1954-04-20 Regular Meeting\ 50 1 Meeting of April 12, 1954r continued. , 0? Airport Operating Statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, was received? ahowing: Revenue $36,838.38 F.Scpenditures 32.421.48 Operating Profit 4;416.90 , Sale of Timber, Surplus Equipment and Terminal Building 19,152.10 Less tranafer of surplus funds 12.996.80 5.155.30 Net Surplus . 69155.30 Net Profit $10.572.20 n? A atatement of FJcpenditures for Forest Fire Control in the amount of $856.82 due bp the County for , institutione will be closed Monday, April 19th, the Board upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, voted to observe Monday, April 19? 1954, ??ster Monday ) as a holiday for County offices, alsot and the same being the date o£ the regular weekly meeting of the Beard, a recesa was taken until 10:00 o'clock A,M.? Taesday, April 20th 1954. ?•-„[. Clerk. ? • . Wilming.,ton, N.C., April 20, 1954. , Purauant to recess taYen Monday, Apri1,12,1954, the Board met this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commnissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, 'Raiford 1Y?ask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting wsa opaned tirith prayer by the Reverend B. H. Baskervil1 le, Pastor of Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 12t 1954, having previous]y mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis) seconded by Mr. 0'3hielda, approved. UTie bidders on airport barracka No, l, 4 and 6 E'@Peived at meeting of April 12, 1954, were given ' G\ opportunity to re-sulmmit bids at this meeting, which were received as fo]1ows: C. F. Collins •0. R..Parker M.W.Millis,et als. T-960 - Airport No. 1 032.01 ,._ .' • ••? ' T-601 ? a n 4 $51.00 • $40.00 T-615 - 6 37.02 41.25 Upon motion of N,r. Davisr seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the ofPers of the highest biddera were accepted and awarded as follows: T-9? - Airport No. 1 to C.F.Collins for the price bid of $32.01 T-601 - n a 4 to O.R.Parkei' n a A o n 51.00 T-615 - 6 to O.R.Parker A p n p° 47..z5 The following resolution adopted by the Board of Fducstion at iys meeting held April 8, 1954, was read ?F?,,?"`"?Q, to the Board by Dr. John T. Hoggard its Chairman, and offer? in sut?stitution for the resolution presented to and adopted by the County Commisaioners at meeting of April 12, 1954; for the purpose of making it clear that their request for a speciel s'?hobi,tax levy not exceeding 15¢ on the one hundred dollar valuation of property, is in addition to the present 20¢ levy, for the purpose of increasing the present aupplement to the salaries of instructional employees of the Board of E3ucation: " To: The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County WilminEton, N. C. Gentlemen: - The Board of Fducation of Nev Hanover Countyf North Carolina, at its meeting of April 8, 1954S by foz?ml resolution unanimously adopted, requested the County Commissionere of said county to call an election on May 29, 1954, of the qualified voters to determine whether•there shall be levied and collected annuslly, in addition to the present twenty (20) cent levy, a further apecial achool tax not exceeding fifteen (15) cents on the one hundred (100) dollar valuation of propertp, for the purpose of increasing the present supplement to the salaries of instructional employees of the Board of Fiiucation. By order of the Board of Education of Ne?+ Hanover County, North Carolina. This the 12th day of April 1954•° Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, vas adopted. ? Airport Road adfoining John R. Morris DeveloFment.tn Mr. Fred Jordan for planting, at a rental of $50.00 ? a,\1 ? vithout guarantee and sub?ect to Navy use. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love? Mr. Franklin W. Bell was appointed to serve as Director of Civil Defense for New Hamver County succeed Colonel R. S. McClelland, resigned? The City having taken similar action. It wea agreeable to the Board to rent Superior the Court, land at Banks, the end of Building the and E-LoN an runway across Associations the and Old other Wrightsboro- February Inaemuch as and the March, City was Officea? received. It was agreeable to the Board to award the bid to the Toler Ornamental Works to flirnish and inatall the two steel archways at Hugh MacFae Park at a cost of $1?5/.0.00 in accordance with their bid submitted at meeting.of April 5, 1954. