1954-04-26 Regular Meeting\ 507 Meoting of April 20, 1954, contirmed. 6SSffiShENT FOR 1953 ASSESS M T REDUCED TO = , FoR 1954: ?? . BIACK IAT NAME LAND BUILDING LAND BiTILDING• 172 w end 4,5 Lloyd H. Harrieon $59830. s 92000. $Same $80000. 1 Carolina Hts. R,I.Miritz 72200. 10,800. " .8p800. 31 20/21 Car.Pl. Elizabeth B. Green 22250. 5050. " . 5v000. (April 5, 1954) 62 WM 5,6 Rev.J.S,Crowley 650. 250. " Same 77 Pt.WM6 Mrs.J.W,Capps 750. 1,400. " 10200. 103 32 x 80' Mrs. Ida R. Rogers 12025. 3v200. " 3,000. ]40 y Mankie Hodges 6o150. 99000. " 81000. lyl Pt.1/2 Naomi D. Wood 2,565. 59000. ° Same 142 WJ5 Katherine I. Corbett 41275. 61250. ° 5s000. 152 Pt Wm 1,2 J.R.Sneeden 60750. 10,750. " Same 154 Pt.3,4,5 Mrs. Donald MacRae 10t000. 169000. ° 15t000. 155 Pt.10203 • Wm. Rosernnann 4370. 129000. _°, ^. ;. 100000. 155 E:.1/3`1.. :- -: Csrolina. Apartment Co., 10,000. 803000. 70,000. 172 Pt.,lq 22'3 J.Q.& Maggie C.Beckwith 20700. 30250. " 29000. 185 Ft. W end 1 D. F. Sandlin 1?200. 20000. " 12000. ' '? • 186 FIM Pt.2 Pt.E M1- Nora W. Jackaon 725. 19250. " 4000. ' 195 SE2 Pt.3 Mrs.W.G.Trrining 19125. 31000. " 21000. 222 W end 5 W.P.Toon,Jr. 3,000. 2,a00. " 12500. 485 Pt.M 3,415 Dr.S.E.Pace 10t250. 162000, t° Same . 485 F2I 192 Pt.3 Horace K. Thompaon 30000. None 22250. None 501-D SEPt.S E6 Amelia S.Biddle 1,500. Hone 11200. Plone . Lot 34 carolina Ct. Chas.D,Saunders 3,600. 7,000, Same 69000. . (April 12, 1954) 92 620 S. Front Carl B. Marshburn • 10800. . 3000. Same 30000. • ' 182 W 112,3 Lillian M. BellanW 4650. 7000. " 7t000. 235 S43 w.Q.welch . 1,500. 19800. " Same 282 43 T.E.Goff 800. 500. " U. i.;tn? , 373 Bldga & Mchy Boyle Ice Company -Pending- ACL 50,680. (5ee minutes 4/26/54-No change) ' 467 Pt. 45 I.illian M. Bellamv 39900. S,Soo. Same 6.500 Grady Div. Pt.3 Mra. Mabel S. Dunn 150. 4000. " 3,500. , Greenbrook Lot 1. J. H. Irving 450. 11000. ° •750. Willoxdale Lot 30 S. H. Branch 600. 3,0OO. " Same James Div. Lot 1. George Pete Saffo 1t000. 6,,000. " 51500. Cox Div. Lot 19 George Weatbrook 300. 6P000. ° Same . ' Beaumont Lots 41-42 Dr. Sidney V. Allen 1s600. 1%000. " . 12$500. C.C.Blvd. Lots 1,2.,3-H, N. Hayden,5r. 4100. 110000. ° 100000. C.C.Pines-Lot 49 G. F. Averett 10250. 4500. ° Same (April 209 195/+) ' 177 • M5 Pt.k E.C.Moore,Jb. 8,000. 3,000. Same 2,500. . 113 ' WM142 Pt.3 S. N. Bryant 49225. 49000. ° Same , 3 NW1 H.W.Hunter 450. None ^ None ,113 W end 1 Rev.C.Pappas, ]and increased to bring in line- 1P500. 31500. 20000. Same 130 W 113 3 J.N.Bryant 3,135. 50750. Same " 156 WM 122 J.N.Bryant 44530. 50750. 157 W 1922Pt.3 Eet.Emma M. Bellazqy 13t500. 15t000. n n 478 120 N. 13th J. B. AbbOtt 2s500. 82000. n n S.S,Park Riveraide Ettates,Inc.(Pending) 259000. 1,014,500. (See mimztes 4/26/54 - No change) 431 Forest Hills Dr.- Juliette A. Robertson 21350. 129000. Same 11?000. • Lot 91-Oleander Dr. D. R. MeFachern 1i000. 9t000. ^ 72000. 10.3 Acrea-Cape Fear Louis T. Whitted 1t075. 1?225. 775• Same 4,2 " " " E,M.Mepland 420. 2$200. Lote 423-424 South • • ' I3ve Oak Parkway Margaret B. Gillette 9oo. l2,500• ° a Clerk. s Wilmington , N. C,, April 26, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ' Present: R. T. Horton, Chairmang and Coamiissioners Claud OfSh ields, Thurston C. Davis, lial J. Love, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney a nd T.D.Love, County Auditor3 The meeting xas opened with prayer by the Reverend He rman Winberrys Pastor of Wesley Memorisl Methodist Church. All members of the Board having previous]y been flurni shed with copies of the minutea of ineeting of April 20, 19542 the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. ?The Chairman called atterrt.ion to the opening of the r egistration books May 1, 8, and 15 S h ?, for the?May 29, d t i l T t 1??n? election, and the necessity of re-registering to be e ligible to wte on th c e Speciel on an ax q Les oo the importance of getting this information Rcross to the votera. ? The Chairman told the Board that the transportation problem for prison help at John C. Wessell Tzberculosis d fi Sanator3um had been settled