1954-07-21 Regular Meeting Meeting of July 19, 1954, continued. ? A letter of appreciation was received £rom Pfs. C. il. Gerganus, Head of Social Studies Department, New Hanover High School, for our cocperation in making their Students Government Day a success this Spring. ? nj??1Beports for the month o£ June were received from the following: "' Consolidated IIoard of Healtb, State Board of Public Welfare Division of Institutional and Protective Services, North Carolina Rzulic Welfare Statistics-Physical coir3ition of OAA Recipients; Housing Authority ` of the City of l-7ilmington and AiY•porL receipts for Ju1,y 93 12, and 1/.,.. ?John C. Wessell 7lxberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending July 16: ? White patients 9 Negro " 15 ' 24 Non-residents 0 • Vacant beds 8 = Discharged: Mr. Clint Wright (white) 8:25 A.M. 7/13/54• Adraitted : Goldie Stirindell (col) 11:00 A.M., 7/9/54• William Gause •(co1) 5:40 P.M ., 7/9/54• i?ir. H. Neilsen •(white)3:30 Y.rvi., 7/12/54• 4_1)eJ31" Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Trask, County bi11s No. 4035 to 4349 were approved for payment. A recess uas then taken urtil 10:00 o'clock A.N „ Ldednesday, July 21, 1954. --,"Clerk. ' ? . Wi]mington, N. C., July 21, 1954• Pursuant to recess taken July 19, 195/a, the Board.net at 10:00 otclock A.hf. Present: R. T. Horton, Chait,an and Comr-issioners C1aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. ilavis, Hal J. Love, Raifor3 Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of the Board o£ E3ucation and members E;.A.Laney, 14rs. Sallie S. Birmingham, S,Bryan Broadfoot, Jas. S. Craig and H,M.Roland, Superintendent of Schools, S,W.Grise, Assistant Superintendent, ? John 0. Narshall, Business Dtanager and Ylilliam E. Brock, Controller and C.D.Hogue, „ttorney appeared in the interest of the Schools General Budget appropriations requested in the a.r.ount of $364,100.00 sutxnitted at meeting of July 13, 1954, which was approved for $308,260.00 by the Comnissioners which would equal the amount of $283,260.00 last years appropriation plus $$25,000.00 increase. ?,,,?The Chairman requested that discussion be confined to the question at issue and that side issue discussions be eliminated. County Auditor T.D.Love sulyr,itted the folloGring budget Estimate and Recommendations £or the fiscal year ? 1954-1955 as required by the County Fiscal Control Act which was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by-Mr. Love, accepted as an official record to be included in the minutes of this meeting: °' Wilmington,N.C., July 21, 1954. ' I4ew Hanover County Board of Gomissioners Court House, Wilmington, N. C. , . Gentl eruen : As require3 under 8ection 153-118 of "County Fiscal Control Act", I submit to you herewith a Budget Estimate for the fiscal year 1954-1955. You will note that all estimated expenditures amount to $3,522,055.85 and that actual reserve figures of 6/30/54 are w948,993.92• In addition to this reserve figure I estimate in mme of various kinds before taxes to be $1,402,169.57 and I estimate tire will receive $70,000.00 in Back ' Taxes. These three figures when totaied together amount to $2,421,063.49, and suUtracting this a:sount £rom your total budget $3,522, 055.85 leaves a balance to be raised by a tax levy of $1,100,992•36. I reco:nmenci to you that.you use $90,000,000.00 as your valuation for the raising of this tax levy. N?y reoommendation is based on the fact that you have a total valuFZtion of slightly over $103,000,000.00. During the past year we collected on 87% of our tax levy. Eighty-seven percent assessed valuation of . $103,000,000.00 is $90,000,000.00. Last year we iricroased our valuation for a tar.