1954-06-28 Regular Meeting. ' , . ??15 Wilwmington, N. C., June 28, 1954• The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairnan and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask and Cicero P. Yow,County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Herman Winberry, Pastor of Wesley Ifemorial k,ethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of June 16, 17, and 21, having previously been mailed to each member of the Aoard, the same were upo7i motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by Mir. Trask, approved. . . . ? The Chairman reported for Dr. C. B. Davis, County Health Officer, that flies an3 mosquitoes have become iunmune ,0Z%`4Cto the fog-spraying method of control, an3 that a Buffalo Turbine Sprayer would be effective in eradicating the fly and mosquito. N,r. Arnold Peterson, Superintendent o£ City Farks and Recreation was present and uas asked £or his opinion- said that the fogging machine built-up such ?eat ihat it bu'riied:.up the ingredients in 'the spray _ mixture, whereas a sprayer wou13 not and £ound its use in the City parks e£fectiye. It was agreed,on suggestion of lls. 0'Shields, that the Healtn Department suhroit its recommendations for the type of machine and cost, they , wanted, same to be considered at the next joint meeting on budget matters with the City Council. 14rs. T. J. Morris, President of North Carolina Sorosis, Nirs. C. Wayne Spencer, Mrs. James M. Ja•nes and Ni.i.ss Caroline Traynham, representing the Sorosis Club appeared to ask for an appropriation to enable them to provide ?p,SpKh'?a better equipped and more convenient location for the Sorosis Sponsored County Nuseum located on the third floor of the Court House Annex. Miss Caroline Traynham who said she made an investigation of the present museum on her own, suU;nittea and explained her proposex plan for a museum which included i;he use of the old W.L.I.Armory Building on Market Street, or renovate some ola hone in WiLaington (preferably on first floor). Mr. Trask said we haven't an adequate place and suggested they approach the owners for..the use of the Bellan?y Nansion at 5th and Niarket Streets. Krs. C. Wayne Spencer spoke of being on the first Sorosis Committee to sponsor the museum on a voluntary basis and stressed the need o£ better and larger quarters to care £or things of historical interest, which heretofore some have been sent to the State f/iuseum on account of inadequate space here. Discussion of the mAtter continue3 at length. Inasrauch as consideration',of_the museum matter is now pending jointly with the City and 8ounty,,no action was taken at this time. . • A petition of six property owners requesting that tlyrtle Grove Road in Federal Point township which runs from the ,q`S Carolina Beach Highway to the Sound, a distance of four tenths of a mile, on which three houses are located, be ? K? added to our County Highway System for State Naintentznce, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded b,,r Mr. 0'Shields, approved an3 referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consideration. lJith re£erence to our recent request to reduce the speed limit over US 76, in the Winter Park and Hugh MacRse Park area from 55 to 35 miles per hour, acknowledgment was received Fron Idr. C. Heide Trask, Third Division State Highlaay Corrmtissioner, advising that they are eliminating or increasing the speed zones at the present time where the road has been widened, so they cannot see where it would be justified in setting up a speed zone in the above , areas. A letter was received from the State Highway and Public Works Commizsion advising that Oak Leaf Drive and Oak Crest Drive in Harnett township was added to our County Highway System as of June 10, 1954• Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. ilavis, the State Highwqr and Public Works Com.ission was; requested to investigate the matter of permitting tra££ic to turn right on red traffic signal light at the intersection ? of the Masonboro Crossing and US 76 at Hugh MacRae Park. ? A reqnest of the Cape Fear Garden Club for'permission to lay pipe and install a sprinkler system at John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, at no cost to the County, necessary to prevent the loss of trees, plants and shrubs planted by the Club on the Sanatorium grounds, was upon motion of 19r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, granted, together with such cooperation the County is able to give. ' /A newsletter of the 5tate Association of County Commissioners was received from N;r. J. Henry Vaughan,Secretary ? and Treasurer, concerning the convention to be held at Wrightsville Beach August 15-18. Main subjects planned for discussion point toward the lergest association convention yet held uihich will call for a lot of work and cooperation fron us all. A letter was received £rom Nt. Joseph Freedland, Chairman o£ the blood program, American Re3 Cross Chapter, expressing thanks and appreciation for the cooperation o£ N,r. Herbert Rivenbark, Superintendent of the County. .during the recent visit of the American Red Cross Bloodmobile. Prisoners who came to`offer.the5s blood expressed their appreciation to have been asked, he said. A letter was received from the City Council stating that at.a-recent moeting 2f,ayor 'rlhite announced the ?• `t, acceptance o£ Mr. Horton of the appointment to the Wilmington and IJew Hariover County Economic and Industrial Development Committee, and upon unanimous action the City Council expressed its Appreciation for his acceptance ?J of the appointffient and look fonrard to his valuable services in that capacity. Other members of the Committee are: YQr. Peter Brown Fdaffin, Mr. N. L. Foy, Mr. J.Holmes Davis,Sr., t4ayoE E.L.White, Mr. Frederick Willetts,Sr., IAr. L. A. Raney, i•'.r. E,A.Laney and 2,r. J. M. Fields. 1v'he Chairman brought to the attention a request of Brunswick County that we share two days a month of our ?County Health Officer's time with them at $1,200.00 per year plus travel expense, was referred to the Board of Health for recommendations. ?Coupons and Bonds for the Schools and County Hone Bond ?nds for 1951 $78,18'7.71 ?