1954-08-23 Regular Meetingwh'?e w/ . J I e n Dleeting of August 9. 1954, contimzed. Census report for John C. Wessell R1uberculosis Sanatorium for the two weeks ending August Sth: White Patients 8 • Negro " 16 24 Non-residents 0 Uacant beds 8= iviale white 3, Female white 5. Discharged, Mr.M.Neilsen (white) Admitted, none. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, surety bond.premium for hir. Henry E. Williamson as a Justice of the Peace, in the amount of $10.00 was approved £or payment. The Chairman reported receipt 6f 637,620.19 our pro rata share of intangib?e taxes from the State, for the year ending June 30, 1954. $,Mrs. Foster Berry of Kure Beach appeared to complain of the increase in the tax rate, was'told by the Chairman that we had certain laws to abide by and any figures she may wish to sulmit will be given consideration at ? i:he tiudget meetings in the £uture, Ns. ?avis told the Board that he has had numerous phone calls and otherwise from interested persons concerning the fliture operation of the T.B.Hospital and that the Boards answer to thia question has been evasive, and flzrther ? stated that there is no law requiring a patient to leave the Sanatorium and go to another. Mr. Horton called ? attention to the patient signing an application and agreement for admission to a state sanatorium at the time of admission to our local T.B.Hospital. Mr. Davis then moved that inasmuch as taxes have'6een levied the T.B.Hospital will be operated at least for the balance of the present fiscal year. His motion failed of a second. Mr. Davis then offered another kotion that the Board put no pressue on any patient to go to another Sanatoriwn. This motion also failed of a second. The other coruissioners feeling that the action of the Board at meeting of August 2, 1954, that the operation of the T.B.Hospital will corrtinue so long as it is feasible and the group will be given ample notice of ar?y anticipated change, would suffice, and no further action was . taken. A request of Mr. Graham Walton, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for an appropriation of $1,000.00 toward the expense for holding the D'airy Cattle Show September 7, 1954, and Fat Stock Show next spring, was told that would be given consideration later in the distribution of appropriatibns. However inasmuch as the Dairy G?ttle Show is scheduled for September 7,an appropriation of $500.00 was upon motion of 14r. Trask, secorijed by Ns. Davis, granted at this time and additional furrls will be granted later if available, if not available no further appropriation will be made. The Board feeling that the appropriation granted will be to the best interest of the County for advertising its advantages and reseurces. The Chairman reported every thing in readiness for the County Commissioners and County Accountants Convention . _,D?-_41\at Wrightsville Beach August 15,through the 18th, and the same being on the date of the next regular meeting of the Board, August lbth, the said next regular neeting of the Board was postponed until the following Aionday, August 23, 19549 The meeting then adjourned. v 3e? il. ?? .._'Qlerk. ,1?1 Wilmington,N.C., August 23, 1954. The regular oreekly meeting of the E3oard was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclc A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Comissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, County Attorney Cicero P. Yow and County Auditor T.D.Love. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend A,T.Green,Jr., Pastor of Si;nset Park Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of august 9,1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, secon3ed ty Mr. 0'Shields, approved. e Chairman, on behalf o£ the Board, exten3ed greetings to and welcomed Mr. Cicero P. Yow, our County Attorney, ?ck to'his duties after being out sick for several days. r The Chairman postponed sutanitting report on the County Commissioners-County Accountants Convention held at Wrightsville Beach August 15 through the 18th, until receipt from the State Association, final reports to get the same in the minutes. A letter of tlsanks was received from Mr. Rye B. Page,Jr., Co-Publisher of the 5tar-Ne-vrs ideiaspapersp in acknowledgment of the invitation to attend the 47th Annual Convention of County Corrmiissioners at Wrightsville Beach August 15-182 and also a letter from Dr.Ellen Winston, Commissioner of State Board of Public Welfare, telling how much she and other representatives of her Board enjoyed the Convention. A letter was received from Mr. J. J. Padrick, Chief of Police, expressing his thanks to the Board for putting ?1W/ the Police Pistol Range in condition for the Annual Firearms I,atch held Augus't 5th. A copy of a letter dated August 16, written by N?r. