1954-10-11 Regular Meeting5 4 5 Meeting of October Q, 1954, continued. ,e?4' ?e following reports were received: Wilmington Colored Librarv,- statement of cash receipts, disbursements and "balances for June and July) Community Hospital Analysis o£ Hospital Service for August and balance 'sheet and statement of Income and Expenses as of August jl, prepared from the books without audit, Consolidated ?1"?+???ard of Health; Veterans' Service Officer for August; Airport cash receipts for September 15, 22, and 24. '- John C, Idessell 11,tberculosis Sanatorium for week ending September 24th: trc, o? White patients 9 Negro " 14 - 23 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 9= White male 2, white female 5, Colored £emale 2. /Discharged: 9/21/54- Ethel NcLellon ( Col.) ,,Admitted: None. -[(,p51 For week ending October 1, 1954: ?v White patients 10 Negro " 15 25 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 7= White male 1, white female 5, Colored female 1. -Discharged: 9/28/54- Nnbert King, left against medical advice. _?Admitted: 4/28/54 Harry Williams, colored male. 9/28/54 Esther Isura Williams, colored £emale, ? 9/28/54 Na'. John R. Guyton, white male. / A communication was received from the State Department o£.Public idelfare advising that w56,988•90 Federal ??S and State funds were sent to this CountJ for the Mottth o£ Ahgust for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administration. ,, The meeting then adjourned. ? .e. a4 Clerk. '00? Wilmington, N. C., October 11, 1954. The regular'weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman a nd Commissioners Claud 0'Shiel3s, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow and County Auditor T. D. Love. Copies of minutes of ineeting of October Q, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of 29r. Love, seconded try Mr. Davis, approved. Upon motion of ISr. Davis, seconde3 by b1r. Love, the Board approve3 a request of a delegation of negro citizens of Cape Fear Township to petition the State Highwyy and Public Works Convnission to provide a roadway in the ?S Castle Hayne area that 4ri11 give access to the homes of 22 families to take the place of a road £ormerly serving 1;hat•area which has been blocked by the ktlantic Coast Line Railroad Company setting crossties in an upright position across the road at its railroad crossing right of way. The matter was referxed to the Chairigan to assist in securing a petition for the road on state from Pr10, for presentation to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. The Chairman reported that a chec}: by the County Auditor revealed that there are no £und available to meet a ,"recent request of tdessrs Richard Meier and E.F.Peschau for $3,800.00 appropriation for jetty repair and Construction tirork at 6Jrightsville Beach, but in lieu thereof wouli furnish and haul what broken-up concrete removed from highways we have for that purpose rthich was satisfactory to all parties concerned. Upon motion o£ 14r. Love, seconded by t+ir. Trask, the matter was referred to the Chairman to handle. The Chairmar presente3 a suggested agreement sulinitted by A7r. B.H,Marshall,Jr., Executive Director of the Housing kuthority o£ tlie City of idilmington, proposed to be executed by[ those tenants,who live in low'rent projects,Grho from time to time, obtain advances from the County's General elssistance Flind to meet their rent "-podf obligations, to be paid within thirty days. The situation was discussed with iv,rs. Juliette M. Highsmith, County Investigator, and 2ir. Cheatham of the Housing Authority and it appeared that no one has been e-ricted and the rent fluctuates according to individual conditions and the indigent tenant is as well-off in one place as in another, and the County Attorney having ruled that the payment of rent is not a county obligation other than as to the general care o£ the County's poor, It was agreed upon motion of Mr. Trask to take no action and leave the matter with i4rs. Highsmith to wobk along witn the Housing Authority as heretofore. Mrs. Highsmith, County Investigator, reportex increased number for continued treatanent for out-patients released from sanatoriums, and asketl how we eculd help them to get ma:icines. She statec: that Dr. Rodm.sn, Physician in charge at the ^1.B.Hospital coul.d buy the drugs for less but didlnt want thAt Facpense charged against his budget. Upon motion of ]7r. 'Prask Dr. Rodman was instructed to bi?y the dnigs for the patients through the,relie£ fun3s. P. report of the Grand Jury £or the October Term, 1954, Ylas received. With reference to the Principal of Winter Park School recommendation to change the trafPic light near the school which permits right turns at all times, to straight stop and go, for the children's safety. It appeared that the Sheriff has deputies there mornings and evenings to assist the traffic boys. ?In accordance with our request of October 1, for a special term of the Suporior Court, notice was receive3 £rom G? the 0°fice of the Administrative Assistant of the Chief justice of the Supreme Court that a Special 2erm has been ordered for one ureek beginning Tdovember ]., 1954, as requested. The Chairman.reporte3 on drainage work at ICure Beach to the City limits, and presented a right of way petition i1?7'of the property owners for 3raining the area south and west of the Town of ICus'e Beach. The Town Of£icials tti expressed appreciation for the.interest the Board has talcen in this project. c Copies of Defendent's motions to set aside the judpnent and to set aside the sale and order confirmation o£ sale received from 47,P.Burkhvner,Attorney, in the case of New Hanover County at al vs Thomas J. Williams,Jr., et ux concerning the sale of property £or taxes at a price of $79.00 which is assessed £or taxes at $500.00 claiming the sale price of the property is mani£estly inequitable , unfair, unreasonable and for less than the real value of the said property. Was referrea to Ntr. G. C. McIntire, Attorney who handled the tax foreclosure for the County. -A I el 4_6 I4eeting of October 11, 1954, continuex. The Chairman reported requests for appropriations out