-levy basis from 5^`pg5,000,000.00 to $90,000,000.00 and we would be courting danger to attempt to make another increase of 5 million at this time. Tax collections have ta.ken a downward turn. This procedure in my opinion is the : conservative course to £ollow and maintained your county in good finanicial condition through a number of years. Under-esti.mating our expenditures and over-estimating our income could quickly put the County in a financial condition that would cause it to have to borrmr money for c urrent operations. It will be my poLtoy in my;recommendations to you to prevent anything of this kind happening. ? M,y estimates of income from sources other than your tax levy is ffised on the experiences of past years. The estimates are conservative and where the inoome is of a doubtful nature this has been taken into consideration. I have tliis year increased astimates approximately $50,000.00 over last year, and I call this to your particular attention, as your reserve figures at the end o£ t_.is fiscal year wilI be down by this amount unless we receive other income to replace same. I strongly recommend to you that these estimates of income be not increased. Your reserve figures at the end of each year are due solely Lo receiving more income than we anticipated or not spending the amount that was budgeted:.FdlloVring a course of this kind does not cost the tax payer one penny but t o the contrary actually saves him money by keeping your finances in order. To raise $1,100,992•36 on a valuation o£ $90,000,000.00 will take a tax rate of $1.23 or a 13 cents increase in your present rate. The budget as presented has been gone over by your Chairman and your Board. TYie Fiscal Control Act requires that this budget estimate be file3 in the office of the Clerk of the Board for a period of 20 days before the adoption of the Appropriation Resolution. Changes can be made during this time. I will be glad to answer any question that you desire in regard to the figures I have presented to you. Respectftill submitted /s/ T.D.Love. ??r. John T. Hoggard read and subnitted the following school budget adjustments and ef£ects of cuts: J r 5IeV l ? Meeting of July 21, 1954,continued. '- " Cats a]ready made before presenting budget to Commissioners: (1) Eliminate two attendance officers, two special reading teachers, two ph,ysical education and guidance directors. (2) Instructional Supply Fhnd was cut. (3) Many lighting , heating, plumbing, and instructional apparatus repairs have been postponed year after yearbecause o£ cuts. ( The last Grand Sury report revealed that the short budget of last year is already showing its results.) Following request for re3uced budget, theae changes are presented bgt not recommended, By postponing present needs for a year, we arrive at this mi.nimum estimate: Transfer secretaries temporari]y to Supplementary Budget for 1954-1955. This will reduce Instructional Service (Regular Budget) $13,500.00 Other Items: Reduce Operation of Plant --------------------------------- 1,500.00 Reduce Maintenance of Plant (Explanation below#) - ---- 162000.00 Reduce Awciliary Agencies ( Transportation) -- ------- 1.000.00 Total Reduction ------------------------------------------- $322000.00 *Maintenance of Plant: Spent or oblieated Reauested Glut to't _ 1953-1954 1954-1955 . Salaries $62,133.90 $55?000.00 $5D?000.00 Naterials 39,461.44 40t000.00 36,000.00 Replacement 13?112.44 14?000.00 11?000.00 Repairs 14.630.01 24.000.00 20.000.00 $ 129,337.79 $ 133,000.00 $ 1172000.00 This