1954-03-22 Regular MeetingI 494 Meeting of rlarch 15, 1954, continued. Upon motion of Love, seconded by i?x. Davis, the Board recommended the appointment of Mrs. J. Wallace 4lest as a member of the Board of Directors of Community Hospital to succeed I4r. Junius Council, resigned, and the same was referred to the City for its joint approval. The Boar3 was told thai the appointment of R'Ir. Thomas H. Wright, Jr,, was suggested by the City Council. t• Reports for the mor,th of I'ebruary were received from the following: Wilmington Public Library, .? h\NFenrX Wilmington Colored Library, Housing Authority of {;he City of Wilmington, Airport receipts and ????,?disbureements for Niarch 12, 1954, Statistics and Research report of the 5tate Board of Azblic WelSare, ordered filed. S A statement was received frorn the State Board of Public Welfare showing that $55,223.54 was sent to this County for January, and $54,824.62 for February, for OAA? ADC, APTD and Administration. Notice of release of $200,000,00 United States Treasury bonds by the Chemical Bank and Trust Company _ p p,?arj of New York as G4ustodian for New Hanover County to secure funds on deposit with the Security National P Bank of Wilmington, N. C„ account of rrithdrawal o£ County funds from said bank, was received. ? A report was received from 19r. J. E. Canady, Back Tax Collector, showing $2,599.47 collecte3 £or the City, ? ?4x and $4,311.65 for the County, :naking a total of $6,911.12 back taxes collected for the month of February. No objections were in3icated by the 13oard to the application of Esso Standard Oil CoMpaV of Charlotte,IJ,C,, to the District United States Engineers, for a permit to construct a wharf on the west side of the Cape Fear River, approxir?ately 2.5 i-iiiles south of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at Fafetteville. Aclmowle3gnent was received from the I'ederal-State Crop Reporting Service of the Farm Census Township Books for Cape Fear and Nasonboro townships. A bill for $30.00 was received from the National Association of County Officials for ten subscriptions to the County Officers ilagazine and IJembership in the I:ational 1lssociation o£ Gouni;y 0£ficials, £or one year comrneqcing January 1954. Upon motion of I4r. Davis, seconded by I?,r. O'Shields, the same was approved £or payment. J??x Upon notion o£ l,ir. Davis, seconded uy Mr. 0'Shields, County bills No. 2750 to 2786 were approved for paymant. ? ? The meeting•then adjourned, Clerk. ? " 'v7ilminrton, N. C., 1,1arch 22, 1954• The regular weekly meetirg of the Board was he13 this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Fresent R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thur:ton C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifora Trask and County Auditor T. D. Love, . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend H. J. Iiaylor, Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the mi.nutes of ineeting of March 15, 1954, having previously beeri mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. /^ The Chairman advised that the appointment of a director of civil defense for the City and County to - ?'/ succeed Col. R. S. A1cClelland, resigned, has been continue3 pending conference with the City, which he has ` not, at this time, had opportunity to arrange. The Chairman reported a very successful meeting of the Third Division State Association of County Commissioners School sponsore3 by the Institute of Government, at the Cape Fear Club, Thurs3ay, March 18th. 5ome of the ' G proposed legislation was explained to the group, a copy of which will be mailed to m ch member, and anything additional'the members would care to submit, were invite3 to do so promptly upon receipt of the copy, and urged that our representative in the legislature cooperate with us. The Chairman reported 25 menbers fron other counties were in attendance, others were holding FrXualization and Review Sessions on that date and could not attend. 