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, Mr. Cicero P. Yow? County Attorney was authorized and directed to prepare and have published? the advertisement calling for the Special School Tax election requested by the Board of Fducation? and to take such other necessary steps in connection with the . -? matter that he may de? proper. /s/ H. M. Roland, Secretary /s/ John T. Hoggard, Chairman Board of Education New Hanover County, North Carolina." the foregoing resolution as amended, -A I 15`J 2 ? " ??? Meeting of April 20, 1954, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the following resolution was adopted: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER RFSOLUTION WHEREAS, under Section 115-207 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, it becomes the duty of the County , Commissionere to call an election to determine whether a tax shall be levied for the purpose of supplementing the State appropriation for a nine (9) months school term in said wunty when the Board of Education of New Hanover County of North Carolina has petitioned and requested the said Board of Commisaioaers to csll such an election, and . WHERFAS, said Board of &lucation has requested said election to be called, NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that an election shall be held in New Hanover County on Saturday, May 29'th, 1954, being betueen the hours of 6:30 A.M.v and " 6:30 P,M,, to determine whether New Hanover County shall levy and collect annually, in addition to the . ` present twenty (20) cents levy on the One Hundred (3100.00) Dollar valustion a further special County tax not exceeding Fifteen (15¢) Cents on the ane Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation of property, both real and personal, thereby increasing the maximun County tax, to be levied and collected, to Thirty-Five Cents (%35) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation for the purpase of increasing the present supplement - to the salaries of instructional employes of the Board of Fducation. At said election those who are in ,favor of the levy and collection of a tax not exceeding Thirty-Five Cents (.35) on the Hundred Dollara ($100.00) valuation of propertp, real and.personal, shall vote a ticket on which shall be printed or written the worda " For Local Tax "; and those who oppoae shall vote,a ticket on which shall be printed or written . the words "Against Local Tax". For the purpose of this election and as required by the Sections 115-118 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, said Board of Commissioners do hereby order a new registration for the purpoae of voting For or against said tax and the following are designated as the.polling p].acea for the Townshipa, Precincta and Wards and the persons hereinafter named are appointed as Registrars and Judges of election in said Townships, Precincts and Wards: FIRST WARD FIRE STATION - 4th & Csmnbel3 Streets lst Pct. Registrar - T.E.%emp ,,(D) 318 N. bth Street Judge - O.W.Anderson (D) 302 Hanover Street Judge - B. ?c ELrhorn (R) 918 N. 4th Street • FIRST WARD PEABODY SCHOOL ANNE}C - 920 North bth Street 2nd Ptc. Registrar - John F. Co11um,Jr., (D) .I009 N. 4th Street Judge - Mrs. T.J.Overby (D) /.Oq Bladen Street Judge _ R. F. McIsmb (R) 801 N. 5'th Street SECOND WARD HEMENWAY SCHOOL_- 210 North 5th Street, lst Pct. Regiatrar - S,Behrends (D) 306 North 5th Street Judge - Mrs. Nathan Cole (D) 316 Walnut Street Judge - J. W. Daughtry (R) 208 Red Cross Stneet 5ECOND WARD NEW HANOVER CAUNTY COURTHOUSE it 3rd &princepp Street 2ns Pct. Registrar = W. H. Stokley,Jr., (D) 809 Dock Street Judge - Robert Jenkins (D) Colonial Apartments Judge - Miss Elizabeth Sutton (R) 4.16 Princess Street THIRD WARD ATI,ANTIC MOTOR SALFS, INC.. - ll th & Princess Street ].st Pct. Registrar - B. E. Hollis (D) 1102 Grace Street , Judge - Mrs.B.E,Hollis , (D) 1102 Grace