1954-04-12 Regular Meeting. ? . 499 Meeting of April 5. 1954., oontinued. `- John Gore, block 10, City- e+as granted an abstement of taxes on a valuation of $150.00 on house `°- cbarged in error for the years 1950, 1951, and 1952. Z Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the foregoing adJustments of asaesaments were approved. 17ie meeting was then adjourned and the Commissionera as the Board of Fqualization and Reviex xent out to make iavestigations of property on which complainte and requesta for reductions of asaessments have been filed. ?? ?l.? • ?- Clerk. . Q • + , . Wilmington.N.C., Aprfl 12, 1954• The regul.ar week]y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present : R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coffiaissioners C1aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting tiras opened xith prayer bq the Reverend S.M.Houck, Pastor of BethartV Presbyterian Church. Copies of the mirnites of ineeting of April 5, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielda, approved, /A delegatlon of approximatel,y 50 membera of the P-TA, achool teachera and others appeared in the interest of a proposed special election to pass on the question of a apeciel achool tax, not sxceeding 15¢ on the $100.00 valuation of property for the purpose of supplementing the salariea of instructional emploqees of the Board oY F.iucation. Members of the Board of Fducation present were: Mra. J. C. Hirmingham and Mr. S.Bryan Broedfoot, Superintendent of Schools H.M.Roland, J. 0. Marshall, Business Manager and William E. Brock, Controller. 9?SgQ.k ? The following resolution wae read and presented to the Board by Mr. S. Bryan Broadfoot: " To the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County Wiimington, N. C. Gentlemen: The Board of Fducation of New Hanover County, North.Carolina, at its meeting of April 8, 1954, by formal resolution unanimously adopted, requested the Courfty Commissioners of said Countq to call an election on May 299 1954, of the qualified voters to determine whether there ahall be levied and collected annual],p a speciel school tax, not exceeding fifteen (15) centa on the one hundred (100) dollara valuation of property, for the purpose of increasing the supplement to the salariea'of instructional employees of the Board of Fducation. ' By order of the Board of Fducation of New Hanover County, North Carolina. 1hia the 12th day of 8pri1, 1954• , . s John T. Hoggard, Chairman s H.M.Roland, Secretary. ;• i Board of Fducation New Hanover Countyt North Carolina. The Chairman asked the County Attorney to state the Commissioners position in the matter to which the County Attorney ansvered " that it sras mandatory upon the Commissionera to call an election on the , request.o£ the Schoolr.Board to levy a special tax the proceeds of which to go into the school fund for the use of the Board of Fducation for school purposes as it sees fit.° ?? Thereupon the foregoing resolution as presented to the Board was upon motion of Mr. Lonei seconcied by ? Mr. Davis, adopted. ? This being the date to receive bids for the sale of surplus airport buildings as advertised, the follotiring sealed bida were received, publicly opened and read: • ? • O.ft. • Geo.L, H.G. C.S. V.M. R.D. John Ndss L. N.A. • G.I.Sup. Mills- C.L. C. F.Collina j I Parker Ahine Potter Currin. Gilbert. McCall. Verzaal Dolan Sykea. Store McDonald. Spencer T-966 _ 1 ? 2.00 12,50 ' 25.00 25.40 Tie T-1103 - z 10.00 15.00 T- 393 - 3 37.50 50.00 25.00 T- 601 -.,4 30.00 30.00 25.50 Tie T- 602 - 5 30.00 35.00 T- 615 - 6 30.00 7 C ., 25.00 30.00 Tie T- 603 - 7 -.,j . 10.00 5.00 T- 604 - 8 5.00 . 40100 T- 610 - 9 15.00 10.00 3o.00 20.00 T- --- - 10 10.00 • 5.00 T_ - : 1.1 10.00 • 5.00 T- 105 - 12 15.00 50.00 15.00 10.00 T- 102 - 13 50.00 40.00 125.00 65.00 30.00 30.00 - 117 z 14- ' 50.00 150.00 27.50 -75.00 40.00 100.25 100.00 159.99 27.50 60.00 40•00 106 - i5 30.00 78.00 20.00 25.00 Lt6 -:.16 2.00 25.00 20.00 :?, , Upott motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielda, the highest bidders were accepted, to-wit G M.Id.Millis,et sl No.2-3-5-8 $140.00 ? N.A.Sykes, No. 7-9-10-11-12-14 269.99 , V.M.Gilbert, No.13 125.00 6.R,Parker, No.15 30.00 G,I.Surplus Store; No. 16 25.00 $589.99 The said buildings to be removed from the premisea xithin 30 to 60 days maximun. The tie bidders on airport Nos. 1. 4 ani 6 xere given the opportunity to re-submit bids on the same at be held Tuesdqy, April 20,1954, No outside bids rorill meeting to be considerdd. , Buildings in the School area used'for training not to be removed until June 1, 1954, to enable their continued uae for training purposes. -A I e)?? Meeting of April 12, 1954, contirnxed. ?A stat?ent of budget general flxud expenditures, revenues and reaervea for period Ju],y 1, 1953, to March 31,1954, . ?? was presented to the Board by the Chsirman, ahowing par for the period 75%,with budget expenditurea at 71% oP totA?l. Other fun3s: OveraLl expenditures 63%, 1953 tax levy, $1,198,186.78, @ollections as of March 31, 1954, , $986,525.08= 82%. . . _A question raised by Mr. 0'Shields as to the Coroners budget overepent, 105%, uas adviaed the same aas due to ? Gp}ry? eaLraordinary esaes and expenditures not Anticipated, such as inveatigation, buriel and re_burial snd•other ? expenses in the W.S.Benaon, Jr, case, Goldsboro,N.C., on order of the Court, and other unusual casea. The Chairman told the Board that in his opinion we were entitled to payment of the $307,200.00 due by the ^ Xgovernment on its acceptance of its option to purchase airport land, whieh the government accepted ? 