1954-08-02 Regular Meetingr 534 Meeting of July 28, 1954, continued. Dr. Hoggard then complemented the 6ommissioners for their patients in dealing with the matter, feeling, he said, we lmow more about our problems. 19ie Chairman thanked the members of the Board of Fducation for their cooperation to hold the tax rate down, feeling that the Board can go along with the request submi.tted. The new budget figures are to be fmrnished by the County Auditor•for next Monday's meeting. The meeting then adjourned. "_/`ie -Clerk.' ? Wilmington, N. C. August 2, 1954. The regular week7,y meeting of the Aoard was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Thomas BLRuff, Pastor of Delgado Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineetings of JuJ.y 21, 26, and 28, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the seme were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, approved. ? The County's 1954-1955 Budget Estimates as revised and amended on account of increase in the School Budget, ? showing the amovnt of expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, in the total amount of $3,561,947.61 in lieu of $3,522,055.65 sulxnitted to the Board by the County Auditor at a recessed m&ating Y/ of July 19? 1954, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr.9'Shields, tentatively adopted and or.dered placed in the hands of the Clerk for public inspection for a period of twenty days from said date, pending the adoption of the Appropriation Resolution at a regular meeting of the Board to be held at 10:00 o'clock A,M „ on Monday, August 9, 1954• ? Upon motion o£ 14r. Trask, seconded try Yir. O'Shields, the £ollowing resolution fixing the 1954 tax rate at $1,20 on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of property and ltro Dol]ars on eACh poll, recamnended by the County Auditor, account of increased school budget, in lieu of the $1.15 tax rate tentatively adopted at recessed meeting of July 19, 1954: • BE IT RFSOLUFrD by the Board•of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, that the £ollowing tax levies and assessments upon all taxable property in New Hanover County for the year 1954, as prescribed and authorized by the General and Special Acts of the Legislature, to be as follows: PROPERTY POLL General F1uid .............................................. 60715 .50¢ -- ' County Home ....... ... . ..,. . .0516 ........................ ....... Agriculture & Economics ................................... .0161 Aid to Blind .............................................. .0096 Aid to Dependent Children .................................. .0325 Aid to Perman6ntly & Total Disabled Persons ............... .0233 - Old Age Assistance ........................................ .0529 . ldelfare ................................................... .0452 School-Regular .................... .2323 1.50 School-Supplement ................. .2000 School-Books ...................... .0150 School-Pensions ................... .0110 School-Wilmington College ......... .0466 .5049 School-Bond F1md .................. .2192' .7241 Health Department ......................................... .0334 Y.ospitals ................................................. .0899 John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium ................... .0499 Total Tax Levy ................................. ? 1.20 ? 2.00 By reason of an article appearing in the Star-News Newspapers recently, quoting Mr. Raifosd Trask as favoring the closing o£ John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium, and turning all patients over tb-the State Sanatoriwns for treatment, and divert the ilulds for the T.B.Hospital to schbols and education in an effort to keep from ^ raising the tax rate; a delegation of twenth odd citizens appeared to protast any effort of the County ' Cormnissianers to that end, Mr. W. G. Smi1:h, local attorney, speaking for the delegation stressed'the'need of the hospital and urged its conti rniance and comp7ained of the long waiting perio3 £or admission to State Institutions. Reverand Geo. W. Shepard of Middle Sound and the Reverend E.W7Hallack, Retired Piscopal Minister, and others spoke to retain the hospi'tal. The Chairman advised the group that no evidence of closing the hospital was brought-out in the budget discussions, and nothing is in the Board's mind to cl'ose it, and cautioned against listining to rumors, Mr. Hal Love suggested that the group name some one to represent them with whom the Commissioners could con£er and give information to on matters pertaining to the hospital, if necessary. After further discussion