Street Judge - E. M. Johnson (R) 212 N. 7th Street THIRD WARD WILMINGTON CpLLF&E- 1210 Market Street 2nd Pct. Registrar - R.L.Snakenburg (D) 1504 Dock Street Judge - Mrs.N.H.Iarkins (D) lb S. 9th Street Judge - W, B. Clemmons (R) 811 Dock Street FOURTH WARD TILESTON 5CHOOL - Ann Streets between Gth and 5th Streets Registrar - F.L.Mills, Jr., (D) 514 S. 4th Street Sudge - W.J.Mallard (D) 518 S. kth Street Judge - Mrs. June E. Leonard (R) 405 S. 3rd Street FIFTH WARD FIRE STATION A FIFTH AND CASTLE STREETS lst Pct. Registrar - Mrs. H. F. Watters (D) 215 Queen Street Judge - H. F. Wattera (D) 215 @aeen Street Judge - E.9.Bordeaux, Jr., (R) 315 Wooster Street FIFTH 'WARD WILLIAM HOOPER SCHOOL - L10 Meares Street 2nd Pct. Registrsr - E.T.Seal (D) 1025 S. 3rd Street Judge - Ren. R. B. Jarrell (D) 315 Meares Street Judge - Mrs. W. H. tJarren (R) 1419 S. Qth Street FIFTH 4IARD UETERAN5'' HOMt INC,,.- Iake Fo rest 3rd Pct. Registrar - Carl F. Hudson (D) 126 Lake Foreat Parkway Judge - F. D. Steljes (D) 246 Pinecrest Parkwqy Judge - D. E. 4lalker (R) 155 Lake Forest Parkway \ 503 Meeting of April 20, 195/a, continued. FIFTH WAAD BARNFS MaTOR CONIPANY An71G S_ 17th 5treet 4th Pct. Registrar - Fred F. Singleton (D) 1602 Castle 5treet Judge - J. W. Stillman (D) 1206 Castle Street Judge - Mra. C. L. Harper (R) 615 S. 16th Street SIXTH WARD SUNSET PARK JR. HIGH SCHOOL - Tenne ssQa Avenue Registrar - A. B. Grimaley (D 2515 Jefferson Street Judge = Walter C. Hatch,Jr., (D 2520 Harrison Street Judge - Moody Naylor (R, 2848 E. Jefferaon St. SEVENTH WARD NEW HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL -(Gvmnasium) lst Pct. Registrar - J. E. Hearn (D) 1811 Grace Street Judge - E. C. Hines (D) 208 N. 17th Street Judge - W. W. Holton (R) 211 N. 13th Street. 5EVENTH WARD 2nd Pet. FIRE STATION - 17tb and Dock Street Registrar - C. J. Keen (D) 1718 Orange Street Judge - Henry HabenS.cht (D) 1907 Pender 6venue Judge - C. S. Willougby. (R) 47 Hudson Drive. . . -.. . ,.a._.._ EZGHTH WARD CHFS TNUT STREET SCHOOL - 2150 Chestnyt Street lat Pct. Rsgistrar - J. E. Rose (D) 2206 Princess St. Road Judge - J. A. Wofford (D) 2027 Klein Road .. ,Judge - R. C. Phelps - (R) 3001 Princess Street. EIGHTH WARD FOREST HILIS SCHOOL - Foreat Hills 2nd Pct. Regiatrar - Howard L. Herren (D) 102 Colonial Circle ' Judge - Leslie G. Begor (D) 129 Colonial Circle Judge - Mrs. J. A. 8cott (R) 112 Borden Avenue EIGHTH WARD WASHINGTON CATLETT SCHOOL - Deleado 3rd, Pct. Registrar -.S11en B. Thomes (D) Oleander Apartmments Judge - J. Edward Johnson (D) 719 Essex Drive Judge - John H. McEacherri (R) 2211 Camellia Drive CAPE FEAR WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL -'Wri¢htsboro. N . CL Registrar - Mrs. J. A. Westbrook (D) Rt.l. Box 59 wil. Judge - Mrs. John AG Westbrook (D) Box 1023 Wil. Judge - Mrs. Andrew Cymtruk (R) Castle Hayne 'J MILE POST COVILIS STORE - 7 Milp Post lTI_S_Hi nhwav 1'd Registrar - R. C. hfurrqy, Jr., (D) Rt.1, Box 313 Wil. Judge - Mrs. Nellie Covil (D) Rt.lp Box 319 wil. , Judge - W. D. Gorroan (R) Rt.l, Box 180 Wil. EAST WIIMINGTON HUGHFS BROS_ FUEL CAMPAjVY - 3522 144rket Street Registrar - H. P. Garvle (D) P.O.Box 754 Nil. Judge - R. J. Innis (D) 2712 Market St. _ Judge - 0. J. Spence (R) 3821 Princess St. Rd. WINTER PARK WINTER PARK SCHOOL - Winter Park, Registrar - C.E.Hill (D) 315 N. MacMillan Avenue Judge - Erle W. Thomas (D) 4610 Wrightsville Avenue. Ju3ge - F.M.Foy, Jr., (R) 4109 Peachtree Street. SEAGATE BR,&DLEY CREEK SCHOOL - Seagate Registrar - Mrs. J. W, Walton (D) P.O.Box 302 Wil. Judge - Mrs. Shelby Russ (D) Seagate Judge - L. A. Batson (R) RFD #3. MASONBORO LUNSDENIS OYSTER ROAST - Mqaonlnro Sound Registrar - Mrs. Norma 0. Kirkum (D) Rt. 20 Wil. Judge - Mrs. W. H. Lumsden (D) Masonboro Sound. Judge - Mrs. Fhath Ottaway (R) RFD. SOUTH VANCE BUILDING - Maffitt Villase WILMINGTON Registrar - Clsrence Bennett (D) 221 Williamson Drive Judge - James H. Davis (D) 121 Yancec5treet. Judge - C. H. McCandless (R) R.F.D. FEDERAL POINT BURNETT'S DRIVE-IAI Registrar - J. D. Skipper (D) R.F.D,20 Wil. Judge - Mrs. J. D. Skippar (D) R.F.D.2, W31. Judge - Mrs. H. T. Rothrock (R) R.F.D.29 