1954-07-28 Special Meeting533 Wilmington, N. C., July 26, 1954. The regu7ar weekly meeting of the Board was heYd this day at 10:00 o'clock A,4. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Cormissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow,County dttorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Herman Winberry, Pastor of Wesley 14emorial Nethodist Church. Copies of the mixiutes of ineeting o£ July 19, 1954, having been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon rnotion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, approved. Board of Fducation members Dr. John T. Hoggard, E. A. Inney, J:C.Rne, Mrs. Sallie S. Birmingham, S Jas. S. Craig, S. Bryan Br•oadfoot; and William E. Brock, Controller, C.D.Hogue,Jr., Attorney and H.M.Roland, Superintend'ent of ScliooTs, appeared for a further joint consideration of the school budget. Mr. C. D. Hogue,Jr.', 'Attorney for'the Boar,d of.Fducation told the Commissioners that after conferring rith r1r.' Yow the Courity Attorney, `concerning the school budget differences, it would be best to postpone joint ??discussion of the same until Wednesday morning to enable him and the *County Attorney to reach some agreement as to certain legal procedure of the problem, which suggestion was approved by Mr. Yow. Mr. Trask then moved ' and it was seconded by Mr. 0'Shield6 and carried, that the joint meeting be recessed watil 10:00 o'clcok Wednesday mnrning, July 28, 1954• A petition of property owners 'in Harnett township for the State to take over and pave Strawberry Avenue from US 74/76 to South L,lst Street was returned by the Assistant D3vision State Highwtxy Engineer for the reason where the petition calls for a 60-foot right-of-way was changed by the petitioners to 30 feet. The State cannot accept anything less than sixty feet.. Also a petition of property owners to hardsurface Myrtle Avenue in Seagate, Harnett township, was returned for the r'easou it was ascertained that some of the property owners have not signed the right-of-way fo'rra grariting a sixty foot right-of-way. The two aUove petitions were ordered returned to the petitioners to meet the requirements indicated above. OA letter was received from the office of Mr. T. H. Davis, President of Piedmont Airlines acknowledging with G,-,Lj thanks our letter of July 20, and copy of a telegram s,ent to Congreseman Carlyle, relative to support of the ?.! Hinshaw Bill. . A letter was received from Mr. Henry C. Stone, Secretary of the Brunswick County Board of Health, expressing his thanks for the cooperation in offering to let Dr. Davis serve as part time Health Officer for their ? Department, and advised their Board decided to employ one of their local doctors to take care of the situation. . rA copy of a letter written by Mr. L.I.Lassiter, Sanitary F1ngineer to Mr. Davis B. Jacobi about a letter ?? Nr. Jacobi wrote the State Health Department concerning the use of certain specific materials, was received. 17r. Iassiter said it is definite7y against the policy of the local Health Department to recommend specifie materials by brand name. Sometunes, he said, it is very difficnlt to avoid doing this when some particular material seems to be more suitable for the job than any other known. The He].ath Department employeea haoe been cautioried that it i:s against department policy to recormnend materials by brand name. A copy of a letter was received from Mr.' 'I:ouis T. Moore,' 'Ch'a'i.'rman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, GC.? advising that Addison Hewlett; Jr., had been asked to take'th'e pla'ce of h'is iate:father on the Historical -y Cormnission and that he said He would be glad to accept the invitation. Instructions were given to write Mr. Hewlett the Boards' appreciation of hi's acceptance and send a copy of the same to hfr. Moore. County Drainage report for week 'eriding Jul'y 17, was received: 300 yards ditched- ISure Beach' 300 " " - Dragline " 1,100 " shrubbed- " right-of-way. Mr. E. W, Davis, Foreman of the Dragline work was out sick two days. n? The Chairman told the Board Mr. Davis su£fered a stroke o£ the left side, and vacancy will be filled by the ?hJ end of the month. A Balance Sheet-General FSmd statement of Community Hospital was received showing portion of budget used for the fiscal year end'ing Jurie 30, 1954, 97.6%. ' A 1'etter of cbrigratulations for their successful efforts and efficient handling of their budget appropriation was d1re6ted'.' ' . ?Q\,qol? A report of •Airport cash' receipts for July 23, 1954, was received_and filed. The Chairman reported 70 add stray and non-inoculated dogs without collera or addresses of owner, have been 1 C?asphyxiated in the past two weeks and the work is progressing satisfactory. Inoculation period is £rom ??? April 1, through June 30, after that ti.me a penalty of fifty cents will apply. Mr. 0'5hields reported that complaint has been made of rifle shooting in Hugh NacRae Park which is highly dangerous to near-by residents and patrons o£ the park, and moved that the £iring of any air-rifle, rifle or ? any other form of firearms in Hugh N?acRae Park, be and the same is hereby prohibited. The motion was seconded by ts. Trask and unanimously adopted. ' The Chairman announced that the ladies 'sntertainment co7runittee met with Mrs. Iiaiford Trask Monday afternoon to formulate plans and arrangements for the ladies entertainment during the County Commissioners Convention ? August 15-18. A recess was then taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, July 28th for a joint discussion of the school i?l AA"-'budget with the Board o£ Education. 4lilmington, N. C., July 28, 1954• Pursuant to recess ken July 27, 1954, the Board met in joint session with members of the Board of Education at 10:00 ofclock A.M. County Commissioners present: R.T,Horton?Chairman, and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, and Raiford Trask. ? Board of Fslucation: Dr.John T. Hoggard, S.IIryan 13roadfoot,Jas.S.Craig,S.C.Roe, Mrs.Sallie S. Birmingham, E.A,Ianey and J.W.Grice, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Wm.E.Brock, Controller, and C.D.Hogue,Jr.Attorney. A's. E. A. Inney speaking for the Board of Education announced that they would like to amend their original V,t/ request £or $364,100.00 for their 1954-1955 regular school budget, and in lieu thereof will accept an appropriation of $300,000.00. That the 20¢ school supplement levy be Lased on the $95,000,000.00 valuation and the privilege be granted the Board of Education to come before the County Commissioners in the future to receive flu'ther consideration for funds in cases o£ emergencies, should the occasion^.arise. . ' r 534 Meeting of July 28, 1954, continued. Dr. Hoggard then complemented the 6ommissioners for their patients in dealing with the matter, feeling, he said, we lmow more about our problems. 