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, to P4r. C,Heide Trask, ? hird Division Stata Highway Co?issioner, about putting up signs on the curve approaching the Airport from ? US 117, on which several bad accidents have occured during the past £ew months, and Mr. Pat Pretlow was killed on the same curve August 19,1954, was received together with his acknowledgnent of August 19, for the promptness in providing the signs and markings on the roads through the Airport. Upon motion of Nlr. 0'Shields, seconded b,y NIr. Love, an easement over a 70 feet width parcel of County Home ??land 1,444.5 feet in length, containing 2.3 acres was granted the Carolina Power and Light Company for a consideration of $556,00, over which to construct a power line. ? ' A petition sutmitted by 14 property owners requesting that Long Leaf Hills ?rive in Harnett township, 3,700 ? QA.S feet in length, which runs from Masonboro Loop Road to Winter Park-Shipyard Road, on which 20 houses are located, V? be included in the County Highway 5ystem for State biaintenance, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the Ste.te Highway and Public Works Commission for consideration. eknowledgment was received £rom Mr.C.Heide Trask,Third Division State Highway Commissioner, of our recent request ?1;?'?to build a bridge across the Cape Fear River. Assuring us that the request is receiving every possible consideration, and any flxrther formal steps advisable for the County Commissioners to take, they will be so advised. ' A I 'S'38 Meeting of August 23, 1954, continued. A letter of thanks and appreciation was received from The I'lorence Crittenton Home, CharlotteIN.C., for the - ,p100.00 appropriation received from this County, authorized at meeting of June 1, 1954• Upon motion o£ ]7r. Love, seconded Vj Mr. Davis, Cape Fear Area Girl Scouts was exempt from payment of tAxes ,(a? on a Station Wagon charged against them for the year 1953, uncler authority of General Statutes 105-297, J ? Section 6, and the said tax was ordered aksted. . ?aii- _?P? t ? ./ A copy of the Property Tax Bulletin dealing with discounts for the payment df=property taxes, publiched. by the Institute of Government, was received. A letter was received from Mr. Franklin W. Bell, Director of City-County Civil Defense, advising that Mr. E.C. Hubbard, President of Ehe Professional Engineers of North Carolina, and Brig. Gen. Frlwin F. Griffin, State Director of Civil Defense, have requested that he extend to the members o£ the Eoard of County Commissioners an invitation to be present at a meeting to be held at the Ocean ierrace Hotelt Wrightsville Beach, on Saturday morning at 10:00 o'clock August 14th. Also instructions £rom General Griffin to IocalCivil Defense Director, City and County and State law en£orcement agencies concerning "Identification of the Ground Observer Corps Personnel" in the event of an emergency. Reports for the month of July were received from the following: Wilmington Hou iDg Authority, James Walker Hospital, SENCBA, Statement of sirport receipts and disbursements and Airport Cash Receipts for August 12, Ditdiwork for July 13, 1.Siumnerlin, Wrightsville Loop Road checked as a bridge problem and culvert covering. 2. M.B.Seitter, Castle tiayne-cleaned and shrubbed ditch. 