budget will not meet standards required by Grand Jury. The Maintenance of P]ant will be reduced to about 1 % of value of school property. Gutting in the above items will result in damage and depreciation that will later require a Bond Issue, to repair the results of yearly deglect. A Bond Issue would be needed to pay for repairs, damages'caused by lack of repairs, and interest on borrowed money. If the Commissioners check most of the counties in the State, they will find that these counties put money in N,aintenance of Plant and Capital Outlay to give continuous improvement to the plants. Ivew Hanover County }?J has been doing this through the past decade by use of local and Feder.al Aid, This reduced budget will reverse the former policy on care of buildings and return to the policy forced by the depression which proved to be disastrous to the buildings. (l% for 14aintenance m eans depreciation of property) Y The reduced budget would read: • General Control : ??? School EJcpenses --------------------- $ 192315.00 Nay 29th Election------------------- 22685.00 $222000.00 Instructional Services -------------------------------- 412100.00 Operation of Plant ------------------------------------- 54,500.00 Naintenance of Pl.ant ----------------------------------- 117,000.00 Fixed Charges ------------------------------------------ 31,500.00 • Auxiliary Agencies,(Tpansportation) ------------------- 482000.00 Capital Out1sY ---------------------°------------------- 18,000.00 • Total -------------------------------------------------- $ 332.100.00 # An item in Transportation. The State will not furnish transportation £or bands, special and cxippled children and other bus services formerly provided. This item cannot be continued by the County u nless the transportation cost is inereased instead o £ decreased. Any further cuts in budget would mean: (1) Start substituting students for a3ult drivers. (2) Further re3uction of Maintenance of Plant. (3) Reducti:on of janitorial staff and supplies. (4) 1'he P.T.A. would have to take over many services novr rendered by the County. A dTSCUSSion followed bgtween the Chairman and the County Auditor as to what portion of the §pproximate,.. ? 1a $97,000,000.00 tax values would be safe to use•as abasis to set the taac rate. $95,000,000.00 was suggested by the Chairman, an3,$90,000,000.00 was recocwnended by the Courrty Auditor based on 87% tax collections last year on a valuation of $90,000,000.00. The $95,000,000.00 figure would enable the Board to ba7.ance the budget rrith a minimwn tax lavy increase. The Chairman and the County Auditor have careflil.ly checked and reduced budget itema in every instance that was reasonably safe. After further discuasion a recess was taken at 12:30 P.M., until 2:00 o'clock P.M. ,I ? At 2:00 o'clock E.Pd., the Board reswned consideration of the tax values and proposed tax rate with all ? la N members present, and after further discussion, Mr. I,ove moved and it was seconded by A9r. Trask, and unanimously carried, That the taxable values of the County for the year 1954-1955 be set at $95,000,000.00 as a Lasis for the tax levy'and that the tax rate for the said fiscal year be tentative],y set at $1.15 on the $100.00 valuation of all taxable property in New lianover County. Speaking £or the Commissioners Nir. Hal J. Love said- " All members of the Board have applied themselves to the extent of their ability and tried to keep expenses down, but in view of Federal Aid pulled out, adjustment ? of salaries, school budget, and demands £or added expenses in.all County Departments, reluctantly raised the tax rate." Tentative salary raises presented by the Chaircnan were read to the Board by Mr. 0'Shields. Upon motion of Mr. ?avis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the attached amendment to Personnel Rules and Regulations for R'ew Hanover County approved by the Board at meeting of April 13,1953, was adopted. Th,e?p5oing then adjourned. ? G , ? ... '!. A.s" : ?Clerk. / • r .. . ., . ' .r .. . . . .. .. , r. • . • ?. .. '.. :r ,e'7 . . ' . • : • ' •. t F• , . •. . . ?il' .ih.i??' • ..? . .. . . ., d {iAi#V ?