1954-05-10 Regular Meeting? 511 . Afeeting o£ May 3, 1954, continued. A copy of the News Letter for April 1954, was received from the Wilmington tRerchants Association. ? A copy of the 1953 annual peport of the New Hanover County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation, ?was received and fsled. ? ?March report of the Conaolidated Board of Health, and Airport cash receipts for April 26, and 30, were _OLreceived and filed. /Mr. Sam Blake appeared to aslc for an apgrop"ristion'to help meet an outstanding balance of $1,300.00 ?lot indebtedness for Dredging Carolina Beach Inlet. He said the Inlet-is maintaining its channel depth an3 is entirely satisfactory. N,r. Blake told the Board their funds ran-out when within 200 feet of completion of the project and he borrosed $1,300.00 from the Bank of Carolina Beach to complete the job, same to be repaid out of private subscriptions pledged. Only $10.00 of the amount pledged has been collected, and therefore appealed to the Board £or help. It was suggested that the County appropriate $500.00 toward the indebtedness if•the Town of Carolina Beach would give a li.ke amount. However, after discussion Mr. Blake was asked to see what he could do toward raising the funds and come back with his report at a subsequent meeting. a Mr. Horton reported Mr. Harry McGirt, Tax Assessor, sick at James Walker Hospital. N,r. P-;ike N. Petellis, 2838 Sout4t Firont Street again appeared to complain of the increase in hls? real estate and personal property taxes, was asked to secure a ststement of his listings over the period complained of and the Board will correct ariy error that may appear in it. Upon motion of N,r. 0'Shields, seconded by N,r. Trask, County bills No. 3279 to 3384, Inc., were approved for 1aYment. ""'The meeting then adjourned. 34 5-' Clerk. 1 ? Wilmington, N..C., May 10, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this do at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Choirman a nd Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened wii:h prayer by the Reverend J.C.Grady, Pastor of St. Matthews AME ChLU ch, colored. Copies of the minutes of ineeting o£ May 3, 1954, having previously been mailed to each memtier of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, approved. A letter was receive3 from the office of National Airlines, Niami, Fla., in replyto our protest concerning their curtailment of National's flipkits in and out of Wilmington, advising that Mr. Morris their Vice President, ?? has been out of his of£ice, and will be away for possib],y another week, but our letter would receive his 1r immediate attention upon his return. In this connection the Chairman announced that Piedmont Air;i.nes had provided an additional flight last month and will add another on the 16th of this month, which ti•rill, in some way; compensate for curtailment of flights by National. NhJ HAAiOUER COUNTY FIRE INSPr,CTION COiQiITTEE ^ 4?' The following resolution regarding two voluntaer Fire Department Units of New Hanover County, N. C,, as presented by Mr. Fd B. White a member of the lJecr Hanover County Fire.Inspection Committee and approves by the said Committee, was upon motion of Mr. Thurston C. Davis, seconded by P9r. Claud 0'Shields, adopted: Be it hereby Resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners designate the following defined two districts, in order that these districts may oomply with the B41eti.n issued by the Idorth Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau on "Community Fire Defenses for Communities not having a 9tandard Water Works System" (Feby 1932) to receive credit approval`by0 the Aorth Carolina Fire Insurance Rating Bureau under the provisions of the above Bulletin. Be it understood und agreed that this resolution in-no wayr or.manner voids, alters, or supersedes any of the corr3itions that now exist by written contract between Pdew Hanover County and the respective Volunteer Fire Departments. , • (1) Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department. (2) 4lrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. (1) DESCRIPTION OF FIRE DISTRICT OF THE WINTER PARK VOLUZdTEER FIRE DEFART19PNT , Beginning at a point where the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad track crosses the Wilmington City Limit line near Burnt Mill Creek arKl Mercer Avenue , thence following the Atlantic Coast Line track in an easterly direction to a point 0.8 miles east of the Kerr Avenue