3. George-Wilson Koels property between ?abies' Hospital and Pembroke Jones Park- ditched; shrubbed and cleaned, k. Rack Hill Section, Cross-Davis-Rhodea, ditch shrubbed and cleaned. , Census Report for John C. Wessell `iuberculosis Sanatorium; week ending August 12th: White patients 8 Negro " 15 23 . Nan-residents 0 ' Vacant beds 9= N1ale white 3 , Female ° 5 , Female Col, 1 Discharged: 1. Joseph Flowers,colore3, left without nedical advice. Admitted . none. Week ending August 20th- 14hite Patients 10 Negro " 16 26 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 6= N,ale white 2. Female white Q. Discharged: 0 fcdmitted le 3=A7.bert Hall,.,colored, Wilson,N.C.'August 13, 1954• rti.ss P9ary Ru£h Blalock, white, Carolina Beach, Aug.13, 1954• Mr. Rc>bert Le.whorne, white, Y14CA & County Farm,Aug.13,1954• ? State Board of Public lJelfare Statistical Report Gounty Juvenile Detent?ion @uarters, Nevr Hanover County Farm ? Prisoners and Idew Hanover Countyjiame,Irnnates, prepared by the County Welfare Department, were received and £iled. A letter was received from Community Hospita.l advisirg that Helen Afarie Allen, age , 0 97 ou ree D was admitted to the hospital April 4, 1954, and discharged July 29, 1954, Dr.W.L.Crouch diagnosed her case as Primary Tuberculosis. She was discharged with a case worker to go to the State Sanatoritun. Report of the Consolidated Board of Health for July and report of North Carolina Public Welfare Statistics for rlay were received an3 filed. ? 2 f 1 S th 8th 5t t ? ? G? Copies of applications to Dr. R. B. Rodman, Medical Director, John C. Wessell 1liberculosis Sanatorium, Yor beds ?!oh? £or the treatment of Nnbert Lawhorne, 213 N. L,th Street, Goldie Swindells 905 t•Ziller Street and Mary Iduth Blalock, Carolina Beach, requested by Dr.C.B,Davis, County Health Officer, crere received, together with applications for admission to a State Sanatorium. ? Surety bond for Aenry Elmer Llilliamson, as a Justice of the Peace, in the amount of $1,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation of Pdew York as surety, the said Bond having been approved as to form and executioa?. - by the County Attorney and the amount fixed by law, was upon motion of 14r. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'5hields,approved. ouncement of a meeting o£ the Agricultural Committee of the Chamber of Commerce scheduled for Friday, August 13, at 11:00 o'clock A.?•;., in the Chamber of Commerce of£ice, concerning the Fifth Annual Junior Dairy Cattle Show, September 16-17, was received. Notice o£ formal hearing on ADC appeal before the State Loard of Allotments and Appeal in the case of ` y°/ Uirginia Blanton Holt, Rt.l, Box 135, in the office of the Welfare Department 9:30 A,P9,, August 6,1954, was received. With reference to a statement appearing in the July report of the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington ? concerning rent collections for units in the loia rerrt housing projects, stating thAt July marks the 130th \ consecutive months of perf9ct collections. -- Bringing the total amount collected without a penny's loss to $1020032599.33. It appearing that someof the tenants in the units have £rom time to time obtained advances from the County general assistance fund to meet their rent obligations. Therefore Mr. 0'Shields raised the question as to the amount of money the County pays out for such rent, amount of taxes received, and extent of such burden on the County. Mr. Horton said there was not enough in the budget to take care of it. The County Attorney advised that payment of rent is not a courty obligation other than as to the general care of county indigents, would be the same status of landlord and tennant and a m8,tter to be worked out between the Housing Authority and the tenant. Cases should be investigated on a basis of salary and ability to pay. It was the consensus of the Board that some other arrengements will have to be made. No action wLs taken, The Chairmsn on behalf of the Boar3 extended thanlcs to all the £olks who took part in the County Commissioners Convention, especially the ladies who had a big part in it, and to Mr. O'Shields and Mr. Love and all who • , participated in it from the One Hun3red Counties for their part in making the Convention a success. • Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills nurnber 266 to 488 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. Qlerk. ? ? r . w?.r! ?i.: 1 °a , 3". . ' .} Y. ?. 'i',} .,.,,r:'''' rF_. s,.r?? '( r. . + r ?, .':. ,- 3 < t , w': ? ? y ?.. _ t •, ? :n o n 'ti i i s ? ? T.?.i ? ?j i ? `?, ..L .? ;. . '0. ?e n . '? ? r :,2•;a'? ?>'4i •° ? . ? ?' ?? ^ '?? dN> i. ..., . s ' ? t -,-g"`? ? [.: ? g : 1 ?. ?. • ..4. >. :S d„y;•! ' "Lsri.„?,h^ ?f '1,„ 'hr q ?. ?'? t ?w ?Y46: ? ? x•tro Y. .. G'' -y . . y e ` Y ? . : + i . ?F t . ? 1'a t...