Wil. -A I Mseting of May 20p 1954, continued. CAROLINA BEACH TOWN HALL - Caroling BeactS. N. IM. Registrar - Percy Morton (D) Carolina Beach • Judge - W.T.Bannerman (D) Csrolina Beach Judge - Ralph Rollins (R) Carolina Beach KURE BEACH CITY HALL "E" Avenue Registrer - Robert.C. Fletcher (D) Kure Beach Judge - Hoyle C. Brandon (D) Kure Beach • Judge - Jason H. I.entz (R) Kure Beach e The registrars will be at their respective polling places on May lat, 1954, from 9 A.M, to 6:55 P.M.p ? o n May 16th from 9 A,M, to 7:01 P.M., May 15'? from 9 A.M, to 7:06 P.M. The Registration books of each -,?q Precinct and Ward shall open for registration of electors at 9 S.M,, o# May lst, 1954, and zownship , the books shall be cloaed for registration on the 15th daY af Ma}r, 1954 at 7:06 P.M. 1he regiatrars ahall attend the polling placea of their respective Townshipe, Precinets and Warde with their registration books on the Saturday preceding the election, to-wit: the 22nd day of Map, 1954, from the hour of 9:00 A,M „ until 3:00 P.M.4 when and xhere the said books ahall be open to the inspection of the elecxors of said Township, Ward.,or.Precinct and axy of the said electors shall be allowed to obfect to the name of any person appearing on said book: . The said Board of Coramiseioners ahall have at least thirty (30) days preceding said election to give public notice_of the same and the purpose of same in one or more newspapere published in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina. Upon motion, the Chairnan of the County Comnissioners, was empowered and directed to make advertisement as hereinbefore set forth. Upon motion, the (hairman xas given authority to substitute by appointment ar?y registrar or judge of election that for any reason may by unable to aerve in said election. 504 Upon motion, it was ordered that the expense for holding said election shall be paid by the Boerd of -f1p?,? Fducation as the law directs. • NOTICE OF SPECIAL FLDCTION AND NE&! REGISTRATION FO SCHOOL /V N SUPPLFMENT ELECTION _/\'?/ In compliance with the General Statutes of North Carolina, Section 115-168, the citizens of Ne?+ Hanover ?'y/ County are given notice that there will be held on the 29th day of May, 1954, in the entire County of New Hanoner a epecial election to determine uhether there shall be levied and collected annually in addition to the present twenty cents (20¢) levy on the Hundred ($100.00) Dollars valuation, a further apecial Countp tax not exceeding fifteen (15) cents on the Hundred ($100.00) Dollars valuation of property, both real and personal, thereby fncreasing the *^AYimUID special County tax to be levied and collected to thirty-five cents (35¢) on the Hundred ($100.00) Dollars valuation on real and personsl property, the purpose of said tax is to supplement the school flmd to be used for the purposes of increasing the present supplement to the salaries on i nstructional employea of the Board of Education. Notice is hereby,further given that a new registration of the qualified voters of Nex Hanover County, that ie to say a non-pertisan registration, and in order to accomplish the new regiatrstiont the books will be open for registration of the voters at the places and on the dstes and hours hereinafter designated . The books for such new registration shall close at 7:06 P.M., on the 15th day of May, 1954• T1ie regiatrars will be at their respective p311ing places on the 22nd day of Mqy, between the hours of nine A.M., and three P.M., which has bsen designated as Challenge Dqy. The polling places and their locationa are as follows: FIRST WARD, lat Precinct FIRST WARD, 2nd Precinct SECOND WARD,lst Precinct SFCONB WARD,2nd Precinct THIRD WARD, lst Precinct THIRD WARD, 2nd Precinct FOURTH WARD FIFTH WARD, lst Precinct FIFTfi WARD, 2nd Precinct FIFTE3 WARDs 3 £a Precinet FIFTH WARD, 4th Precinct FIRE STATION - 4th & Camnbell Streeta. PEAHODY SCHOOL ANNEX - 920 N. 6th Street, HN3M EN41AY SCHOOL - 210 N. 5th Street. NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE - 3rd & Princess Street A2LANTIC MOTOR SALFS. INC., lith & Princess Streets WILMINGTUN COLLEGE - 1210 Mariket Street TILESTON SGHOOL - Ann Street betwnen L.th and 5th Stroets FIRE STATION - Fifth and Castle Streete WILLIAM HOOPER SCHOOL - 410 Meares Street VETERANS' HOMFS. INC.