by the hospital male help taking care of the ays ve transportstion for the first in each week, and the •County on Saturdays and Sundays . This being the date s et by the Board to receiQe bids for the purchase of a Lractor arnl mower according to _-pA speCifications as adv ertised, bids were received from the fol lowing: IdORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT•CAMPANY- 1- Model Super A International Industrial Wheel Tra ctor oomplete with all regular equiFment, electric starter and lights, mounted on 5:00 x 15 4-p1y fron t and q.00 x 24 4-ply rear tires, equipped with muffler, rear power take-off hydraulic touch control , and equipped with ' model A1-23 iiower with 6' cutter Yar installed. Delivery with in 10 days\ $1,624.00 ' J 50?{ Meeting of April 26, 1954, continued. 1- N,odel Farmall Super H Tractor complete, mounted on 11:00 x 38 4-P13' rear and 5:50 x 16,4-p3y'front tires, equipped with electric starter and lights, hydraulic lift-all, and all regul.ar equipnent, and with 61 Kosch side mounted power mower installed, , $20182.00 J. P. NEWTON. Jr. Price.of tractor and mowing machine are as follows: 1 - Ferguson Tractor #30 ffi1,550.00 1- Ferguson t!Iower, 6' Blade 275.00 12825.00 Orrell Farm Fquipnent Company: 1- 1954 Ford Tractor Model NAA 11598.51 1- 1954 Dearborn Model 14-15 . 6' side?•mounted mower , 342.55 11941:06 - R. F. Hall & Son: . . 1- John'Deere Model MT Tractor . 1,284.92 1- John Deer M20 -.6' Mower 249.14 - 1t534.06 Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by-Mr. Love, the foilowing bids were ordered turned over to the i.County Purchasing Agent to make award.to the lowest bidder, R. F. Hall & Son, if their bid meets the required .',._ "• apecifications. All apecifications muat be met by the successful bidder at the bid price shown. Mra. C. D. Patterson appeared to complAin of an open drainage ditch across her lot at*110 South Audubon Boulevard, which she said interfered with her septic tank surage system plane and asked that the part of the open ditch on tie'r lot be tiled or re-located to route the rrater to Peachtree Streett' thence Westward7,y to the drainage canal. It would require approximately 180 feet of pipe to tile the ditch. She declined an offeT that we install the pipe if she would furnish it, as being too mcpensive. She was asked to take the matter up with Mr. Trask, Third Division Sta'te Highway Commiaeioner as to what relief could be glven from a atandpoint of highway drainage. I4r. R. L. B].ack, Register of Deeda, appeared to object to adoption of summer schedule hours for his Department as the same would not be,too satisfactory to cope with the daily late hour rush of business, but would be in favor of early hours if the Community generally would go on a uniform schedule. Mr. Black irrvited the Commissioners to inspect his baseement vau].t quartere since it has been cleaned of un-important records accumulated over,a period of yeara, re-arranged and cleaned up for additional space for his records. ` Mr. T. D. Love the County Auditor concurred xith Mr. Black thst the summer hour srhedule should conform the hours observe3 by the City generally. , ? ? , The Chairman reported a poll of county employees showed 32 for the ear]y houra schedule and 20 against, or uill go along with half hour difference. No additional help wsa taken-in during the former swnmer hour schedule, and the change will not effect or require extra help. Industry wants to be on same uniform - b , schedule with the County,. It was the consensus of the Board, after discussion, notiu change the present echedule unlesa the City, does and then go along with it, and to that end action was'deferred. - .L• Upon motion of Mr. Love, aeconled by Mr. O'Shields, the complaints of assessments on various parcels.of real estate reviewed and investigated by the Board of Equaltzation and Rev4ew together with its action of dates of March 29pand April 5t 12,, and 20, gs agpears in the minutes of April 20, 19549 the same having been read in detail bg the Chairman, was approved. A letter was receined fr,om Mr. Dnaley, Ianey, President of the Bank of Wilmington,' advi.sing they have received 'notice Y,hat the State Banking Commiission acted favorablq on their application to establish a Branch Benk in Sunset Park, And Mr. Laney expressed his appreciation for our letter to the.Banking Commission in their . behalf, which, he said,was most helpful. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the Board approved the action of the City Council of April 14, 1954 in.accepting an of£er of $1,000.00 from W. K. Rhodes, Jr., on behalf of his client, for the two tax foreclosure lots in block 229, a.nd the sale of a tax foreclosure lot in hlock 351 to Mr.EdgarL.Yow, at a price of $300.00 which wae approved and.authorized bg the Board at meeting of Mar di 22 1954. And the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board are hereby authorized and directed sign deeds conveying the said property ? in the name of the County upon payment of the purchase price as above set forth. ' A communication was received from the City Manager advising that the City Council had declined to sell a parcel of tax foreclosure larnl 1?0 feet on Nun Street aml 200 feet deep ibn block 499 to Dr. L.W.Upperman at a price of $500.00, for the reason the land has been filled in and improved, and the City Council did not feel that $500.00 represented a fait price for the land. They irdicate3 the property was worth in the neighborhood of '$1,000.00. 4 An invitation was received from 'Ehe Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce to attend their A4emorial Day Services 'May 9th at 3:00 o'clock P.M. at °Hattle Acxe" honoring all heroes who paid the supreipe sacrifice during the ? battle of Fort Ficher and all wars since. A letter received from Mr. Walter Sprant calling attention to a traffic hazard at the Wrightsville Beach Highway and Seagate-Carolina Beach crossing at Seagate, feeling there is a great need o£ a traffic light at that junotion, was upon motion of 17r. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, referred to the State Highway and Fublic ldorks Commission to investigate the same and make correction of any traffic hazard that may exist there. ? With reference to a letter written by Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport 1•lanager, to Mr. John L. tdorrie, Vice President of National Airlines,Inc., concerning a rumor that Nationa Airlines is planning to cut off two daily £lights through Wiltrangton. Instructions were given to ascertain the facts in the matter wi1.h the view o£ the Board £urther protesting such action by National Air}.ines. A communication laas receive3 from Mr. John Alexander Mctiahon, Assistant Director of Institute of Government, , ,,,,5n/ urging that the Coroner attend the Second Annual School for Coroners at Chapel Hill April 28, and 29, together with ar?y members of the Board who may find at convenient to attend, feeling it would be to their advantage to attend the school. L_ 1 509 Meeting of April 26, 1954, continued. : A sketch of a proposed emblem for installing on the side to the entrance to Hugh MacRae Park was presented by the Chairman, bearing the motto, "Progress ghrough Cooperation", with an azalea blossom in the center encircled by a cross section of County Activities and interests = Agriculture, Industry,. Schools and Churches, Beach Resorts and Port Shipping. The emblem could also be used ori our stationery and envelopes by* mearis of a small seal fit-in attachment tb our postage star!p machine as an advertisement feature, and the possibility of adopting the same as the County's official seal, he suggested. " As to the suggestion of adopting the emblem as a county seal to replade the present seal, Mr. O'Shields moved and it was seconded by Mr. Davis to postpone the same for further consi3eration. Thereupon, Mr. Horton named Mr. O'Shields and Mr. llavis i.o look into the matter of adopting the sAme as the County's seal and report back to the fioard. Mr. O'Shields said, he would not accept'the appointment to take that responsibility, but would gi.ve his