1954-04-05 Regular Meeting? 497 Meeting o£ March 29, 1954, continued. A letter was received from Mr. C. E. Brown, Third Division State Highway Ehgineer in reply to our letter `Ab 'o£ recent date, advising that the addition of Clay Street, Henry Street and Oak Avenue in Harnett township, to our County fiighway System wac declined for the reason adequate right-of-way could not be secured. The request for`addition of Bryant's Avenue in Masonboro township was declineci because 0.8 of a mile is ? only a trail, and for a distance of 1.¢ miles, there is no existing road. A road on this location would not serve all of tne eight residences in sight of the location, and the services to be rendered does not justify the cost of construction. Upon notion of Mr. I.nve, secon3ed by Mr. Davis, the Board unanimously endorsed United States 5enate Bill No.3092 ,83d Corgress, 2nd Session, Co-sponsored by U.S.Senator Alton A. Lennon, " To provide supplementary benefits for recipients of public assistance under Social Security Act programs through ths issuance of such recipients of certificates to be used in the acquisition of surplus agricultural products". ? Upon motion, duly secorn:ed, County bills No.2924 to 3028 were approved for payment. d The meeting then a@journed. -• -?•? ly. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C,? April Sth 1954. The regular week /ymeeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 0'Clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Inve, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attornay and T. D. Love, Courrty Auditor. , - `. . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. J. Stevenson, Pastor of Temple Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of htarch 29, 1954, having previously been mailed to each memoer of the 8oar3, the same were upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ?,?-???_ Mr, Thurston C. Davis moved that the £ollowing resolution be adopted: WHFREASI the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has in£ormed the Board of Commissioners that it has sald, in the'manner prescribed by law, the $993,000 School Building Eionds, Series C, of the County of New Hanover, dated June 1, 1952, authorized to be issued by a bond or3er adopted by the'Board of Commi.ssioners on the 7th day of April, 1952, and that the contract of sale conteanplates that said bonds shall bear interest as hereinafter provi3ed; and WHEREAS, aaid bonds are to consist of nine hundred and ninety-three Uonds o£ the 3enomination of $1,000 _ each, numbered from 1 to 993, inclusive, in the order of their matuY'ity; NOW, THFSiEFORE, BE IT RESOLIIED that said bonds shall bear interest as follows: (1) the bonds numbered from 1 to 630 inclusive, at the rate of one per centum (1%) per annum, (2) the bonds numbered from 64 to 153, inclusive, at the rate of one and one-quarter per centum (1 1/4%) per annum (3) the bonds'numbered from 154 to 198, inclusive, at the rate o£ one an3 one-half per centum (1 1?2%j per annum, (4) the bon3s numbere3 from 199 to /i4Sy inclusive, at the rate of six-per centur.t,(6%),per annumt (5) the bonds numbered from 449 to 646, inclusive, at the rate of one and three-quarters per centum .(1 3/4%1 per annumt and (6) the Uonds numbered from 649 to 993, inclusive, at the rate of one and one-half per centum (1 1/2%) per annum. YLr. Claud 0'Shields seconded the raotion, and the motion was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: R. T. Horton, Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love and Raiford Trask. Nays: None. A report on progress achieved by the County Commissioners for the perio3 December 1952 through December 1953, . prepared by the Chairman, was presented to the Board. ?„r,?U?on motion of I?Ir. Davis, seconded by h7r. 0'Shields, it was agreeable to the Boar3 to purchase three 33 foot ???'