- ?. ^ v.L va ilp:? t ";• f aj'. '' ' ` ` ' s.The°fo7.I6wing,'Heport of'^ReSolutions°.Gomtnittee?of,the,:y7th?AY?ua.i Convantaft1-'? , the State.:RSSO`eiatiori'of 'Coiznty'.Commiseioners and Cotinty,:Acoouptanta ',held,'at` , :Wri:ghtsville 'beach+Au`gust ,15th througY, the 18th ,1954', was; tead `anfl''?resented °£o;- ' • - •?, ?kthe "B,oard -?by: the Chairman,,,and un motion o£ Love; seconded:-lj, Mr. bavis, vas, ?'. . x - adopted on the?afSxrmakivre vote o#',all inembers` except'Mr oTrask whb`voteNo' , . "S" , s }} ? ~ ? f t}r.1' • : .idYt •;;" ? ' ,' ifi.,.w'ir W}±5?;' the,?State llssociation'Of Courrty?Commissiorters as?d t,tie Associrition of. -,`County Accountarits of Nort?i-,Carol?.na have,. e ?erienced a Su6des6flil•.and^en3oyabie ?? Fortq-seventh 'Annual Convention, frda Augiist,l5 to±.Aug?t ;i$; ?1954? ,?t Wri:ghtsville Beach, in'Nev Hanover,County, all;of which:has,been made gossible by`the-courtesies s•= > and sete of ki.ndness`extended to them by iha»y peop]:e, 3and `• : €k'? ;w ;?", ' ' ',". ' ' .. ' y . al. s .:.? . ? ,. ? R _," } ' .R a PN.. ?. . . . • i f• •?Y a -, ? • ?t ''WLRE(18, .pant3culer]:q thanks;are due to the.'Gounty Co,*i.ssioners.o£ New Hanover. ; a COtitiiby,•: neme4.btr,'`fialph''Ho'rtOn', 'Cliairman?, Afr. ?Iatid 0!Shi'eldsi NIr. Iiall';LoVe? . Mr,• Thur'ston;??. .Davis,' and?.i?ir. Rai£ord Trask,?and,;their, Wi:ves, ?ss. RalpYi}>$drton??,? ?•+' t„b1r"s: Claud O'Shisldfi,"h'irs:, Thu2'ston;C: Davis, , a,nd.b?'s, k?aiford Trask,rwhose untizing,? rr ,4" effdrts'to,prouide;eiiterfi,a3'IDneMt,for,:°'thel,County Go:?rlniasioriers?.they,Count;y,llccountarats, and-`-the I,adies ofr:tYie Converi$?.on:Yi'aye inade ?this the £ineSt+;meeting.,within `memory;' and ."-. y? .R ? . . . . a? ., . {, .4 ?r:. . .,.' " • ° :qii .+'r.: s4. ' ? . WHEREAS,°,the :Covrtesies of ethe r9anager and'"S#a.ff fof the Ocean Terrac`e; Hotel;, as .,,• ,r as of;other hot'els on"Wrightsville Deach, have;also m:ade this' occasa ,4: memorable Oll? ? a. ?` e•fi 1' ? i,`a ? ?? '!? ?7 '?-? ° ;' ??'?? r : ?? ?':' } f `? , t ?<. Y"z.<?f_ ,+, r?Ns. q.: '?r.4',? ,.eo - 4 [' -?,.:-. , °:,;:3 e yy ? :. 'r ? ?" ? .',rk °. - ' 3 : . ?4'.k; . ;' . ..?, A Yy,•, ' +? y..^r". a s ? i1? ,i. '?, ? ., .. ?'•. :? , x . ' '.Tf3EftF?.'68E.BE IT RESOLVE17by the State°Association of;Cotu?ty-G'?otrm?s'sione'rs-and,the";`?• A?sociation o?' County Accoun'tants af-.North •Caroliri8 `that the sincere `appreci?tion: and •+t' .' tkianks o#'r'the members thes'eof'be expressed' to a•71 of those..who liave made r?e 6onventi'on ;;?.?.. , ?.one lpng ?o li e reni`aabered , `, ? Q; WHI!,i??AS?the"5tatessociatios? of,? County Commiss3oi?ers and ,the sociat?.on ofr untg ?ecoun?ants ?of; North;?aroli.na 'have hadta.',<group 'of xee3l'enb'°§?ieaicers appear. `;be£ore them ?fu; eril.ip?ten ?them bn var,iolzs° aspects'. of State and Local Governinen't, a?, q(P?a i?`'; ?; WHF.EiEA.S? these speakers $ave combisied to,provida a'very irifbrmat5.ve and ?: ? V cdueat?onal: progsam C`i TEfER .s?i?t at! " . q Y ?•Y ' hC. =? a ' fA?i. 7 1 fie. . lY k v> ? 4 . k i . • . a ? . Y% r S' ' RE gE° IT' ItESQLYED by"'?lie''State A'ssociataan?`of Couhty Cotmn.iss?.one,ts.and . . E'FO th?'gss4ciation of `Cbunty Acboixnte.nts of Iforth Carol.ina'that our sincere' gretitude and ,` apprec3atiorr be natpresaed 'Eo the° fionorable 3am J. Er'oin, 7r:., of the United Staises, Seriate ` Dr '.•Cha.c?les?F: Carro ll, Superintencient ot,?,Pii4lic ?Instructions?r?the'?$onosable ?dwin=Gx11, +; f F;'State Sreasu'rer,rDr:? T W.'F?. Nortony`'Stite'Health;Officer.?<br „E.-'H "Elli,mvood, • ?'' i}Courity4,He21th„0£ficer,of`GuilfordrGounty,Wand,h`,r':;•?e?.th;L:?Seegmiller,,x5ecretary°o£thp n" a . . ,. , x . . k ? .:. $+ " NationalA§s"oci?tion of Qounty Offieial.s. .- ? a,??., , ? t ??';-''° c "* y?? r - •E• . ? i_ ,r{.` y ?"F " w .tf k rn .s. .# 7x,? ' .a .,.X??1i ?-s?-x ?? i}r; .,? ;?` r . , `'? 'ti "A. ; } • ? ca`s ,3. WHEREAS,s the a£f?cers and dir2ctore?of the State?Associ?,tioa 6f,Gounty ? Co?mi.ssioners;have ?7`i11jnglyigiven, oftthe:i.r, ti7ne fos the"adbangement oY itYi?e a?.ms of the P? . isso?ciatioriS". and a . . .- x ,`F ?• ?. ? ± ? t. ? `r : .,. . 1 Y 'a? T? ?'S n'ir. -a-1 .. a ? .?r{j• 61fi?S; under ectio?4the.gssociation'ha"s'had os?e?of its 4uostt thez? d?.z? ti + productive,years r . } ?ty?' r?....?v . :.??7 ?x . ?.r?f r.Y??« ? J-•: v ?l ?.t x.' p., 5 d ?'?' y} tt4a K• THERr."E'Of?ia`F3?"I 1?GSLUEll by; t?ie, S'ta?e Associatibn of ti County Cormuissioners"that, ,?"