it was the consensus of the Board that the operation of the T.B.Hospital will continue so long as it is feasible and the group will be given ample notice o£ any anticipated change. ? Concerning the delay in the Government forwarding to us our copy of the executed agreement for the joint use of Bluethenthal Field as of July 1, 1954, a telegram was received from:United States Senator Alton Lennon, advising that the agreemeiit shoizld'be approved and returne3 to us xithin a week or ten days. ,,4A report on the economic survey of tdorth Carolina , its inland ports and waterways prepared by the firm of Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Hall and N?acdonald, engineers of New York, completed on July 19, 1954, was received from Pdr. Ben E. Douglas, Director of the 5tate Department of Conservation and Develoxsnent. A letter wasfreceived from Governor William B. Umstead, aclmoialedging receipt of a copy o£ our resolution of July 19, 1954, with reference to reatining the 252nd Antiaircraft Artillery group with headquarters at Wilmington. Assuring us that the metter will receive his and Adjutant Gene"ral John Hall Manning's consideration. Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded tr,f Mr. 0'Shields, payment of $150.00 to Mr. Aaron Goldberg, Attorney, for defending Charles Sikes upon his arraingnent on t4ro charges of murder in the first degree, was approved on order of the Honarable Henry L. Stevens,Jr., Judge Presiding, July Criminal Term 1954. L_ 5"3115 Meeting of August 2, 1954, continued. ? A letter o£ appreciation was received from YLr. T. H. Davis, President of Piedmont Airlines, for the Commissioners interest in the Hinshaw Bill and our telegram to Congressman.Carlyle urging support of the same. A petition of 21 property owners petitioning the County Commissionexs to request the 5tate Highway and Public Works Commission to take over, drain and grade a roadway in Masonboro township tahich ruris from the Carolina Beach Highway at Rivenbark's Richfield Service Station and Grocery to the River Road a distance of half a mile on which eight houses are located, vras upon motion of Mr. 0'5hields, seconded by Nr. Davis, approved and re£erred to the State Highway and Public Works Goimnission for its consideration. , The Chairman read to the Board a copy of the program for the 47th annual County Comnissioners and County Accountants Convention to be held at Wrightsville Beach dugust 15th through the 18th, and urged all merpbers of the Board to make note of ar?y problesns they tJish to bring to the attention of the Legislative Committee. The indications are :that approximately 150 7.adies of the Iadies Organization will be present, and the Convention will be the £inest we have ever had. /A news letter and report were received £rom Mr. Jack Farrell, Secretary of the South Fsstern P?orth Carolina ??Beach Association calling attention to thirty-one sail-fish weighing from 30 to 70 pounds were landed by }??? salf water fishermen from chartere:i and prmvate boats during the past week in the coastal waters of South Fastern North Carolina, from Swanstmro to Shallotte- Ianding which in£ormation was released to 192 newspapers and 110 r.adio stations in nineteen states. A report of the distribution of ihtr,angible personal property tar. collections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, was received from the State Board of Assessment. ,?I?n Audit Report o£ the kBC Board prepared }s,? Mr. J.Nevelamd Brand,Jr., CPA for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, Was received. • A statement of cash receipts, disbursements and balances of the Wilmingtoa Public Library for June 1954, was received and filed. ? A report of the Grand Jury, July Term 1954, was receive3 and noted. The Chairnan reported that correction of ???conditions brought to the attention have been made. ` r0LAn insurance policy in-the amount of coverage of $30,750.00 coaering a pro rsta part of contents of various county buildings in accdrdance with a survey and recommendations made try the Insurance Committee, was received. A report on prompt pa,yments (Self Insurors) for period January 1, 1954, through June 30, 1954, was received from the fd. C.Industrial Comni.ssion. ,/ no objeetions were indicated Uy the Board to the Health Division of the Community Council to make a survey ---,?and study of the present County Home, with the intention of providing the County Commissioaers t?ith the result of the study and recommendations by the Comnunity Council as to the possibility of converting the County Nome . into a private nursing home, • The Chairman reported on final dragline operations in the Fltnderburg-Trask-Llu'rin area, Cape Fear Township, = 9200 Peet main canal and two other drains leading into the same have been completed. . The Chairman announced that our Couirty 9ttorney hir. Cicero P. Yow, is sick in James Walker Hospital with a Q?