1954-05-24 Regular Meeting? Wilmington,N.C., Nay 24, 1954. ' The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton Chairman and Cormissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, Courrty Attorney and T.D.Inve, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. C.D.Thornburgh, Director of Religious Education, St,James Episcopal Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of May 17, 1954, having previously beai mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Ns. Davis,seconded by h9r. 0'Shields, approved. / The Chairman presented a sample Official Special Election Ballot to be voted May 29,1954, on the question of supplementing the salaries of instructional employees of the Board of E3ucation in accordance with the . resolution of the Board of Lducation adopted by the Courtty Commissioners at meeting of April 20,1954• The Chairman also called attention to the Wilmington College annual banquet at the Famous Club on Thursday, May 27th at seven o'clock P.M. . , Mr. J. B. Smith, President of the New Hanover Humane SQciety, appeared to ask for an appropriation to help pay the expense for the for the purchase of a location an3 facility on the Wrightsville Beach Highway, at ? a cost of $5,000.00 to establish a dog shelter for stray dogs picked-up by the County Dog Warden, in lieu of the use of the County's Dog Pound. He also proposed to establish a system of dog exchange instead of executing the unclaimed dogs. His request was declined for the reason as explained by the Chairman and County Attorney, that our set-up is governed by statute and expenses paid out o£ funds received from the dog tar., surplus, if any, is then turned over to the school ftmd as the law directs.. N?r. Horton called attention to the dedication of Hugh P9acRae Park Friday, May 28, 4:30 P.M., Band Concert, Speaking an3 Unveiling of Plaque followed by a picnic supper. Public at large is invited to attend and bring their fatuilies and picnic basket with them. Cou::ty employees were given time off an hour earlier -- ??? for the occasion. The Chairiaan regretfully announced that our United States Senator Alton A. Lennon, who d ' to attend on account of pressing business an was scheduled to make the principal a3dress, will not Ue able added duties in Ylashington. A sutstitute will be provided. Notice was received £rom the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C., acting under the direction of ? the 5ecretary of the Navy, that the Government elects to renew its lease covering space in the New ? Administration Building at the Airport, for office for ROICC, (Residegt Officer in.,charge of runwars "r (Jonstruction) for period from July 1, 1954, to June 30, 1955 un3er trie grovisions of Paragraph 5 of Government lease NOy (R) - 47483 2/16/53, which was upon motion of Ns. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, approded. 0-An inspection report on the Old Court House Boiler was received from the Hartford Steam Boiler dnspection' \d Insurance Company. Recoimnendations nede.'?will receive attention. A bill received from the Cityfor the County's share of expense for luncheon for Students, County Officials and others on Students Government Day at Coffinunity Center, May 13, 1954, in the amount of $32.34 was approved for payment. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, payment of $20.00 to Dannie Cameron on order of the Court, / for services renderedcthe Court;in the selection of jurors for the trial of Luke B. Rourlc, May Criminal Term 1954, was approved. A letter was received from J.R.Benson, City Manager, advising the City has approved the sale of tax foreclosure lot in Ulock 119 to the Ephesus 7th day Adventist Church at a price of $500.00, and the same was reverre3 to ( the City Attorney to prepare the deed, the same having been approved by the County Commissioners May 3,1954. