1954-06-07 Regular Meeting? y On April 10, 1925, Mr. Hugh YacRae, late of New Ha mver County and an Honored Citizen of Noxth.Carolina, gave and dedicated to New Ha mver County 101.5 acres of land at Winter Park for the use as a park for the . enjoyment of the Residents of New Hanover County. The County Commissioners: R. T. Iforton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask; and former commissioners Geo. W. Trask, and the late James M. Ha11,Sr., and Addison Hewlett, Sr., realizing the importance o£ this gift and what it wou13 mean to our citizens, undertoolc to improve the park. Therefore improvements were made with the cooperation o£ the State'Highway and Public Works Commission, Vocational Classes of New Hanover County Schools, Crape 1Vrtle Garden Club, and worlanen from the Courrty Farm: Modern highways were built through the Park; Park facilities and equipment were provided, Beautification of the Grounds and Archways at the two entrances roiere erected, bearing the name, "HUGH MACRAE PARK" and the installation of a Plaque in memory of Mr. Hugh 29acRae a kindly and gracious So{i of the Old South. Therefore on Friday, the 28th day of May, 1954, at 5:00 o'clock P.M., the County Comnissioners and.Fellow Citizens formally re-dedicated Hugh,MacFae Park to the.use and enjoyment o£ the Residents of New Hanover County. After the following program, a Picnic Supper was enjoye3 by all: . . CONCERT Wilmington Junior High School 4:30 to 5:00 P.M. INVOCATION Reverend R,L.Gregory. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKERS . Ralph T. Horton. ADDRFSS Foster Fdwards. UNVEILING OF PLAQUE Mrs. Hugh MacRae. ACCEPTANCE OF FLAQiJE Family, GREETIIJGS FRDI-i THE CITY OF WIIMINGTON . Mayor E,L.White. INUITATION TO INSPECT HUGH MAC RAE PARK AND JOIN IN PICNIC SUPPr.Et CJaud O'Shields. WHEREAS, at a joint session of the Board of Fducation of New Hanover County and the County Commissioners of New Hanover County held in Wilmington, North Carolina, on the first day of June, 1954, t1'ie following resolution was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by i•Sr. Ianep, psssed: "In view of the Supreme Court's decision reversing sll previous rulinga on segregation in the schools - decisions that for the past fifty years have been repeatedly upheld by ahte, non-political justices of this same Court - and in view, also, of the desire among a great majority of both our Negro and White.citizens to retain the present system of equal but separate school facilities where students of each race may receive more attention and learn more readily and profoundly from teachers o£ their own race, we therefore urge the Governor of North Carolina to recommerd such legislation as may be necessary to maintain our present system of segregated but equal schools in this 3tate. This action is taken for the sole purpose of preventing a lowering of our present standards . of education for aither race and of preserving the present harmonious relations existing between these two great peoples." >-f" - - :.r ?. Clerk. ? 1'1? - - Wilmington, N. C., June 7, 1954• ? The regular weekly meeting of the Boar3 was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. . Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Dav3s, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Stanleigh Jenkins, Pastor o£ the Church o£ the Good Shepard, (Episcopal). ' Copies of the minutes of ineeting of June 1, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of A9r, O'Shields, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. Mrs. Alice Strickland, Manager of Carolina Beach, appeared with a delegation of ladies following a meeting of the group at Carolina Beach which included members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Ocean Garden Club and others, to request the Commissioners to clear-off and plow the "Hattle Acre" ground surface.at Fort Fisher, ?remove all roots and square-off rocks inside the fenced area and add sufficient top soil preparatory to planting flowers, grass and shrubs for the beautification of the area. The Ocean Garden Club having agreed to beautify the grounds with funds allotted to them by the State UDCs after the ground is in proper corriition, and continue such service there,in accordance with a communication read and presented to the Board by Mrs. W.L.Farmer, Beautification Chairman of the Ocean Garden Club. The project was also urged and endorsed by the Carolina Beach Chamber of Comnerce. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Inve, the Board agreed to do the necessary proliminary work requested,at the earliest possible convenience. - E. L. Hunn, D'ayor Pro-tem of Kure Beach appeared to urge the opening of the drainage ditches adjacent to the ? Town limits cf Rure Beach to drain off the standing water in swamps bordering the Town. He was advised by the Chairman that the matter had been turned over to Mr. O.R.}Iecht, Soil Conservationist to make a survey of the / situation, and it was also requested that a petition of the property owners be secured £or the dragline operation, ri:ght-of-way. N,rs. N,ankie IIodges appeared to reqmest a further reduction in the assessment on her property in block 140 '(114 S. 3rd St.) which was reduced by the Board of Fqualization and Review by $1,000.00, April 5, 1954, 7'hat being all the Board can do, and if she is not satisfied, appeal could be made to the State Board of Assessment, she was advised. . With reference to a petition sutanitted to the•Board at meeting of June 1, to pave C1arlton Avenue in Capo,Fear township wherein the property owners offered a fifty foot right-of-way instead of sixty feet reqtured by the State Highwey and Public Works Co:omission, a letter was received from the Highway Commission advising that it is necessary that the fixty foot right of way be given before the road can be paved, or otherwise improved. IIpon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nir. Love, instructions were given to write the Honorable F. Ertel Carlyle ?congratulations for having won the nomination in the May 29th Primary, to succeed himself as a member of 4 Congress from this District, and the Honorable Samuel