_\Xk? heart attack, but is doing very well under the circumstances. The following good and lawful persons were draom to serve as jururs'?n the Superior Cour.t for the trial of ?+W? cfiminal cases for the one week term beginning the 16th day of August, 1954, and for the trial of civil cases for the two weeks term beginning the 23rd day of August, 1954: ••?-- • Julian Go3win?P.O.Box 1057. , Fred RadFord, 229 Calhoun Drive. J,J.Windell, 1819 Perry Ave.' Fred Orre11,15 Borden Ave. W.F.Fztre11e,602 Wright Ave. H.F.Baker,113 Dock St. Bennie U. Wall, 2707 Chestnut St. F.W.Iswis, Rt.l, Hox 533. V.L.Toms,3 S. [,th St. Jesse Holmes, 23-D Lake Village. T.E,Peterson,4914 Oleander Dbive. Farl Tucker,Jr., C25,Box 281B. R.J.Mi11er,307 E. 43rd St. A.W.Trask, 4505 Greenfield St, W.J.Blackwe11,17 ldrightsville Ave. Jas.T.Clark, 134 Ward St. J.G.Bostic, 196 Pinecrest Pkwy. A.H.Rowa.np2£353 Adams Street. F.D.Stelljes, Jr.112 Morgan St. J.W,Hoffman, Box 248 Market St. Rd. E,W.Williamson,Jr., 114 Davie Drive. Joseph H. Bost, 1202 Chestnut St, E.F.Tart,Rt,3,Box 397. . A.G.1litor,205 N. 46th St. Leo P. Baum, 506 Northern Boulevard S.S.PIs. Mc ?C.B.[dilson, 1606 Chestnut St. Floyd S.Seay,Jr. 4407 Greenfield St. 3ienry E. Hough, 216 Victoria Drive. Jatties T1urner, Rt.l, Box 255. J.B.5tevena,17 Pinecrest Terrace. W,H.Baddin,2719 Harrison 5t. Darid F. Windley,160 Colonial Drive. Geo.T.Sternberger,415 S. 19th St. W,D,Sidbury, 807 S. 5th St. J.T.Meshaw.1510 Castle St. H.B.Hewett,237 Davie Drive. Joseph Carter,156 Lake Forest. C.R.McDonald,2218 Brandon Rcl. C.I.Tatum,305 MacMillan Ave. Donald R. Jenkins,516 Ann St. John T.Sondy, Castle Hayne. R.H.Elrod,238 Davie Drive. T.G.Craighead, 232 Page Ave. E.J.Henderson,307 Greenfield St. H.B.?cLawhorn, 13-G Lake Forest. Jos.L Maultsby, 2012 Metts Ave. J.B.WAllace,Rt.3, Box 107-A. I.A.Stewart, 707 Central Blvd. W.A,Wilson,209 Northern Blvd, N.B.Flitrelle,Sr. 1806 Carolina Avi For the two weeks term beginning August 23, 1954, for the trial of Civil Cases: For the First Week: Geo.L.Rhue, Box 205C. Herbert L. Scholar, 117 Graham St. Henry Varsaal,/aLiD6 Wrightsville Ave. R.A,Wunderlich, 316 Calhoun Dr. Herman Walton, Rt.2. L.F.Bowen,4015 Oleander Dr, W.J.Riley,224 Kenwood Ave. W.B.Pridgen,624 S. 2nd St. Alexander J. Mit6he11,505 Wrights ville Ave. Jesse Luns£ord, Rt.l, Castle Hayne. L.A.Reynolds,Rt.0, Box 141. td.W.Al1en,206 N. 25th St. W,H.Hardee, Y.O.Box 83, Car.Bch. Hubert Brewer,Rt.2, Box 367. Robeft E.Neadows, Q-S iake I'orest . Thomas 0. Harper, 4933 1'ine Street. William Bowera, 2727 S.Ylashington St.Dan 1{e11y.Jr. 7 Pinecrest Parkway. R,J.Lehrschall, 2$14 Klein Nnad. W,T.Lockamy, Jr. 415 N. Gth St. Ollie L.Dye,161 Pinecrest Pkwy. John L. Neal, 127 Rutledge Drive. Richard D. Mason,215 Iake Forest PKWY. Cecil Dixon,29 Jackson Drive. V.R.John5on,2513 Harrisop St. C.W.Riesz, 4405 ldrightsville Ave. A.D.Harris, 1815 Grace St. G.N.Goiney,RFD Loop Rd,Bx 203. Bruce B. B1ake,2102 Creasy Ave. Calvin S.Bullard,27 Pinecrest Pkw; M,H.Mathews,West Iake Village. W.G.,Loflin,7-0 Iake Forest. Henry E. Mi11er,1822 Carolina Ave Carl N. Mathis,Jr.317 S. 17t# St. x.B.Lockamy,420 S. Sth St. E.R,Bray,18-S Lake Village. A PF"- 5°36 Meeting'of August 2, 1954, continued. For the second weelt: R.E.Higgins,310 Sunset Park. R.A,Armstrong,108 Castle St. R.L.Gould,Rt.l, Box 302. F.A,Hartley, 1014 S. 2nd St. William- Reynolds,Jr.2-W Lake Village. Aubrey E. Lewis,20- Lake Village. Csrl C. 14anning, Rt.3. Box 144/ G.M.Gdodrwn, Sr. 202 S. !{lst St. Boyd Crisp, Rt.3, Box 266. W,D.O'Quinn, 213 Rutledge Dr. Louis J. Coleman, 2108 Metts Ave. H.E.Hicks,730 Windsor Drive. H.H.Hudson.Dox 120 Castle Hayne.Itoad. O.J.Wilson,1082 S. Sth St. James 2dorgan,Rt.2, Box qll. Alphonse O.Droussard,113 iJard St. Charles W. Gore, 7-T Lake Village. Robert M. Pope, Ctilhoun Dr. Troy C. Motte, 49 Spo£ford 1-7ills. A,R.Hewett,Qll Church St. F.P.Blanchard, 103 S. 7th St, id,B.Highsmith,706 Chestnut St. . M,H.Mathews,Jr, 22 W.Drive Lake Vil. Wiley Watson, 106 Ward Street. The neeting then adjourned. ??il• 8'`j? --?. - Clerk. ? J.W.Cavenaugh,147 Gordon Doad. J.J.Parker,214 S. 9th St. C.D.F1rtch,Rt.1, Box 353. Jack Hngers,747 Gordon Road. Pa.ul W. Bryan,Rt,2,Box 181. Lewis H. Rackley,229 Davis Drive. Uldine S.Woolard,P.O.Box 567 Car.Bch Leslie R. Ray, 231 Rutledge Dr. J.E.Ianier,419 Grace St. H.Rayland Powell, Rt.2,Box 