1954-07-12 Regular Meetingr Afeeting of July 6, 1954, continued. The Chairman told the Board a saving of approximately $75.00 per year in the lighting rate will realized at i;he County Home by reason o£ the re-arrangetaent and improvements to the wiring system. A letter from Mr. Thomas R. Orrell seeking information concerning a petition for improve.ments and extension of the old Nil.litary Road in Federal Point township fro:, the Ethyl Dow Road, filed December 12, 1949, was received and instructions were given to furnish the information requested. • A letter was received from Niz'. C. E. Brown, Division Engineer of the State Highway and Public Works Coimnission, in answer to our letter of Sune 25, relative to maintenance and repai.rs to the wa7kway bridge over Banks Channel -?? from W ightsville Beach to Harbor Island. Advised that since the State Highway and Public Works Commission has _%)V constructed and maintains a walkway for pedestrians on the 5tate Highway bridge over Banks Channel, the walkway hridge on the south side is not necessary from a pedestrian standpoint but is use3 mostly for fishing and pleasure. Therefore, don't be?ieve the State Highway and Public Works Coranission can take over the repairs and maintenance of this vralkway bridge. Upon motion of t'r. Trask, seconded by b9r. Love, the ]3oard voted to petition the State Highway and Public lJorks ` Cosmission to construct a bridge across Cape Fear River at Dawson Street, and instructions were given to request ?- ? the City to give us it's support in this effort. Three petitions £or admission to the County Hou:e sutamitted by I/,arie Estelle, Pauline and Valeria A13erman, i?j 603 ivorth 5th Street, old and disaUled white resider.ts of this Co-?y for 52 years, were ref'erred to the Chairman for investigation and with power to act. Reports for the month of June were received from the following and ordered filed: Veterans' Service Officer and anr.ual report £or the year ending June 30, 1954; County Ftzrm Agent; Courrty ? fiome Agent and Colored County IIome Agent, Airport recei.pts for June 23 and 30. ?,County D:ainage report for week ending July 3rd was received- 850 yards ditched and 2150 yards shrubbed: ? 700 yards shrubbed, Paul Caase ditch 100 yards ditched, Dog Yound. 700 "• " Dragline 750 Westbrootc ditch. 750 ldestbrook ditch. o . ` r 2150 850 ? John C. t•lessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for week ending July 2nd, 1954: i White patients 9 Negro " 13_ 22 '. Non-residents 1 , Vacant be3s = 10= Female white 5, Nale white 2, Female colored 3. Discharged: 2, Nnse Bell Allen 7:30 A.M. July 1, 1954, to i;cCain,N.C. Ats•s. Aiildred G re, 12:00 noon. . Acirnitted-None. The Chairman annotmce3 progress on the Dragline caork' having reached the 5400 mark out of a total of .-J01 7400 feet to go on the Blue Clay Road project. r 1 Vo objections were inriicated by the Board to the United States District Engineer granting a permit to Mr. George `.6 omersett to dredge a channel on the west side of the Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway, in N{yrtle Grove Sound, approximately 180 feet north of Day Beacon 143• ? Upon motion of :4r. Davis, du],y seconded, elections bills for hoiding the Second Priinary June 29, 1954, ,fere _ZipfJ approved for payment. ? The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in i:he Superijr Court for the trial of cri.minal cases £or the one week term beginning July 26, 1954: . W. C. Carter.1113 Grace Street. E.E,C2ddy, 33 Ivey Circle, Chas.rlilton Acker,4401 ldrightsville Ave. Graham Davis,915 Hatiathorne Road. Gero13 Bowman,218 N. 22nd St. L.N.Clifton, 718 Green£ield St. J.R.Babcock,2116 Aletts Ave. L.M.IJilliams,2715 Harrison St. B.J.Branch,Jr., 718 Chestnut St. Chas.R.Sanderson, B-12 Oleander Ct. F.47,Greer, 2214 Princess St, Rd, Sulian W. Godwin, P.O.Box 1057. J.A.N,angum, Box lbl Carolina Beach, Janes C. Hogan, 4501 Oleander Dr, :.C.Hudson, 126 I,ake Forest Parkway. Stephen M. Spencer,Jr., 3812 Market St. C. B. McCandless, Rt.2, IIox 466A. the meeting then adjourned. -?O !i ?s... ?i ed^ S. Clerk. .? . ? ?. . Eben N. Ingram,12 Ct.K-Take Porest. Frederick Lowe,Rt.2, Box,233+ e Eberett Sanders,P.O.Hox 2, Almon Jnmes,30?