1954-06-16 Special Meeting521_ Meeting of June 14, 1954, continued. -.11 /j19'v Upon motion of Nir. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved the payment of $86.82 to the City of Wi7mington for repairs to Police Car I4o.12, damaged in accident by operator of the Boolanobile Truclc in attempting to drive betiaeen Police cars parke3 in the alley just north o: the City Hall building, April 28,1954• Instructions were given t o have the Boolarwbile truck covered by liability insurance._ UPon motion o£ Ivir. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, payment of $10.00 surety bond premium for R.H.Williams as a Justice of the Peace, was approved, Upon motion o£ 14r. 0'3hields, seconded by Mr. Davis, County bills-No. 3796 to 3865 were approved for payment. A recess was then taken iantil 10:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, June 16,, 1954, to meet with Representatives of the Navy Department for a discussion of the Joint use of Bluethenthal Field, lTjs.. ..?e. r? _ ^ Clerk. , ? Wi]mington, N,C., June 16, 1954. Pursuant to recess taken June 14, 1954, the Board met this day with representatives of the Idavy Department to further discuss the joint use of 131uethenthal Field. Countar Commissioners present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, and County'Attorney Cicero P. Yow. - Representatives of the Navy present: h7r. Cecil Smitki, Civilian Attorney for the Navy Department's Bureau of Yards and Docks, Washington, D. C. Col. Fdward W. Johnston, Cherry Poi.nt,N.C., Mr. E. E. Beaty, N,anager Real - Estate Branch) 6th Naval Base, Charleston,S,C. Mr. J.O,Frye, Public Worlcs Officer, Marine Corps, Cherry Point and Ehsigr J,C.Gilfillan, Resident Of£icer in Charge of Construction. The Chairman called the meeting to order and stated that inasmuch as the subject matter has been previously •,,,.-v???lko)discussed with the Public on several occasi.ons, further discussion will be limi.ted to the County Commissioners and the Navy Representatives. . `Zy1?ir, Ceci.l.Smith outlined a proposed agreement betxeen the County and the Navy for the joint use of the rurnrays •? ?..p?e0 and landing areas of Bluethenthal Field, which appeared to meet with the approval of the County Commissioners, and after some 3iscussion, Mr. Davis moved and it was seconded by Nir. 0'Shields and carried, that the County and Government Attorneys prepare a contract along the lines iniicated by Mr. Smith for sutaaission to the joint meeting for consideration at 10:00 o'clock Thursday morning, June 27, 1954, to which time a recess was taken. Wilmington,IV,C., June 17, 1954. Pursuant to recess taken June I6th 1954, the County Corrmissioners and Representatives of the Navy met in joint session at 10:00 o'clock A.M. County Commissioners'present: R,T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Tkask and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney. ' Navy Representatives gresent: Mr. Cecil Smith and Air. E. E. Beaty. "-DA1 I?A notice of termination of contract NOy(U)-77346 effective date as of June 30, 1954, covering utility service to the Marine Corps Auxiliary Ianding Strip was received from the Navy Department and held in abeyance pending satisfactory adjustment o£ open ditch conditions and matters pertaining to the completion of runway and taxi- strips lights, trees that obstruct the view from control tower to the end of the new extension of runway and taxistrips etc. D'CUpon motion of Mr. OtShields, secor.ded by Mr. Davis, the maximwn amount of the Governments obl.igation for its proportionate share of the cost in the upkeep, maintenance and operation of the landing areas, under the pro- posed agreement for the joint use of Bluethenthal Field, was approved by the Board at $10,000.00 for the first year, on a trial basis subject to renegotiation. Mr. Trask raised the question if aircraft from Beaufort, S,C., using the field would be a.propor charge against the Navy vnder the contract, waa advise3 by A9r. Smith that all aircra£t directed to Bluethenthal Field by the -Commander of the Marine Corps Air Base, Cherry Point, would be a proper charge. The matter of County Liability for major repairs vras discussed , and Mr. Trask complainec3 of the County getting nothing out oP t.he transaction except a lot of noise without compensation. The following agreement between the United States of America and the County of New Hanover for the joint use of the runways and landing areas of Bluethenthal Field , prepared by the Attorneys as directed at meeting of June 16, was presented to the meeting by the Chairrrran of the Board and read by Mr. Beatty and discussed in deteil, after which the same was upon motion of N,r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, accepted, and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board were authorizee and directed to execute the same in the name of the County: A G R E E M E N T • between THE iJIdITED STATFS OF APiERICA and NEW HANOUER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIldA THIS NGGOTIATED AGREF.NIENT, made and entered into as of the dates set £orth below, by and between the United States of kmerica ( hereinafter called the Government ), acting by and through the Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks, flepattment of the Navy, and 23ev'Hanover County, idorth Garolina ( hereina£ter called the County), , a political suia3ivision of the State of IVorth L'arolina, acting by and through the Chairman of its Board of County Cormissioners: ld I T N E S S E T H WHO?EAS, the Gounty is possesse3 of a public airport knotim as Bluethenthal Field, i•lilmington, North Carolina, all as described and delineated in fdavy Public Works Drawing No. ? attached Ycereto and made a part hereof, ard - WHEREAS, the Government is possessecl:of certain lands and territories adjoining and contiguous to the said Bluethenthal Airfield, upon which the Government has caused to be constructed a runway which constitutes a contsnuatioxi; extension and improvement to a County owned runwoy, and