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized the sale of tex foreclosure lot in ? block 68 to Willie and Elizabeth Graham at a price of $498.95 subject to approval by the City Council, and the Chairman and the Clerk of this F3oard are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed, in the name of the County, conveying the said property to the purchasers upon approval Uy the City and payment of the purchase price. C?,? Mrs. Martha DeBoise who has been a patient in the hospital for approximately six months, was admitted to the ..? County Home on account of a mental m n3ition, pending other possible placement or disposition of the case. apj' The following census reports were received from John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorivm: May 14, 1954- White patients Negro " Non-residents Vacant beds Pda.y 21,1954- Glhite patients Negro ° Non-residents Vacant beds 9 14 23 0 9 32 9 15 24 0 S 32 Discharged: May 17,1954= Eula Mae Johnson, colored, to go to McCea n. Admitted : May 2e,1954= Edna Walker, colored. 't ^ " = Dinah Everett. Uacant beds: Q,white male, 3 white female,l colored female. Ido colored male. The Chairman told the Board he had received a letter from two patients-mr. and *rs. Bryan Russ of McCain, formerly at John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, stating they were very much dissatisfied because of their three young children being here and they not able to see them which kept Mrs. Russ upset, especially since they lost their seven months premature child; and asked to be taken back to'our T.B.Hospital. It further develope3 that sinde writing the letter on Wednesday, N,ay 19, af'ter calling the Chairman on Tuesday 18, they left the hospital at McCain without being discharged and were here seeking admission to our T.B.Hospital. The Cormissioners expressed sympathy for them, but realize3 the necessity of setting s policy. They shnuld not have just walked out the MeCain Hospital on their own. A motion offered by Mr. Davis to admit them to John C. Wessell 1uberculosis Sanatorium failed of a second, and the matter was referred to the Board of Health. J r- 51b 7y-/ ? N paqtnent. -?? A meeting of the Coimnissioners to co nsider the 1954-1955 County Budget was set for 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, ? rtay 26. The following good and lawful per,sons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial ?N of criminal cases for the one week term beginning 7th June 1954: ? A report of the Board of Health for April and report of Airport receipts for May 20th were received and filed. County Drainage report for Neek ending May 15th: 900 yards ditched and 1050 yards shrubbed= Burnett, Fackley, Rhodes and Westbrook ditches; and for Nay 22nd: 650 yards Rhodes, Rackley, Huffton, D;urray and Hobbs ditches ditched and shrubbed. 5 men worked on pipe line at Winter Park Baptist Church and 9 men clearing Girl Scout Camp one day. ? Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded l?y, t+lr. Trask, County bills No. 3495 to 3681 were approved for W,M,Robinson, 2013 Pender Avenue. L.C.Bryant, 111 Bryan Ave. Wayne C.Campbell,lll Vance St. C.N.Pridgen, 620 S. Qth St. E.E,Leonard, 308 S.3rd St. Mabel C. Cooper,33 Woodlawn Ave. A,H.Yopp, 209 Princess St. G.H.Buffkin, 4315 Lake St. E.C.Biggs,Jr,, lOQ-B Williamson Dr Julian R. Carmichael, Ct.P-21 Iake Forest.Makton V.Bennett,10 Swmnit Walk. R.J.Herring,Rt.l,Box 25. E.O.Balkcum, 2107 Brandon Road. Linwood H.Lewis? 511 S. 3rd St. Sam H,Ingram,7 Wrightsville Ave. Alex P. Kel7,y, 2931 Hydrangea Place. W.R.Brotim,Rt.3, Box 164. Benj.Daniels,1410 Dock St. L,B.B1ake,Rt.1, Box 242, I(edar Bryan, Box 131 Gordon R.oad. T,F.Cartrette,206 Keaton Ave. Walter K. Phelps, Car.25,Box 24. Miss Katherine J.McInnis, 215 Re3 Cross.Mrs.Jas.F.Litgen,2705 Chestnut St. Richard W. Bel1,Rt.3, Box 420. W,M.Schneider, 1001 Fanning St. A.Qr,Avery,Box 221. Mrs. Flizabeth H.Mourning, 606 N.Blvd. C.E,Ballard,402 S. 17th St. Jas.W.McIntire,408 S. 19th St. May C. Murchison,315 S. 3rd St. L.K.Hardee, 14 Evana Ave. F.D.Shipp,19-N Take Village. L.B.Maready, $ MacA'lil].an & Cameron. Thurman F. Bradshaw, 407 Vance St, id.E.Seagroves,417 N. 4th St. R,W,Nichols, P.O.Box 183, Caz' Beach. K.W.Taylor,115 Victoria Drive. R,J.Johnson,518 Castle St. H.O.Skipper, 105 Ann St. Oliver L. Benson,Rt.3, Box 111. J.R.Self,2914-A Adams St. Perry