1954-10-18 Regular Meeting???` 41i1mington, N. C.October 18, 1954. The regular weekly meeting nf:sthe'Hoard_was,held"'th3s day,at.,10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R:. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. L6ve, Raiford Trask and County Au3itor T. D. Love. Copies o£ the minutes of ineeting of October 11, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the ? Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Love,seconde3 by Mr. O'Shields, approved. With reference to a request of property owners in the Castle Hayno area to provide a roadway to give access to approxinately 22 families to replace a road formerly serving that area which has been blocked by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company at its right-of-way crossing. The Chairman reported the Atlantic Coast Line Ra.i7road Compan,y complained of foll:s having built on their right-of-way in some instances over their systen, but rorould cooperate in providing right of passage overctheir right-of-way at the,point in question £or road purposes, upon signing an easement and right of user agreement in and to the lands of the property owners to be served, as per their agreEment form sutsnitted. Distribution of the County's advertising fund among.the ten or more agencies acheduled for consideration'at this (}Ch meeting was upon motion of 19r. 0'5hields held in abeyance for the time being onaccount of a state o£ emergency existing by reason of the hurricane last Friday. -'y??l copy of an executed agreement terminating utilities service under Navy contract NOy(U) 77346 to the Marine "Iil? ?(..borps Air Landing Strip, was.received £rom the Navy Department. Notice was receiven from the Navy Department Of the termination of Letter Or3er No.6-2 covering water service ,r at the Airport £or testing sarvices during the construction of undergroun3 fuel storage tanks under contract No. 72221. Also notice of termination of lease of space, knotim as restaurant quarters, located on the 2nd -or floor of the new administration building, New Hanover County Airport, used by the Resident Officer in charge of Construction, was upon motion of 1`s. O'Shields, secon3ed by Mr. Love, accepted. A copy of a proposed Aird Sanctuary Ordinance which the Harbor Island'Garden Club wishes to have the County ? Commissioners ratify iaas received from Mrs. Peggy S. Walton, Vice Chairman of the C1ub, and upon motion o£ i`s. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, was approved, and if necessary for legislative enactment. However the matter ' was referred to tlle County Attorney for opinion. A copy of a letter written by the Health Department to Pender, Brunswick, Columbus and Bladen Counties concerning ? this County_quarantined against rabies,and the hunting season opens on October 15, would lilce to make it possible for those owners cahose dogs have been confined all the year, to hunt in the surrourx9ing counties, if they so desire. In order to take care of this situation, advised they are issuing permits, at the request of the dog owne:s, to take their dogs from New Hanover County; provided, these permits are approved by the Health Officer in the respective counties prior to taking the dogs from Idew Hanover County, was received. letter of thanks was received from the Ocean Garden Club, Carolina Beach, for our cooperation in helping to prepare °Battle Acre" at Fort Fisher for future beauti£ication. Also expressed their appreciation to Mr. Herbert RivenbarY., Supt., of the Cotmty Farm,for his personal e£forts and help in this matter. ?i9?-?t?i A letter was receive7 £rom 1?s. John T, Richardson, Director of Farm Census, advising that the 1955 P'arm Census ?`? report books have been maile3 out to Tax Supervisors to complete the alphabetical listing in the Parm Census report books of a11 land o4mers hrzving three or more acres of land in an}r.township. 1•'s. Horton reported on a survey made 5aturday of the destruction an3 devastation o£ property at the Beaches ard Sound areas and various other sections of the County caused by the hurricane last Friday, for report to the Governor to arrange for Fexeral Aid and such other steps necessary to provide some immediate relief. r?operty I?ue to the eitensive 3amage and devastation to real and personal/at the Beaches and Sound areas and throughout L? other sections ofl the County, ?the Comnissioners, upon motion of i+Is'. Traslc, secon3ed by Mr. Love, declared New .? Ha-r.over County a Disa?ter'&rea and Proclaimed a State of National Etnergency. ,,??-?Se'The Chairman reported damage to the old Court House roof, a n3 the Butler Hangar at the airport. G? a / 1'he Chairman told the Commissioners that County force-, have been assisting in re-habilitation work in the storm stricken are2s and will be relieveti when Army Forces ana3equilment move in. Upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, a vote of thanks was extended all Home Operators, blilitary, State Highway Patrol an4 others for their help and services rendered during this catastrophy. following reports were received: u? tJilmirgton Public Librar,p Circulation Report; AirDOrt Receipts and Disbursements for September and i ?nA?cl. Cash Receipts £or October 7, and Sth; County Home Inmates, Prisoners and Juveniles for eptem er. -(J Ax ti statemcnt vas received from the State Board of Public Welfare advising that $59,181.00 was sent to this County ?/or OAA, ODC, APTD and Administration for September. John C. Wessell 7lzberculocis Sanatorium for week ending October 15?,h: •} White patients 9 tdegro " 15 . 21, I4on-residents 1 Vacant beds 8= White males 2, negro females 1, white females 5. Discharged: iVone Admitted: October 13, A7-berta Quince, colored. • ???? Drainage report for September: ?-? 120 men worked 20 days, 5525 yards ditched an3 5535 yards shrubbed. ? Upon motion, county Uills No. 962 to 1029 were approved for payment. h Due to a state of emergency existing in the County because of the devastation of property and homes- stricker_ed areas of the County, caused by the hurricane last Friday, a recess was .taken subject to call. Ae? 'e. ? Clerk.