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Wilmington, N. C., October Q, 1954•
The regular weekly meeting of the IIoard was hel3 this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M.
Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Conmissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask,
Cicery P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor,
The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Daniel Page, Pastor of Fast Wilmington Haptist Church.
Copies of the minutes of ineeting of September 20, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the
Board, the same were upon motion of Ms. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved.
/ A request made by idessrs Richard P4eier and E.F.Peschau for an appropriation o£ $3,800,00 towar3 the expense for
the construction bf two permanent type jetties at Wrightsville Beach to enable the Beach Town to complete its
jetty repair and construction program to stop erosion, was upon motion of N?r. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shield5,
referred to the Chairman to check with the County Auditor to ascertain what further assistance can be given in
a3dition to the $1,200.00 appropriation granted March 8,1954, and report back to the Board.
N,r. C. R. A4orse, Tax Collector, made his report of settlement of 1953 taxes as shown below which was upon motion
of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, accepted subject to the check of the Auditor. The insolvent list was ordered
turned back to Mr. Morse to make further effort to collect the unpaid taxes: Statement of 1953 County taxes charged to the Tax Collector=
Listed as per Abstract Real Estate and Personal Property
Late an3 Not Listed Real Estate
Not Listed Auto Book • -•-
Less Alxatements
Listed and Collected by Tax Collector
Penalty Collected
A3vertising 6ost Collected
Real Estate Sold for Taxes
Iate Listing and Not Listed Sold
Insolvents Personal Book
Insolvents Not Listed Automobiles
Taxes Prepaid
Discount Allowed
Collecte3 by.Tax Collector and Deposited in
The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company
- Over -
$ 11062,199.53
$ 121782966.75
$ 1,155,861.20
t$ 11165,905.37
$ 1,166,332.75
Is/ C.R,Morse '
City and County Tax Collector.
The 1954 Tax Books together with necessary orders and declarations required by statute, were then presented
to the Board by the County Auditor and upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shiel3s, accepted and or3ered
turned over to the Tax Collector for collection.
A report on the County Hone Survey made by Mrs. Annie May Pemberton, Supervisor Services to the Aged, State
?__%,,?Department of Public :delfare, requested by the County Commissioners to stucly the present County Home Program
with a view to the feasibility of converting the Home into a private boardir.g home, was received and continued
for study and consideration with the Community Council.
Only one bid received for repair of the hangar at the airport, was from Jones and Henness of New Bern,N.C.
(),V$i*'who submitted a bid to repair the hangar in accordance with specifications as advertised, for the sum of
'4"` $1,740.00 which was upon motion of D;r. Davis, seconde3 by N.r. Trask, accepted and the contrect was awarded to
. Mr. Trask complained of Bluethenthal Field rate3 as a Jet"I3ase which effects loans on property on a four
mile radius sliding scale basis by the Fe3eral Housing Authority, and urged that this restriction be
eliminated. The matter was referred to the County Attorney to handle with the Federal Housing Authority to that
Upon motior. of Mr. Love, seconaed by ifir. Dacis, the Board approved an appropriation of $750.00 to match a like
amount by the City of Wilmington to advertise the Carolina Open Golf Tournament at the t+hznicipal Gol£ Course
in the £all of 1955, same to be re-imbursed from the sale of tickets.
1Qotice of termination of lease o£ space in the nevt terminal building at the airport for the R.esident Officer
in Charge of Construction, as of October 1, 1954, was received from the Navy.
Trask brought to the attention that more than three months have elapsed since an agreement was made
between the United States of America and New Hanover County for the joint use of the runways and landing
aA areas of Bluethenthal Field, execute3 by the County June 17, 1954, to take ef£ect July 1, 1954, and turned
/ over to the idavy Department for execution. Not having received our copy of the executed agreement by the
Government or any information concerning the same, moved that the County Commissioners take the position that
- the Governnent does not intend to make use of the airport under the propose3 joint agreement and tha't the said
agreement be cancelled an3 3eclared null and void and of no effect. That the Navy Department be given notice
of this action and that our execute3 copies o£ the said agreement be"'returne3 to us. The motion was seconded
by N,r. Davis, and unanimously adopted.
The following requests £or appropriations out of the advertising fund were received for consideration along
` ?(?with other similar requests to share in the distribution of the £und:
?DGft90.l7Tileston-Sunset Park Junior High School, for the purchase of new uniforms, $ 500.00
,--t.e 7ilmington Chamber of Commerce, to supplement its efforts to raise
5,000.00 for advertising purposes 11500.00
--Og.nwt.t.l.Carolina Beach Chamber o£ Commerce 500,00
_F!iMr r?,h Company I, 119 InfantrJ, toward de3ication expenses of new armory 250.00
T,eeting of October Q, 1954, continued.