Manning, 2945 Adams St. N.C.Rhodes,4200 Oleander llrive. Jno.W.Rook,Jr, 2 Jackson Drive. L,J.Gornto, 14 I{enwood Ave. Thelma Daughtry,710 S. Lumi.na Ave. Warren A. Wood,2527 Harrison St. Herbert G.Saunders, Rt.3. Box 426. D.L.Coleman, 158 Spofford Mills. National Nemorial Day IvAy 302 1954, falling on Sunday and the seme being a legal holiday, County Offices were P-/ therefore suthorized to observe I;onday, May 31, as a holiday in lieu thereof, in accordance with Personnel Ru].es and Regulations a3opted by the Board April 13, 1953, end a recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A,N,., 7lxesday, June lst, 1954. i!. 7A - -i Clerk. T? _ ? Wilmington, N. C., June lT 1954. Pursuant to recess taken May 24, 1954, the regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and Cicero P. Yow,'County Attorney and T.?.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Dr.E. D. Witherspoon,'Pastor of St.Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minute's of ineeting of May 242 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the 8ame were u?on motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, secom9ed try Mr. 0'Shields, the contract to purchase a 1954 Ford Tractor and six foot side mounted movrer for the ai.rport, in accordance with required specifications, was awarded to Orrell Farm Equipment Company-m their bid su'rmitted April 262 1954• ? With reference to the manner in which bids for the purchase for a tractor £or the airport was handled ?' following the action o£ the Board at meeting of April 26, 1954, T'r• 0'Shields expressed himself as feeling. that no complications should arrise in the awarding of bids in the flzture. To keep down any complications, " the wording of bids should be clear and thorough, and corrections, if any, be made before advertising. The Chairman announced that Mr. and N,rs. Bryan Russ, former patients at Jokn C. Wessell 14iberculosis Sanatorium, who'-were sent to the State Senatorium at McCain, and who left there without being discharged with the hope of being re-admitted to our T.B.Hospital, were place3_in Black Mountain Sanatorium May 27, 1954. A letter was received from hfrs.Rosalie P. Owens, Secretary of the Band Parents Club thanking the Board for its help in making it possible for the Wilmington Junior Hi Band to get uniforms this year, which, she said - ? they have really enjoyed . Upon motion of Nr. Love, seconded by Mr. Trask, an appropriation of $100.00 was granted the.Florence Crittenton Home, Charlotte, N. C. for shelter and care £or the "uxunarried mother-and her child" in consideration of services rendored such mothers and children from this County in the said institution. 0 A draft of proposed amendments to Personnel Rules and Regulations for New Hanover County approved by the q Board April 13, 1953, «as presente3 to the Commissioners for stucly by the Chairman, pending later action -? on the same. J,?t/ An invitation was received from the Idorth Carolina Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs and I'arm and Home Week,. _ Cj6l for the entire Board members to attend a pageant, "Green a' Growing" at S:QO o'clock Thursday evening, June ? 10, 1954, at William Neal Reynolds Coliseum, State College,N.C. A communication was received from the County Insurance Committee recommending extended coverage insurance 1 on all of the County Buildings, and advised that in accrodance with imsti'uctions have bound insurance and/or additional insurance on the following buildings: N,ain Airport Terminal -$160,000.00, Control Tower ? $25,000.00, in the Home Insurance Company; New Section of Court House $100,000.00, Old Section of Court House $50,000.00 in the Worcester N,utual Insurance Company. From the preliminary check they £elt that the ' contents of the Court House are grossly underinsured, and possibly,contents of some of the other buildings, • and no coverage on caluable records. •_ ? The Chairman advised that the two Companies (]?tual and Stock Companies ) have gotten together and the ._ -. 4 ? r Committee taill suUmit their figures and £urther recommendations to the Board next week: -' / J