cost of $580.00 which would mean a substantial saving to the County by eliminating the loss of pre-stctmped envelopes destroyed on account of mistake in addressing or otherwise, pre written postal cards not used, and for nar?y other reasons. 'ghe same was lookel upon with favor by the Board and referred to the Chairman, the County Auditor and the County Attorney with power to act. Upon motion of P1r. Davis, seconded by ??m. Love, an appropriation of $1,200.00 was granted the To•vrn o£ Wrightsville Beach out of un-appropriated, un-anticipated receipts of non-tax funds that mcey be available, tocrard the e:cpense for repairing jetties on the South end of the Beach in an eSfort to stop erosion taking place in that area. That amount, the Chaiiman reported, would be sufficiant to supplement their funds to meet this expense, according to statement made by N,syor M. C. IIrown, in lieu of the $5,000.00 appropriation reque,sted at meeting of February 15, 1954. The County i.uditor reporte3 on his recommendation of February 23, concerning the proposed negotiation of short • terrn notes for funds when needed to Ue repaid out of the proceeds from school bonds when sold, with the viow -? of saving in interest charges; he said that information requeste3 from the Schools upon which to base his _ further recoirunendations and opinion has not been furnished and it was too late noia to conaider t,he matter as the school bonds had been advertise3 for sale by the Local Goverruaent Commission to take place on March 30,1954. sp?5 Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No.2594 to 2749 inc., were approved for payment. perior Court £or the trial of The civil o cases n£o?o the a two l weelcs special term of a court begiruzing J i,arch 22, t 195L?. L. E. Fladd, 1-E Iake Village James S.Iting, 103 S L,th St. J.E.Wilsonj 612 S. 16th St. P7orrpan E. Parlcs, 924 S. 3rd St. N.S.HasYett, Jr. 305 N. 5th St, Harold G. Herring, 16-5 Lake Forest Luther J. Lanier, 500 Park Terrace. Carl Yi.B.Korb, Jr.lll Ward St. John H. Wood, 2529 Harrison St, M.M.Sellers, 705 S, 6th St. Norman E. Smith, 2117 Brandon Road. L.L.Wood, 2111 Barnett Ave. 5econd week: R.M,Foster,2222 N. Sth St. J.W.Boesch, 809 Princess St. Frank C.Rosenbauer, 529 S.Lumina Ave. J.O.Hing, 208 Church St. C.J.Boyd, 10 Wooster St. Thelma B. McEachern, 1619 Princess St i?obert K.Melvin, 805 Chestnut St. Thomas W. Sneeden, 19 N. 25th St. H.B.RQberts,2260 19imosa P1ace. C.J.Nercer,146 Colonial Village. 4J.A,Hundley,509 S. Front 5t. Rosie J. Carney,113 `dright St. The meeting then adjourned. 7 _ _-4. Clerk. ,0/ J.N.Brittain, Box 386 Swr¢ner Hill. Ada H. Kassens, 1815 Perry Ave. Herbert F. Clardy, 2516 S. Front St. A.E.McKeithan, 809 Ann St, Harper O'Sullivan, Sr.220 N.C.Ave. W.E,Andrews, 1208 Chestnut St. Bernice B. Woodcock,408 Lake Drive. William R. Rivenbark, 5 N. 9th St. H.Ferrell,Jr, 151q Nun St. Geo.Y.Warwick, 219 C.C.Blvd. Archie Seigler, 225 Pine Grove Dr. ' Walter Thomas, 111 Williamson Dr. J.E.Rowrzn, 515 N. 5th St. Elizabeth B. Green, 1808 Market St. W.P.Peterson, Rt.l, Box 475. H.B.Harriss, Castle Hayne Road. Ld.H.Sikes, 420 S. 4th St. Mary D. Perry, Rt.l. Leroy W. Garrett, 210'N:'22nd St. Green L. Williams, 403Z Dock St. Lester M. P?aguire,414 Church St. R.L.Ward, 407 S. Qth St. A.V.Laffiteau, Jr. 420 S. 5th St. ' J,W,Thomas, 7 Manhattan Ave, fi.Berry Wilson, 204 Brookwood. B.W.Sams, 1910 Ann St. . Bobby ir,iles Johnson, 402 N.3rd St. William D. Johnson, Rt.3, Box 134. Mrs.IAary C. iJarren, 512 Chestnut St. E.T.Keal, 1025 S. 3rd St. J.F.Warwick, 1805 Princess St. Beulah B. Mills, Rt.3, 13ox 340• Paul Batton, 41 Terrace Walk. A7rs.Ellen Kure Konig,.lll Harden Ave. H.T.Sting, P.O.Box 1088. M.F.Brown, P.O:Box 657 Carolina Beach: W.B.Glenn, 209 S. 16th St. John td. Bremer, 505 S. Front St. James U. Stanley, 2711 Uan Buren St. M.C.Foster.2906 Narket St. + C.if.Johnson, Rt.2, Box 166. A.S.Salling,310 S. 6th St. C.r..Psewer, 1816 Castle St. H.V.Conley,2720 Oleander Drive. Katherine I. Corbett,119 S. 4th St. C.E.Simpson, Jr, Box 900 14rs.V.A.Hiclanan,2409 Jefferson St. Thomas Paxton, Rt.l, Box 66. Wilmington, N. C., Narch 15, 1954. The regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock P. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Co:wiissioners Claud O'Shields, Thubston C. Davis, Ha7. J. Love, tZai£orct Trask and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reveren3 Arthur L. Thompson, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes o£ meeting of l?arch 8, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were ugon motion of Atr. Davis, seconded trj Mr. Trask, approved. With re£erence to the dragline drainage operation, Mr. iiorton told the Board the drainage work in the Gordon- Marlcet StreeL Rnads territory will be finishe3 Wednesday an3 that the propert.y owners and residents were well pleasea and appreciative of this service which, they sai3, will improve their farms and gar3ens for a greater pro3uction and will eliminate the mosquito trouble. The Chairman presented a letter received £rom PRr. J. C. Bethtuze, Ececutive Secretary oi' the State Board of -fox Assessment, of£icially approving our tax lists and other tax listing forms subEhi.tted to liim for inspection. ., ? A letter was rece'ived from Dr?;. Elen Winston, Commissioner State Board of Wel£are, thanking the Commissioners for the opportunity given her to talk to the t3oard about general relief matters. She wss somewhat disturbed over our assistance being so much lower than some of the other counties in actual expenditures for general ? assistance. 5he reported the following three counties for the calendar year Dec., 31) 1953: 1ec lenburgtCounty $81;446.32 Wake County 16,337.63