- Iake Foreat SARNP5 MOTOR CAMPANY - 714 S. 17th Street , SIXTH WARD SEVN3VTH WARD, lst Precinct SEVENTH WARD# 2nd Precinct EIGHTH WARD, lst Precinet EIGHTH WARD, 2nd Precinct EIGHTH WAItD, 3rd Precinet CAPE FEAR, Cape Fear Township SUNSET PARK JUNIOR SC$OOL - Tenn. Ave. NEgJ HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL (Gvmnasiwo) FIRE STATION - 17th & Dock Streete CHFSTNUT STREET SCHOOL - 2150 Cheatnut Street FORFST HILIS SCHOOL _ Forest Hills WASHINGTON CATLETT SCHOOL _ De ado WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL - Wriehtaboro. N. C,. , rin 1 Meeting of April 20, 1954, continued. 7 Mile PoetsHarnett lbwnship COVIIS STORE - 9 Mile Post ( U_S_Hiehsra?v 17) EAST WIIMINGTONt n n WINTER PARK, a ° SEAGATE, MASONBORO? Masonboro " SO,WIIMINGTON, n n FIDERAL POINT, Federal Point " CAROLINA BEACH, KURE BEACH, n a n n a a HUGHES BROS. F[TEL COMPANY - 9522 Market Street WINTER PARK SCHOOL _ 4Hnter Pbr)& BRADLEY GREEK SCHOOL - Seaeate LUMSDENIS OYSTEft ROAST - Masonboro 5ound 9ANCE BUILDING - Maffitt Villagl BURNETT'5 DRIIIE-IN TOWN HALL - Carolina Beach.N.C. CITY HALL - 00 Avenue DATES AND HOUHS OF REGISTRATION Maq 1s 9:00 A.M. to May 15, 7:06 P.M. Registrars at pollong places: May lst - 9:00 A.M. to 6:55 P.M. Nlay 8th - 9:00 A.M. to 7:01 P.M. May 15th- 9:00 A.M. to 7:06 P.M. May 22nd- 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. - CHALLENGE DAY This neu registration applies;.dnly to those peraons xho desire to vote in the School Bond election and doea not apply to tdie regu].ar 8emocratic Pri.mary which is supervised by the Boesd of Flection. ? May 29th- 6:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. - ELECTZON DAY NEW HANOVER OJUNTY COt,AiISSIONE?S By NEW HANOVFR COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS By Jamea D. Carr, Chairman Ralph T. Horton, Chairman ' Upbn motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, Mr.'James Elmer Bland, 216 Rutledge Drine, Maffitt Village, a disabled Veteran World Wars I and II, rras granted FREE LICE3JSE to PEDDLE Fish, Fruit, Vegetablea etc., in New Hanover County, as is provided by law in such cases. Mr. John C. Wessell.Jr., appeared with Miss Flizabeth Willinms, Superintendent of Nurses, and Mias Idamie James Fennell, Dietician, John C. Weasell ltxberculosis Sanatorium to ask for a - ' re-arrangement of a transportation problem for prison labor to and from the County Farm prison , assigned to the T,B,Hospital for duty. Ststing that under the bresent arrangementa the three , prisonera are traasported by the hospital female employees which he feels should not .be required,- that a man should be provided for that service. The Chairman explained that the Sanatorium xas only one of various institutions allotted prison help. 80% of the T.B.Hospital budget has been spent and ' it ia necessary to keep down expenses. Mr. Rivenbark, Supt., of the County Farm could only, at his convenience, transport the prisonera with hia private car, or arrange other means or employ an extra mari. After lengtt?y discussion it was agreed that the hospital xould cooperate with the Doard by having its two.male helpers tranaport the prisonera certain daps each week, and Misa Fennell wes,asked to work out , a schedule as to the days to aacertain what daye the County would have to fill-in. ' ' . ? Upon motion of A7r.Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Hoard agreed to convey the Bridge Tendera Cottage and - ? premises at the old Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge eite at Caatle Hayne, to the Cape Fear Area Council / C- of Boq Scouta so long ea it is actively used by the Scouts..the same t8 rev&t tO the County if and when it ? ceasea to be actively used for Scout purpoaes. , ? Mr. W. F. Dent,Chairman of the Lione Club Building Committee, appear.ed to ask for improvements to the • ???S roadway leading to their ahop building off the Market Street Road (US-17) near the nex Wrightsville Beach Highuay, s+hich building the