personal opinion on it. Mr. Davis said, he wnuld have to give it more ; thought before replauing the present seal, but thought the emblem good from a standpoint of advertisirg. ? A report of the 1954 Farm Census was received from the State Department of Agriculture showing the number of ; ? Farm reported, perdent of completeness,•and check for $349.40, States' incentive pay to List Takers hased on 20¢ each far the number of acCeptableifarm reports: ' ? The percentage of completeaess for each township was reported to be as follows: • Cape Fear 97.9 Federal Point 92.4 Harnett No.l 92.1 ? '? • " No.2 97.6 Masonboro 99.4 'Census report for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for date of April 23,1954, was received, to-wit: White patients 11 Negro " 15 26 Non-residents 0 Vacant Beds 6 6 32 Discharges: April 22, 1954, Mirs. Vernell Johnson, white, Left wi.thout medical advice, 7:20 P.M,- " 23, " Ernistine Cox, Left for NcCain, 7:30 A.N. Admitted: April 16, " Joseph Flowers, calored. 21 " Robert Y.ing, cal(Ired. Application for hospitalization: April 20, Lula Billie,colored, 206 Bladen Street. County Drainage report received•for week ending April 12 to 16th Inc., reported.,1250 yards ditched and shrubbed: . ,, , Ditched Shrubbed Leeuwenlnarg 200 yards 250 yards Eldridge 150 " 150 " Dixie Pig 100 " 100 " Cooper 150 41 150 ° t? It was brought to the attention that a number of complaints have been made of the removal o£ shrubbery ?,?'?`? /from family plots at the County's Oak Grove Cementery. Some £amilies have enclosed plots which if were left up to the County could be put in con3ition for maintenance in a better way, and to that end the matter was referred to the County Attorney as to our lagal status. The Chairman announce5 that we have $2,300.00 in the 1953 dog tax fiind, and asked if we shall go along with • C/ the Dog Warden Progrem, stating we have a bw lding at the old Red Cross•Sanatorium site, and with the erection (?hkm? of a fence around the premises , would be suitable for a dog pound. Thereupon 14r. Davis moved and Lt was seconde3 by Mr. O'Shields and cari'ied, that we start the machinery in motion to employ a dog warden and ( start the program of picking-up stray dogs in the £ight against rabies for the comi.ng swamer months. A meeting of the New Hanover County Volunteer Fire Departments at Winter Park is scheduled for 8:00 P.M,, Tuesday 27th, w" announced. The regular meeting was then adjourned and the Commissioners as the Board of Equalization and Review met to wind-up its work on the following cases which were pending from the last meeting: 3,,. Riverside Estates, Inc: Land $25,000.00, buildings $1,0I4t500.00. The assessnents were compared with other similar apartment tnzildings and discussed witg their Attorney at length, but no change iri assessments were made at this time. Boyle Ice Gom_.pany, block 373 Building and machinery on ACL land $50,680.00. ? No change was made. Niike N. Patellis, 2$38 S. FrontiStreet, appeared to complain of his taxes increasing frbYd'y8ar,to year, was referren to the Tax Collector to ascertain a break-down on his property taxes liste3. The meeting then adjourned. Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., May 3, 1954• , The regu].ar weekly meeting o£ tkie Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. HoEton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifor3 Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Charles E. Bernhardt, Pastor of St.Matkhews ?bangelical Lutheran Church. , . t. Copies of the minutes of the meetirg of April 26, 1954,-having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, approved. ? Upon motion of N,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, world.ng hours £or County Court House F]nployees were set by /A<g_the Board from 8:00 o'clock A. M. to 5:00 o'clock P.M., daily on a five-day, 40 hour per week basis, beginning Monday?morning, May 4, 1954, or as early thereafter as possible, but not later than if.onday, N,ay 10, 1954, and the same to continue until otherwise change3 by this Body. -A