_ N. 45th St. Randolph Howell, Rt.2, bor. 153. Bradley lJeeks,3611 Feachtree St, J.C,McDonald, Rt.2, Box 520. H,R.Savage,2202 I{lein Road. A.H.Botales, 1923 Woolcott Ave. Wilson Mills, 11-F Nesbett Ct. Wm.E,Powell, Jr., P,O.Box 553. Elmer E. Autry,416 Red Cross St. J.W.Smith, 223 Keaton Ave. dohn H. Dayne,412 S. 15th St. L.T.Boswell, 2003 Woolcott Ave. Alonza J. Burriss, 1612 S. Qth St. John B.Marshburn,1112 Ia.ve Oalc Parkway, Elwood Rirkham, Rt.2, 13ox 75. R.O.Mitchell, P,O.Dox 612, Car,Bch. G.R.Kinney,Co.,30 N. Front St. R.F.Hope, 4202 Wrightsville Ave. Ashley R. Brown, 40 Spofford Phills. L.C.Thorpg, 123 iJard 5t. C.W,Watkins, 1614 Dock St. H.C.Jackson, 2912 C Jef£erson St. Wayne Dewit Kennedy,512 Nun St.' R.G.Shepard, 1906 Perry Ave. G.Raeford Harper, Rt.2,Box 42£3. iNrs. W. N. Smithson, 808 Chestnut St. J.Holmes Iravis,Jr, City. C.A.Shelton, 1730 Orange St. James P. Davis,1610 Dock St. J. T. Dennett, Rt.3,Box 253• . Wilmington, N. C., July 12, 1954• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chair.^ian and Cormnissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, iZiiforfl Trask, Cicero P. Yow, Courty Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer bf the Reverend George S. Bertochini, Pastor of Seventh Day Adventist Church. / Copies of theudoinutes o£ meeting of July b, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the 13oard, the same were upon motion of Plr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved. L_ 529 Meeting of July 12, 1954, continued. , The Chairman presented an application filed by D4r. J. E. Canady, Back Tax Collector) for retirement under the / provisions of the County Retirement Act, to become effective August 15, 1954, on recommendation of his Physician /`u?because o£ physical disability, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Davis', accepted with regret. The Commissioners commended Mr. Canady for the very fine services he has rendered the County as Back Tax Gollector, and wished his speedy improvement in his health and best wishes for his future. Dr. John T. Hoggar.d, Chairman o£ the Board of Fi3ucation and members P?,essrs. Laney, Craig, Droadfoot, Roe, ?ASrs. Sallie S. Birmingham,; H. M. Roland, Secretary, John 0. Marshall, School Business Manager, Wm. E. Hrock, Controller and C. D. Hogue, Attorney appeared for the first time to formally present a tentative budget of the Board of Fiiucation for the year 1954-1955. The Bu3get was read to the Board by Mr. H. M. Roland and suisnitted in the following tentative amounts: Regular Budget Supplementary Budget School Books Wilnington College Lunchrooms Building FLmd Total ? 36q,10o.00 310,500.00 20,000,00 81,800.00 30,000.00 836.755.50 $ 69k,6oo.00 9G8.555.50 $1,643,155.50 ' After a lengthy discussion the foregoing budget was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Love, received for ??`?consideration in connection with the County's overall budget. /Due to the lateness of the Boar3 of Education submitting the foregoing budget, has delayed an e arly adoption ?i of the County's budget, planne3 by the Board. ?