1954-03-15 Regular MeetingF' 492 Meeting of 14arch 8,1954, continued. _4,?5 A statement of expenditures for forest £ire control shouing $426,52 due the State cooperative program by the County for February, was received. Monthlj reports for February were received from the Home Agent, Colored Home Agerat; Farm Agent, Wilmington ...?? Public Library, and Airport receipts for N?rch 3, 1954, and ordered £iled. • ?-j?A report of the Grand Jury for the February Criminal Term, 1954, was receive3 and filed. Instructions were given to write the State i,agazine our appreciation in recognition of its article appearing in the February 27th issue of tne"State" on the Seventh Annual Azalea Festival•March 25th through the 28th, 1954. The Chairman presented the matter of purchasing a small size postage stamp.machine at a cost of $580.00 which would mean a substantial saving to the County by eliminating the loss of pre-stctmped envelopes destroyed on account of mistake in addressing or otherwise, pre written postal cards not used, and for nar?y other reasons. 'ghe same was lookel upon with favor by the Board and referred to the Chairman, the County Auditor and the County Attorney with power to act. Upon motion of P1r. Davis, seconded by ??m. Love, an appropriation of $1,200.00 was granted the To•vrn o£ Wrightsville Beach out of un-appropriated, un-anticipated receipts of non-tax funds that mcey be available, tocrard the e:cpense for repairing jetties on the South end of the Beach in an eSfort to stop erosion taking place in that area. That amount, the Chaiiman reported, would be sufficiant to supplement their funds to meet this expense, according to statement made by N,syor M. C. IIrown, in lieu of the $5,000.00 appropriation reque,sted at meeting of February 15, 1954. The County i.uditor reporte3 on his recommendation of February 23, concerning the proposed negotiation of short • terrn notes for funds when needed to Ue repaid out of the proceeds from school bonds when sold, with the viow -? of saving in interest charges; he said that information requeste3 from the Schools upon which to base his _ further recoirunendations and opinion has not been furnished and it was too late noia to conaider t,he matter as the school bonds had been advertise3 for sale by the Local Goverruaent Commission to take place on March 30,1954. sp?5 Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No.2594 to 2749 inc., were approved for payment. perior Court £or the trial of The civil o cases n£o?o the a two l weelcs special term of a court begiruzing J i,arch 22, t 195L?. L. E. Fladd, 1-E Iake Village James S.Iting, 103 S L,th St. J.E.Wilsonj 612 S. 16th St. P7orrpan E. Parlcs, 924 S. 3rd St. N.S.HasYett, Jr. 305 N. 5th St, Harold G. Herring, 16-5 Lake Forest Luther J. Lanier, 500 Park Terrace. Carl Yi.B.Korb, Jr.lll Ward St. John H. Wood, 2529 Harrison St, M.M.Sellers, 705 S, 6th St. Norman E. Smith, 2117 Brandon Road. L.L.Wood, 2111 Barnett Ave. 5econd week: R.M,Foster,2222 N. Sth St. J.W.Boesch, 809 Princess St. Frank C.Rosenbauer, 529 S.Lumina Ave. J.O.Hing, 208 Church St. C.J.Boyd, 10 Wooster St. Thelma B. McEachern, 1619 Princess St i?obert K.Melvin, 805 Chestnut St. Thomas W. Sneeden, 19 N. 25th St. H.B.RQberts,2260 19imosa P1ace. C.J.Nercer,146 Colonial Village. 4J.A,Hundley,509 S. Front 5t. Rosie J. Carney,113 `dright St. The meeting then adjourned. 7 _ _-4. Clerk. ,0/ J.N.Brittain, Box 386 Swr¢ner Hill. Ada H. Kassens, 1815 Perry Ave. Herbert F. Clardy, 2516 S. Front St. A.E.McKeithan, 809 Ann St, Harper O'Sullivan, Sr.220 N.C.Ave. W.E,Andrews, 1208 Chestnut St. Bernice B. Woodcock,408 Lake Drive. William R. Rivenbark, 5 N. 9th St. H.Ferrell,Jr, 151q Nun St. Geo.Y.Warwick, 219 C.C.Blvd. Archie Seigler, 225 Pine Grove Dr. ' Walter Thomas, 111 Williamson Dr. J.E.Rowrzn, 515 N. 5th St. Elizabeth B. Green, 1808 Market St. W.P.Peterson, Rt.l, Box 475. H.B.Harriss, Castle Hayne Road. Ld.H.Sikes, 420 S. 4th St. Mary D. Perry, Rt.l. Leroy W. Garrett, 210'N:'22nd St. Green L. Williams, 403Z Dock St. Lester M. P?aguire,414 Church St. R.L.Ward, 407 S. Qth St. A.V.Laffiteau, Jr. 420 S. 5th St. ' J,W,Thomas, 7 Manhattan Ave, fi.Berry Wilson, 204 Brookwood. B.W.Sams, 1910 Ann St. . Bobby ir,iles Johnson, 402 N.3rd St. William D. Johnson, Rt.3, Box 134. Mrs.IAary C. iJarren, 512 Chestnut St. E.T.Keal, 1025 S. 3rd St. J.F.Warwick, 1805 Princess St. Beulah B. Mills, Rt.3, 13ox 340• Paul Batton, 41 Terrace Walk. A7rs.Ellen Kure Konig,.lll Harden Ave. H.T.Sting, P.O.Box 1088. M.F.Brown, P.O:Box 657 Carolina Beach: W.B.Glenn, 209 S. 16th St. John td. Bremer, 505 S. Front St. James U. Stanley, 2711 Uan Buren St. M.C.Foster.2906 Narket St. + C.if.Johnson, Rt.2, Box 166. A.S.Salling,310 S. 6th St. C.r..Psewer, 1816 Castle St. H.V.Conley,2720 Oleander Drive. Katherine I. Corbett,119 S. 4th St. C.E.Simpson, Jr, Box 900 14rs.V.A.Hiclanan,2409 Jefferson St. Thomas Paxton, Rt.l, Box 66. Wilmington, N. C., Narch 15, 1954. The regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock P. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Co:wiissioners Claud O'Shields, Thubston C. Davis, Ha7. J. Love, tZai£orct Trask and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reveren3 Arthur L. Thompson, Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. Copies of the minutes o£ meeting of l?arch 8, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were ugon motion of Atr. Davis, seconded trj Mr. Trask, approved. With re£erence to the dragline drainage operation, Mr. iiorton told the Board the drainage work in the Gordon- Marlcet StreeL Rnads territory will be finishe3 Wednesday an3 that the propert.y owners and residents were well pleasea and appreciative of this service which, they sai3, will improve their farms and gar3ens for a greater pro3uction and will eliminate the mosquito trouble. The Chairman presented a letter received £rom PRr. J. C. Bethtuze, Ececutive Secretary oi' the State Board of -fox Assessment, of£icially approving our tax lists and other tax listing forms subEhi.tted to liim for inspection. ., ? A letter was rece'ived from Dr?;. Elen Winston, Commissioner State Board of Wel£are, thanking the Commissioners for the opportunity given her to talk to the t3oard about general relief matters. She wss somewhat disturbed over our assistance being so much lower than some of the other counties in actual expenditures for general ? assistance. 5he reported the following three counties for the calendar year Dec., 31) 1953: 1ec lenburgtCounty $81;446.32 Wake County 16,337.63 19 493 N!eeting of March 15, 1954, continued. ?j Mr, Horton advised that R'ew Ha mver County expended $3,541.69 from July 1, to December 31,1953 or <48% of the knxdget appropriation. The Chairman also called attention to arrangements that have Ueen made for the Third Division State Association of County Commissioners School and meeting sponsored by the Institute o£ Government to be held here Thursday, March 18th, I A copy of a letter written to Lt. General W.O.Brice, Chief N.arine Aviation, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, ",4?D. C., hfarch 7, 1954, was received from the Carolina Beach Lions Club, stating that " At a recent meeting our Club passe3 a resolution in favor of the Yvavy using Bluethenthal Field as an Air Base. The Lions Club of Car-0lina Beach, N. C., wishes to express a cordial welcome to the Marine Corps to this area". ?A reply in.aclmowledgment of our letter of February lOth, concerning the future use of Bluethenthal ? a?"?'? Field'by the U.S.Niarine Corps Aviation was received from Capt. E.J.Peltier, tJSN, Assistant Chief for Business N•anagement, Washington, D. C., a3vising that the`.raatter is under cor.sideration by the Depar$ment of the Navy. When a decisibn-is reached as to the manner in which the field can best be used, we will be so advised, assuring us of the navy's appreciation of our interest in the natter. ? A complaint of t•:r. Howard Cartwright, Supt „ of hiaintenance for the Piedmont Airlines, of the insuffient overhead lighting system in the Butler Hangar, which they rent from us f or servicing planes, was reYerred to Mr. John YJestbrook, Airport Hanager to ascertain from Mr. Cartwright what lighting improvements he had in mind, „?'?..Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by i+s. Love, the North Casolina Motor Carriers Association on recommendation ?v- ??'?` of 19r. John ldestbrook, Aixport Manager, was granted the use o£ 1111 x 2W of concrete apron north o e Administration Building, rand sbuth..of the large Quonset type hangar, together with the large grass £ield just west of this area as a site for the display of equipnent related to the trucking industry, such as , trucks, trailers etc., in connection with their annual State Roadeo to be held in early June 195/+. - ? The leaks in tne A3ministration Building at the Airport having been fixed, it was the ooncensus-oirthe.Boarfl;??he architect sbould have the circles and dicoloration in the 3own stairs ceiling, cause5 by previous leaks, painted before final settlement o£ architect fees is.made. A communication was received from the State Highway and Public Works Coirunission advising that it could not see its wa3 clear to approve the petition of property owners for the a3dition o£ Clay Street, Henry Street and Oak Avenue in Harnett township, and Bryant's Avenue in I4asonboro township to our County Highway system, as their investigation shows that the service rendered will not justify this expenditure, Upon motion of Mr. Davis instructions were given to ascertain froia the State HiEhway Commission what further detail reasons they have, if ar?y, wl-iy[ the same was not approve3, and to reconsider the natter and hold the petitions open for further consideration and favorable action as soon as they can. Upon motion of Ifs. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board adopted the recommendation of the coirunittee / composed of the Chairman of the Board Mr. R. T. Horton, iPir. T. D. Love, County Au3itor, Mr. C.R.A;orse, ?Q?? Tax Collector, Mr. J. S. Williamson, Bookkeeper and Mr. R. C. Ruark, CPA., at their meeting of Ttarch 12, to set the date for advertising delinquent ta:ces on property to that of four (4) weeks in June, closing on June 30th and starting sale on Suly lst. This will tie in the Cit anct County's fiscal year audit with the tax o£fice an3 re?uce the penalty o£ three (3) months totaling .Ol?% .atid..give the Tax Collector three (3) months to concentrate on personal tax collections, and will give more time to prepare the current tax notices For mailing soon after receiving the tax Uooks in October. 'The Tax Collecto`r is to be given notice to that effect. I • A census report of the John C. Wessell 1lxberculosis Sanatorium was feceie3 ior Niarch 12, showing: ' White patients 11 Discharged: 0 Negro " 16 Admitted 3/6/54: ;•'s. 4lcsde Holle;/, white man. Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 5 " 3/8/54 E7-sio Brown, colored woman. 33 Dr. Rodman reported that arrangements have been made for satisfactory out-patient treatment for Juaiaita Hampton, 610 Campbell Street, as she does not appear to need Hospital treatment. A list of materials, supplies and so forth, offered £or sale by the Reclamation, Salvage and redistribution ??'?1i J Section o£ the Marine Corps Supply Depot, Camp Lejeune was received. No action was taken, The Chairman presente3 a sketch o£ the proposed sign for the arches to be erected at each of the two entrances to Hugh MacRae Park, including building of foundation, piers and archways installed at a cost of ? $2,250.00. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, instructions were given to contact ' Mr. George Ylest, Director of Vocational Education as to lzis estimate of the cost of construction with his student crew. , Upon motion of :s. Davis, seconued by Mr. Love, Mr. Harry S. McGirt was granted an allowance.of $25.00 • ?(?x per month for the use of his pe'rsonsl automobile by :eason of considerable number of miles traveled in , connection with his 3uties as Qo_unty Tax Assessor. Upon motion of P7r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, authority was given to decorate that part o£ the Court House (AW-- in £romt of the Commissioner's Office-around Princess Street to the Princess Street entrance of the old Court House, for the Azalea Festival. Ns, riorton as Co-chairman of the reeeption coirBnittee for the Azalea Festival, announced invitations to attend the City-County luncheon at the Surf Club 1;30 P.M., Saturday, March 27th and meeting in City Council ? Chambers, We3nesday, March 17th 8:00 P.M., to make final plans for the luncheon. Resignation of Col. H. S. AcClelland as Director of Civil Defense for the City o£ Wilmington and New Hanover ?PAunty, to be effective as soon as practicable and not later than April lst 1954, was received an3 accepted. His reco;uT,endation to appoint N?r, Franklin W. Bell to succeed him was received for consireration. An invitation to attend the annual banquet of the New Hanover County unit of the North Carolina Education ?Association, in the ball room of the Cape Fear Hotel 7:00 P.M., April 9, 1954, was received from Nr.Haywood C. Bellatryy, President of the New Hanover County Unit N.C.E.A. V -A I 494 Meeting of rlarch 15, 1954, continued. Upon motion of Love, seconded by i?x. Davis, the Board recommended the appointment of Mrs. J. Wallace 4lest as a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital to succeed I4r. Junius Council, resigned, and the same was referred to the City for its joint approval. The Boar3 was told thai the appointment of R'Ir. Thomas H. Wright, Jr,, was suggested by the City Council. t• Reports for the mor,th of I'ebruary were received from the following: Wilmington Public Library, .? h\NFenrX Wilmington Colored Library, Housing Authority of {;he City of Wilmington, Airport receipts and ????,?disbureements for Niarch 12, 1954, Statistics and Research report of the 5tate Board of Azblic WelSare, ordered filed. S A statement was received frorn the State Board of Public Welfare showing that $55,223.54 was sent to this County for January, and $54,824.62 for February, for OAA? ADC, APTD and Administration. Notice of release of $200,000,00 United States Treasury bonds by the Chemical Bank and Trust Company _ p p,?arj of New York as G4ustodian for New Hanover County to secure funds on deposit with the Security National P Bank of Wilmington, N. C„ account of rrithdrawal o£ County funds from said bank, was