•ry/???p?.L114{L+1/ ?p? .?!?p?1,V• AIW .?,{ # 1 " .IM??MMM r-=IA.J` ' . . ' •, s . r- . ' `iM-LN3?i ?{iLi ? ??M??.' . .• .. ?. t. i ?' , . ? . ` W???a?/r??????.?.rWy/?W? . • , ' ' y .. . . ? , ? - ' .RifA¦Yi+viV.+` NW? ^?iM ' . . . s . .S. . : ,. " ?e/?l IyA????} Ai ??y ?? ? , .. . , • t• , ? ? ?t ?}?. 111L.fi`/Jl?[?}????' ?I4"{ly9.LIf ,7,?i7+??Yr e • ' ' ^ .. n F -. ? 1. '{F/! T11. 5?#, MSOKM'i?l? ._ -? .. •- +., . _ , _ . . .. . 1 r i . R . ' ' iJD FJ nLNMYY{Wt• i ^ t J ' ' . " .a ' ' •" ?Y •?. r' - ? r. . " ., . • ' ' Tha$ .'F}10 f017ATP? 1"C$113t1?/?!.?L`07? '?.0 dQLQs E? ()OVtTD t14 ArpOSII t:li7ftj C3.110LSnCAt,SOii?e ? 8tS:1 ",?p of O1L ?tL1d ,+l*I'0yn1%!1 Lndet' tl1G lL1.NDCUm Ot 'd10 ?w6r4: OP CbLII3 CO?JSf#i,?Dk?7T0 O? ?'tW }?3i1?CP,' ?' CiCd .. Q"?CCtOI? #Se ?tP6?V0 0??0i41!{o t?Oj16i`t"Ot?r?c=.9# Q3ld cSjlqycd ' CTSPmfttCa iS! 'fih0YQ 02' it1 ydNt. fY'4CS.M't0 C3' ??ftAs 4tA 12PA61' kL QtAto-wiQQ QlRP+h- , `tt3astlAa plnn, ot4 the i`ioatiotl Ax t3sm rCguletiorc7 htaded °CAt184titno oi! X:plv,ynrstt" nnQ iad7aidl,rs? "pcrad»aal RuSco eni-.X%Ou].dt1,oW°, npptovt4 Apiil 134 1953, Chall OMM m3.1 itil3M . UtId ? L1ndCr t10 dirCC'f.lCal of tllt! $0lt11a OP cmuftr Co=lDS10Af:1'Q OY 176St, }iwOYCt COttntyi InC?.t'? @dMi.DiatSi!},lYb 0ffi4"lt1 8tA $"j•1Xl$ CCLClt7A71a O1cated . , • '?????' , .. . _ I . .. ' . Y l.. . ? .. . .. " " ' . " ' ' ? . t ,? ' • ?L , v im 2'1'' r4Fmm AM't.Mf „ . . , ° • •' , ' ' • , ., ' ? . ' . . .,? •_ , .. ` . ?t tha Owfrmsy•nt thb HonrA of 6o[mv Cocaleoitmera ,tfttt tieo_to tica frao on&11? lor rarioioa.of tt?.omo roEnlAtionq to tha Boarid bt C4%14t,y Go=34 as3msaa %As3.ch etics32 tA1co radh , . acti0n aa it.cotmpiflors nceezcary: . . Bfi IS,."=U AFSqL1VID4 ? : Y .. . ^ . _ • ' °. . ' ` - ... . n " , . . ' . . \ b . ' • n :TML "Us0 Maim11 of 'Z.hO BQai'Q of rC64 OOC.I89tOQ1srit GZ!l111 t.'?L'O. ovAt9 Uf '!hodQ loo1Utlow ' atai3abla to, tha head of. the' 6ftwa.t.` ttopertmcato of I;cu Iianovor tkmtr. -. ,.". , Pat'ti . n. ?o .. Y4i o4or +,4. Pnei1S't4ta tha;rocsvitacat, pra:,4t3on, and payntutN at IIe.r • '- tiMvoV floitrsty CtP3.bJ'cst job cttbltantieflr alniLtr to to hlarli .dlMe+vil.'t+yl'o . ,., .' and refipcwlL+i1i'ty of arork aro hsralV Vwjptd tcge?,har ittto. c3acsex of, :. , . pot9lZi=. £aati c2ttea of,.poqi#..tond 30 evCri nlnitg, wl.th oCalo of',pay`a (?tntus]. es]s?r?s as?'YaP. t:anth3,y ?ra7.arted wi? yprtnth?ert:a'bo2arr axaai9l . .e ? vat*i' E 3,. . • . . .. . - _ • u . ' . . y { ? . . . . . • . f . _ , .S^ i • ? ? IJy?OaO? ?'Y f ? .. ?. J?6 `. ' b,' Group 0- UnOki3p.ed lebos t,';inU=°j ,(6 ;?'?t(12 t7a?thaj Otily !or iapzDVOd. pex'- dttas?at? ' ? tarr.i?noo vr c?uperior ' ? • ??:, • u e + 4• .. ?' a ? Y .. _ ? , ? . _. • SassitoY' ? 1 •{C1,200 , 01 2?4 ' ?`+1I 36?j? ? ? fi? ?S36 7.yb2Q 1,1?&?p ?4Y11.} ? i? ( ?133? . ?130a : &7Inyt6 . . .. , . ?+f . . . .? 1 , .,' f .J i' ' . ` ' t. , • ?, . r . ? 11:?Mv1. CICft ? JI.' .. • . ???? . . _ . ' . , a ' . '' , +. . l , . ? , . 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V '1600 ? •0Q ' . + -?yinitiri i'-?LN \/f?Ni?L j " t 8014 ..v ?C4Df .y? ? ?, Jut7 . _ , . . , • 7??0/y?0 a4? '6 tn • . ' ' iVrW.. T ?' •} t ^ . .?? ' , : . . :,'. ?. ` ' • , ? PblN/ /?