}?7 11 11 11 11 - Ti ti I 1 11 11 11 11 1952 77,173.33 " " " School9;Count.# Hom2 and Anticipated"Note's' 1953 114,772.50 were pr _esented by the County Auditor as having been paid and were turne3 over to the Chairman to be destroyed by burning. ?,?S Upon motion of N,r. Davis,, seconded by Mr. 0'Shiel4s, the County Auditor was directed to transfer the amounts /U"" shown below, tiahich are remaining in the following bond funds, to General Fund, for the reason all of the said bonds and coupons have been paid: County Home Bond Fund as of May 30,1954 $1?767.19 CouY't HouSe ° ^ of 11 ^ ° ff 29070.27 \Yl\ as £ollows : ? ' District No. 1 96.59 1, 2 7.76 .ff 3 383.88 \And the County Auditor is further authorized and directca: to credit ar?y future Courty Home bond.sfunds derived ?jDn from back taxes, to General Fund. Also Drainage District funds vrhich have been inactive for a number of years, I I ,? ... 2.? . Meeting of June 28, 1954, continued. Audit reports of the accounts and records of fiew Hanover Gounty and 5oard of Health, prepared by Mr. William C. Barfield,C.P.A., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953, were upon motion of t4r.Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, accepted. Umotion, pon and Staff on the preparation of their audit report of County accounts and year ending records l for the B fiscal d ' June 30, 1953. A delegation of Paper and Lumber Manufacturers, timber land o4mers, members o£ the County Volunteer Fire Departments and others, appeared to urge a continuation o£ the State-County Cooperative Forest Fire _?v3\t? Protection Service which will expire June 30, 1954• Durimg a lengthy discussion of the matter, Nir.O'Shields explained that there is not enough timber lands in the County to pay the expense o£ the program on a tax assessment basis, and did not •feel the burden of expense shoul3 rest on the City tax payers under a general tax levy. 19r. Horton e;cplained that the program, this current year, was Uased on a survey of 37,000 acres of timber land, whereas the Unite3 States Forest Service reports New Iianover County has 75,000 acres in commercial forest lands. Mr. Trask advocated seasonal control burning to keep down accumulation of undergrowth as the best protection and suggested the State change its policy to permit that practice, otherwise he is against the program. The service cost the County ;?6,700.00 this current year and y4,960.00 is proposed for the next fiscal year. 1•'s. 0'Shiel3s feeling this matter and expense is basically on the property owners, suggested that they have their representative group submit a proposal to be considered by the 13oard at the next regular meeting to be held 7lzesday, July bth, which was agreed. Mr. 0'Shields left the meeting at this point to meet another appo?ntment, 12:25 P.M. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded Ly Mr. Trask, authority was given to continue operation of the various ? a departments of the County on the same basis of the 1953-1954 budget appropriations, pending adoption of the 1954-1955 budget. Messrs John Van B. t4etts,Jr,, and Harry G. Latimer., Insurance Committee, suUmitted their recommendationa for fire and extended insurance on County property, based on replacement value, on schedule to be included in one ???I?' policy, in the ar,:ount of Qy'1,012,400.00, which would cost the CountJ approxirately $400.00 more in preniums on the increased coverage, excluding $62,000.00 coverage on New Court House, T.B.Hospital and Community Hospital contents. Upon motion of Mr. Traslc, seconded by Mr. Davis, the-recommendations or the Committee was accepted. Schedule of official and County LialAlity bonds were referre-- to the County Attorney and County Auditor for investigation and report their recommendations to the Board at a suhsequent meeting. County Drainage regorts for weeks ending June 19, and 26, were received showing: Y June 14, and 15, = 9 men and 1 guard, worked on Dog Pound. " 16, and 17, = 9 "" " " Dragline work. n lg g a n n n n n it 19, g r? ti ° ° wOI'k On Dog POUrid. " 26, Three days drag-line work, 300 yards ditched, Dog Pound and 500 yards shrubbed, Westbrook Ditch. John C. Sdessell 1uberculosis Sanatorium, Census Report for week ending June 25; White patients 1Q Negro " 14 24 Non residents 1 . Vacant beds 8= Female white 4, Male white 2, Female colored 2t , Discharged: June 21, Franeis Holliday (col) to McCain,N.C. 22 Mrs. Babcocl: (white) Admitted: None. MV The matter of possibility of working-out an agreement that may result in bringing Piedmont Airlines Winston- Salem Shops to Bluethenthal Field was referred to the Chairman i-rith authority to handle. A coimnunication was received from the United States District Lhgineer advising that for the purpose of reporting commercial statistics conpiled for this area "Wilmington Harbor" includes the Cape Fear river from the sea to Wilmington, thence up the tdortheast River to an3 including 5wifts Fertilizer Plant; "Port of [dilmington" excludes the lower Cape Fear River but includes the Cape Fear River above i,'ilnington to a point two riles above Navassa. Their compilation of statistics for °Cape Fear River above Wilmington" includes the commerce to and from Navassa. It is the opinion of their office that the compilation o£ statistics under the heading "Port of Wilmington" is no longer necessary since "Wilnington Harbor" includes all commerce for this area except that between ' Ldilmington and Navassa, which is inclu3ed in the compilation for Cape Fear River aUove Wilmington. Our concurrance and/or comments are requested. _ Independence Day,July 4, 1954, falling on Sunday an3 the same being a legal holiday, County Offices were authorized to close on 14onday, July 5th, as a holiday in observance thereof, in accordance with the PeTSOnnel Rules and Regxlations adopte3 by the Board April 13, 1953, and a recess was there£ore talcen until 10:00 o'clock A.M., 1?zesday, July 6, 1954. --- ? 7 ??h» /l?- - •°> Clerk. ?