J. Frvin,Jr., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court upon his appointment to the United States Senate by Governor 46n.B.Umstead, to succeed the late Senator Clyde R. Hoey, Also, a letter to the Honorable W.Kerr Scott, U.S.Senator, Nominee in the May 29'th pz'imary. A statement of expenses for holding the Primary and Special School Election May 29, 1954, showing a total of $8,352.37 of which amount $2,685.07 is to be reimbursed by'the Board of Eaucation, leaving a net cost to the County of ?C5,667.30 ?? was upon motion of N,r. 0'Shields, seconde3 by Mr. Davis, approve3 for payment. , Meeting of June 7, 1954, continue3. A letter was received £rom the Institute of Government advising that its county mesnbership dues for services to counties have been increased £rom one-fourth of one cent per inhabitant to one-half cent per inhabitant, which will be $316.36 for the fiscal year 1954-1955, was upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Love, approve3 as a budget item. i Mr. Love, on behalf of Mr. J.T.Outlaw, Executive Vice-President, conveyed to the IIoard thanks and appreeiation for the very fine cooperation extended the North Carolina Motor Carriers Association in connection with their 15th &nnual Truck Roadeo held at 81uet:ienthal Field June 2, through the 5th. ' ..,E?? Mr, Horton told the Boar3 that indications pointe3 to the meeting of $tate Associ.ation of County Cormnissioners to be held at Wrightsville Beach August 15-18, 1954, will be the best we have ever had, and that necessary arrangements have been made to take care of reservations. The wives of the Commissioners will prepare their Ladies Program next week, h Ns. Horton reported damage to the new toilet facilities recently installed at Hugh YacRae Park, by vandals pouring hot tar left over from painting the roof ofthe building, in the bowl ifi the ladies rest room, cracking the same and stopping-up the drain. Damage to windoias, defacing walls etc., The matter was referre3 to the Sheriff's Department for investigation an3 proseciition o£ the guilty parties if appreh,ended. /IJpon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by P1r. Davis, the employment of an experienced person, jointly with the City of Wilmirgton, to correct and bring our block book map system up to date and"tie-in the various subdivisions uith the same for a more complete and accurate record of assessments, recomi:iended by the Ta>: Supervisor, was approved, on a£ull time basis, and referred to the Ghairman and the County Auditor to work-out the same with Mr. J. R. Benson the City P4anager. 1?request of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce £or an appropriation of $1,500.00 out of the advertising fund for the next fiscal year, was upon motion of Nr. Love, seconde3 by IIr. Davis, received for consideration during the preparation of the budget. An invitation was._received from 14iss Verna Belle IAwery, Home Demonstration Agent, to attend the Pagent " Green a' Growing " to be preeented by the North Carolina Extension Service, 8:00 P,M., June lOth, at William Neal Reynolds Coliseum, Raleigh „ N.C. A petition of b;essrs D.J.Herring and W.W.Walker, property owners, prepared on State form Rr10, to grade, pa.ve'and maintain Wilanda Drive in Harnett township as part of the State-County Highway System, was received, but no action was taken for the reason no houses are located on the proposed road to Ue served, whereas a minimum of five is required by the State Highway and Public Works Commission. Renemal of a contract with the Otis Flevator Company was received showing increased cost £or maintenance service j? on the jail elevator, account of increased cost o£ labor, 'to $52.50 per month instead of "?33.75 as formerly, "- beginning Septenber lst,1954, was upon motion of I•+r. Trask, seconded by D4r. Love, approve3 as a budget item for the fiscal year 1954-1955. ?i The following census report was received from Johh C. Wessell 1uberculosis Sanatoriwa: White patients 10 Negro " 16 26 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 6= White males 3, white females 3. Discharged: June 1, Mr.1•i. Ideilsen, le£t without medical advice. Admitted : N,ay 31, Mr.N. Ideilsen (white) Age 71,( Application was received to adsnit Helen Marie Allen to the North Carolina Sanatorium. A report of airport receipts and disbursements £or April, and Airport cash receipta for June 3, were received and ?-?filed. A report of the Colored Home Demonstration Agent and Q-H Clubs for h9ay were received and filed. County Drainage report for week ending Yay 29 was received = N,ay 24- 6 men worked on pipe line, and 8 men on Girl Scout Camp. May 25- 26, 6 men on drag]ine work, and 10 men or. Hugh MacRae Park. Nay 27- 6 men on Dragline work and g men Hugh MacRae Par k. Upon motiorL of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, 14r. Harold J. Jackson, next in line on Sheriff's list for employmeht' as a Deputy Sherif£, certified by the Civil Service Board, April 7, 1954, was appointed as County Dog Ylarden. ?,- ??t was agreeable to the Board to rent the building at the airport formerly occupied by Stee1 Industries, Inc., to Tow].es Construction Compar?q on a month to month basis at $50.00 per month pending outcome of the Idavy situation. Upon motion of N,r. Love, seconded by N,r. O'Shields, County bills No. 3708 to 3795 were approved for payment. A bill for $4.00 due the State Department of Labor for operating certificates covering Hot Water Storage Tank and -.-jiD* Boiler at the T.B.Hospital, and two FIot Water Storage Heaters in Board of Health Iaboratory Court House Annex, ;, bgjTkat $1.00 each, was approved for payment.` _ The meeting then adjourned. ei. J?= Clerk. ? Wilmington,N.C., June lli, 1954. The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman anct Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T,D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Herman S. Winberry, Pastor of Wesley Pfemorial Methodist Church. r Copies of the minutes of ineeting of June 7, 1954, having previously been maile3 to each member of the Board, the sarue Urere upon motion of Nu-. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. . ?, ?