recently constructed for use in connection with their program for Aid to the Blind. He was inatructed to make up a detailed aketch oF what he needs and give it to the Chairman to teke up • with the State Highway and Pulalic Worka Cowni.ssion. , Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded ty Mr. O'Shielda, Mr. Franklir. W. Bell recently appointed Director of Civil Defenae, was granted a salary of V75.00 per month plus $25.00 per month alloxance for automohile, ?jointly with the City of Wilmington, the City having taken similsr action. The Chairman called attention to the Fat Stock Show this xeek at I.egion Stadiwn, April 21, and 22, and urged the members to attend. Monthly reports were received from the folloi+ing for the month of March and ordered filed: County Farm Agentg Airport Receipts end Dieburaemente; Ai?ort,receipts for April 8, 9, and 12th; i Wilmington Color_ed LibrarY; Commucrity Hospi.tal Balance Sheet ahowing 75.2% of budget uaed; Colored Library ib? Circulation Report; Progress Re,por.t_for_SENCDA; State Publie Welfare_Statistics Report for November and December; County Drainage for Apr.il 5th and lOth, showing 1045 y8rda ditche3 and ahrubbed; Census report for T.B.Hospital as? April 16th: • White Patients 12 NegTO " 1 zb Non-reaidents 0 Vacant beds 6 ?? . , Discharged: none 32 Admitted ^ , -A 610s Meeting of April 20, 1954, oontinued. • ^ n_ ?,5 IIpon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shielde, payment of aurety bond premium for Johti Thomae R,ich as a Justice of the Peace, $10.00 and Mike MeDonald Deputp Sheriff, $5.00, was approved. A letter was received from the State Highrray and Public Works Conm?ission advising that the following 1?S roade have been added to our County Highway System sa of April 1, 1954: Lullxater Drive, Stokley's Drive and Peiffer Avenue in Harnett. Could not see ita way clear to approve the addition of Allen's Lane which rune from Wrightsville Sound to US-17, as their investigation ehoxs that the services rendered will not justify this expenditure et this time. Acknowledenent of the letter uas directed with request that the petition to include Allen's lene be held open for further investigation and approval ae soon as practicable. - p`. Qa- The Chairman announced that we can start preparation of the 1954-1955 budget as soon as the County Auditor completes the sheeta for the various Departments, which will be about the middle of next month. Upon motion of A9r. Trask, seconded Yy Mr. 0'Shields, County bills No. 3100 to 3278 were approved for payment. The folloxing good and lawfhl persons were drawn to serve as furors in the Superior Court for tha trial, of civil cases for the tvo weeks 8pecial Bivil Term beginning D;ay 39 1954, and for the May Criminal Term beginning May 17,1954: , A. S, Watkins, P.O.Box 628. F.W.Sears, 702 Market St. R,W.Futch, /a0 Jackson Drive. Geo.T.Armstrong.1501 Ann St. Jesse A.Rivenbark,4009 Peachtree St. i,fin.B.l{nox, Rt.2. Box 513. Robert L. Fergus,404 s. 5th St. A.L,Hamilton, 6-1, Iake Foreat. J.L,Co11ey,Jr., 2201 Princess P1,Dr. James E. Bailey,112 S. 19th St. R.W,McKenzie, 2531 Adams St. Stanlep S.Idneback, P.O.Box 616A. 6.H.Frady,219 N1 12th St. J.A.Barbot, 114 S. 6th St. Joseph P.Russ, 202 Keaton Ave. C.J,Keen,1718 Orange St. Ray To3er, 509 Sunset Ave. J.H.CappaO4306 Peachtree Ave. Helen F. Lirider, 2112 Pettder Ave. J.E,Hinnant, Rt.3. Mrs. Nellie KelJy O'Drryer, 421 Campbell St.Joe Abe1,1321 Chestnut St. Mrs.Memie Bluethenthal, 311 S. Front St. Irving D.Gralak, Rt.l, Box 23. W.H.McClain,31 Kernrood Ave. . 68n.G.Broadfoot,Jr., P.O.Box 908. Horace M.1larner,Rt.1, Box.245. Flwood L.Rivenbark,C25, Box 283.j-" k Jno.C.Freeland,Jr., P.O.Box 21. , W.S.MeDiarmid, 5-B Iake Village. Whn.H.Pepper,Rt.2, Box 87, H.O.Barefoot,2531 Weahington St. M.G.Schnibben.3817 Market S$. Walter Jones, Rt.2. Box 34. J.A.F3chorn, 407 Caetle St. J.W,Savage,1218 S. 3rd St. Second xeek: Wilnur C. Hrown, Box 210. Iarue B. Stanleyp P.O.Box 573A Car.Hch. Mrs.J.C.Belloie, 521 S. 3rd St. Leslie Wade Sikes, 604 Queen St. Margaret K.Johnaton.222 Forest Hille Dr. Jas.B.Collins.35 Iake Forest Parkway. A.D,Hurat, Rt,2, Box 51. Chas.E.Lewis, Rt.2, Box lll, Harold L.Herren, 102 Colonial Drive. Hugh A. McKoy, 502 Market St. Robert B. Holton, 509 5.,18th St. J.W.Sandlin, 2811 Wrightsville Ave. H.S,Ha1e, Rt.l. Ernest Jonea,Rt.3. Box 2421. M,L.Harriss, 268 Caetle Hayne Rd. Swift Sostvright, 14 S. grd St. W,P,Bordeaux,819 Windsor Dr. L,T.Lsnden, Rt.2, Box 330-AA J.R.LeGrand,3809 Peachtree St. U.A.Saffo, 310 Red Cross St. Geo.R.Kreas, 225 N. 2nd St. I.T.Hardin. 