? ? ,. y `. grati'tude a:x?d. apprbciatione expr.essed,?to;Mr aLloqd`C, Anos? Preside?it;.'kSg. f? b.Williazns;': =* -Pisst._ Vace=Presid'ent, l4r 'P.R.Dry`,;?econd ?Iice-i'resident;, and to the Disect,ors of the ,,. iAssac'iation;"namely,, Mr. John E Bobne? Distrxetjl'Mr. k'.T,.Dail,f•Dist"rict,2, Ralph Ho?ton, District 3> Mr tR: ?P Holdin?, Di`strict 4., Nr.A:HiA?WilTiamsy ` Da.st'.rict 5; Mr ?,.,E. Ray,*,aost?'ic'E,6, Fx:, $obert Fo"rrest;Dsstrict 7, J:M.Pleasants, ? y*{ •' ,,"bistrict 8;-`t9r ;Wa?.7.y ??ui?hasri, D?:strYCt 9, ?ir. 3?S.ISemp Arnifield, bistrict 10;":Ntr'.Stewart - :Iaai?.l:e? `bistrict. 7.1, Ir L:C.Robertson;..l5istrict. 12; 4l.^,i'aul Carpenter; `Distrxct 13, and: "?• . a i? 1AIr.:•.Tenni'ngs'.:A ?ysonDistrict and :?.- s }: 6.?: ar ,Y ?•'? ,6 " ? ? r ` Y J . s t „.` r„ ? a ' ?;? ` { . f.•'1 ,? ? . q .: g,? y : :. ' .-r t Z ?' ... y . e yL?s ? ? ?» •ea. 5 a. ,s,f.' y ,? `{r'r,? f,.t 4t. ,x 4 =? ?? rK ']?. ?a %'. '"" .?x ?J ? e w o 1 r . t. . u, „`f •d ,j a 4r.-, d? F?'.r a k r`9 y ?.?..,Gdr t iJy. ??t"?l•4? R .,$,? . # ?" ?i ? ?_ f ?` .?TR L j`'? A 4? i''? } ?.? 7 ?,? T ? ?ry.".s ? ? , 'T r, a c ?: ? ti st? ae r24 fi P;+? -+? 4}m ,y s ?aya?Ky .. Y??? iltle n T e, k ?? rt',?.,. BE IT °FITRT'rc?R Fi1SbL?EDt?hat our ,specS.b?;' gratit? e ?.presse??to 6ur Serx?taz?y + ?,?a{°.t, r,o?'thi?,?, " ,4Treasirs??r? t3r:aJ Henry ?"au?an? ?or?_has unti?'ingxef;fbr'tsi d? ?by,day? in?hehal? ?n <. ?:w,, +. . 5 r, i M <h -.«i?? ?:sr?. Jy N.?" r ''?`Kilp sy y.? • a&` 7? y-:r? .,,.w -+4?+7 w r? ?:}4} ? ?`?I 1 l' K[ M? 1.lJ * i..?C? A Y#J` .? ?f ? w?SS`b1C19,'t?OIle a.,,4 y ?? ?.? }'°'? ?F'^ 3 ri ? °,?'1 f??'' ? ??+1° the,iiastitute o?' Governmeht„has contirnzed rand expazided 4 ; ?,?, ?,?^'_ ? c?iaring ?,he p?st ??ex.Y', its ma?y services ?Cou?ty Gov,e?n?ent, inc3ud3h? the, giu.?o odoks ?,,,h '' training sckqols??3ist?ictrznes?ings,.?aYid?magazine made ava3:3.ab?1? to?County"Officaals;,, , v g ;,.;?t< t}has been ready at'ia1l1 times to,pr'omide help, 4 ? ',•w, k ?4??VH?AS, ,'t3?? Tta?titute,rb?r?vernmen ? "uestionszand? ?otilemS that .Gourrty ?orrmu.ssiorier? and- Co?ntg?tAccouxitants fl- a F : ' -?.7q : nu i-p ' s•t 3-'f .,,a 4 S. .Pl,+. ?'?',? w s _.. X ^ ? ' -' 44 ? . '?+3?F Xf9F2?-$llC;yy,'L t3 c0 ? p s ??°fe F ? ,X ?¢"# +J` ? « F j'"„f,f,? ' :k • 1 eC,a ? r * ? ?? k .,:'? ? ??.gst+?k1•& : t ?,, . R?? te ? _?.. ? ? 'q 3 4? ' s tdH?R?,? ?''t?e ?aemtiers o?' ,the Staff, of .the{Institute?of Government have -been o£sN A4? • , ? f;. s 4 x 3'r « i .?+e"at?help to ???,.various co?nz.ttees of qur.rkspecta:ve`?Assooiati:oias i?,studying,?ri' ?}B'Clf ?C?'d?.'P.117??Syc ??s'?s?µ? ?.rr ¢ } ?:k {f x Q. ? ?` ,?R?t ? t [ `z $,},•a?4 W . mi ..yY laa.?s f ? ? y, ; i y . x > Kr 3 }, ? r? '7 ?(, `':d?`l?tk.>rtp r.r:t`UR roW, ? rt ? ra? fN-^iR'?3? •.' ",?i'ki, ' /Sf??:?„ +4.?'THggtE,?'pREr?$E?Yg.S0?,.?3ET??y,?the State..Asso??atkbn?of•?oun?y Co"r?.ssioners ahtl' sthe y_' ` x???-;?? Associatiori?'b#'"Coasit? Accoun?a.nts^.of=fii?orth`??olinaFtha? pur{grat3tuc?e and?appreciat?.on ;,> `31?e ?spressed;??to?ti?e,mem?se,?s ;of. Ahb `S?a?'f of ythe In`st?tu?e,o£ N ? CM -°' ? 'F ?,?+,? F T ?A ? ?. ?' -'N? r? G rt?'. 1 u ? ? y'?. ti.8 a ?'?c..h r .?U a?x t?t wm '4 S'rr E p?,:...,r'' . . ?, ?a: p????` i?REAS,?,-k?e*`State ?ssoca.at?nOn flf,,County Cvra?nlssion"ersiwork?.ng a? ` ative ?.nd Resea.rch ,Cozd?.i.ttee h?s b2en made awe?re of ''?he faat that aridib?.onai, Legisl , ? '`3??e islatio? i8a nece`ss?ry in order toimprove'the` operation" of ;Couaity Government, .and ` "IC Z `t?•'.? „ ,??'?? r^• ? ` ?K ?'x,?Y-.'? `S ? 3' ?r r c'L.?...''`t3i?'? .+. d '? ?F ,+ g ? "L? ?t^+ kkF ? +be requested £ro?h the ? i f,mentf of 5uch 'l?gislation sAbu?.d ) 3955 er :- la 8 Y ? c ?;? <'.? '?r +1' ?' ? ?d\`yf `"" +:'.4 S r1 ?' x Z G oM': "t . i c f . ,xr k f E J"'4 n.R' !"". , •?g,; {??r?, THEIiEFOR,E BE I?R?aOS.VID by th'e StatexAssoc?tion'of ?Gaunty Comm?.ssionersA theiT955 GerieralAs:semb7 be, requested to e?act`jth6i £0?.7.olsing iegYSlabS.on r 'S ? r w'f S ?re e " a? <d?,.? s 1?gmeuidapig?,G S` ? 10$ 11 to"??rova.de ?ki2;t, the t?rm of office of' meznbers, of cot?n'?y b ??73.1-0 V2U&TE#SllOll?-Cl T?egin?'ofi .,?.,? a? .,d,r'N}vx• . "1 : r f.a ? r..?,,, 'fi" r ?:_. * ''£^ c ? q'.i.' 37a, ?b8-(i6? ?nd ?.48 7?' $'?a,eiitaite ?he requi.r?nent that , a ,,: rAviendiYag G'S 10$ ? fare,and $uperintexicients of??'ubZiC;W?3fare ?Sign • ? r Chaxrmar? of :Oouu'?y'tBoa?ds?of'"Publa.e??el% ` "??heck:9 iSsued?xn pa?