Crossing, thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on Wrightsville Avenue approximately 0.3 miles east of the T.B.Sanatorium, thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on Oleander Drive at the intersection of Oleander Drive and Hinton Avenue, near water pond, thence in a southerly direction to a ben3 in the Greenville Loop Road 1.3 miles east of the intersection of the Carolina Beach Glat-o£f and Greenville lioop Road, thence in a southwesterly direction to the intersection of Carolina Beach Gtizt-off Road and a County Road (unnamed) at N,asonboro 3aptist Church, thence in a westerl,y direction to the•entrance of the Greenlawn Cemetery on the Winter Park-Maffitt Village Road, thence in a northerly direction to the Wilmington City Limit line at the intersection o£ Jumping Iian Branch, thence following the Wilmington City Limit Line northward and eastward to a point of the beginning. - (2) BOUI'DARIES OF FIRE DISTRICT 17RIGHTSBORlJ VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. INC. Wrightsboro New Hanover County, N. C. (1) Sounded on North by an imaginary line projecting from intersection of the road ( on Highway 117) to the North Carolina ESxperimental Station southVlesterly to Northeast Cape Fear River and eas'terly to Blue Clay Road at intersection of Dead-end Road to Farm of New Hanover County. (2) Bounded on east by the eastern boundary of the New Hmiover County Airport (Bluethenthal P'ield) and an i.maginqry line projecting northerly to Blue Clay Road at intersection of Dead-end•Road to Farm of New Hanover County, (3) Bounded on South by 5mith Creek. -A I :5{l 2 Meeting of May 10, 1954„ continued. (4) Bounded on lJest by.Northeast Cape Fear River. DESCRIPTION a Beginning at a point where Slnith's Creek intersects with the Northeast Cape Fear River and extending notherly on the east bank of said river to a point 12 miles beyond Ness Creek, thence in a northeasterly directiob to intersection oF Highway 17.7 and road to North Carolina Experimental Station, thence easterly to B1ue Clay Road at intersection of Dead-end Road to Farm of A'ew Hanover County, thence in a southerly' direction to the eastern boundry of New Hanover County Airport (Bluethenthal Field), thence following ' said boundry to 5mithts Creek, thence in westerl}r,direction following north bank of said creek to a point of the beginning. Be it hereby Resolved in order to psevent either of the ahove de£i.ned two Fire Districts to be denied o£ Fire Protection Uy having all its units serving a fire beyond its designated area, we hereby submit this plan o£ coordination between the various Volunteer FYre Depar{;ments of the County. (1) If Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department is called beyond its designated rirea with all of its units, the Bradley Creek Fire Department and the Ogden Volunteer F'ire Depertment be alerted to serve in event of _ £ire in the Winter Park area. (?_) If WrightsUoro Volunteer Fire Department is called begcond its designated area with all of its units, the Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department be alerted to serve in the event of a fire in the Wrightsboro krea. Resolved also that the Winter Park and Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Departments each having more than one unit should make a valid effort to keep one of their units atvall times for protection of their r,especti,ve areas inasmuch as it is practical. . Resolved further that nothing in the foregoing resolutions shall in ariy wise restrict the servicing of any portion of New Hanover County by the Wrightsboro and Winter Park.Volunteer Fire Departments units when the occasion creates such a demand. A letter was received from Ilorth Carolina P•4otor Carriers Association thanlsing the Coamiissioners in alloi•ring them the use of space at the airport for their.forthcoming Fifteenth Annual Truck Rnadeo, June 2, i;hrough the 5th. The Chairman again called attention to Students Government Day and luncheon at Comnunity Center, 2nd, and Orange Streets 12:30 P.M., May 13t A].so, invitation to attend Corimunity Hospita]. Official Prbgram F?riday, Afay 14th 8:15 P.M. ? in connection with Atational Hospital Week Msy 9th through the 15th. ,?