0-?? July 13, 1953,: We should get cooperation frw the government for airport maintenance, and feel we have a legiitimate complaint and request for the payment of the $307,200.00. Upon motion oY Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, instructions xere given to adverti,ae for bids for the purchase ,?I_of a tractor for the airport, on apecificati.ona to be prepared similar to the last purchase. Bids to be received 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday, April 26, 1954r• The Commissioners reserving the,right to accept or reject any or all bids, or to accept any Ydd that mey appear to the best interest of the County. • The following letter was received from Mr. Fdvard L. Ward, President of the Wilmington Azalea Festival: °April 8, 1954. Board oE Commissioners New Hanover County Wilmington, N, C. Gentlemen: ; We are inreceipt of your letter of March 31st for which we thank you very much. The fine',apirit of aooperation which yoti:mentioned in:?your letter uas evident from every corner and ' particularljr,from the Board of Comnissioners. I would like to thank the entire Board individually for their personal contribution - as vell as,the Board as a group for its help. Without mi.nimizing the efforts of anyone, I xould particularly like to single out your Chairman, Mr. Ralph Horton, who served as co-chairman of the Reception Committee. In my;opinion thia committee did the finest job that has ever been done and through their efforts official guests left Wilmington and New Hanover Countp with nothing but praise." Sincerely, /s/ Edward L. Ward, President" A petition of eight property oxnera requesting improvements to Hoggard Drive and Winston Houlevard Ectension, 6s two nexly opened streeta in Devon Park Extenaion, Harnett township; by the installation of a culvert at Downey Branch on Winston Boulevard, and that the said tuo roads be added to our County System of State Nsintained roada. Also a petition of four property ounera asking for drainage, grsding and hardsurfacing Strawberry Avenue in Harnett township, from US 74/76 to 5outh /,.lst Street in Winter Park, a distance of approxne.tely 450 feet on which fovr houses are located, were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr.O'Shielda, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for co nsideration. Mr. Dan Herrin sppeared to offer the County a 25 foot strip of lsnd on the old Wrightaville Turnpike below ? Winter Park, and stated that the owner of the adjoining land would give additional land to provide the necessary `- rridth for a roadway; was advised that the County could not accept the lsnd for road purposes and was advised to follow the usual course with the State Highway and Public Works Commission on petition of the property oti+nera to be prepxired on State Form. A letter was received from Mr. G.C.Stromsoe, 3875 West Audubon, calling attention to needed improvements to - ??? Peachtree 5treet ir. the 3800 block of West Audubon, which has been pending aith the State Highxay Commission ? aince last Mqy 1953• Stating that the increased traffic since the opening of the Park Viev Theatre, is pounding the street to pieces and will soon need major repaira. Instructions were given to'follow-up the matter xith the.State Highway goriimission and forxard his letter to them for corisideration. A letter was received from the Agricultural Committee of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce etating it is nox o?ready to announce its working Committee for the Third Annual Fat Stock Show set for Legion Stadium on -?a? Wednesday, April 21, and Thursday, April 22, 1954, also advised that:members appointed to the Premium Distribution Committee for this event are: Mr. Harry Cherry, Chairman, and Mr. W.G,BroadfootpJr.p Mr. J.R.Benson, Mr. Raiford 1rask, Mr. Gordon Doran, Mr. Ralph Horton, Colonel R. L. Hill, Mr. T.H.Wright,Jr., Reverend Randolph Gregory and Mr. D. D. Carneron. - 4?7 The following census report was received from John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, for dete of April•.8th: White patiente 12 _ Negro ° 14 26 Non-residents 0 Vacant beds 6 . 32 Discharged: April 6,1954, Wilson Ross, colored male to go to MeCane 4/8/54. Admitted: None It is the consensus of the Board that T.B,Patients needingetreatment for a year or longer be passed on to the Stste for treatment, to give room for local patients awaiting admisaion. _ ` ??'Juvenile Delinquency report for Msrch was received shoving: Q boys and 1 girl,white, an3 3 boys,and 1 girl,negro, ?