1954-05-17 Regular Meeting? 54 3 Meeting of tfay 10, 1954, continued. , GjG/ /A statement of census report for John C. Wessell ltzberculosis Sanatorium for week ending Day 7th 1954, was received: White patients 9 Negro " 14 z3 Non-residents 0 Vacant beds 9 32 Discharged: May 3, 1954-14artha Martin, colored., Discharged to McCane. a a n P.9agnoli3 ReavOS n a n et Admitted: None. County Drainage report for week ending May 1, 1954, was received: 300 ya:'ds stumped, 200 yards ditchedJ Airport. 800 yards ditche3 and shrubbed, Masonboro Church ditch. 200 ditched and 550 shrubbed- Right-of-way: ?-?V??y A statement of expenditured for Forest I'ire Controal was received from the State Department of Conservation and DeveloFanent showing: ' Grand total expenditures to April 30, 19542 $12,572.23 County's share of gran3 total expenditures, 40% 52028.90• • Payments made by County on this fiscal year expenditures 3,828.28 Amount due from County on this Fiscal Year's Ecpenditures for April and part of February and March 17200.62 n ? A statement was received from the State Treasurer a3vising that the purchase price £or the $993,000,00 school building bonds was received from the Branch Bank an3 Trust Company of Wilson, N. C., the purchaser, May 3, 1954, for principal, prAmiumtand accruel interest, in the total amount of $1,004)032.04• / s1?) Reports of the Idorth Carolina Fublic iJelfare Statistics for January and February were received and filed. The Chairman called attention to the dumping of trash in the Hugh MacRae Park area, which practice should be stoppe3 by prosecution of the guilty parties. An invitation was ex-tended the Board to attend a meeting of the Civilian Air Patxol in their quarters at B1uetYienthal Pield, 8:00 P.h7, The Chairman presented to the Board, on behalf of the famil,y, a po'rtrait of the late James Malcolm Hall, Sr., p? a£ormer member of this ]3ody, which was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. OtShields, appreciatively received in recognition o£ the many years of faithful service he rendere3 this County. The portrait to be placed in a selected location in the office of the County Commissioners where it is planned to establish a . group of portraits of other County Offici45 in recognition of their services rendere3 our Community. _??Upon motion of 34r.0'Shields, seconded by Nu•. Davis, County bi11s No. 3335 to 3428 were approve3 for payment. Plans and program ari•angements for the dedication of Hugh I4acRae Park 5:00 P.i4., Friday, 14ay 28, 1954, was submitted to the Board by the Chairman and discussed, and the same continued for completion o£ details. iir. Davis suggested that the names of the three former Countq Commissioners saho contributed their efforts to the develoFanent of Hugh MacRae Park be included in a plaque to be installe3 at the park, and the names ? of the members of the New Hanover Historic Commission who furnishe3 tP{e lettering for the Hugh i?lacRae Plaque. ? The meeting then adjourned. ?.. ?t Clerk. Wilmington,P1.C., D1ay 17, 1954. The regular weekly meeting of the Boar3 was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'5hields, Thurston C. ?avis, Raiford Trask, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend James M. N,allette, Pastor of Kennsville Baptist Church,colored. ;;: Copies of the ninutes o£ meeting of Yjy 10, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, approved. The Chairman congratulated the "Get out the Vote" effort of the Junior Chamber of Commerce for its part in ,",,,Com'"9?securing a record of approximately 29,000 persons registered for the 14a.y 29, election. A request of 24r. Louis W. Latham, 1954-1955 Azalea Festival President, £or an appropriation toward the ?