??)y+?With reference to appropriations to'Resort rlunicipalities , Wilmington Greater Chamber of Commerce and
_??/ SIIJCBA, all doing the same thing, appeal for turists. relt their fun3s an3 our funds should be consolidated
and disbursed through one agency for better results,
?Upon motion of D;r. Davis, seconded by Iir. Love, 14ike Pickramenos who was admitted to the County Home
1c March 31 1954 and left April 22 1954, was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Nir. Love, re-admitted
to the County Home as a pay patient at $40.00 per month.
James Howard, negro, totally blind, has heart trouble, has been receiving a check from the ldelfare Department
Ji9v an3 living alone near Wrightsboro. He is no longer aUle to live alone, was upon motion of hr. Davis,
?C seconded trj Mr. Trask, admitted to the County fiome as an irffiate on recommendation of the Courrty Welfare
26th through 29th 5eptember 1954 .
Mr. R. T. Horton, Chairman, .,
First. Planning new system and how to sell it:
It is the accepted opinion of the Convention attendance that Committees appointed from the
numerous Townships and elected by the Tax Payers of his oim Township to act in the capacity of a
Steering-Committee for all problems pertaining to tax rrork and other Governmental funetions, would
be a sounding-board £or all problems arising, which they recommend to the Goverrvnental Bodies for
consideration in han3ling the problems be£ore them. It is the opinion of the Convention group that
this has worked more successfully and alleviate unjust criticism on the political level, at the same
time cooperation of the newspaper and radio and other sources is a step forward in educating the
public in general on problems o£ governmental functiona and um3erbtAnding between the two groups.
Once this co-inunittee is set up it is suggeste3 £rom the planning stage a thorough investigation be
ma(ke on tirhat is to be done, means of getting it into effect and lastly most important-analyzing the results.
Second. Routining of the work in regard to the authority o£ responsibility, allocation of duties and determine
the e££iciency of qualified personnel.
Third. Determine a qualified Supervisor to take care of questionable problems arising and be able to
administer decisions readily as speci£ied by law set forth.
Fourth. Design and selection of standards that will produce and give results whether it be machines or
systematic records and basis of value which is determined by what something wi11 produce in a modem
and efficient result. Changes if necessary where a more efficient'an9 ecdnomical.job can be done,
( you cannot do to-day's work with yesterday's tools).
The reason for property fluctuating over a period of time is due to the inadgquacy in
determining its physical con3ition to the obsolescent stage which always occtar and should be
corisidexed £roru a standpoint o£ its depreciation and can only be handled reaaily by a sufficient
qualified personnel. Any system designe3 and use.of modern forms and records, are tools of trade
for the Assessor and preserving work for the future:
1. Must have maps for location which includes description maps as well as the maps for zoning
as tax values £or various zoning areas differ due to demand whether residential or commercial as
well as locri.tion.
2. idumbering system £or lots, acres and block system is ruost desirable.
3. Appraisal file system simplified.
4. Permit files £or locationing-purposes. Filed in block system. Hnll £ile set up in alphabetucal
5. Separate business forms used in tax w?rk to be of confidential nature.
6. Transfer and ownership files set up alphabetical by tawnship and handled on the tax records on
or shortly after deeds are filed. ? •
7. Form letters and noti£ication cards for public service information in order to keep the public
notified as the worlc progresses.
It is the general opinion of this Convention that any re-valuation or equalization proposed
should be handled on the local level where qualified personnel is available.
As stated abovefhrough the working committee preparing o£ a manval which should be approved from the
State level-and have the sanbtion of the Attorney General and his opinion before putting to work, and
also recommended that the•program of this nature will necessitate outside consultant with regard to
industrial and commercial evaluation.
Lastly- Regardless of what system is put into effect it will be a guiding yardstick for the
Assessor and other tax program parsoruiel. Any syatem is more applicable than none and if persued
with the cooperation of a11 concerned wi11 give satisfactory results.
c;)?'" u Forms for survey _r,bpor•t of Public Construction Plans were received from United States Department of
Commerce, Bureau of the Census and referred to the Chairman.
tc_ A report of the 1953 Farm Census was received from the State Department of Agriculture showing only a
_nM"_ slight increase in farmland since 1952,. Very little change has occured in the principal crop acreages
other than soybeans increased about 43%. Vegetables are the most important crops grown in the County from
the standpoint of acreage as they account for 37% of the harvested cropland. Corn is the second most importan
crop accounting £or about 231% of the total harvested acreage.
The Chairman announced County Commissioners Board oi Directors meeting at the Institute of Government
October S. and 9, and that he will attend and asked other members of the Board to attend if they can do so.
5 4 5
Meeting of October Q, 1954, continued.
,e?4' ?e following reports were received: Wilmington Colored Librarv,- statement of cash receipts, disbursements
and "balances for June and July) Community Hospital Analysis o£ Hospital Service for August and balance 'sheet
and statement of Income and Expenses as of August jl, prepared from the books without audit, Consolidated
?1"?+???ard of Health; Veterans' Service Officer for August; Airport cash receipts for September 15, 22, and 24.
John C, Idessell 11,tberculosis Sanatorium for week ending September 24th:
trc, o?