/? t ? • • ' ?y?.? i?" C fJt C?1T? , { , ' . , r •r • . - • ? ? ' ? ?, , + ? ' ` ,, ' 610,8omfttim plau'&433. brralmW ?? Uft #R UA' 4D +?,xt?l.+?s +pt? .s?pott?.t3?f3?.t,"i.q ? . r . ?7aar?f ?4a. ?,r?f?.oCt tha ?curs?aab ?? ... ?+M`r+w..?y ctwawwo 1• - 1'm ??Rl?fitir? ?bG31, 4 7fCY,po?itiOA!ls tO.Zib 1' b?U44wdy tb9 ' &Ta!'useA4 hwA ffim11 la31tm'ttf 3A writiao t]!p .9aeCt ,l01` !thp , tu= paStian (anotbcs pn,bL_or. thu ti=); tho dlitio ctd , -' sapaa- ai?diit.?, i?t? ? qmiiticsttoa?n, ra?t tho,. - ' ' ? , ' t+tbatp 1avd. Sir Ilhic:x ho Lhltjka the nsr ppaitlon ah=ld bC+ . .. it?olt?rS. A!"t' a atu? o? t? Qul;i+?'1?ad ?t?ponr?431it?e.?" . . • - ? a!' tsc grDpoecd poa?4t?onp. tlse? ? L?sixs' :ot °]3=s?1 b! ?7,1. xapoz? ?n ? to 'LhO .?oar8 03` Oa?t,y' ? , < . ,• ?a3aaicz?? aal?a4? rh?7.? dat4raluo vhotho'the,prapoaM '. . + , ? •.:` . ppal.t4oA qJYS],]l, bo qfab7lshet et?!t #ho Orb* 1x-waZ 'Eo-?s?s xt' .cbe= ba alloesto$ •#,f ,ii E# to ba. #taWiftcd. . ., ? • . ? ? ?, ,Z:? . baL??e++'?••,++•we It c'ambcs aS tho-Eonr3? o! Gcuav O=Avaimez`3? -ft=t..trwd, or an =ylvicU7,tovred azs aoriatW p4tiea? a epn , ,? ., .'' 'Ro 'b? l?sxra}?1Y ?e]aroa?ias? !e'rzy_w?k 'Cho Cs* udy' Omii?sa fio . ; ?y?tto ?a p'i?ac? oSi?tt?.?rx3 ia?.d?t?e hi?ai ?aseaeoQ boll,c?rla$. ihra pooitLon t?cs ba 3,?r cYebaitied. '.Ytio . ' , ? , `, • t?'t? 4?r?n +em.?. ?sev '+tha?!bt ` tlou . ln"SLqatrad t3y itnc!'t3sa? ? ?^-AM Gn,O#+#l=.rrt' • ,i: `? . '. 4?. + , , th{f j700i'ki4Xl '?6 ?'?? td '?14k ?:l4?1 d ?' ?YLtdw, clk=U01vai?0 viW tba -roomt 3oa roa7.acciacati6m rntd, t,ha d4c? n ?Aft,n; . f - ? • ?,'.?.?,?Y ?r •? ' - 4 • in arditir to further +aw ?• ,.?µV .?, w? }?,? }y ???' ? ?3 W . . i?t+II?v1u?' s?pl,oyo ?lryio olxl d.?et?,t'9i '? & k?Y ??: 3s hcrcl:? " • s ? , '? , . ..cuEabl.tthed au a t at #mv3dlm lequ:?1. #W tt?r 401 V*x%. .,, ` ; Sho pqp p?1sn ?a3]. o?a?,t? af n aini?f t?slnr??'? a;?'q?e9s • ,, 'Y. . ' :' . . . an3 p??.appx?o,?r3nk.o car?r ot ?'o+?ira$ ?tt?i. 'Fach.t'ate, 0?'. . . . . . , ti ' pV dtAU i'etioiot ;tlse auts`es?t . xxttow of vdy? ef CV10yo aOM- _ A ' . •. ` . F0.YGbu-p0iLs073n71Q 6im YhA dL1tCCeDCC';1 :in t!Q' diltia1 417l? reapobaiW.40ca at Cdunt,y' poalfAjana aa 1rilll.cst.6d lp' thb 044.*46a . • . , c,7,noifioaticca?. '?u aax3r??? miory et?l 't?sa it?k?csswc't+l.tqc qtcpp bat?s.. ? W cwd=m? Feroit a rcocpdtlnn ot ' ? . • ' ' ' 'raxdAtiacts ja +xployO paommm• p . • b.,,? ?. nhob yMj ?' to Rbtl advy'tipa ? 'tho nrms?7. '?k?? 'fb?9 8't?' , 4P tLo Cassral 1raPSa1' ot dSteft da Uua caiariq-ctsd ?? y?Sd i?t? Szftatty ft_?v Z-40vrt•omldvy' ,ar-3.eo pnld cmpoxnUo Mto tsi.1 15=14pc1" ?i qw. . • ' . . tFo ae] ck=p l,ts _tha 060t ot 13v?!ng ft tJa !a?ft ftrio8 fto . , , . . .+ouo3 tho'gencm3 lYmftdl c&tdlt.3an aY rat Hmnim? O?uat?r. • .. Laco3 on 40 tirAinVA tbo ft=tJ! CIIA or ==&=ft to tba ;v plca aa U . ? , ?sSMra ?os.?ae^?r. l17,1. cia? ot #bo' pY A? ? b* •: ? tsp;.awc& iv t8n bmrd o! CounV ??. . . . . . K, . . '. ? : .. V . .e y , ' ,• - - , , .. - . ? . .. ? ,. ' {. _ , . .. ... . n • t. a _ . ' ' J • , ;i ' . , . • , 4k* - ,' . e , i ' , ? . r ' . ? 8 .. _ , . • 9 .. „ r , . , ` y .. . . ': ?G. o? . .? • ' ?} . . . ' . .? f Y , , r , ti • . , ' . , . . . 4 ' ; ' ? _ ;.. .. ,.,. .... . - , ' "t• .' . va*=i..ra.i28D IerA tvaeAoiof e . • ' . ?. ' . , , , . • -e' .tiY . r xr, .(q) ?--iCZU'•r Omwit;Mdi, `` ,. , . j, . ' , ,• ?..,:. „ :. `. `, •. ' widlt" 3 !R?S? ]??`?Y#. aDJl" 2`09'in'lcl?li ,0t' the m '? Y - ` oYp ?f?y??_Y?w?p??. ??? ? u'jyy ???? `i_ ? . • . .?NM?'