%?o#,b in tilock 553 from the Reverend T.?',1.Noe:at a price of ,?370.00, for the enlargement o£ the County's Oak ?lrove Pauper Cemetery. A letter of acknowledgment and thanks was received £rom the f?nk of Lfilmington for our approval and endorse,^.ient ???f their plans for the establislv-nent of a Branch Bank in the Sunset Park area, which application is now in the e / hands of the Commissioner of Banks. Ack.nowledgnent of the order authorizing the printing of 993 school building bor.ds, Series C, was received from the Security Banknote Company of Philadelphia. The Chairman presented a request receive3 from the Peoples Savings 3ank and Trust Company to release $100,000.00 U.S.Treasury Bonds due September 15th 19619 Also the Federal Reserve f3ank of ?schmond, Va., to i:elease N180,000.00 U.S.Treasury IIoxids due Spetember 15?h, I959-56; on account of re.'Auce3 de;osits, which said bonds they are holding £or account o£ the County Auditor to secure deposits of County funds in the said Peoples Szvings Bank and lrust Company. An order releasing the said bonds by the Committee composed of the Chairman, County Au3itor and County &ttorney under the authority Civen by the Boara October 26, 1953, was issued by the Committee and approved by the Board. " ??TvoQ Letters of appreciation ar.d expressions of thanks for the entertainment and the marW acts of courtesy they ? said were accorded them by the Reception CoLUnittee during the Azalea Festical, were received from the following: ' 3oard of Conservation and Development and Staff Workers, by f4r. ?en E. Douglas, Director; Honorable F. Ertel Carlyle, N,ember of Congress; Iiajor General.Joseph P. Cleland,Commanding General, Fort Bragg; and lss. Earrow Howard, .•:anager £or ;;rs. Worlanan, "Sunshibe Sue° Radio Station Y+RVA, Richrond Va „ and General Motors Corporation, Hy Nlr. Pau1 Garrett, Vice President,for the r-ery helpful an3 friendly interest shown theru in their exhibition of " Parade of Progress ", a -A I 498 Meeting of April 5th 1954, oontinued. The Chairman announced that Mr. George West, Mrector of Vocationsl Education,and his student crew aere progressing with the foundation work for the archxay pillara at Hugh MacRae Park. And presented 1?5 a bid sutanitted by Uerna W. Toler to manufacture and install the tuo steel archways for the sum of 01;540.00, ?on terms of 40% or $616.00 advanceii pa,vment on the bid price to help hLm get started, for vhich he will furniah performance bond to guarantee completion of the work. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, awarding of the bid was continued to give opportunity to contact the Wilmington Iron Works; Cape Fear Welding and Fabricating Company and others for competive hids. In the event a better:bid cannot be securad ',. to proceed urith the work on a basis of the bid auhmitted. , A requeat was received from the Tot+n of Kure Beach to open the drainage ditchea south and xest of the town . bo%f?l limits to drain off the surface water in the Town and standing water in the sxamps bordering the Toun, in an affort to eliminate the mosquito which has become a problem and particularly acute in that area. The Chairman edvised he had contacted Mr. O.R.Hecht, 8oi1 Conservationist, who will make a survey of the situation and report hia recouunendations. A request o£ the Board of Fducation that the Commissioners take the steps necessary to close that part of ??,? PeachtreecAlley uithin the boundry of the property of the Board of F.3ucation purchased for pl.qyground for the Winter Park School, was received and referred back to the Board'of Fducation with request to have the property ownera make application by petition to close the said alley as provided 1br law. A letter mae received from Mr. A. H. Graham, Chairman of the State Highway and Public 'Works Commisaion, in - reply to our letter of March 31st concerning the matter of tranaferring the Old Tide Water Power Compar?y right-of-way, between Wilmington and Wrightsville Sound, to the County- Advising that ix?ssmuch as it appeare -o? that some of the land.wae conveyed in fee simple and some onl,r for an easement, their Legal Department ahould clear up that question, and he wouZ3 take the matter up with us further as soon as thep have had opportunitq to imesLigate it. The Chairman advised no money consideration is to be involved in the traasaction. n An invitation was received from the Cape Fear Valley Festival, Fapetteville, N.C., to attend the "Good Neighbors -?y ?e?Day" Pre-Performance Program, 7:30 P,M., April 2/., at the Fayetteville High School Boxl, in connection with the Cumberland ffi-Centennisl Anniversary April 19 through the 25th, 1954• d letterof aclmowledgment.wasreceive3 from the office of United Statea Senator Alton A. Lennon, of our endorsement March 22, 1954, of the efforte of SENCBA for emergency funds for improvements to Masonboro Inlet. The office advised that Senator Lennon, who is in North Carolina, has taken up with the Corps of Etigineera the statement sent to him by Mr. Gary, President of SENCBA, and when he has an official statement on the matter he will pass it along to us. A petition of 15 property oxners to hard surface N{qrtle Avenue at Seagate, Harnett township, which runa from -?S Greenville Highway to Setsell Avenue, a distance of 900 feet, on vhich 11 houses are located, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by 1.1r. 0'Shields, approved and referred to the State Highxay and Public Works Commission for its consideration. Payment o£$50.00 per month for back paymenta to Seagate Volunteer Fire Department for maintenance of fire truck ?,?1(S from October 1953 through March 1954 =$300.00, claiming they have met the requirements of the Volunteer Fire ?