White patients 9
Negro " 14
- 23
Non-residents 1
Vacant beds 9= White male 2, white female 5, Colored £emale 2.
/Discharged: 9/21/54- Ethel NcLellon ( Col.)
,,Admitted: None.
-[(,p51 For week ending October 1, 1954:
White patients 10
Negro " 15
Non-residents 1
Vacant beds 7= White male 1, white female 5, Colored female 1.
-Discharged: 9/28/54- Nnbert King, left against medical advice.
_?Admitted: 4/28/54 Harry Williams, colored male.
9/28/54 Esther Isura Williams, colored £emale,
? 9/28/54 Na'. John R. Guyton, white male.
/ A communication was received from the State Department o£.Public idelfare advising that w56,988•90 Federal
??S and State funds were sent to this CountJ for the Mottth o£ Ahgust for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration.
,, The meeting then adjourned.
? .e. a4 Clerk.
Wilmington, N. C., October 11, 1954.
The regular'weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M.
Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman a nd Commissioners Claud 0'Shiel3s, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask
and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow and County Auditor T. D. Love.
Copies of minutes of ineeting of October Q, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the
same were upon motion of 29r. Love, seconded try Mr. Davis, approved.
Upon motion of ISr. Davis, seconde3 by b1r. Love, the Board approve3 a request of a delegation of negro citizens
of Cape Fear Township to petition the State Highwyy and Public Works Convnission to provide a roadway in the
?S Castle Hayne area that 4ri11 give access to the homes of 22 families to take the place of a road £ormerly
serving 1;hat•area which has been blocked by the ktlantic Coast Line Railroad Company setting crossties in an
upright position across the road at its railroad crossing right of way. The matter was referxed to the Chairigan
to assist in securing a petition for the road on state from Pr10, for presentation to the State Highway and
Public Works Commission.
The Chairman reported that a chec}: by the County Auditor revealed that there are no £und available to meet a
,"recent request of tdessrs Richard Meier and E.F.Peschau for $3,800.00 appropriation for jetty repair and
Construction tirork at 6Jrightsville Beach, but in lieu thereof wouli furnish and haul what broken-up concrete
removed from highways we have for that purpose rthich was satisfactory to all parties concerned. Upon motion
o£ 14r. Love, seconded by t+ir. Trask, the matter was referred to the Chairman to handle.
The Chairmar presente3 a suggested agreement sulinitted by A7r. B.H,Marshall,Jr., Executive Director of the
Housing kuthority o£ tlie City of idilmington, proposed to be executed by[ those tenants,who live in low'rent
projects,Grho from time to time, obtain advances from the County's General elssistance Flind to meet their rent
"-podf obligations, to be paid within thirty days. The situation was discussed with iv,rs. Juliette M. Highsmith,
County Investigator, and 2ir. Cheatham of the Housing Authority and it appeared that no one has been e-ricted
and the rent fluctuates according to individual conditions and the indigent tenant is as well-off in one place
as in another, and the County Attorney having ruled that the payment of rent is not a county obligation other
than as to the general care o£ the County's poor, It was agreed upon motion of Mr. Trask to take no action and
leave the matter with i4rs. Highsmith to wobk along witn the Housing Authority as heretofore.
Mrs. Highsmith, County Investigator, reportex increased number for continued treatanent for out-patients released
from sanatoriums, and asketl how we eculd help them to get ma:icines. She statec: that Dr. Rodm.sn, Physician in
charge at the ^1.B.Hospital coul.d buy the drugs for less but didlnt want thAt Facpense charged against his budget.
Upon motion of ]7r. 'Prask Dr. Rodman was instructed to bi?y the dnigs for the patients through the,relie£ fun3s.
P. report of the Grand Jury £or the October Term, 1954, Ylas received. With reference to the Principal of Winter
Park School recommendation to change the trafPic light near the school which permits right turns at all times,
to straight stop and go, for the children's safety. It appeared that the Sheriff has deputies there mornings and
evenings to assist the traffic boys.
?In accordance with our request of October 1, for a special term of the Suporior Court, notice was receive3 £rom
G? the 0°fice of the Administrative Assistant of the Chief justice of the Supreme Court that a Special 2erm has
been ordered for one ureek beginning Tdovember ]., 1954, as requested.
The Chairman.reporte3 on drainage work at ICure Beach to the City limits, and presented a right of way petition
i1?7'of the property owners for 3raining the area south and west of the Town of ICus'e Beach. The Town Of£icials
tti expressed appreciation for the.interest the Board has talcen in this project.
Copies of Defendent's motions to set aside the judpnent and to set aside the sale and order confirmation o£ sale
received from 47,P.Burkhvner,Attorney, in the case of New Hanover County at al vs Thomas J. Williams,Jr., et ux
concerning the sale of property £or taxes at a price of $79.00 which is assessed £or taxes at $500.00 claiming
the sale price of the property is mani£estly inequitable , unfair, unreasonable and for less than the real value
of the said property. Was referrea to Ntr. G. C. McIntire, Attorney who handled the tax foreclosure for the County.