?W? ?Y?i[X?i YW ? ?J..?.W . v p orE? ,• " . . . ?c. !?'.,.?ttaist?n tsr. Pn,t;pt.? :. il'L7, qa1p?? ? 3?y, ? appdnted s4 thv . . ? rinl?atax ?rtra?o' ?rsT.erl Cbr tl?o S.'tfi??n, io `r&i?h ttity ira.a?pp;tm#,s • . ' tinl,?sii t?is?/ urs da?rated.sa a 1imt?o ?,- qr 'vttl.e5s f}io Doax+?t-? ,:, • K - ? ??Wr` a?7?arp . c1+a,11. a?ta? n hi6rs cfttm" =107. . . . ..r • • ' . ?\r? d?apr?????^?y?,t? Y`??dd?.WI??.?????yio?y?o?.;rpaoiy MMNi{?U.??(xt, ??F{7 ?jay?q?pli?a?yon?t?yya???b Y??IiNWM? a?y,?? ?A[Y?qt??t??q?y,M1i? . ."? . 'Y M?M/'?y ? Fd??yILL?S LUY? PP ? MNY?tbg : ' -.", thO rtzcama vbr tho 60734sust ObOuld bo ippoinW at a aalazT abdvo,tba . , ,. ?. E? .?1 ?a?i1' b+?.t? ? ? ?, !'or ? o='plot iX $ tormE# CoW?O, +c*)cya *o bro da*n9trated"hia bo?pritt?tt?b . fiit #hn two. qtiti.tiba dea?tt'c?r °?.qpp63h't?nt tuY. it` an cxaesp'E3n?I.,i,p . ?. tasly ?tr?lifl,ad .+sp,?ltaa?t vtth u?atsu;sl. tra? +a?lor ? Han?ae?c°,; ttndor ao cizr+?u's??oaetci.aqq an wylc?ra txe aBpolxsteyd. . , . , mSa tlum tamo q'ta;s uho" #he ffittM. ?' .. . , , ? . ?,. . . .s - .. s . ,. . -,AMlifttttA tot wft? Ni'of tt2o established iequfremouft a _ paettfoQr:to bti f111nd :may bo appoin'Eea! ?'tit}s tixo npptovql aP 'kho &yat`d ` tsf Couaty Cocaissionesn aa a*Traixeo' sa3as7 na: ruch baLm Z1so siaivirm , • . . , , t "erY ". atsP A2 Stt' aDova tha A'LAUM Ca?2t?xy. . 'A%o Yraicoe Aa21 ' , omtinue ta rsnalre a reduaca va,lnq unti]. #bA opppintiftdapertzcaL . • ` heul lahd1]. Ca!1si,t? t3fat ?Lha 17sLfsme fV .gua3.31?.M, ta aasu3ia' #dio fUll ,`' ,' ;• ` . reo?oa?ibYlitiee at the poaitioa,at?d the appoinlzcmt pt the aSaicta ? • anlalry:iu approre,3 l4r ?'Doa1t? oL C3'LLrky Cae?t,ssiottr.,tp ?d tttbjoCt '" • ? " iurther tb #.ho prcvl.s3m +nf ftyterr 578 . of the Pnblia tavs o# 19390 Creetlw a CiviX Serwico Comniealon Pqr ,ttctir'nanovqr Couat^.. , AtSo 8nla?? inct?trntg ??Pi°pbstic??1cap].ojab hired aZ the tln?ei . ' . -, asLraaCe nnUrp sha13, be gran#ad. aatamatia xselary iascrexea e1"trr '- - 7; the emvist,ion o.f 6 mnd 12 maisE&o of aatiatuctory acrviae: ,•, ,. . .. `; Ps?obntifta.e'r . ri?ploYea hfs4Q afi the tiirat atop. ahDro i2ia aia].mua ` tntrrsneo m].a,t7 0107, 1e uligSblw?dr An atitoastia ca7,e?ry -7.nwiwao . tu icttp t2 In-thc pyr, raaga.0.'C,°tha-cxsd ir3'.•!Y miftlmi 'of emt,taiactory es?tfi.e. Probnt?iac'si',' Cslslb,yeg atnrtsd 'two at?eri above the m3nira?a , y 'e1usU rwt ba eligitle Por axyr riutc=t.S.c talnry,ineradm. 3slary ., ?.. ., ,• inarcaaea bqyos+d tFjo tacard titbp aba" the ninSe? ?n arV +saJ,aet zzaae,;rlU not bG, ev?rde3 tm an aistm='F.,fc bo4Aa. , . ?&aiz-y lxxereaves, airm fi?w ebcorat, etop . ?' ' -s3tal•liahei tlor esch v].nem of poa4ticia ohaJ.3 Ire Sraritied onlr 1n "- '° ' reaognition ?of eupcrior cr 3mpraved q6rfoxmaoe. FJtch dopa'cLa+cst hea?d mhe1l bo aresponsibl.o for. datnYOfrs3xiq %diich amp]Ayca ere • , Petfo?? diveri»r servitA are:i aro ta sbceaiva emrsted oaloq"iWA-esaexto. 8ealrg,i»8 ttJ,Lh wWy 1`s 19340. if the Board at..-(`auuty Cozzia3lonbra tu , . . °" 1.ta dlaicxn#.ion oball ?ar tunds a,da3.lablo Ia nq,t,i'Stsol ypr „Lci . ... •., r.arst!eQ sa2?nr?r:ix?crcaant? Lo ??t'f1Dr atag i,ncr?uee? tros? aLeq ?72. ead aba?e ia ?Aoir r?pea#,iv? gey amlay +cti?t 3is?? ?&exll bo'pt?rat?lti e"t , , to #he de?az?acn?u, 3n ordar t?at ?ss?aM. ns3a?? S.ni.?'?s?,ts riy? 't?d' A ° , , . ?'? 1P?"?ixart3.crr,?+?',?' a?ahg"tk?o depsxlxia??5os ?t,?.os??p+?ra+?tagm< - - ? ' l?soia na t,ha ^Lotal enlar:,ra of thoae ?splayrc? o?3gib?t.e. for cartied •, • . . .aa2et? incrceats in c9+e'i c'omrtacati rel.?ito, kv tr?o 'toi?y.' es?lnrS?s pf ?. . 