*ment tif;wel£ar'e ,adm'`inis?ra?io?i expenses. ?, ... .?{3)? ??reating ?a.:.pooled ?fund with Ad?quate Stat?-'appropr'iationf"?for tl}e hos?i?eliz`at2?ii ? * of T?ub?.ic Assist,ance? r?c?.p?.ents Sn,Ep?dex? to ob'baxn additional Fede'ral hxn&s aud to;,7.?rv" ?0. 'J' .. < 31fiR,}]11?jT s}JbO?S.E81J'1`Ylg °pPDCBC?.?I'06? ? i?? ' ?°' Ne?? a ks,''?`?. ' e+ . ,x a 'a t?? , "s 7 '++;t i „ y.? •p? l Rr?? ?m'i-a'Ly,u"4 ttvY'yi?'t??':?T? ? y ty?T a.,t •s"•a ??sf y? s?'? ?, ?i! ar •.,-?sg.,??" eF 3?? t A"''??? ', c F?^'! ? y kt ?.+£ lTt w,? ? .1 ' t W?v. ry rv? e '?d?...C r:. YC ? My: F N . ,??(k1+P'roirSc'lj.ng.?£-br fbur-j*earNy??te.g?ered tterms?ffnr Cov?ty,,4owa?:ss?one?5 ?¢-1 t 1 1 j k w Z ?.E ?I •T ? f 4} MA ?k n: r?,i ,+ rT°,(?) Aiithorizi`ngsHoards of Count-Cotmniesioners?to?'?3ur'chase,publ?.?`7a.ability:'and? Ss 'of a?prope?r?y?d?.iriage insce?to cOVefin?ariBS to?p?rsoris?and,prope'rty ,cau5etl. by,the:.q • * ? ,. ;?negli:gence??f ?ounty,. OfficiaYsP am???nplbg*ees?„wai.?i"ng' tkie ,Cotih?y s°'gd?ernmental a f? ? ?,? ?,3.?nuiiYty to?the e5c??nt of but no''G beyond tti'e" insux'ance.co'derage •« ? ? } x i -! A? p s i, 4 ?,? a? >- y,, (6) 9me?dingzC;S 153 4? sto authnrize & Board.'of Cotinty ?ommx?sioners -offica.o,?ler? to #1??`,µ? ;,? ". t??;scret?.on to tlesighate anof£ycial or4K:oupty?F?np7.oyie asex ? ,? -* , ? Bba??y ?ana ,a?mending: ? G S 301: 23 ac?ording?Yr??4e ?'fr,f°??? * ?« .. r?, ?d ?? R'? ?r "!? , ,?,, ? <? ? :!? ;: ? x. i . ? :r°'r ? r°?' +r. ,'{7)rTteqv?.ra.ng Justice ?:o?.the',Peace to?uSe+pfe nwtibered warra.nts?a3id.pre-nwubex?ed?'?.,,,; 'cr`irainal,?procesdi`rig? anfl ;,?t' r z F ;s M;` ;,:; ? receipts?'isswed'??fem by i'?lerks?o£„Superio'r'',CoU?'t?in ?all tb, sM acoount?«fcir:.the .toney1receiv? 3n .a11 crim;inal ?"roceedii?gsy anc?"f5irther,authorizl?, s ? Aoa,?rds of Couxrt$r??o.ussionex? to,reCjtureSan auda.t ann?ae.'lly af4a?r or aT1' af tt?e?xbcords ?.' r,? a, nf, aY?y or alI ??zs`tices 8?' the 'I'eacA. in the'aCounty'," =?rhe?ier?"such''records. be ixt tfieq`hands ?'"?bf''the 3us?Ci?ce?himse].f or ink't,?e-`h'ahd5' of'?i'?he ?ler1?!of '?he'}Superior Court??*the?oo'st of rE : *?zs t, x? the;s.udityt?'b' bchbor?iis,by ?he ?o?sd' sof Oounty Commissioher's an?d pei?formed •?a.ther' by ithe ? Coi?rity,Abcolintaht°or bp,at;Cextifaed,Pab1?.Q Acaountant, t3.s`t,he„Eo'az`d may in its%flisoretion,.r ,t xx` y3 -'t C??'fi2I7[l'1TiB` ? •' `i9' .k'?.wt "?m, ?. a ei yF k ,y:A. + i .. ?.r r ? ? r .aa g ct b:lV' ,y ..?4 a: ? YA4y.. ?y? ?.?$?"¢ ?%?r,($? 9mead?ng G;?5:153-g,`?a r?iri'sert xthe ?eqvlrem?n'? that,meeting?'of .Ebards of,Gbua?ty:? + r?,,' ?ouan.7,s5'ioner.a be open ?o sll.?p?rsons, whirdi?reqva.remerit w6sfdi.nadver??n?3?5 otni.tted when. ;, +r uC J?:v- yt?'16".?Cl'?'r@?39EC'?lOi'1 ?, ?t..+ „M '?'a d§'?T?'4 ^'?, 5' ?i? ? •„kSwae "` .?? L.y,i'+.c'{}t t7*?K.? r >`.?a?? , +h ? a r?. ? ?y ?`. n. • •` . .y {?i*; °5 ?4 ?ir ?'?Ih! .? ? ({.. 'YJ? .?,t.?Ytib? ? ? [n.4'N. ? e'f ,k?a,? >'4'ic?. „t t, 4 t - : i' Y? : ? Y ? '•? S 4 t . . ef' `.6]„ e - a ir . • ?. _t ? + ' •'ht ?. ys .? . ? r.? ?, ? . i d. ,; y •? y ? ?.? i[ ?:. ? • . ?'? rr , y s ;. xy...: ?• z r' S? i ea3h a?A t + µ V.. ??. ? t., 'l ??'? µ., d tr ??« , r..... k' 5 r,'„ n.ae yq '? •j d A?. j.. .? s /cN1 y? s . f' • i"? ? ? 5 F? i b?f-?.1:,8 "G <1?Fti + ..t llty ;A -. . d i5 bwaf` ?.'„ ? 8 . ? ? Y? f 'w ? f. r? . ?.?1r,??. . ?,j ? I a&I?tT FURTH?Y?RES6LVED tliat?,.the cooperati6n.of i',he.State Board`of 4 X , : Y t . . , k n - whicTryhas pr:eviously indicated agrbement.-iri°yl'.h? the propos9cfi l?gislation 3 ,•, the:f5.rsftYiree°items abovey,.be soughtrin-greseriting t312>xequests,outl -fir'st three,items above to `the'"1955?Gene.xal'.essembly ?° . '•ti;. ° :"1 ; 'V" 5 "1, "; d"? i-x i 3 9I4D BE,XT FUFiTHL?ft 1?OT,UED 4at the cooperatZon oF the I3?atzona?A ;?Caunty QE'fioz?ls`besought?im reque'stin? tMe Congres's o£,.the tritited`5t 1ahaaiges `-in the`Social Sectiri.ty,ilet: • so as?to make' resitien£s %of. Gounty.rH for•:Old-age, hs6ist8.nce and?kd to the E?ermanently ancl otai];y °DisabYed ?t t f y . y . .?'°. r: ?,a R7iv . i"+ .?-5 '.. ' . M ' .?,.. ° • AND,$P IT FURTIiER R9SOLVED thab'Boardsof Cc>iinty Comm:isSioners no ''to''setthesa?ariea` and ?`eeS 6f aT7:. CountylvOf£i4s tand: oy"ees b? r work`witli their;T,egislators in se@king legislatioo grarit;?hem such',. ?'