1954-08-30 Regular Meeting55 39 Wilmington, N. C.9 August A 1954• The regular weekly meeting oi the Board was he13 this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coinmissioners C].aud-O'Shieldsi.,Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Auditor T. D..Love. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend C.G.P4cCarver, Pastor of Sunset Park 24ethodist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 23, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approve3. The follorring report of the Resolutions Conmittee of the 47th Annual Convention of the 5tate Association of County Commissioners and County Accountants held at Wrightsville Beach August 15, through the 18, 1954, wes read , and presented to the Board by the Chairman, an3 upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded 'ry Mr. Davis, adopted on the affirmative vote of a11 members except Mr. Trask, iaho voted no.: SPE REPORT ATTACHF:D A letter of thanks £or a very enjoyable session and most successful County Commissioners Convention he ever attended, was received from Nir. D. L. Alford,Jr., Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Nash County. ith reference to the procedure for the allotment of school teachers, which is governed by G.S.115-355 which "V:-Ldes rthat the number of teachers to be allocated is based on t?ie average daily attendance figures of the ;q highest six months period o£ the first seven months of the preceding year, at the rate of thirty pupils per teacher. Adjustments after the beginning of the school year are made, however, only where ad3itional teachers are needed. It therefore appearing that allotment oF teachers should be set up on a basis of anticipated needs. The Chairma.n advised that Mr. John Alexander AicA4ahon, assistant Director of the Institute of Government taas written a letter concerning the same and it was decided to de£er the matter Por discussion at the fall meeting of the Board of Directors. A letter was received .:rom t9r. J.C.Fesperman? V.A,Creecfi,Jr., and Donald R. Fdwards, three recent jurymen, complaining of the Superior Court Room acoustics anE cooling system, which theycs6.id, in thoir opinion, 6G? reduced the overall efficiency o£ the Court. Upon motion of h1r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Chairman ' was authorized and directed to have the court room amplifying system put in proper working coa3ition for the convenience of the Judges who care to use it, and to loolc into the matter of air-conditioning county offices , and submit his recommendations to the IIoard at a subsequent meeting. The Board raised no ohjections to the Lions Club Committee for the 131ind, to install a cup dispencer and electric `C??e2_`plug in the wall at their lunch counter in the court house for coffee and hot chocolate, at no expense whatsoever to the county. A letter was received from :fr: J: H:?Burnett complaining o£ forest fires burning over his forest land in Federal ??'? Poiat township aUout four miles north of Carolina IIeach, which, he said, originates usually at the Carolina Beach trash dump. Instructions were given to request the Carolina Beach authorities in charge of the trash 3ump to be more careful. . • A request of the Wrightsville Beach Chamber o£ Commerce and the Southeastern idorth Carolina Beach Association ?w Mr an appropriation of $500.00, and $1,000.00 respectively, out of the County's advertising fmid to supplement their 1954-1955 advertising program, was received for consideratien zn the distribution of flxn3s for other similar advertising purposes. An invitation was received from the USO Committee to attend "Open Iiouse" at the USO on 14onday evening, August 30th ?VKt\kbetween 8:30 and 9:30 to introduce the new bcecutive Director, Mr. E. F. i4cClelland and his family and to ?welcome hvn to our comnunity. A copy of the First Annual Report of Corununity Hospital showing $263,791.36 total income from services rendered, was received. irport cash receipt reports for August 24, and 27, shot•ring $1,437.59 received and deposited. l ?rG,Sq Census report for John C. Wessell 7lzberculosis Sanatorium for week ending August 27th: White patients ll ' Negro " 16 27 Non-residents 1 ' Vacant beds 5= 1 white male and k rihite females. ' --Discharged: none Adnitted . 1, Samuel Allen Niintz (white) 605 S. 16th St,, June 25, 1954• ? Applications for admiasion to local and/or State Sanatoriums for ? Carine Smith, 206 Railroad Street, Love Gsrove. -?Leroy 1dfaite , 126 Narket Street, Samuel Ndntz transferred from Coursty Home to T.B.Aospitalp ? Jimmie Lee Wilder, 623 Alorth lOth St., and John Carl Westbrook, 807 Princess Street. Report of receipts anfl expenses for Community Hospital as of July 31,1954, was received showing portion of budget used-7.95%, whereas 8.33% is normal. The Chairman reported that applications approved for admission of Valeria, Narie and Pauline Alderman,three ?ow?aged and disabled citizens, to the County Home which have been pen3ing for some time with the hope of getting ,r them into a boarding hone , will be admitted to the County Home immediately. ' pplication for RQbert l?dilliam Fountain, 86 year old citizen, for admission to the County Home as a pay patient ? at ?0.00 per month, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by P7r. Love, approved, With reference to a case of New Hanover County vs Owen and James B. Mnides,Jr,,Trustees of the Fast Vlilmington Star Lodge Pdo. 343,Knights of Gideon, on a motion by G.C.NcIntire,Attorney, in Superior Court, concerning a refund ? of $367.22 to Sandy Daniels and wife which represents the purchase price paid by the:n for lots 25 and 26 Gideon ? Heights and lots 5 and SA Fast 4filmington Park, at a tax foreclosure sale, and payment to the County of $24.62 which was paid into court ostensibly for the benefit of the Trustees; for the reason that upon investigation it was found that lots 25 and 26 Gideon Heights was sold to 14acedonia Baptist Church in 1902 on which a diurch was built and used for church purposes and property not subject to taxes, was upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr.Trask, approved subject to the approval of the County Attorney, to whom it was referred. ^ T6 ?4C?? ' Meeting of August 30,?954? continued. Mrs. J.M.Highsmith, County Investigator, appea:red to report a case of a family receiving public assistance which appears to have been obtained under false statements. Mrs. Highsmith was instructed to handle the matter . with the Attorney and Solicitor for in3ictment if found advisable. With reference to the dog larr and publicity given to the siaughteri.ng of dogs, the Chairman reported that a a number of calls have come in and it was agreed that no dogs be slaughtered on sight, will proceed to take up 3ogs as in the past and £o].low the 5tate law for diaposition of such dogs. ???5 Upon motion of h',r. Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, County bills number 489 to 586 were approved for payment. .` Monlay, September 6, 1954, being a legal holiflay and falling on the date of the next regular meeting of the Doard, it was upon motion agreed to postpone the nexG regular meeting until the following i?ionday September --C? 13, 1954. The meeting then adjourned. ?.. ?!. , Clerk. Wi]anington,N.C.? September 13p 1954. The regttlar week7y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 otclock A.M. Present: R.T.Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Thurston C. Davis, Raiford Trask, T.D.Love-County Auditor acting as Clerk in the absence of Mr. T. K. Woody who is on vacation; also Mr. Cicero Yow, County Attorney. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Fdgar Kirkham, Pastor of the St.N,atthews Episcopal Church, colored. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of August 30, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis},seconded bj lAr. Trask, approved, Col. R. S. McClelland, Attorney together with Mr. Barnhill, Attorney for the At]antic Coast Li.ne Roailroad appeared stating that the Atlantic Coast Line Clerks Association had secured a restraining order against the J?? Atlantic Coast Line Railroa3 signing agreement violating the North Carolina Open Shop Iaw. They stated that various hearings had been had on the matter an3 that it was advised that it came under the jurisdietion of the Courts o£ Idorth Carolina. They appeared asking that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners send a petition to the Governor of North Carolina for a special term of court beginning November 1, 1954, for the trying of this case. They also asked for a petition that a Judge be assigned , stating that approximately 15,000 employes were envolved and that this date was agreeable to all parties concerned. Mr. Trask made a motion and Mr.'Davis seconded asking that this petition be sent to the Governor, and asking that a special term of court be called. ? Mr, Horton then reported that he had secure3 several bi3s for the air corditioning of various offices in the' • Court House. The lowest of the bids amounted to approximately $4,000.00, and in addition to this there would be ? an expenditure of $800.00, £or wiring. Mr. Trask said he was in favor o£ delaying this matter as sums of this expenditure was not set up in the budget and Mr. Davis thought that the entire Board should be present to act on same. The matter was tabled and will be handled at a].ater date. A report on the condition of the hangars at the airport was made by Mr. Horton stating that the condition J endangered personnel working there. He asked for permission to advertise for bids to make repairs to the hangars involved. Mr. Davis moved and tfr. Trask seconded the motion and Mr. Horton was given this authoritq. ? Mr. Horton advised that he had heard nothing from the Idavy further with regard to the Airport contract. iti1r. Horton then recognized P;r. Bob Savis of Harnett township. N?r. Davis then presented a petition for the ? re-sur£acing or paving a stretch of roa3 in Harnett to4mship approximately three (3) miles long. This matter was approved by the Board and forwarded to the State Highway Commission for action. I"s. H. C. Johnson from Wrightsville Beach a?peared be£ore the Eoard asking for a donation from the County for advertising purposes for the Beach. Mr. Trask made a motion which was seconded by Mr. Davis that all those who had received £unds in past yeara from the advertising fund of the County be given notice that they must have their request in within the next thirty days in order that the advertising funds might be properly distributed. ?A letter was received by the Chairman from the Wilmington I;erchants Association asking for a donation oS $500,00 P . _? from the advertising fund of the County to be used in the Christmas program o£ the merchants of this City. The Chairman also read an invitation from the Southeastern North Carolina B'each Association asking the Countye Cotmnissioners to attend a meeting at Carolina Beach on September 17, 1954, at 2:30 P.M., and urged all of those who could to be sure and attend. Mr. Horton then presented an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad relative to a culvert at the 5even-141ile Post. This agreement was to be filed. Chairmanr., read a petiti.on signed l?y? residents of Harnett township asking £or the paving of•a road on North 43rd ^ Q?t? Street in the Winter Park area, nine (9) houses being located on this road. This petition was approved and forwarded to the State Highway Commission for action. Mr. Horton read a letter from the North Carolina Sanatoriuzn Commission in which it wa, stated that funds which had been provided for various samatoriums thru out the State had been exhausted, and the program had been halted. x letter was also read from the State Department of Health asking that the Board declare 5eptember 29 thru J??Octobex 2nd as Raaral Health Week. They also asked that a representative £rom the Board attend the rural Health Conference to be held in Raleigh on September 29, Mr. Davis moved that this declaration be made. It was seconded and carrie3. 1