•" A note was received £rom Mrs. H.S.McGirt in appreciation of the flowers the Cour,ty Rnployees sent Mr.H.S.Mcgirt, our Tax Assessor, who is sick at James Walker Hospital. , f` A request received from the Winter Park Baptist Church to install drainage pipe in the canal south of the ? Church and parallel to ?ark Avenue, which pipe they have ftrnished and placed on the grounds, rras referred to the Third Division State Highway Dep3rtment with request to place the pipe in the ditch with their ?-? equipment as the same is too large for us to handle manually. We will furnish help to install the same ' and will cover the pipe iahen installed. ? A communication received from the District Airport Ehgineer CAA, Atlanta, Ga., calling attention to the ? existance of certain obstructions in the approach zone of the instrument runwAy at Bluethentha]. Field, ? the removal of trees numbered 29,30,and 31, as shown on chart, was referred to the Chairman to take up with ? the Airport Nianager. Mr. O'Shields, raised the question, is it proper to give consideration to the purchase of a 1?;51 tractor for the airport in substitution for a netir tractor subnitted on'sealed bids received at meeting of April 26p1954, ? which contract was awarded the lowest bidder and referred to the County Purchasing Agent to purchase if it ^a?? meets the specifications required. It was tarought out by Mr. Trask that the 1951 tractor referred to is now ' so far as not having been used is concerned and would be covered by the same g083'antee as a neot model, and would also be a saving of approximately $1,000.00 to the County. . . ? .? - An invitation was received from Mr. W,B.Campbell to attend a service by the Wi]mington Lions Club and a _GC/ representative from the S?ate Cormnission for the Blind, de3icating and opening to service, the stxvcture recentljr built on the Market Street Road near the intersection of the New Wrightsville Beaoh Highway, at 3:00 P,M.,oa Sunday afternoon, May 30th. A letter was received from Dr. IIlen Winston, Commissioner State Department of Public Welfare, advising `'2? the acceptance of 14rs. Eva Long, 4607 Wrightsville Avenue, of the appointment by the State Board of Public Welfare to the New Hanocer County Board of Public Welfare. ? The Chairman called attention to the "Get out the Vote Cam?ign" and urged all to register for the _? Democ'r.atic Primary Election Saturday, Ma.y 15, which is the last day for registration, and be sure every one understands that in order to vote on the tax levy for the school supplement, every one must register again even though he is already registered for the primary. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board authorized the pgrchase of 5 X 8= 40" -\h advertising space in the Vacation edition of the Charlotte Observer of N.ay 28th issue, at a cost to the aC? County of $196,00, the City having purchased similar space it was reported, on the same basis. This expenditure was made for the reason, in the opinion of the Commissioners, it will be to the best interest ofi the County for advertising its resources and advantages. The Chairman brought to the attention the trouble we are having with the water supply at the County Home ? on account of pipe corrosion and submitted £igures of cost for running a pipe line to connect with the _ C City supply at Timme Corporation, at U,733.35 for a six inch line, and $5,924.40 for eight ineh line, which new line would be desirable from a standpoint of safety. The same was upon motion of A9r. Davis, received for consideration during the preparation of the budget. A letter was received from Mr. Henry W. Lewis, Assistant Director, urging the tax collector and other -? tax office personnel to attend a course of instructions to be given by the, Institute of Government at Chapel Hill ]?:ay 2l?t? through the 28th, which net with i,he approval of the Board. J? Reports £or the month of April were received from the following: , Ueterans' Service 0£ficer; Wilminaton Public Library; Wilmington Colored Library; Home Demonstration Agentg Coloreci Home Demonstration Agent and Q-H Clubs; Co;nmunity Hospital Balance Sheet and Airport Receipts for N,ay 3rd and 7th, A statement was received from the State }3onrd of Public Welfare advising that $56,920.25 was sent to this County for OAA, ADC, APTD and for Administration for the Nonth of R'larch. t ? 54 3 Meeting of tfay 10, 1954, continued. , GjG/ /A statement of census report for John C. Wessell ltzberculosis Sanatorium for week ending Day 7th 1954, was received: White patients 9 Negro " 14 z3 Non-residents 0 Vacant beds 9 32 Discharged: May 3, 1954-14artha Martin, colored., Discharged to McCane. a a n P.9agnoli3 ReavOS n a n et Admitted: None. County Drainage report for week ending May 1, 1954, was received: 300 ya:'ds stumped, 200 yards ditchedJ Airport. 