02,1. ruch caplesy'ea. "8rx2'ore U?,cAOS?ng mftecti.v+D' fibe tsrli?d ta?r? . . . inercseat maat be egFrnvai kp? t,ha 8oar1 qt !?avat?y* C?sl.aAitu?ora. ,; ?- - . ,. , _ • t. . _ , • . . . . , . , . . . `' _' , " . ' ' . • . 1 ! 5 .. 1 ( . , • . . . . , . _ . . . ., . . . . .,. . F_ .. ' • _ •' ?R2'CO ?OCt Ek +$E?q?ll?6Ql:t t ' ' ' . . • 7IIiG1 ?: { - •. .'. . ? ? . Y ?? v f ?. ` . •; ? ..? 'Y " ? . . y . `?Ab ,w ? ?i ??1 ? . ?? ?.'?v`v*y. #s_+? ? ' ?? . _ - q . =- ? • .? ? ? y}= prp idunr iwxc=t At AYr'01yo 1.1G7,b1' SSyI, • ? . ?, . by or*AW IRS;,C=itd ,61I1lYy 1II11lc=Vt 'td.d0 QUlfta .1? Mlll'S8„ ,'f`.? - ' ,. ' '.. (i.) Tt ro?s?1 ;V '?Yortac??t- ?d Sn "?it?ing .A?'a'tinS thv apccSnl - . . :, . ??y,t?.1??of ytat/?eDC???, j ?i?a?rcry?c?:ita? ? . . ' . ? ? {Ni11iL? VWa? MLLii?PJ1W{W Y6 . _ . ,? . - }?I?'?5.._?i3no?,?m,•• Ars t?3.oy'o:?o !.a ^ , • ?, . S oi ?i1t?o t?ESd t?d.M??' sCe ?yY BCSLd ??33 . ?? yw ? mm balary fnr thio,ncw pocitit?n. liavoaer, it cn cp2c7e'a . , ,° . . . . ., :" . oaln,i•y iss ?its prarlotla ? pD'9ition vaa cqt.`a1 to rcr, atio"a#h$ oinl tor_ xha ,?r ?oois.?.oa , ''? ?o ?,ra?rs.u bn. advc+n+?d ?c:a?p `. • hft •^ .:? ,? ia the tic?r' ;i?aoc St?t9ia?o7ar 4Dovc tiia x+nt?? ot' pay p?'1 ' ,. '? ?' ?wa•rp'Eirm'?Ol' r?lai0?t?a..T4?1o? !a potdCi.ca? d4?lch+ato, . '' '?- ,`,• ? r?a?i!l.t?l ri9', ttt rc?a#,i+ria ot daryu iz?ent I?tacl muntt qppro?. , . . eOt tbo 'iR=srd ot' L'atu?t? ?1? "t, :3>o r4r+cd to the o? tit?cp , •?,.' . • II? the ?. • . ... ? . . . - ? - • ?iH?? iY?'` AZWMM =.MWM . .. . t' r . • . Y34jm-W=V bm& Cb?S1. • b0 2'C:1pOttAi11f1 1f'' ,tt9, ti? .OC@:l7?t'?I CIC3'?C:a , " . vi?d taftic3l C?IlD71b:1 Oa ilL02"l 9td iAUdsk tit0 laiddi" fYil" hitl , • ' S '` LICpmr "d7tfi: I&CR C Vw=4f OCCt3k'2? d:1C11 QCput=nt b? ,dLAAl +` ` , ' .. `. ?' ,. • v11l=i'fr fljpUp'tri0t1 gDl'L1 4'C? ?Ctt '?0?'i j dutLC'.'} md 1'C."1DDDAlb1U*AES t.Q bO pLT"COTIICB. AlG9 l'0r'-•"^oid the QwO91C'.1t1i0n . . c, ' Nm otarl.w mm:W7 Clr 14C'S/ 'CM10y'0 tA the 'I=Yd, Ot L'i01Sl1v cC..1^ 0oubera! *4c2t 4m11 '? t3so rotef of .pn?r ot ?ch °?p lo9e. '?sls Sa thqY • ?' 'Lm.'ncd 0^vorr tb thc C.ivil Sao"8cr.:rd, lFDof thQ,lRi4la i,oaal a taua+ of 19390 rzpiv= hsna `nrser iuiar ;L.t9% mi au.-rrev°ts°= ,+arr.er mio . r.» &to, ebAu ae M? ? ? a 12-?»rtt+ prc+?a ?t«dt ,. .At f?1b ?" Gt 6 f3tid 12 i?kit? OS L$0 y'??Xs1'.t0?=1 U0. ?,.' • ""° ,'' da#wtszSL hcad phal]: anumtc+ izi wit4tsg ,? . „ ". ? . . ' ?,`; ? • r, . . ? l.. gQ Z:l10 diDmzoed AW the I1Ci1 cr+F?'•'? h, y4'?P?S:? • . . _ ? ,' ... µ ? ? :???.,4?.1'?! t44?tiTCS'.O1`Vcmkm=p• . . . ' ,. 2. d3ic?Edscs' ib,b c?plA,pa ,?t Pet'tOxn.? ta??fn?ttstZr , . - , '. `s?k an3 aboulii b*'.rcrtsincd tar .tho rscct oY gvlxs#1x=Y patod• . ° S . .r , i } ?.., .."i,'• ''y` ... •,: {??! '?`' li?WlietYitl? ? ? • , +.s ? r. ' 'CWli, i?\': , _? , . _. . • . k4arh t7Yx3t.w ?p1?oyCa t?f '?tmctir' li?aj 4ticOa? "i.bl73i ?`.Tf..+?t,ae'ie?x?, ` ?•' .,.mtxy,??s Dcprtmmt e? ?aam#,ja11 C3?11 w'o'S[ G e?oyu 4 vr? aA c clrd=gs oY 40 bott" a.t+ot1r.' QtHo Cou,+sty' tmV3bYc* '. s?c2?ys a a? a? n?n oY t,0 honra a?s. S ? ? " ' y! • •' . ?e?.. ??? ?f ' ...,,.'?? ? ?Zi ?yWWk?+ i? ? '? ,?'?9o'"M "' an ar ? ? `• ?^ 547y.vmc,t[ v2eL1,1 rqport tLt $i'J4 A.N. 6o 300 P.If.Y'aasfty thru Frmvs •. .,. ": ris2: cno' (?) bor 2bY I=ch. Tha xoi'k h0sra rmd uvlcints' nrheIIulca !br b-day week =plRy= cball ba datartiad tY dcpa!"laxcnis hcada d3 ' rqpcctl,vo dcp? ar um.u rurh tSr? e?b otacr??i.do a? , ? , ?.. .. ty the soAln ?`r O=t# CO.r?`.i1l90t071aPJr - • . . . - . , 3 ° ? ? !? I:s .• ? ^ •M ?. .? ' ^ . q , . ?i ? `• , i • ? • '1' .. f? a?.? - p ? ? . ??' .? rs .i, . .. ? ... .