19ie Chairman thanked the members of the Board of Fducation for their cooperation to hold the tax rate down, feeling that the Board can go along with the request submi.tted. The new budget figures are to be fmrnished by the County Auditor•for next Monday's meeting. The meeting then adjourned. "_/`ie -Clerk.' ? Wilmington, N. C. August 2, 1954. The regular week7,y meeting of the Aoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Thomas BLRuff, Pastor of Delgado Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineetings of JuJ.y 21, 26, and 28, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the seme were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, approved. ? The County's 1954-1955 Budget Estimates as revised and amended on account of increase in the School Budget, ? showing the amovnt of expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, in the total amount of $3,561,947.61 in lieu of $3,522,055.65 sulxnitted to the Board by the County Auditor at a recessed m&ating Y/ of July 19? 1954, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr.9'Shields, tentatively adopted and or.dered placed in the hands of the Clerk for public inspection for a period of twenty days from said date, pending the adoption of the Appropriation Resolution at a regular meeting of the Board to be held at 10:00 o'clock A,M „ on Monday, August 9, 1954• ? Upon motion o£ 14r. Trask, seconded try Yir. O'Shields, the £ollowing resolution fixing the 1954 tax rate at $1,20 on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of property and ltro Dol]ars on eACh poll, recamnended by the County Auditor, account of increased school budget, in lieu of the $1.15 tax rate tentatively adopted at recessed meeting of July 19, 1954: • BE IT RFSOLUFrD by the Board•of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the £ollowing tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County for the year 1954, as prescribed and authorized by the General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to be as follows: PROPERTY POLL General F1uid .............................................. 60715 .50¢ -- ' County Home ....... ... . ..,. . .0516 ........................ ....... Agriculture & Economics ................................... .0161 Aid to Blind .............................................. .0096 Aid to Dependent Children .................................. .0325 Aid to Perman6ntly & Total Disabled Persons ............... .0233 - Old Age Assistance ........................................ .0529 . ldelfare ................................................... .0452 School-Regular .................... .2323 1.50 School-Supplement ................. .2000 School-Books ...................... .0150 School-Pensions ................... .0110 School-Wilmington College ......... .0466 .5049 School-Bond F1md .................. .2192' .7241 Health Department ......................................... .0334 Y.ospitals ................................................. .0899 John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium ................... .0499 Total Tax Levy ................................. ? 1.20 ? 2.00 By reason of an article appearing in the Star-News Newspapers recently, quoting Mr. Raifosd Trask as favoring the closing o£ John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and turning all patients over tb-the State Sanatoriwns for treatment, and divert the ilulds for the T.B.Hospital to schbols and education in an effort to keep from ^ raising the tax rate; a delegation of twenth odd citizens appeared to protast any effort of the County ' Cormnissianers to that end, Mr. W. G. Smi1:h, local attorney, speaking for the delegation stressed'the'need of the hospital and urged its conti rniance and comp7ained of the long waiting perio3 £or admission to State Institutions. Reverand Geo. W. Shepard of Middle Sound and the Reverend E.W7Hallack, Retired Piscopal Minister, and others spoke to retain the hospi'tal. The Chairman advised the group that no evidence of closing the hospital was brought-out in the budget discussions, and nothing is in the Board's mind to cl'ose it, and cautioned against listining to rumors, Mr. Hal Love suggested that the group name some one to represent them with whom the Commissioners could con£er and give information to on matters pertaining to the hospital, if necessary. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Board that the operation of the T.B.Hospital will continue so long as it is feasible and the group will be given ample notice o£ any anticipated change. ? Concerning the delay in the Government forwarding to us our copy of the executed agreement for the joint use of Bluethenthal Field as of July 1, 1954, a telegram was received from:United States Senator Alton Lennon, advising that the agreemeiit shoizld'be approved and returne3 to us xithin a week or ten days. ,,4A report on the economic survey of tdorth Carolina , its inland ports and waterways prepared by the firm of Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and N?acdonald, engineers of New York, completed on July 19, 1954, was received from Pdr. Ben E. Douglas, Director of the 5tate Department of Conservation and Develoxsnent. A letter wasfreceived from Governor William B. Umstead, aclmoialedging receipt of a copy o£ our resolution of July 19, 1954, with reference to reatining the 252nd Antiaircraft Artillery group with headquarters at Wilmington. Assuring us that the metter will receive his and Adjutant Gene"ral John Hall Manning's consideration. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded tr,f Mr. 0'Shields, payment of $150.00 to Mr. Aaron Goldberg, Attorney, for defending Charles Sikes upon his arraingnent on t4ro charges of murder in the first degree, was approved on order of the Honarable Henry L. Stevens,Jr., Judge Presiding, July Criminal Term 1954. L_