received. ? A report was received from 19r. J. E. Canady, Back Tax Collector, showing $2,599.47 collecte3 £or the City, ? ?4x and $4,311.65 for the County, :naking a total of $6,911.12 back taxes collected for the month of February. No objections were in3icated by the 13oard to the application of Esso Standard Oil CoMpaV of Charlotte,IJ,C,, to the District United States Engineers, for a permit to construct a wharf on the west side of the Cape Fear River, approxir?ately 2.5 i-iiiles south of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at Fafetteville. Aclmowle3gnent was received from the I'ederal-State Crop Reporting Service of the Farm Census Township Books for Cape Fear and Nasonboro townships. A bill for $30.00 was received from the National Association of County Officials for ten subscriptions to the County Officers ilagazine and IJembership in the I:ational 1lssociation o£ Gouni;y 0£ficials, £or one year comrneqcing January 1954. Upon motion of I4r. Davis, seconded by I?,r. O'Shields, the same was approved £or payment. J??x Upon notion o£ l,ir. Davis, seconded uy Mr. 0'Shields, County bills No. 2750 to 2786 were approved for paymant. ? ? The meeting•then adjourned, Clerk. ? " 'v7ilminrton, N. C., 1,1arch 22, 1954• The regular weekly meetirg of the Board was he13 this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Fresent R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thur:ton C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifora Trask and County Auditor T. D. Love, . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend H. J. Iiaylor, Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the mi.nutes of ineeting of March 15, 1954, having previously beeri mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. /^ The Chairman advised that the appointment of a director of civil defense for the City and County to - ?'/ succeed Col. R. S. A1cClelland, resigned, has been continue3 pending conference with the City, which he has ` not, at this time, had opportunity to arrange. The Chairman reported a very successful meeting of the Third Division State Association of County Commissioners School sponsore3 by the Institute of Government, at the Cape Fear Club, Thurs3ay, March 18th. 5ome of the ' G proposed legislation was explained to the group, a copy of which will be mailed to m ch member, and anything additional'the members would care to submit, were invite3 to do so promptly upon receipt of the copy, and urged that our representative in the legislature cooperate with us. The Chairman reported 25 menbers fron other counties were in attendance, others were holding FrXualization and Review Sessions on that date and could not attend. 'he Chairman announced completion of dragline drainage in the Gordon Road- Diarket Street area, which inclu3e3 three a33itional ponds. The result was very satisfactory and the proper.ty otimers an3 residents well pleased. Dragline operations have Ueen moved to the Black Swamp area. Upon motion of 14r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved the sale o£ tax foreclosure lot southwest corner of 9th and Howard Streets, block 351 60 X 75 feet in size, assessed at $175.00 to a client of Yow and Yow, Attorneys, for $300,00, subject to City approval, And the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board were authorized and directed to sign a deed for the same in the name of the County, upon payment of the purchase price. J _$rUpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Boar3 authorized and directed the transfer of %,867.21 balance of Port Commission funds to the General Fun3 account,for such County use as may be desired by the Commissioners. ? A letter of thanks was received irom Nr. I+iichael C. Brown, Mayor o£ Wrightscille Beach, for the $1,200.00 appropriation which has been earmarked for assistance in the rebuilding of jetty No,l, on 4lrightsville Beach, in an e£fort to retard erosion taken place at that location. A comnunication was received from Mr. J. R. Benson, City hianager, advising of a motion adopted by the ??{1,? City Council b:arch lOth, approving and supporl;ing the e£forta of the County Commissioners to obtain the i development of Bluethenthal Air Field for Naval Aviation, and ofSered their assistance and cooperation to accomplish this result. ?IIpon motion the Board endorsed a letter written by SENCBA to Senator Alton A. Lennon to consider contacting ?the proper officials o£ the Gorps of United'States Engineers in Washington, D. C., for immediate assistance an3 emergency funds to correct the present dtxngerous conditions in NasonUoro Inlet which is closing fast and `-- is a menace to navigation due to shifting sand shoals because of the lack of proper jetties, and to write Senator Lennon to that e£fect an3 urge quick action to correct the situation if possible. ,