• a . ? F a?., S ' M ?... ? ?? '1 b . T'T ti `} ? - iw. , ?? ' .4. . . . pf .. _ r !' . a . . . ? .. ? " • • . ?.? ? ?i 1? nf , r _ {';V• . . . n ' ., ' . '.`' .. ?f . •• S • ?• ' ?a %5:' ?. ? 1 . . . 'a .•} !?' ?• • . ' ? IIMW ? 3 ?Yl..,s • , . i , Y ' . . . . . . y . 1 . • . . ? S - • I i . .. ' ? - r - " . • -.. ' PUSONM TtutM: &.AMMATttMa ' 6 ? 4??rlrY{?,v,p O;r txet,o??Fx? +. phrt IG CbAt.tIlUAd .` s_? 4Y ` 1 ?? `? ? A ? to^r ? ?_Y??}? 1?/M?/? .? 6qWxtd over-tim6 ard • o}.'. owto:7 ? QWIAY 40MO34ye L&CnGYC2' th8 dGjGC'me;it $GKt1 C0n8lde73"p : , . .. O*W-Um LOl`jf wees7LSry ,tAr -ti0 amQStlDI4-C0nd11et Af the (k7212'Ily'ill i. . ' •' buoic". Gdsta ca cxp].oxo 3$ rcqufrca to vo* on& "=, tbb , . ° depu4mbt ht*c! W Sa hia dig?on. nu'?horl?;o thalr ca???t •. tnino a?mp?tury lcavn durSpg; a]a?t pcri.??d equa,1. to trunkr tl= _ i'equired ot thm sb tfp4 t u x ! ono• ,'u ? t` ? i? t1?er appa?o .^o 1 t 3s :' va] f #]s o . ? y q ? / ? ? ! ? y?,? y y q • yr? ? ? ? ? ?/? ? ??{ . r \ 4. .. ' ? ?YfMV, (}C?N '.,_ ??I?VM +Y Q{J ? LR/ cIaCk prilpu). on'x'a?a.tl.cin 6f` dopai?skt$eset? =,y''he yaid • ' .tor svquU*od aoeiw? npMc. ° Vacatftiss ?t ?gse o! Acmed Iimva - Et*2ov"w" ?.ftva tha - . : cCS`ViCO oi lPCat Henovor L'aua#y bePare, cw7ft all pt tho:lftid 11!liCh ' .,"• hw 1kwm Odvaac4 dtsal.l hare an iwxm# dcQitctcd traa bl.s Une]. ' c ,. s 1 i'!'Saa lt ?cit' au ict rt; #?a raisbau?ao tha Getm'4y t9?' c?T Yaeat3.s?in ? crylro . ? ` - .` ? ? ` ? j _' . . , LYkV71. ?RRiY'?4 TM?'f1Wf , i ' • • t '. , , j F '. ' ' . ' ' ' ryI 6y^ e', ... S. ? 81rkmaso cr Madts?1it.ri cv=cdb,r tho *Aaacftfa' VtiliJ=IfttiOM laR. VI o3.dkuese ar diceudlit,y*:bha11 bo tmpcziesttd, •?• _ . Aliac=a. lran uOrY diaa ta . : ? i , . to !bl].avo t ' • . • : ?y?? . ,i . _ ,.. . ' Y,•s t ' ., .,C•11 !X'iV" OW ch2rp ?a 9.A,F+QaminA4 W,sxa&W 'aick,.? " . ; ". I63hr8.lx'iQLted,t6f fftlC2t tSi0Ail10d =V1qD# -h0$ 'Itj.t.h t2t0 Qnf'bT81 IDS r 'th0 dbjlmrtnent k14iid AYYr tho bOL1d QI C871fAY oc=AttA?".tl11C1Y1} 75??, t ? ? ? t,?10 ?f4tlOd Of ?.8' ?tW1??.3,' 3fb$' C9CQ?A? ?t1?7t?Y ?1?? ?6• • + ' . " .. . , . ? (i+*vsinS DW?) recdve filon 3he tbimiV hld reCuler caipciatian . . 3.oga taoh s= nri ray be peil.d Lo aal,d cs¢'lo,:o. tV the Countyr and ,i! - . the aid7incna?. or dSftbiUta/ aha12 cbsst.tima iejOM. o3atrY worldiB dsji,i ' Ehe 11W4 08' EawAY CmYive?ionm in itA aicercWa t+qy ax,tcrsS tho .=peafoA Z'a!* uMeh a=pmmatiax ia psid to t!?o mp].oye dwi4 bis . r: , ' ._ ,uhoebc+a•ibr: ca& tlno na 3t doms visa c»d eaid =q,1Wo ohall dwrStd . ' •.mldt pOLoQ iaemtva bia roeuler oomPmaation 1fta e=vmt rexci+raS. . ' !`sm tho Cwttty. Zt` aoatioued Dqrsr4 +Aa n,i* 1esv0 petiod, bawSi?Eo " . .ea?e lFaut,a!•10 aexsor? %Mtt3?aiCc zi*vo ie cah=40d. . rAch .> ,? daWIa ubaazee 1`rm dut,y Aftn,Y .t+e' courtc3 ae t2sat freatiian af a?', . oi aick Ift-va abtalree,3 iy mking tb4 Oua =raar tv$d diront.] 7r fa m t he , , . , , ; . , . . " COWTV tho amma3Ar tuA f:ko lw0gulac e?a?laty tw #ie ramo PrerloA the .. ° : dcil?tcr* • . j • ' ' 2 ?? r ?.?.lft CA§r#tIl?9''?:tt? ? '?3.? , -? , r' 'S.C$tO fr0.7 #W"C3A11 V.1CT1 Abmtr iP0.'1 1i4T?..' twm (3) {?0?1 ar L"OPA"tA .y • , dbp?L'#,.'f?!#' ho4• .. { . . , _. - . , . . ; . •, , ScPorat??.ptoyr?7[0so aicic leave arcdite. 'nsaoyw . , . ?dta seatioi mbirc or !l.tmmidCSat't llm Countf =glaycent mhall a4t '!Kt tox aW mccrboQ eick ltave and #m17. Xooo ali acarnbd oidc licare '? ai d ? J , .. . + . . . , ' - . . , - . ? ' • N . _ , n . hn . ' '' ?', ,. , rt.ii Y" • 1 'i. ? YL ?. ' . { ' . [ . • 7 • , q . '. . . A i e, • I? • . • . ? ,• . . ! ? ? .. f ? 1 . ,4 V n ?. 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