?,?Sreviously tien'gnted t3 a,number oP,counties uniier tY1e, p4rovxsiansso, ?,? t, et'aeq ,as. .`to" sa].a'ries aric1TG 8 T5?.=9_ (12A). as d w 4!t . ? , 1 f .. p .. - O .,h'. .. ... t?.r ae•. ? . ..1 ... tl 'X.} k ""v x.AND BE`'IT F'aTBER RW0LVED that thiSrAssociation. express;4 •its I; 5 M•)? RneSeaich Co',anittee iU great appreciation?.#',or tho "efforts of,the ?M U]AT'lClftO M1'f 'F.VidtEckni?.ia'Finn1.CIT6tt3A?n'I:?iic',Pnnaf+e.m'???r' ? e ar? the., lE . j . ? s£iic ??.. tE;IT??'UgTI3EA, yRESO#rVED?that thecI,egislative}and .es?and,tliat all:,?embers;o£ +he;I[ssocigtion;r'ef'E .ttee`as they' deem wi8e? :to. the lerid tkiat.,th"e,.,co#i ?s are nece§sary.;aalcl -report their recominerida,tiiin .. ,? ?,r ;•2 , . ,r"t,? , , t`• , i ,??,:,,, 6 tWiiEREAS!t TfIE,.3TAT9?ASSdCIATIbN avGOUxR7t WfISSI( ?offer towthe- 1955 Seasion,of, the"Ge?eral Rs'samb?y;a"pso?x riscai,dontrol Act;".and+ 'J" i "? r I, "a r . {? . F; «, , k ;? !'47IiERr,AS:? ?the- propos8$! r.-?vision ??.7.3?a11 w ?a Boax'cl ?bf ? 4! i'ts lta.Y?rate:.priiir-,to the"tieg,nn,,;g=of ,the'Fa.sca.l' Year;ij a .?,oollectYOn of?jrepaitl #akes? §nfl 13beraiize?tha',prav.3: laboth,of whkckt:wij7."Yarzxi? a heetied k1eiibi3.Y'ty,ttoE 4. e'_."X .Cr0V0P?I]IR@31t..:::?? µ ? ?'z:, Fs ? JT1¢"ay ? ? . ?' r yw 's s• _ ? n ?- v :THb:i?EFORX`BFs IT R?50LVE15?byattie State As"tsoaiatfon oi 'the ?.95Jr 'General?As9?mbiy`. be,regueste? to,;enact tIie? prope prepared;,by,tlie.Mte+Associabion`of rdountyAcCOUntants'.;. - ' T ,y 'x ?j . g ? 1 x'?S ;a:' ? S•' '•'? ?• ' a'M , A. "?'rFLy?{?? ?p re??y?fr ry?p' ?p?l ?} iy? yy}T???-/?j?p 'r . ?p?n ,,•k *Ctq. ?;, ? I? 7 wn?•R?Yf?J 1RG.'lY?R1R ?t1[1A11?J.Nri??lfYLfJVC,E?RY1F??[W: jl'IJ?J?? , offer°to?,the`1955 Session of 'the Genera.2;As'semb3y serie "- ? ? t?ch3.neryR?ct? anzl ::,'3' . .s: S a??t %. .n? ,{ ?f ,.';?S' i? "^ ,?.°s ara?f• w? 4L7HERLLS? said.amendments will%cSarifye Countie8t? 1,groperty in'years Y)a', ', vrhioli"`'no. geAeraltrevaluationrti??beir t,, 8ppointment' qfla,ss3.stantJta}: supervisors rihere:neederl, an in:the,satat,ut6ry'requ3.remeriis'far the appbiatment•of lzst la9ting ,propEr'ty ffor ?taxes?,.?" ? Yz W ?`-''•" -+, .-TFI?R.ErOHE BL T?P? ?OL? ?by t3?e?State Associatioii? the^lq55 'GeneraI I Asse?bly'be r?jues'ted'to''e?act itlie' Machi 1? '' ?otinty Cori?i :or8e,r Dto,?ex x ..+ bY? ,. s.. set° forth ti.n S ? •y . , ned;in the?j, - ^?iaa : .. +9 ? _ 4 .f . i soLciat?,zan ?of tGs yW ?$-?! b.. F y? 4 U .nv. 4 •'i l`?;? i.. ??? `now<authorized `- icourag8ci-to >i7e'ras;k?as ?ys?'??.r G:s:153=kg"?: ].ativeeand w? ?'p401C Vllai l?'.?. .tee rcoriti.'uue ?l?matters:.to', r, rc? of ?bir'ectora. i;, ?JU tl ata .d,W?Li ll ?? Y' A..•? 't}ie Coun`tyt r?i' k 'T '?s'a e uiw e •'?'r.. iOhpS'S t0 58t r'?,.? deposi? ?unty - t,? „ .. ?.? . zers that ? ? ,,}(_. Control Act4•?? +•?r , ) i.. . R i {'A?ey ?f ?d and' wi33. r * en?ts? to,:the." . .'. 'A 'x lue real Lt the - --?-'. _ p r . - ? L TIOH},?has,tprepa.r ?f o? a?nen8m ,?.?Chorit:v. to reva d':will?gie, ,a?akers sni ..?.} ?.f.^ ==p7.ace?for E >, r ?'..a•_ ? p ?''. ? 4.7, . issioners tkiat? ' r i.? tFvd -, ? ..,.. • . ..M,+ .v.y c?, o..v.a.i,:•.vin..?v?., ;v , 4By the Tax?Suparvisbis? ASSiCiatson: V v , .r. +' . } ? ,.? n .y,,,. C ;+ r .i 't r da. ?L _F ? ti . +? {fi : ?8. -NI?itF,AB, 'Ili'e North Caroiina'•Ta"fi Co7.leCt?trs' $saociat2on has prepared 3nd •wi13. offer ti' '`.*} to-the,],955,tession'of 'bhe''?ren2ral."Ass'emli].y>a.ser`ie3 of?minor,americimen'tsito the t4achinery- +6 ? ?' .. 7 jlf:'fi.1831d r» ? ' <. ?. ? . Y yy::. L J l.c?! .,y ?.5 ' ..? .sWCiERE1i5'`sairl amendmen?s'wxlY?pr'ovzde needed remedaesgai"nst'thereva'sion of?taxes,?- 3,", ,on personal?propertj, g?.vetiµ8esirab?:e authority for?,the `a?powntiaexit,of De ' orsa?and°establish°a reasonat?le tao"thbd fvr•determin3ng,Attroneys't ?'ees x, SCt10ri8 t rti ? 3J ? ; ?, - '? 1 ? .e.:. 7? . . 1 k yy ; tt e. ., }t?? 'r 5i ?fi,(`? • .r. ?,?ct ... e? .F a 4.Yt.§Yi" ? AP ' ?+y'4 +?r a` d t N,9`S r . s, ,? N`7 i ?, G :'?? ? . Y Fi W w ? '? :a1- l t e'['• i' . Y_' ? s s'x:.. ?y?.r,?" ,?. - • . ... x '? x..r?. rfr5: ;£oreclosure' s": A,1 ?'t s.^ii? x 7i ,°'x- t '?f J . f _.;i Yc • , . ? ?}F A'?`}) `ATLq ??. . . ...., b , . ? .t. ?? ?t ? • ?.7? ., ? ?. .. t> '? ? ' ? d'?? ? 4 ,- n .. -? ' l', 4 . i=_ .? ,ytr. : ? ? , ? t l?f :x f ''^ r.'t!M• .?i'r t a n ? n,?'4 n:' . +*? I : x .??. ? . . ?? .,? ?iaYM?c -a . ? s+ ?,. ? ? z. " Z#. . \ . {? . ?r w 'ti ?' ,L. ',.