•?AooQ-expense to build a permanent "Good-will Float" at a cost o£ $600.00 £or use locally and for adjacent Cor??nunity Festival F1unctions, stating the City appropriated $200.00 and that the proposed float would participete in an event at I•'yrtle Beach June Qth, was earmarked for consideration during the preparation o£ the County's 1954-1955 budget. His request to borrow a county pick-up truck to move the Ploat to and from the various functions, was told its use is limited to county purposes, however that matter was re£erred to the• County Attorney for opinion. • • ' ' A conununication from the newly organized Idew Hanover County Rural Fireman's Association, presented by N?r. A. A. Perryman its Chaarman, requesting that the present County aid of a maximum of $65.00 monthlg ? toward the maintenance, trucks and equipment, for each o£ the six Volunteer Fire Departments, which they said would soon be increase3 to eight, be increased for the fiscal year 1954-1955 to $100.00 each,monthly, and their endorsement to continue the State-Gounty cooperative Forest Fire Control Program, was received for co nsideration during the preparation of the budget, r ' ?514 Meeting of May 17, 1954, continued. Upon motion o£ Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized and directed the payment o£ $475.00 out of unanticipated , unencumbered available non-tax £unds, to the Carolina Beach Inlet and Development Corporation, to match a like amount reported by Mr. Sam Blake as having been collected from private interests at Carolina Beach, toward the payment of $1,300.00 lralance of an indebtedneas due for ? the dredging and opening the new inlet at Carolina Beach. In this connection N;r. Blake offered to give a larcel of land 100 feet water front on h[yrtle Grove Sourri, by 400 feet deep, and sufficient sand for fill, for use as a public landing. - The 1954-1955 Administrative Budget for the County Welfare Dapactment in the total amount of $85p051.63 ? showing the County's proportionate part to be $48,382.63 which is an increase of $2,824.48 over last / year, sutmitted by the Supt., of Public Welfare. Was upon motion of l,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, tentatively approved as presented subject to reduction before £inal adoption of the County's 1954-1955 lradget. , The following resolution adopted by the Board of Fducation May 11, 1954, was read by the Chaixman and after discussion vras ordered turned over to the County Attorney for his interpretation: r, "RFSOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners be requested to provide for a statement on the ballot repeating ' the declaration of the Board of Fducation petition , for an election on the question of an additional 15,'cent tax to be levied and collected for the sole purpose of increasing the present 20 cent supplement for the sa]aries o£ instructional employees." ?l An invitation was received from the faculty and students of Wilmington College to attend its annual banquet to be held at the Famous Club on Thursday, Nay 27, 1954, at seven o'clock, P.M. The meal,farnished at $1.65 per plate will be followed by a short program pertaining to college activities, A request was received from the Board of Elections to provide five ballot boxes equipped with locks and ?QFr keys at each of the 27 polling places shown on list sutsnitted, together with necessary booths at each place, totalling 257 booths, £or the Afay 29th Primary and School Supplement Elections. Instructions were given to write Tdational Airlines, Niiami Fla., expressing our thanks for their having re- considered their recent action cancelling two flights daily through Wilmington, and £or having agreed to reetore the same and maintain their former schedule and service. ,0` A letter of appreciation was received from McLean Trucking Company for our offer of service in their hearing ? oefore the Interstate Commerce Co:nmission,,assuring.that they will call upon us o£ the need arises. ? A letter was receivea from the State Highway and Public idorks Commission advising that at its meeting held ? on April 29, approved tY,e addition to our County Highway System, roads known as Williamson Drive, Davie Drive, Calhoun Drive, Marion Drive, Rutledge_ Drive,Sumter Drive, tdorgan Drive, Hooper