470. C]:audg Hobbs, 4005 Park Ave. F.H.Lockarqy, 5-1 Lake Forest. Wilmington,N.C., August 9, 1954. The regular weekly meeting oS the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J.Love, Faiford Trask, and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend S,J.Howie, Presiding Elder AME Zion Churches, colored. Copies of the Minutes of ineeting of August 2, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the'Board, the same were upon motion of N,r. Love, seconded by hir. 0'Shields, approved. The'County's 1954-1955 Budget Estimates, based on $95,000,000.00 valuation of property for tax levy purposes, ' vrhich levy has been set by the Board at $1.20 ori tho $100.00 valuation of property for the year 1954-1955, and due notice having been given by advertisement in aceordance with the ]aw, was finally adopted, an3 upon motion of i Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the following Appropriation Resolution was unanimously adopted: Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Cerolina, this 9th'i day of August 1954, that the expense for County Government, its activities and institutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, the amounts of the following sche3ule, or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for the General Ehnd 6 / /7 826 21 Section 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Agri.& Economics + . , 18;260.40 Section 4: That for the said fiscal gear there is hereby appropriated for Aid to the Blind 11,493.00 Section 5. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Aid to Dependent Children. 270,000.00 Section 6. That for the said fiscal year tliere is hereby appropriated for Aid to Perroanently & T.D. 128,160.00 Section 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Old Age Assiatance 399t600.00 Section 8. That for the sa3d fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Home 163,00 43 Section 9. That £or the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Farm p 20,730.00 Section 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Drainage 4,895.00 Section 11. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for County Home, Energency 31437.00 Section 12. That for the said £iscal year there is hereby appropriated for Health 682263.90 Section 13. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Hospitals 125,161.33 Section 14. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for J.C.W.-T.B.Sanatorium 55,576,60 Sectiob 15. That for the said £iscal year there is hereby appropri.ated for Welfare 87,733.00 Section 16. That £or the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Worlanens Compensation 33617.59 Section 17. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Capital Reserve 5.600.00 1,6931517.03 Section 18. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby approprsated £or : . . . Sehool Books $ 180000.00• • School-Building Program 739lb71.55 • School-Building,Federai Construction 91.755.50 School- Regu].ar Budget 300,000.00• School- Supplementary Budget • 3502500.00 • • . School-Bond Nlind • 265,391.25 School-Veterans Program 112243.55 . Schools-Wilmington College 81,800.00 • • School-Pension Flind 10.668.73 ' 1.$68.G30.58 Total Budget $ 31561,947.61 ? A request o£ the United Press Association to be fbrniahed with a copy of a joint resoluti=_of this Board and the Board of Education concerning pegregationsn the schools, adopted at a joint meeting held June 1,1954,was approved. • It was agreeable to the Board to mail Farm Census Schedules, to be furnishe3 by the Federal-State Crop Reporting Service to the Farmers before 116ti:Yig- tf.mG, to assist them in maki.ng their crop roport, and that a letter be sent with the sche3ules explaining its use and that the schedules be used by the Superv3sor's Office, or listers, to assist in getting a good crop report. Requested by the Ebderal-State Crop Reporting Service. . A letter was received from Mr. Neill C. Cornwall,Jr.Scout FScecutive extending thanks oF the Cape Fear Area Council, Hoy Scouts of America, to the County Commissioners for their generous act in conveying to the Scout -?? Council on July 13, 1954, the parcel of land situated at the abandoned Northeast Cape Fear River Bridge, . formerly lmown as the Bridge Keepers Cottage, Cape Fea.r Township. %?• ? ? ' . Y - Y*?''?J Month]y reports for July were received from the following and ordered filed: Veterans' Service Of£icer, County Home Agent Planning Group, Colored Home Agent, Farm Demonstration Agent, SENCBA, Wilmington Public Library and BoolQnpbile. ? Airpo?t cash receipts for July 27, and 31, were received and filed. ? ? VS) ? i ,