>r .4f r 4, ' . ` `. r ?? J',? ? r +y' '?SY '?p ? . +' I ! e `'4'? ? t -.. '?. '..6 Y a , ? 3.L ? ,. r , • 9 _ . i ? .?? ?mx: ? 'k . , i x.:. . ; Y .. J . . . .w _ i. . . / . o ,?". ., a , 4 r` THER?'ORE,B? IT?'?tESOLl'?D by'the StateNsocia?tion of`Coun?y, Cor?m3.ssioners that the:19.55_General Assemblytbn.ret?uested';?o'enact thexMacha.iiery Act>amen$merits )ir`opo'sdd' , ?- ?, ' r 8Coll,ector??.Association,:- ? At'4 ' Y?? .+5.?, ..-.v?'t a ??"r'i?e'•?n x? ? .';? , ??: , i + ' j , R?? ;`i'het?,ocal .Goverrament'Aqt of ?193i'.P='ovided for thesinstallation of` bookkeepsngwsystems in the'varioua'cotu?ties`,by;:the';LocelGove'`ri'nent CopmisSion,aand'• , ?., -?x ,? . : ems ' lL assnce,?or the install;ation zof ? such, bookkeeping ayst technic? is`ta ? '.,. Yn?the covrt,?houses of some of ouracounties wou7d piove`advantageous'to such coixnties;. . ?&Tld. ,a ?&t?? • ,. ,jRtn, a ?.?A 'P£.,•?.::a 4 ?t. .,' ,. . ¢? ? ;6' ' ?, yt?!i?'r ,?a ?. ,, . WfIERE95;•f the T?ocal Governmerit'?Co?na?ssibn has denelop'ed a plan'for,? the emploqment ?d ? sd .• +?pF'?'PSSOTl2YE?:'?to. provide such?. techts]:cal assistance?;? v *' .; g i?"? . ' r Xs. 'r?..a i'ty. `, , 14 Yk?e 51,? TdiERE[?ORE B rT• E RFSOLVED by.the State A?sodiation of Eo?uity Commi.ssionersktliat,??r 'f'' cthis plan of';,the°2o?ca1Gbver`rimentWCohm3ssion;be+givexi•the;'endorsement=o . : ? R:;;s' ? ? y . « ? i ?SSOC18r,1'?,.3.o? Il'*?.. .4#.;•^., ? 4 utir.?t ?? y.? i ? ? ? .t} n5 j?t ....'?-L uvs..?vs § e '+.yf ".) • ? ?. `<° • e; A, ^ . , f q4, . ^\ f. 1 2 ? Y aA ? ' ? f "F ?. !` Y -4 ? ! i ? d Y ? A l t \ K ( 4 ' FS {', t Y' ?? w s t?" L Y`a ' i t .e a ?.y? ., rs n Y' .. tXY ? rti',t YT r $? ,af .? . Ayur?a ?C r r. t.,..a r . . R .s d f?'? ?` t . ? • ??J t? k e.r 3 3? r+ "?' ?`? . ' i? 1r ° e + ? J ) f 'Y y y ? ?. Y? ?. 91 ?? . il ?!'??.y Y 4I /{x?i?: ??1'?1}?.T??yj??4 ?If ?L ??,/)•,i?'f'? ??'f t?? I ?'trYBY>?' i?`3i. };: ? t 1" ? Wrr.. ?. ? ? e k.`KY .i ?.eb •'t. ' ? a ?.:'?e ? ? iY' 6 . ? ? _ ... ?, ?„ . ? A.ri ? ?;.,' ? ?. ' 1 Z _ 5 ,?' 3• ?' T ? ? ? i'3?.' 40 F ' "?' rikk ¢k ?" t .e. ,•? jW! 'S3.^?? A .., ;..? 1t . h dds ,• • . ?? _ "" y +?r ? ' ? ? . ? ? t... ? , t '? ? wi . .i E?, ?? 4:i, ?? 3 Y 1 ?.;?i ? n ? M"? y ,rt. ,. w.r i*.r 'S i?.p''; • } y?~ ? '?.?i Vs f i:• ? w. r e.? t X,; ? 9y ., 4 ,fL4e. 9 ?` . 4 Ms. i Zvs ?a ,. ? ? ' ' Y •r a• 1C ? ? s r?, .. y } 3 ' : a . } .? ° £ .A y,?. 9. 4 y 4? y t t.??n ? 'y.*?? K .+?wf f !+i..'Y? C? ";? t?':.Y ? .:ir? E c' r• a[. . e _4 b n 2 1' I Y _ ? ?? v M { rx 1 . A. S- 1 t t + ? w y.?tY ? i nA . ? ?. ," $ . t-• - '! .} sa n ... ,?, .? . ; S4 X . t ;?r? ? 96 .? . F P ? r. . " #! 7 • ? ? " • <. . ? - i j 'r , i. °? ? e, +` e?i, • • f y ? ? . '?kt f t9? 4•. ? ?l??'wl t 4'S' ??ep ?: ? . _:{ ? " y . " pr? . . ? . ! ? _? ',? lfl ..• ?f.?'v\? ?iA? ¢ 1: `"?? !!?x } 'Y RR ' •?7? ¢ . ? ?` ,d rl? ;. +r j ., ,a ., - . ' .> r ? .';? » ?? qwe( TM !b' ` " ."i.. ?!, y . , r;.,. ?p,:.? ?? ,7 ?x. . , w,y ? .. ? . ? '? f '.; vTy t ?} . ?1 A ? . r ?yir'J+??S?, sr??? . ? . ?. . .A a r ? jr??i.. ? ? ?`?+p 7 'ti i ?. ?? ?[ ??i.4 rt ?r J u?. ? i??x 1,? ?Z •J "d'h+i u+;& +•te ^. f ?:'r k n. . . o? .. .. x s ° -? ?" ti ?'z•'?? . :¢ a i"?r ?. ' 14 i ? ,rv A( F. :y, ._n r w r. }. M??'?.? x t t, ?.k t. ?'S.it'l t> .4 3 Fyr +'"uf1?F3f ?;y,.f } "Mi A ?. ? ?. 1 • 1 ?, i., {? "?. x F, '? .a1`. .?M1';+ r ?yy.(x r ?t ' ly y u€ `is. a .-? ?1 ?. °?yYre(?`• .r .'? .•w p „ t 5:. tr? ?' 1 i, } Y '?,? ?, n.Y?,. . ;' ! ?. e'1, ,x.?? . ? t ...` 9 . s:" r x. #:• ?' J ?,. I. 5?, 'r ". a S ??r? ? ? ?r?i S . ,?r t'n. ? ''1 ? .' sw -2` 'rv?aa 3? . x taa: 4 ?° .ASF C??: F ?...'. ??r '7v,^a 4 u. s r t.' y,??', i• ? t.k+?• i ? ? ? w- ? ,?" n ???X.r }j*'.'?-Y;sx"°??,F,.:'?r 4 ? ?` ? r.,? • ???-;.s ? {? ? s??rtr ,. ? r.N,.??i X??h%`,?r*. .y..?,?i t ,s v ... . y .w 1. ?s i •,. r . ?+? , *7 z !s- . '? a,o'•y 9 4 ?.f •f f. .? A : ?} . . 4 '?. y:Y 1 '? P ?? d l .'!' 1 ?. T !?'A ?.4F ??'1+( / a ?, ' ; f w r Af .? . ? .F ap ? , K? ?/ , ? 1 t X r t. j?yi?i?,t^?,, _.:. z /.c? „y. ? . r?, 4. ???,.? • ?+ e } ,4 +? i r ? ' ? . ? o f ? X k<: t? K ( { ,•.. tl 1 i t i ri, 4i' 4' A4- ? ??'f r ?3 YR'I ' ?'?'? JG ?RA k T .# F. 5F'fi' Y S } 5$ Yi "Of?I .i. ?, } r j ".¢;?, 6 y,? r. f x. t t ? r.?' M 4? `fre rk'?'1 `•??t ? 4°! kE}t . ? S ? . . « . . .,w , . . .. . . . i . . . d?k .: s . +?? . ..'e t , . . . d. ' . . - . .