-- Inspection Committee, was upon motion of Mr. Love, aeconded by Mr. Davis, approved on recommendation of Mr. Trask member of the Inspection Con¢nittee. - Li Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded tV Mr. Davis, the Board.approved an3 authorize3 the sale of part of lota .. 5 and 6 in block 41, 33 x 100 feet in size, assesaed at $75.00 and appraised value at $250.00; to Mr. L.B. Harrell,Sr., at a price of $282.65 subject to approval by the City. And the Chairman and the Clerk of the `-' Board.are hereby authorized and directed to sign a deed cronveying the ssme in the name of the County upon payment of the purchase price. k A report of County Drainage £or week ending April 3rd, showing 1750 yards ditched an3 shrubbe3 and J- days dragline wprkr was receive3. `te? Reports were received £rom the fo1l.o4ring: Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association; Veterana Service ,M`NN\eYr'?Officer for March; Wilmington Colorod Library for Pebruary; Airport cash receipts for ,farch 31; an3 ordered file3. A copy of a letter eas received from Mr. J,ohn A. Westbrook xritten to Mr. J. C. Pennington calling his attention to the salerof Surplus Airport Buildings on bids to be receined April 12th among which is building ?T-1103, ?rport No. 2(Parachute)Building) used by him, and requesting him to remove the building he owns, ? fiear the Hsngar,at the same time other buildings that may be aold to be removed within 30 days after sale, as its condition is a disgrace to the airport, he said, and ahould be removed. Upon motion, duly seconded, the following census report of John C. Wesaell Tliberculosis Sanatorium was receined and ordered filed: White patienta 12 Negro " 15 2'7 • ' Non-residenta 0 Vacant beds ! 31 Discharged: Msrch 30, 1954-Nre.Eva Ward,xhite, to Catherine Kennedy Home. ' Admitted: ^ 292 " Yernell Johnson, white. Api'il 2, " White Yemale. Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills No. 3029 to 3099 uere approved for payment. F4ualization and Reviev: ? R.F.Phel s lot 32 Beaumont- Lot asaessed at $1 500.00 Building ?al1 000.00- House reduced to $8 ?(y p , , , , 9500.00 _ ' for the year i954. O'Neal Inc., Block 2022 E ead 1-2- 1953 assessment on land $12,000.00 reduced to $10,000.00. $71000:00 building reduaed to $6,500.00.. for the year 1954. - Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the two foregoing adjustments uere approved, and the matter of making the reductions retroactive in effect for the year 1953 was referred to the Chairman and County Attorney xith power to act. - Richard Smith, block 18, lot 22 Kure Beach, was granted an abatement of taxea a valuation of $800.00 house assessed in error for the year 1951. It appeared that there was no building oa building materials on the lot January 1, 1951. - C.O.Keraey,Jr. 12.7 acres Hermitage Plsntation, Cape Fear township: Total assessment of $44,635.00 on land, buildings and machinerp for 1953 = no change. 1954 assessment set bq the Board on recoa,mendation of the Tax Assessor iacreased as follows: 9 acres, lots 5 and 6, Hermitage, Iand $450.00, buildinga $35,000.00, total $35.450.00. 3.7 acrea Pt. lot 7. Heridtage, Lsnd $185.00 Building $2,000.00 =$2,185.00, Total assessments land and buildings $37,635.00, plus machinery $16,000.00 =#ptal assessment for 1954 $531635.00. -J.D.McCarley, lota 20.,211-anci 22 Portera Neck: $2,300.00 on lots reduced to $1,500.00. No change on buil.ding, making a total assessment on land and buildings for the year 1954 $5p500.00. ? The following complaints on assessments were then co msidered by the Commissionera aitting as the Board of , . ? . 499 Meeting of April 5. 