800 yards ditche3 and shrubbed, Masonboro Church ditch. 200 ditched and 550 shrubbed- Right-of-way: ?-?V??y A statement of expenditured for Forest I'ire Controal was received from the State Department of Conservation and DeveloFanent showing: ' Grand total expenditures to April 30, 19542 $12,572.23 County's share of gran3 total expenditures, 40% 52028.90• • Payments made by County on this fiscal year expenditures 3,828.28 Amount due from County on this Fiscal Year's Ecpenditures for April and part of February and March 17200.62 n ? A statement was received from the State Treasurer a3vising that the purchase price £or the $993,000,00 school building bonds was received from the Branch Bank an3 Trust Company of Wilson, N. C., the purchaser, May 3, 1954, for principal, prAmiumtand accruel interest, in the total amount of $1,004)032.04• / s1?) Reports of the Idorth Carolina Fublic iJelfare Statistics for January and February were received and filed. The Chairman called attention to the dumping of trash in the Hugh MacRae Park area, which practice should be stoppe3 by prosecution of the guilty parties. An invitation was ex-tended the Board to attend a meeting of the Civilian Air Patxol in their quarters at B1uetYienthal Pield, 8:00 P.h7, The Chairman presented to the Board, on behalf of the famil,y, a po'rtrait of the late James Malcolm Hall, Sr., p? a£ormer member of this ]3ody, which was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. OtShields, appreciatively received in recognition o£ the many years of faithful service he rendere3 this County. The portrait to be placed in a selected location in the office of the County Commissioners where it is planned to establish a . group of portraits of other County Offici45 in recognition of their services rendere3 our Community. _??Upon motion of 34r.0'Shields, seconded by Nu•. Davis, County bi11s No. 3335 to 3428 were approve3 for payment. Plans and program ari•angements for the dedication of Hugh I4acRae Park 5:00 P.i4., Friday, 14ay 28, 1954, was submitted to the Board by the Chairman and discussed, and the same continued for completion o£ details. iir. Davis suggested that the names of the three former Countq Commissioners saho contributed their efforts to the develoFanent of Hugh MacRae Park be included in a plaque to be installe3 at the park, and the names ? of the members of the New Hanover Historic Commission who furnishe3 tP{e lettering for the Hugh i?lacRae Plaque. ? The meeting then adjourned. ?.. ?t Clerk. Wilmington,P1.C., D1ay 17, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Boar3 was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. ?avis, Raiford Trask, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend James M. N,allette, Pastor of Kennsville Baptist Church,colored. ;;: Copies of the ninutes o£ meeting of Yjy 10, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, approved. The Chairman congratulated the "Get out the Vote" effort of the Junior Chamber of Commerce for its part in ,",,,Com'"9?securing a record of approximately 29,000 persons registered for the 14a.y 29, election. A request of 24r. Louis W. Latham, 1954-1955 Azalea Festival President, £or an appropriation toward the ?•?AooQ-expense to build a permanent "Good-will Float" at a cost o£ $600.00 £or use locally and for adjacent Cor??nunity Festival F1unctions, stating the City appropriated $200.00 and that the proposed float would participete in an event at I•'yrtle Beach June Qth, was earmarked for consideration during the preparation o£ the County's 1954-1955 budget. His request to borrow a county pick-up truck to move the Ploat to and from the various functions, was told its use is limited to county purposes, however that matter was re£erred to the• County Attorney for opinion. • • ' ' A conununication from the newly organized Idew Hanover County Rural Fireman's Association, presented by N?r. A. A. Perryman its Chaarman, requesting that the present County aid of a maximum of $65.00 monthlg ? toward the maintenance, trucks and equipment, for each o£ the six Volunteer Fire Departments, which they said would soon be increase3 to eight, be increased for the fiscal year 1954-1955 to $100.00 each,monthly, and their endorsement to continue the State-Gounty cooperative Forest Fire Control Program, was received for co nsideration during the preparation of the budget, r '