- A copy.of a letter written to Mr. W.E.Fasterling, Director of Local Government Commission, was received from ? Mr. Wf!, 0, Barfield, CPA, subnitting contracts for approval of an audit ofrthe accounts of the Board of rducation for the fiscal:y.ear ending June 30, 1954, in sutstitution for a contract that was approved £or an audit of the • said accounts for the fiscal year ending Tune 30, 1953, which will not be made, was approved by the Board to enable him to begin the work iunmediately. A request was received £rom the Board of Fducation that the £ollowing flznds be made available for the month of V?July: Regular IIudget $ 50,000.00 Supplementary Budget 10,000.00 Book F1uid 3,000.00 . Duilding F1und 100,000.00 i' School Lunch Program 2,000.00 Inasmuch as the Courrty Commissioners at meeting of June 28, 1954, gave authority to continue the operation of ,the various departments of the County on the same lxisis of the 1953-1954 budget appropriations pending adoption of , the 1954-1955 budget. No further action w as taken as that shovld take care of the request. n.o tabulations were received from the Duke Endowment showing James Walker Hospital as compared with agroup of ten similar hospitals. The first being a comparison of cost and service, and the second a comparison of personnel by 3epartments with the group averages. The highest daily per ca.pita cost experiencew by ar?y hospital in our group in . 1953, was $19•59; the lowest $10.48. James ldalY,er Hospital $$13.51. The highest ratio of employees to patients ' in our group, based on 100 patients per day, was 274.1, the lowest 168.2, James Walker Hospital 197. Reports for the month of June were received from the following and ordered filed: Wilmington Public Library, Wi7.mingrt.on Golored Litrary, Airport receipts for July 6,and Airport receipts and nisbursements f'or June, Census report for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium- White patients 9 ?-?W Negro " --7 1 • ly? 22 ,. Iuon-residents 1 Vacant beds == 10 = Male white 2, Female white 5, Nale colore3 0 Female colore3 3. r Discharged: 0 Admitted : 0 County DrAinage Report for week ending July 10, 1954: 1000 yards ditched - 500 yards shrubbed = ' .' 500 yards ditched-Paul Caase ditch - 500 yards shrubbed-Kure Beach 500 Kure Beach 1000 500 ? A letter was received from the State Department of Public 'vlel£are advising that $56,154•80, State and Federal ?jG7 furr3s were:sent to this County for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration for the month of Mqy. A copy of the minutes o£ the meeting o£ the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital for May 12, 1954, was received. ? The Chairman brought to the attention a recommendation made try the Tax Collector that the 10% penalty for late listing should not tie figured from the tax lists and added to the tax boolcs. Aqy payments made after January lst, the 10% penalty would automatical]y apply and should be added by him to the taxes at the time of payment. This would keep down abatements and controversy and eliminate corsiderable book work and the Tax Collector would be responsible for adding the lOp penalty. A motion was made by N`ir. O'Shields, seconded tr,f Mr. Love and carrie3, that the 10% penalty for late listing be invoked and not revoked in any inlividual case unless on recommendation of the County Tax Supervisor and County Attorney in accordance with the Statute. , Upon motion of N,r. Love, idessrs James M. Ha11,Jr., and Ernest Mayhan, County Commmissioners, nominees, in the u14;?eiPrimary, were ea:tended an invitation to sit-in ori our weekly meetings to observe and acquaint the;nselves with the proceedings of the Board be£ore taking their seats on the Board in December. /A request of Mr. Kingsley King, 705 South 4th Street, for er.emption o£ poll taxes on account of being a ax handicapped person, was referred to the County Attorney for opinion. ???The Cotmnissioners agreed to meet at 7:00 o'clock P.1?9., ?esday, July 132 for an in£ormal discussion of the County's budget. Upon Lnotion of t1r. Trask, seconded by iMr. Davis, the meeting adjourned. • ii--7?-._4 et. Clerk. , ?