'he Chairman announced completion of dragline drainage in the Gordon Road- Diarket Street area, which inclu3e3 three a33itional ponds. The result was very satisfactory and the proper.ty otimers an3 residents well pleased. Dragline operations have Ueen moved to the Black Swamp area. Upon motion of 14r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved the sale o£ tax foreclosure lot southwest corner of 9th and Howard Streets, block 351 60 X 75 feet in size, assessed at $175.00 to a client of Yow and Yow, Attorneys, for $300,00, subject to City approval, And the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board were authorized and directed to sign a deed for the same in the name of the County, upon payment of the purchase price. J _$rUpon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Boar3 authorized and directed the transfer of %,867.21 balance of Port Commission funds to the General Fun3 account,for such County use as may be desired by the Commissioners. ? A letter of thanks was received irom Nr. I+iichael C. Brown, Mayor o£ Wrightscille Beach, for the $1,200.00 appropriation which has been earmarked for assistance in the rebuilding of jetty No,l, on 4lrightsville Beach, in an e£fort to retard erosion taken place at that location. A comnunication was received from Mr. J. R. Benson, City hianager, advising of a motion adopted by the ??{1,? City Council b:arch lOth, approving and supporl;ing the e£forta of the County Commissioners to obtain the i development of Bluethenthal Air Field for Naval Aviation, and ofSered their assistance and cooperation to accomplish this result. ?IIpon motion the Board endorsed a letter written by SENCBA to Senator Alton A. Lennon to consider contacting ?the proper officials o£ the Gorps of United'States Engineers in Washington, D. C., for immediate assistance an3 emergency funds to correct the present dtxngerous conditions in NasonUoro Inlet which is closing fast and `-- is a menace to navigation due to shifting sand shoals because of the lack of proper jetties, and to write Senator Lennon to that e£fect an3 urge quick action to correct the situation if possible. , ? 495 t<eeting of March 22, 1954, continued. ?Q/Jones and Henness of New Bern, N. C,, have completed the job of repairing the court house roo£, it was i C? 'secommended by Mr. David W. Ormsby, Coumty Purchasing Agent, that a contract be prepared covering a five year guarantee of the work performed, was approved by the Board. An invitation was received from Mr. S. Y. McAden, Chairman of the Boar3 of County Co?missioners o£ N,ecklenburg County, to attend the State-wide Democratic meeting in Charlotte on Friday, April 2nd, The Honorable Adlaid Stevenson will be the Special Guest. A letter was received £rom 34essrs Reed, Hoyt, Taylor and Washburn, New York Attorneys handling the $993,000. Aew Hanover County School Building Borxts issue, quoting a price submitted by the Security Bank Note Company to print the bonds for a charge of $393.00 plus an additional charge iP the bonds bear more than one rate of interest of $17.50 for each a33itional rate, which was upon motion of Yx. Love, secon3ed Ly tdr. Trask, apgroveit. A census report was received from John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for D'Iarch 19th, showing: iJhite patients 10 Ivegro " 16 26 ' Tdon-residents 1 Vacant beds 6 33 Discharged to go home: Mrs. P,erton Fsabcock, Pdarch 15th. William McNeil (Col) March lst. • Admitted: Elsie Brown, colored, Narch Sth. Christopher Spicer,Gol. " 15th. , Upon motion, authority was given to replace the private telephone in the Nurses Home at the T.B.Hospital, with a less expensive extension phone from the hospital, if the same is found feasible. A drainage report was received showing 2100 yards of ditching and