2519 Harrison St. John Van B.Metts,Jr.P,O.Box 1289. A,B,Hamilton, 211 N. 12 at. W,S.McKeithan,Jr.2516 Van Buren. Linwood W,Rogers,Rt,9, Box 157. G.H.Henniker,l2 tdorningaide Dr. Wm.F.King.Jr.,707 S. FY?ont St. Harry L.Long?110+ S. 7th St. Morris M.Lowentha1,12-14 S.Sth Tom M.Holden,C25 Box 333. Fred H. Williams, 409 S. 7th St. . G,E.McWhite,P.O.Box 574. Willie R,Sawyer,lb S. 7th St. For the Mey Criminal Term: Ndss Minnie Payne,68 Carolina Ave, W,Z.CoPbett;1817'Pe?ry^Ave:t, Elmer G. Burkett,1014 S. 3rd St. J.i,Wofford, 1917 Woolcott Ave. G.L.Sanders, 532 Mercer Ave. B.C.Flissell, 407 Red Cross St. J.W,Taylor,4010 Cherry Ave. Steve Harrison, 213 Willianison Dr. Joe M. Tardugno, Rt.3. Box 404. Clyde W. Fusaell, 407 Red Cross St/ Madeljrn M.Ray, 205 Church St. Wm.Price,28571? Adams St. R,D,Oliver,/r21/,._Park Ave. D.R.Murchison, Jr.1213 Fainray Dr. Frederick G.Griffith,1920 Creasy Ave. F.O,Lennon, 611 Ann St. B.J.Bryan,Jr., 604 Wooater St. Robert H,Price,2010 Klein Road. G.M,Smith,Sr.,1211 S. 2nd St. C.D.Grimsley,2515 Jefferson St. J.M.Carro11,715 Grace St. Louise T.Martin,2712 Harrison St. Jos.C.Bridgere, Rt.l, Csatle Hsyne. G.W.Barfield, 310 S. 16th St. J.E,Wishart,2208 Plaza Drive. Walter S. Wooten, 507 Wri.Ave. J,L.Sutton, 2317 Princesa St. Rd. Ivey C. Russell, 30 Pinecrest Pkwy. C,A.Horne, 36 Pinecreat Parkway. Arthur Ward, Rt.lv Castle Aayne. E.W.Horton,315 S. 5th St. A.H,Yov, 626 Colxell Ave. I,Farrox, 1312 Castle St. Jas.W.Killian, 509 Park Terrace. W.T.Crsaford, 2210 Plaza Drive. J.W.Farrow, 1620 Orange St. D.C.Roactt, 410 N. 3rd St. ?" "'• Margaret Leewenberg,P.a.Box 882. Enoch M.Farie,Jr.,15 West Drive. I,-- E.L.Grant, 16 Summitt Walk. W,M.Simpson.418 Chestrrut St. Herbert S. King, 115 S. 3rd St. Wm.W.Uereen,490I Park Ave. Jae.A.Rogers,215 Bladen St. Leland C. Crow, 2207 Plaza Drive. E.P.Crow, 1702 Chestnut St. Arthur L.Brown, 404 S. 18th St. Csrl J. Blanton, 3905 Cz'eeay Ave. Joseph Bandolas, 2941 Jefferson St. , The meeting was then adjourned and the Commissionera met as the Bosrd of Fqualization and Review to hear complainta of assessmenta on real eatate. This being the last day complaints can be filed on assessments for revierr by the Board of Equalization and Review this current year, no complaints will be received after this meeting. "-?, i l• Clerk. . The following is complete list of complaints on asseasments investigated by the Board of ?Z Eqvalization and Review on March 29, and April 5t 12, dnd 20th, 1954, toBether with its action taken as shoxn in each irriividual cases nssFSSMENT FoR 1953 AsSESSMsENT ttEDUCED TO= 1954- ELOCK IAT NAME _.Land Blde. jand BldL7. March 29, 1954- 99 Pt.WM 5,6,7 Jessi.e H. Newbold $3,450. $2,500. Same Same 99 WM 5?6 Jeaeie?H.Newbold 1,700 3t000. Same $22250. 100 NWiS Qiss.J.Cznningham 10800. 3s750. " 3000. 130 E end 3 •Est.Margaret C.Willard 2p800. 3,250. " 3t000. 130 E end 1.2 " ° " 5000. 7t750. " 71000. 145 SW6 Wend 6* Leo Plisco 11380. 29700. " Same 152 WM5 T.M,Saleeby 2$500. t500. 3 171 Pt.1,2,3od,5 Rena N., MacRae 112927. 1 7,000. 15,000. , \ 507 Meoting of April 20, 1954, contirmed. 6SSffiShENT FOR 1953 ASSESS M T REDUCED TO = , FoR 1954: ?? . BIACK IAT NAME LAND BUILDING LAND BiTILDING• 172 w end 4,5 Lloyd H. Harrieon $59830. s 92000. $Same $80000. 1 Carolina Hts. R,I.Miritz 72200. 10,800. " .8p800. 31 20/21 Car.Pl. Elizabeth B. Green 22250. 5050. " . 5v000. (April 5, 1954) 62 WM 5,6 Rev.J.S,Crowley 650. 250. " Same 77 Pt.WM6 Mrs.J.W,Capps 750. 1,400. " 10200. 103 32 x 80' Mrs. Ida R. Rogers 12025. 3v200. " 3,000. ]40 y Mankie Hodges 6o150. 99000. " 81000. lyl Pt.1/2 Naomi D. Wood 2,565. 59000. ° Same 142 WJ5 Katherine I. Corbett 41275. 61250. ° 5s000. 152 Pt Wm 1,2 J.R.Sneeden 60750. 