- remaining in the Detention Quarters as of March 31, 1954. Prisoners County Farm: 40 men and no women, white, and 34 men and 7 women, negro, total 81. - Ixgiates County Home: 27 men and 17 women, xhite, and 10 men and 14 women,negro, totel 66. Monthly reports for March were received from the folloFring: County Honde Agent, Negra Home Agent, and Q-H Clubs; Housing Authority of the City of Wi]1Qington; Wilmington Public Library, and ordered filed. , . \ . \ 50 1 Meeting of April 12, 1954r continued. , 0? Airport Operating Statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, was received? ahowing: Revenue $36,838.38 F.Scpenditures 32.421.48 Operating Profit 4;416.90 , Sale of Timber, Surplus Equipment and Terminal Building 19,152.10 Less tranafer of surplus funds 12.996.80 5.155.30 Net Surplus . 69155.30 Net Profit $10.572.20 n? A atatement of FJcpenditures for Forest Fire Control in the amount of $856.82 due bp the County for , institutione will be closed Monday, April 19th, the Board upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, voted to observe Monday, April 19? 1954, ??ster Monday ) as a holiday for County offices, alsot and the same being the date o£ the regular weekly meeting of the Beard, a recesa was taken until 10:00 o'clock A,M.? Taesday, April 20th 1954. ?•-„[. Clerk. ? • . Wilming.,ton, N.C., April 20, 1954. , Purauant to recess taYen Monday, Apri1,12,1954, the Board met this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commnissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, 'Raiford 1Y?ask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting wsa opaned tirith prayer by the Reverend B. H. Baskervil1 le, Pastor of Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 12t 1954, having previous]y mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis) seconded by Mr. 0'3hielda, approved. UTie bidders on airport barracka No, l, 4 and 6 E'@Peived at meeting of April 12, 1954, were given ' G\ opportunity to re-sulmmit bids at this meeting, which were received as fo]1ows: C. F. Collins •0. R..Parker M.W.Millis,et als. T-960 - Airport No. 1 032.01 ,._ .' • ••? ' T-601 ? a n 4 $51.00 • $40.00 T-615 - 6 37.02 41.25 Upon motion of N,r. Davisr seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the ofPers of the highest biddera were accepted and awarded as follows: T-9? - Airport No. 1 to C.F.Collins for the price bid of $32.01 T-601 - n a 4 to O.R.Parkei' n a A o n 51.00 T-615 - 6 to O.R.Parker A p n p° 47..z5 The following resolution adopted by the Board of Fducstion at iys meeting held April 8, 1954, was read ?F?,,?"`"?Q, to the Board by Dr. John T. Hoggard its Chairman, and offer? in sut?stitution for the resolution presented to and adopted by the County Commisaioners at meeting of April 12, 1954; for the purpose of making it clear that their request for a speciel s'?hobi,tax levy not exceeding 15¢ on the one hundred dollar valuation of property, is in addition to the present 20¢ levy, for the purpose of increasing the present aupplement to the salaries of instructional employees of the Board of E3ucation: " To: The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County WilminEton, N. C. Gentlemen: - The Board of Fducation of Nev Hanover Countyf North Carolina, at its meeting of April 8, 1954S by foz?ml resolution unanimously adopted, requested the County Commissionere of said county to call an election on May 29, 1954, of the qualified voters to determine whether•there shall be levied and collected annuslly, in addition to the present twenty (20) cent levy, a further apecial achool tax not exceeding fifteen (15) cents on the one hundred (100) dollar valuation of propertp, for the purpose of increasing the present supplement to the salaries of instructional employees of the Board of Fiiucation. By order of the Board of Education of Ne?+ Hanover County, North Carolina. This the 12th day of April 1954•° Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, vas adopted. ? Airport Road adfoining John R. Morris DeveloFment.tn Mr. Fred Jordan for planting, at a rental of $50.00 ? a,\1 ? vithout guarantee and sub?ect to Navy use. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love? Mr. Franklin W. Bell was appointed to serve as Director of Civil Defense for New Hamver County succeed Colonel R. S. McClelland, resigned? The City having taken similar action. It wea agreeable to the Board to rent Superior the Court, land at Banks, the end of Building the and E-LoN an runway across Associations the and Old other Wrightsboro- February Inaemuch as and the March, City was Officea? received. It was agreeable to the Board to award the bid to the Toler Ornamental Works to flirnish and inatall the two steel archways at Hugh MacFae Park at a cost of $1?5/.0.00 in accordance with their bid submitted at meeting.of April 5, 1954. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, Mr. Cicero P. Yow? County Attorney was authorized and directed to prepare and have published? the advertisement calling for the Special School Tax election requested by the Board of Fducation? and to take such other necessary steps in connection with the . -? matter that he may de? proper. /s/ H. M. Roland, Secretary /s/ John T. Hoggard, Chairman Board of Education New Hanover County, North Carolina." the foregoing resolution as amended, -A