of the advertising fund amounting to $5,750.00 has been ?? made by various organizations within the thirty day period to file such requests,i•?hich ?aould exceed the budget allotment by "750.00. Instructions were given to prepare a complete list of all requests made Logether iaitlz a statement of the advertising £und account. A request of Mr. Louis T. ',doore, Chairman o£ the Ivew }ianover Historical Commission, to have the mis-spelled word "There" for "Their" on the Fort Fisher monument at ICure Beach corrected, was referred to the Chairman to ascertain tahat can be done and report back to the Board, •h A request of the New Ranocer High School 13and Boosters Club for an appropriation of $500.00 to purchase r?uniforms for its 65 members, was received for consideration along with ot!ier siunilar reques{;s. An invitation was'also received from the i3and Boosters C1ub to attend a social in honor of their director, ct Doctor and hirs. Bouknight, 14onday, October 11, at eight o'clock at the Isaac Bear Gym. ? A communication was receive3 from Ns. Henry Bost requesting any advertis6ment or a3vertising the County G?`9 anticipates with Idorthern Pdewspapers with re£erence to the special travel and resort editions they will ? puolish beginning Pdovember through next April, be placed through his Agency at no additional cost. s? An invitation was received from Carolina Fower and Light Compan;J to attend the dedication of its nevr generating plant OctoUer ?_lst. A proposal to take a fu11 page advertis3ng space in the local nexspapers in connection with the dedication of . the Carolina Pou!er and i.ight Company's new generating plant dedication October 21, at the expense of the City, County and Chamber of Comnerce.' the County's part to be $190.00, was suhrLitted but no action was taken. It was Idlr. Trasks' feeling that this should be a matter for the Chamber of Corimerce to hai731e through its advertising program. A copy of a communication £rom.the State Comnission for the Blind to hr. ldilliam Barber Green, 107 South 12th ! ??- Street, concerning Free Privilege.Licenses for the Blind, General Statute 105-249, was receive3 and upon motion? ? of 1•1r. Love, seconded by Nx. Davis, referred to the Clerk of Conrt. An invitation to the Commissioners to go on their Home Improvement Tour in the Castle Hayiie Community 1:30 P.D9., ' OctoUer 14, starting at A.G. L. Railroad Station, Castle Hayne, was received from the colorea Hone Agont, An invitation to attend the Thirty-Fifth Annual Public 1•]elfare Institute to be held at the Sir Walter Aotel in Raleigh October 28 and 2% was receive3 from Dr. Ellen Winston, Commissioner State Board of Public 'Jlelfare. ?A letter of appreciation arid thanks was received from the Junior Chamber of Cotmnerce for granting them the use the area located in front of the Airport texwinal for use in putting on their circus. A letter was received from California Corrmiercial Fisherman'.s Association, Terminal Island, California, inquiring ?0 about personal property tax charged' in this County on Corunercial Fishing Vessels. I Announcr.ment was received from the Irstitute of Government of the Annual Tax_ Supervisors meeting to be held at t ?? the Institute on fdovember 3,1, and 5, The Chairmari urged that all members who can, attend the meeting, to do ? so to familiarize thernselves with the duties. : ? ?fie Chairman reported that $35,000.00 cour,ty's share of the first quarters proSits has been receive3 from the , ABC Board. ? pQ,?The Chairman announced that the "W750.00 appropriation requeste3 and approved at meeting of October Qth, to match a like amount by the City £or the Carolina PGA to hold its tournament at the Municipsl Golf Course this ' tl fall, has been changeu to $500.00 on a3vice received from the City. ? Instructions iaere given toadvertise lease £or restaurant space in the Airport Terminal building, recently vacated by the 1Vavj* Officer in Charge of Hunway Construction, to Ue received 10:00 o'clock A.I9., October 25? ?954, The County Co;nmissioners reserving the right to reject any and a11 offers to rent or {;o accept any proposal that may appear to best interest o£ the County ?? A request of employed personnel of Pie3inont Airlines to operate a U-Drive-It service at Bluether.i;hal Airport, p?? where a service is now being.rendered by Wenberg IIrothers. NIr. 0'Shields felt should not be a sideline operation in competition with an establisheci business, was re£erre:l to the County xttorney for opinion. ' I r lJith reference of placing the responsibility of breaking-up a practice of some persons removing aewerage _??? manhole-covers in Naifitt Village, uhether with the Board of Health or 5heriff, it was decided that was " the Sheriif's problem. ?Q The following reports were received and £iled: SE;IyCBIA_News Letter, 500 copies mailed to newspapers and radio-tv stations in 21 states. t1rport Receipts for September 30 and October 1, Organization an3 planning report County Home Agent. Colored fiome Agent. County I'arm Agont,, and Johh C. Ylessell 1lxberculosis Sanatorium ?Jf? Census report for ?aeek ending October 3, 1954: ^ ?? .?? White patients 9 rU? idegro " 14 23 Non-resi3ents 1 Vacant beds 9= iale vrhite 2, Female white 5, Colored fe.?nale 2. Admi.tted None Discharged: 10/5/54 Goldie Swindell to t•1cCain 8:45 R.M. Died 10714/54- Mr•W•Seiditt Se3bury, 8:17'P.M. A fire insurance policy on County Buildings in the amount of $14,000.00 covering a pro-rata part cf the County Schedule with the Provident:-Pire Insurance Compar?y for a term of five years was received, and premitun for $$ $193.00 was approved £or pa;rmen-b to the ldilioiagton Association of Insurance Agents, Inc., if the same has not been paid. An invitation was receive3 to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the idew Hanover County Tuberculosis and Health Association Friday, October 15, at 8:00 P:M:, at St, James Parish House. A number of / T matters are to be passed on, it was swid, and plans for the £orthcoming Christmas Seal Sale to be discussed. Upon motion, County bills No. 927 to 962 were approved for pa;/ment. ? The meeting then adjourned. LClerk. ? . ?