10,750. " Same 154 Pt.3,4,5 Mrs. Donald MacRae 10t000. 169000. ° 15t000. 155 Pt.10203 • Wm. Rosernnann 4370. 129000. _°, ^. ;. 100000. 155 E:.1/3`1.. :- -: Csrolina. Apartment Co., 10,000. 803000. 70,000. 172 Pt.,lq 22'3 J.Q.& Maggie C.Beckwith 20700. 30250. " 29000. 185 Ft. W end 1 D. F. Sandlin 1?200. 20000. " 12000. ' '? • 186 FIM Pt.2 Pt.E M1- Nora W. Jackaon 725. 19250. " 4000. ' 195 SE2 Pt.3 Mrs.W.G.Trrining 19125. 31000. " 21000. 222 W end 5 W.P.Toon,Jr. 3,000. 2,a00. " 12500. 485 Pt.M 3,415 Dr.S.E.Pace 10t250. 162000, t° Same . 485 F2I 192 Pt.3 Horace K. Thompaon 30000. None 22250. None 501-D SEPt.S E6 Amelia S.Biddle 1,500. Hone 11200. Plone . Lot 34 carolina Ct. Chas.D,Saunders 3,600. 7,000, Same 69000. . (April 12, 1954) 92 620 S. Front Carl B. Marshburn • 10800. . 3000. Same 30000. • ' 182 W 112,3 Lillian M. BellanW 4650. 7000. " 7t000. 235 S43 w.Q.welch . 1,500. 19800. " Same 282 43 T.E.Goff 800. 500. " U. i.;tn? , 373 Bldga & Mchy Boyle Ice Company -Pending- ACL 50,680. (5ee minutes 4/26/54-No change) ' 467 Pt. 45 I.illian M. Bellamv 39900. S,Soo. Same 6.500 Grady Div. Pt.3 Mra. Mabel S. Dunn 150. 4000. " 3,500. , Greenbrook Lot 1. J. H. Irving 450. 11000. ° •750. Willoxdale Lot 30 S. H. Branch 600. 3,0OO. " Same James Div. Lot 1. George Pete Saffo 1t000. 6,,000. " 51500. Cox Div. Lot 19 George Weatbrook 300. 6P000. ° Same . ' Beaumont Lots 41-42 Dr. Sidney V. Allen 1s600. 1%000. " . 12$500. C.C.Blvd. Lots 1,2.,3-H, N. Hayden,5r. 4100. 110000. ° 100000. C.C.Pines-Lot 49 G. F. Averett 10250. 4500. ° Same (April 209 195/+) ' 177 • M5 Pt.k E.C.Moore,Jb. 8,000. 3,000. Same 2,500. . 113 ' WM142 Pt.3 S. N. Bryant 49225. 49000. ° Same , 3 NW1 H.W.Hunter 450. None ^ None ,113 W end 1 Rev.C.Pappas, ]and increased to bring in line- 1P500. 31500. 20000. Same 130 W 113 3 J.N.Bryant 3,135. 50750. Same " 156 WM 122 J.N.Bryant 44530. 50750. 157 W 1922Pt.3 Eet.Emma M. Bellazqy 13t500. 15t000. n n 478 120 N. 13th J. B. AbbOtt 2s500. 82000. n n S.S,Park Riveraide Ettates,Inc.(Pending) 259000. 1,014,500. (See mimztes 4/26/54 - No change) 431 Forest Hills Dr.- Juliette A. Robertson 21350. 129000. Same 11?000. • Lot 91-Oleander Dr. D. R. MeFachern 1i000. 9t000. ^ 72000. 10.3 Acrea-Cape Fear Louis T. Whitted 1t075. 1?225. 775• Same 4,2 " " " E,M.Mepland 420. 2$200. Lote 423-424 South • • ' I3ve Oak Parkway Margaret B. Gillette 9oo. l2,500• ° a Clerk. s Wilmington , N. C,, April 26, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ' Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmang and Coamiissioners Claud OfSh ields, Thurston C. Davis, lial J. Love, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney a nd T.D.Love, County Auditor3 The meeting xas opened with prayer by the Reverend He rman Winberrys Pastor of Wesley Memorisl Methodist Church. All members of the Board having previous]y been flurni shed with copies of the minutea of ineeting of April 20, 19542 the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. ?The Chairman called atterrt.ion to the opening of the r egistration books May 1, 8, and 15 S h ?, for the?May 29, d t i l T t 1??n? election, and the necessity of re-registering to be e ligible to wte on th c e Speciel on an ax q Les oo the importance of getting this information Rcross to the votera. ? The Chairman told the Board that the transportation problem for prison help at John C. Wessell Tzberculosis d fi Sanator3um had been settled by the hospital male help taking care of the ays ve transportstion for the first in each week, and the •County on Saturdays and Sundays . This being the date s et by the Board to receiQe bids for the purchase of a Lractor arnl mower according to _-pA speCifications as adv ertised, bids were received from the fol lowing: IdORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT•CAMPANY- 1- Model Super A International Industrial Wheel Tra ctor oomplete with all regular equiFment, electric starter and lights, mounted on 5:00 x 15 4-p1y fron t and q.00 x 24 4-ply rear tires, equipped with muffler, rear power take-off hydraulic touch control , and equipped with ' model A1-23 iiower with 6' cutter Yar installed. Delivery with in 10 days\ $1,624.00 ' J