Drive, Penn Street, 4fard Street, /?ry Graham Street and Dare Street in I,iai£itt Village. ? The Chairnan reported 2100 feet of dragline work completed last week. ? Reports for the moxuth of April were received from the following: '.?, Statistical report of the Juvenile Detention Home, Count;? Prisoners and County Home Irnnates; Wilmington ?ousing Authority, County Farm Agent, Airport Cash Receipts and 5tatement for the month of ,;pril; County ??, H?Drainage for week ending 19ay 7th showing 500 yards ditched and shrubbed= Croom and Burnett ditches, and C eighteen men one day shrubping at Fort F`isher hionument. s' _Ny?? \blic notice was received from Erigadier General, IISA Division Lhgineer, Atlanta, Ga., concerning improvements to the Bar Channel at Morehea.d City Harbor , at an initial Federal cost estimated at $1,127,000.00 plus 110,000.00 annually for rnaintenance. _ VJ An invitation was received from the State Cooperative Extension Work to attend a farm and home week grogram, a pageant depicting Home Demonstration Work in North Carolina. The Pageant, "Green a' Growing" will show the -V-? progress of the work froca 1914 to 1954, T1'rux'sday evening, June lOth at 8 otclock in the William Neal Reynolds Coliseum on State College Campus. Payment of $1,371.20 Bbiler and N,achinery Liability Insurance premium was postponed pending a check of previous action of the Board, if ar?y, as to the cancellation of the same. J' ? Upon motion of 34r. Trask, seconded Uy N;r. O'Shields, County bills No. 3429 to 3494 Inc., were approved for payment. -•?,?, .?j The following good and lai•r£ul persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of l?Civil cases £or the two weeks term beginning l,ay 24, 1954: ? Richard L. Davis, 2910 Park Avenue. F.L.Honeycutt,Jr., 113 Iake Forest. E. Bowden.Lassiter,4942 Pine St. CoLin S. Lewis, 4807 Wrightsville Ave B.B.Mercer,427 Castle Hayne Road. Haywood Dellamy, 818 S. 17th 5t, Chas.r4.Denning, 1-Z Iake Forest. R.L.Davis,Jr., 1820 Chestnut St. Stone C.Pulliam, 212 N. 16th St. , A,W.Porter,248 Pinecrest Pkwy. F,R,Stegall, Rt.3, Box 468. J.Knight Davis, Box 1062. R.T.Horne,Jr.,2101 Creasy Ave. Mrs.w.s.MintZ, 1407 S. 4tn st. Mosley Fonvielle, 722 Essbz Drive. Joe Simon,2207 Brandon Road. Harold Fountain, C-2 Oleander At. liemuel Joy, 54 Spofford biills. Jas.R,Canady,Rt.l, Castle Hayne. Edward P.Mohr?Rt.l,Box 532. A.B.Miritz.206 Oranie St. F.L,Mintz,Sr., 605 S. 16th St. Idiss Ella E. Bell, 2731 Ydmosa P].ace. Lawrence Bielenda, Rt.l. The meeting then adjovrned. Blerk. R.A,Hagans, 170 Iake Forest Parkway. B,B.Haltermano 1309 Princess St. Homer H. Duncan, 109 S. 6th 5t. Henry Maultsby, 520 S. 3rd St. John C. Christian,ll Iake Forest Pkwy. William C. Walker, Rt.l, Box 247. Harvey Hall, Rt.2, Box 452. Char;es E. Thompson,708 Castle St. A.W,Ellison,3619 Wrightsville Ave. K.R.P;ishoe,2102 Market St. Road. S.R.Peterson,1410 S. 7th St. John W. Webb,Rt.3, Box 434• Lewis 0. Freshwater,168 Colonial Village.Luther C. t•9cBride,14 Pinecrest Ter, B.C.Keen,621 S. 6th St. Charlie Bordeaux,1005 S. 3rd St. Julian M.Fields,1116 S.Live Oak Plnry. H.L.T3cCabe,2202 S. Front St. J.L.Browning, 2723 Adams Street. H.C,Kolz,511 Orange St, T.E.Fdwards,205 Yenwood Ave. Alvin H.Parker,109 N. 7th St. W.H.Pryde,Rt.3, BoX 337. H.R.Love, lOg Princess St. A.W.Sidbury,Sr.815 Orange St. A.C.Cole, Apt.D-14 Oleander Ct. T.G.hlathis,416 S. 2nd St. F1ton L.Brock,916 Narket St, E.A.Rivenbark,Rt.l, Box 127 Rebecca Plarks, 2720 Mi.mosa Place., L.D.Iatta,Rt.3, Harbor Island. J.J.Rivenbark, 305 Willard St. Li rnrood L,Ellers, 2943 Adams St. U.G,5tokes,Sr.,Rt.2. Box 332. A.H.Rush Jr., 101 S. 41St St. J.B.Covington,64 Spofford Mi11s. C.E.Crocl'cer,1302 Market St. Daniel W.Mintz, 503 S. 3rd St. Jeff Fenne11,501 S. 5th St. T.G.Sellers,316 Church St. Wm.M.Fenley,1509 Orange St. J.M.Gentry, 2019 Clein Road, ll,nrsden W. Be11,Rt.3, Box 237C W,H.Elmore,4214 Peachtree St. Willis S. Davis,4701 Cedar St. J.S.Benson,116 Wooster St. Randolph C.Grant, 1111 S. 3rd.St.