1954., oontinued. `- John Gore, block 10, City- e+as granted an abstement of taxes on a valuation of $150.00 on house `°- cbarged in error for the years 1950, 1951, and 1952. Z Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the foregoing adJustments of asaesaments were approved. 17ie meeting was then adjourned and the Commissionera as the Board of Fqualization and Reviex xent out to make iavestigations of property on which complainte and requesta for reductions of asaessments have been filed. ?? ?l.? • ?- Clerk. . Q • + , . Wilmington.N.C., Aprfl 12, 1954• The regul.ar week]y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present : R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coffiaissioners C1aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting tiras opened xith prayer bq the Reverend S.M.Houck, Pastor of BethartV Presbyterian Church. Copies of the mirnites of ineeting of April 5, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielda, approved, /A delegatlon of approximatel,y 50 membera of the P-TA, achool teachera and others appeared in the interest of a proposed special election to pass on the question of a apeciel achool tax, not sxceeding 15¢ on the $100.00 valuation of property for the purpose of supplementing the salariea of instructional emploqees of the Board oY F.iucation. Members of the Board of Fducation present were: Mra. J. C. Hirmingham and Mr. S.Bryan Broedfoot, Superintendent of Schools H.M.Roland, J. 0. Marshall, Business Manager and William E. Brock, Controller. 9?SgQ.k ? The following resolution wae read and presented to the Board by Mr. S. Bryan Broadfoot: " To the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County Wiimington, N. C. Gentlemen: The Board of Fducation of New Hanover County, North.Carolina, at its meeting of April 8, 1954, by formal resolution unanimously adopted, requested the Courfty Commissioners of said Countq to call an election on May 299 1954, of the qualified voters to determine whether there ahall be levied and collected annual],p a speciel school tax, not exceeding fifteen (15) centa on the one hundred (100) dollara valuation of property, for the purpose of increasing the supplement to the salariea'of instructional employees of the Board of Fducation. ' By order of the Board of Fducation of New Hanover County, North Carolina. 1hia the 12th day of 8pri1, 1954• , . s John T. Hoggard, Chairman s H.M.Roland, Secretary. ;• i Board of Fducation New Hanover Countyt North Carolina. The Chairman asked the County Attorney to state the Commissioners position in the matter to which the County Attorney ansvered " that it sras mandatory upon the Commissionera to call an election on the , request.o£ the Schoolr.Board to levy a special tax the proceeds of which to go into the school fund for the use of the Board of Fducation for school purposes as it sees fit.° ?? Thereupon the foregoing resolution as presented to the Board was upon motion of Mr. Lonei seconcied by ? Mr. Davis, adopted. ? This being the date to receive bids for the sale of surplus airport buildings as advertised, the follotiring sealed bida were received, publicly opened and read: • ? • O.ft. • Geo.L, H.G. C.S. V.M. R.D. John Ndss L. N.A. • G.I.Sup. Mills- C.L. C. F.Collina j I Parker Ahine Potter Currin. Gilbert. McCall. Verzaal Dolan Sykea. Store McDonald. Spencer T-966 _ 1 ? 2.00 12,50 ' 25.00 25.40 Tie T-1103 - z 10.00 15.00 T- 393 - 3 37.50 50.00 25.00 T- 601 -.,4 30.00 30.00 25.50 Tie T- 602 - 5 30.00 35.00 T- 615 - 6 30.00 7 C ., 25.00 30.00 Tie T- 603 - 7 -.,j . 10.00 5.00 T- 604 - 8 5.00 . 40100 T- 610 - 9 15.00 10.00 3o.00 20.00 T- --- - 10 10.00 • 5.00 T_ - : 1.1 10.00 • 5.00 T- 105 - 12 15.00 50.00 15.00 10.00 T- 102 - 13 50.00 40.00 125.00 65.00 30.00 30.00 - 117 z 14- ' 50.00 150.00 27.50 -75.00 40.00 100.25 100.00 159.99 27.50 60.00 40•00 106 - i5 30.00 78.00 20.00 25.00 Lt6 -:.16 2.00 25.00 20.00 :?, , Upott motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielda, the highest bidders were accepted, to-wit G M.Id.Millis,et sl No.2-3-5-8 $140.00 ? N.A.Sykes, No. 7-9-10-11-12-14 269.99 , V.M.Gilbert, No.13 125.00 6.R,Parker, No.15 30.00 G,I.Surplus Store; No. 16 25.00 $589.99 The said buildings to be removed from the premisea xithin 30 to 60 days maximun. The tie bidders on airport Nos. 1. 4 ani 6 xere given the opportunity to re-submit bids on the same at be held Tuesdqy, April 20,1954, No outside bids rorill meeting to be considerdd. , Buildings in the School area used'for training not to be removed until June 1, 1954, to enable their continued uae for training purposes. -A