shrubbing was completed March 8th through the ].C,th, as follows: ^ Wrightsboro School, Ditched and Shrubbed 400 yards Ritter Ditch at Wrightsnoro " ° "' 800 " Wrightsboro " " " 900 " 2100 " One day cutting and clearing right of way for dragline: Half day gordon road and half 3ay Black Swamp. A report of receipts and disbursements £or 6ommunity Hospital for February an3 statement showing 66.5% ???' portion o£ Budget used as FeUruary 28, was received and £iled. ?e.Reportipts for March 19, and Ivorth Carolina Industrial Report for July lst to December 31, 1953, was received and filed •ehe Chairman remind'ed the Commissioners of the General Motors Parade of Progress at Bluethenthal Fie1d Wednesday ni(,ht, March 24th. Place riill be resarve3 for the Commissioners. Also called attention to the Azalea Festival luncheon at the Surf Club, Wrightsville Beach, 1:30 P.M. Satur3ay. The Chairman reported progress in clearing off area £or ball diamond and tennis cotu•ts at Hugh MacRae Park. Stumps will be clearex off this week, a nd that I•tr. George West, Director o£ Vocational Fducation will report on the arch work at the entrances to the park. The Chairman urg6d that we make an early start on reviewing assessments and looking over the various areas as the Boaru of Fiqualization and Review. Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills No. 2787 to 2923 were approve9 £or payment. / i\0Z0j? The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of ? Civil cases for the two weeks term beginning April 12th, 1954: fi.Uon Der Leith, 807 Princess St. M.D.Ladd, 1515 Nun St. George Parker,1214 S. 3rd St. Herschal N. Lucas, 312 S. 16, St. Alton W. Ketchum,2417 Jef£erson St.Paul F. Lineberry, 201 S.41st St. R.A.Lewis,23 1?,orningside Drive. R.H.Lewis,511 N. 4th St. E.T.Kea1,1025 S. 3rd St. Geo.H.Woodville,313 N. 16th St. L.L.Wright,225 N. 23rd St. James Waldo Worley,506 N. 21st.St. Thurman F.13radshaw, 407 Vance St. J.W.Pridgen,47 Colonial Apts. S.S.Clark,Sr. 508 N. 17th St. T,HI.Flack, 1520 Castle St, Harry A.brauch, Rt.3, Box 438. J.D.Mi11s,C 25, Box 72. J.L.McKoy,515'z Market St. W.C.Parker,128 N,ercer Ave. Anna P. Henderson, 1903 Chestnut St. Mrs.rliriam Burnes, 1015 Hawthorne R3. W.M.Lewis, 2-H Lake Village. A.T.Summey, 218 S. 3rd St. Frank T.Cashwell, 121 Keaton Ave. J.B,Cavenaugh, 518 S. 2nd St. Aaywood Dew, 108 Wrightsville Ave. A.N.Shew, 1103 Azalea Drive. Harry Jaffee, 316 N. 15th St. Francis M. Jones, 2110 Brandon Road. L.W.Downing,15 Woo3lawn Ave. W,E.Sellers, 1248 Fairway Dr. L.L.Wooten,Box 33• Tohn H. Dudley,Jr. 16 Ca13se11 Jr. A.B.Croom,803 S. 4th St. J.F.Hilfreth, 2313 Chestnut St. Second week: David L. S:aith, 6-Z Iake Forest, i4.G.Hampton, 9Lake Forest Pkwy. James R. Natthews, 372 N. Sth St. Wm.R.FranLlin, 510 Central Blvd. H.L.Sanders,Sr., Rt.l,box 417. John 14rede,212 N. 12th St. Edward W. Jacobs,155 Colonisi Circle. O.F.Worthington, 1601 Castle St. R.H.Lewis,511 N. 4th St. Ike Kenneth Pinner,Jr.2512 Market St. Yhn.W.Lewis, 221 Iienwood Ave. O.W.Wsters,216 Borden Ave. C.S.Willoughby, 47 Hudson Drive. Geo.L,Clark,105 N. Tenn. Ave. Shuford S. Lewis, 407 S. 19th St. J.L.Woodlar.d, 518 Sunset Ave. V.x.Foy,519 Nun Sr. J.D.Britt,2211 Chestnut St. Faul J. Otterback, 510 Dock St, F.C.Ourt, 110 N,aryland Ave. C.W.Sanders, 2116 F3arnett Ave. J. Dillard Bellamy, 217 Wrightsville Ave.Iawrence Bell, 147 Colonial Dri ve. J.R.Dudley,Jr.203 Church St. W.W.C1ardy,2709 Washington St. Carroll E.Gl,ark,132 Colonial Cir cle.C.B.ltornegay,109 S. bth St. J.D.D;elvin,19 West Drive, Lake Vil. Thomas E. Hodges,310 N. 5th St, R.J.Grosenickle, Rt.l. L,W,Hood,Rt.2, Box 480. Cyrus blooten, 1515 Czstle St. W.R.Johnson, 2223 Camelia Drive. S,P,Livingston,Rt.3, Box 259. John M. Holt,3615 Wilshire Blvd. W.J.Ritc,Jr., Terrace Walk. Upon motion of I4r. Love, seconde3 by Mr. Trask, the neeting then adjourned. 7 i iylc?, a! l= ?-?v- Clerlc, v 'A