1954-09-20 Regular Meeting . Wilmington,2d.C., September 20, 1954• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Comnissioners Thurston C. Davis, Rai:ford Trask, Hal J. Love, Claud 0'Shields and T.D.Love; Mr. Love acting Clerk in the absence of N?r. T. K. Woody who is on vacation, and who is Clerk of the Board. . The meeting was opened with prayer by Reverend W.J.Stephenson, Pastor of Temple Baptist Church. Upon motion made by 14r. Davis and secoaded by Mr. Hal Love, the minutes of ineeting held on September 13 were approved as read. Mrs. Thomas Executive Secretary of the Carolina Beach Chamber of Commerce appeared•asking that the Commissioners ? make a donation toiaard the adv,ertising and promotional campaign for Carolina Beach. She was also interested in Highway signs showing the way to Carolina Beach. Mrs. Thomas was requested to make a formal request for funds to the Board in writing and the matter would be handled in time when other appropriations out of the advertising fund were made. ? 19r. Horton advised that he had ?de a survey o£ the air-conditioning in.various offices in the Court House and ??N' the total cost would approximate 5g,800.00. The matter was discussed trut no decision was made with the coneensus ? of opinion that the matter would be handled in the early part o£ 1955. n? Mr. Horton read a letter from Sheriff Register in which he recommended that the new Deputy Sheriff Mr: Charles P. Snow be paid a salary of $275.00 per month as a starting salary. Mr. Register outlined Mr. Snow had se?ved ? D previously in this Department and had passed all Civil Service examinations, Mr. Horton presented the matter of placing a switchboard in the Gourt House to take care of all telephone calls in and out. He said that the 5outhern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company made a survey and that we now have *.o/ 15 lines and 34 telephones whereas a switchboard would give us eight lines and 34 telephones, and that an ? Y approximate saving would be ?0.00 per month. He recomr?ended that the•switchboard be placed in the Sheriff's '? Office and that there were ample personnel there to handle the switchboard on a 24 hour basis. The matter wae discusse3 and Mr. Trask made a motion and seconded by Mr. Davis, that the telephone situation be a1lowed to remain as it was as he was of the opinion that a siaitchboard would require the services of one or two additional personnel to operate. The Chairman then read a letter from the Cape Fear Ambulanee Compar?y? Inc., relative to service rendered ?,j7 Mr. James A. Hightower in which they requested that the County pay for this service in the City to this party. Mr. Horton suggested that the matter be turned over to I+ir. Hollis of the Welfare Department to be handled. A letter from the State Highwa,y and Public Works Commission was read relative to making right turns on a red _.?. light. They advised it was advisable to permit this procedure. Dr. Coleman, County Coroner vras present and asked in regard to a check which was to be issued him. dey Mr. . OtHortonShields reported on questioned the him as to Mosquito why the Control bill was Program as in late which as he it said was, that and it if had he been could be more erroneously prompt in stated that ? £unds £or this program had been exhausted. ]?r. I?orton stated that these funds had onl,y been one-third expended and that the control program would be continued. , A letter was read from the Clerk of Superior Court relative to Ruth Sanders, an inebriate to be sent to the State Hospital in Goldsboro, and asked that the County pay a;?J,0.00 bill for thirty days treatment. This bill ? tiz"was approved for payment. • • • , ?/ idr. Horton presented a bid for property jointly owned by the City and County, block 41. •The bid was for $182.55; '?/6° the assessed value is 4,y100.00. The property ?aas re-appraised by the Assessors at ,?50.00. On Mr. Davis'motion' ?? and Ns. Hal Love seconded that the property bE sold for the bid. • rendering tnem in the future. Discussion was held in regard to the law concerning the Coroner?s Office. Mr. Coleman was of the opinion that the present lata should be over-hauled. Ae was advised to take the matter + up with 19r. Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney. ' ?,,p,??/ Ns. O'Shields inquired as to when the annual meeting of the Composite to the A.B.C.Board would be held. Mr. Horton lJ+"- advised that he would check into this mmtter and advise at the next meeting of the Board. N A request was read from the IIewiHanover County Junior High Band asking that 0500.00 be appropriAted from the Advertising FLtnd during this year. • A request was also read from the Williston Junior High School askirg for appropriation to buy uniforms. A letter was read from the Chamber of Cotmnerce asking that the County observe Fire Prevention Week beginning October 3. _`,?? A report was rea3 from the John C. Wessell ?berculosi-s Sanatorium in which they advised that in the Sanatorium 1"' there are nine-(9) white r3nd fifteen (15) Colored Patients. ?o Notice from the Corps of hngineers relative to the Carolina Powar and Ligh -Company laying a pipe across the ?? • Cape Feai ftiver at Castle Street was read. . Also notice relative to repairs to U.S: Lock No.l on the Cape Fear River which would necessitate the closing of this lock for thirty (30) days beginning October 18. No objections to the notice were-,voiced. A monthly report was turned in to the Boar3 £rom the Housing Authority of the City of Wilmington. ?,?) at I4r.Horton reported work on the Fort Fisher Park was under way and that he would.cooperate with the Committoe which was looking out for this Park. P/ir. Horton called to the attention of the Commissioners, the Convention to be held in Cincinnati by the National ?p,J( Association of AssessmentsOfficers and urged their attendance. None o£ the Commissioners will be aUle to attend. ' ?. Nir. Davis moved and it was seconded that Mr. Horton attend this convention and County Attorney, Mr. Cicero P. Yow coixld also attend, expenses being borne by the County. Mr. Davis moved and vs. Love seconded that all bills presente3 to them be paid. -? There being no further business, meeting was adjourned. T. D. Love Acting Clerk. ,