1954-10-25 Regular Meeting548 , Ylilmington, N. C., October 25, 1954. „.... ,.. The regular weelcly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raifor3 Traslc, Cicero P. Yota, County kttorney and T.D,Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened wmth prayer by the Reverend James M. Mallette, Pastor of Kenns ville Baptist Chur.ch, col. Upon motion of Ns. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Restaurant space at ?luethenthal Airport, as advertised, was leased to Rossie an3 James Thompson, operating as "Rossies Grill" ' on their bid of_150.00 per month- on a month to month basis, beginning November lst, 1954. The County to furnish heat and water. , The Chairman reported hurricane damage to County property as follows: ? C Vent, County Home Roof $10.00 Roof on mule barn= 16 squares (? rJL,.00 6/?.00 ? \ v? Roof on cow barn = 15 " " " 60.00 lace ro Re f W me Pri P h 25 00 00 $159 ? p o , o ns son orc . . CCourt House Roof 400.00 Court House Windows . 50.00 450.00 `- ' Repairs to Pennington Flying Service Hangar 250.00 0? RP ( Butler Hangar 15,000.00 ?? -/ All the above covere3 by insurance except the Butler Hangar which suffered a$15,000.00 damage for - kV?,N^? which Federal Aid to repair has been requested. Upon motion of Ms. Trask, secon3ed by 1,4r. Davis, authority was given to transfer $1,400.00 from the County Home Dnergenc3 fund to make necessary repair and changes in the County Home Hospital heating system 1e??'?J to provide heat formerl,y furnished by A boiler which has since been damaged by cracked sections beyond repair as is therefore un£it £or further use, orhich will necessitate tying-3n with'a larger boiler there, installation o£ a return line and pump to take care of the condensation. ' It was agreeable to the Commissioners to have representatives from Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville Beachos p ' meet with this Board after the regular meeting next Monday, November 1, to formulate plans concerning next year's tax values because of the loss of property at the beaches by the recent hurricane.. . The following reports were received and ordered filed: • ? s S Cost of Debris Fhiergency Repaira. Temporary :`-Combined No.Q Clearance. Repairs Totala Estinate of Total . Damages in Dollars. Carolina sea.ch $ 45050.00 ? 339,540.00 ? I0,475.00 $ 395065.00 $}22501000.00 Wrightsville Beach 29,200.00 157,482.50 21p81,0.00 208022.50 7509000.00 Kure Beach 49500.00 42,425.00 15,000.00 46,925.00 143,000.00 Nex Hanoner County . 15v000.00 15.000.00 $ 2,1580000.00 On recommendation of the Chairman, the Township Tax Ilsters were requested to meet with the Tax Supervisor in the Commissioners Office 10:00 o'clock A.M „ Wednesday, October 27, to start preliminary work on arranging the Farm Census Booka preparatory to taking the 1955 Farm Census Reports and to discuss any other matters necessary pertaining to their duties. • The Chairman told the Board Piedmont Airlines wante3 to 1moN what the County intends to do toward repairing ? the Sutler Hangar which was damaged by the recent hurricane. They didlnt have a suitable place to do their _??e1?L maintenance work. They employed about 58 personnel and their payroll was around $270,000.00 snnually, and would like to know something definite: Mr. 0'Shields suggested that before spending $15,000.00 for repairs to the Butler hangar it would be well worth while looking into. Mr. Davis suggested that we have it repaired right or tear it down as it is an eyesore in its present condition. However the hangar was in the process of being repaired when the hurricane added further damages to it. "? Chrimber of Commerce calling attention to Business-Education Days P7onember 8, and lz?,; New Hanover County -?P Ruberculosis and Health Association; Wilmington Colored Library; North Carolina Public Welfare Statistics --1-? for 1947 through 1954;,Hous 'g Authoritp of the City of Wilmington; Airport Cash receipts for 0?:12 & 18th; -SS Local Office of Civi,LDefense Report to General Fdward F. Griffin, Director of North Csrolina Council o£ -y?\40L Civil Defemse covering damages to public owned property in New Hanover Courrty by hurricane Hazel as folloxs: Q\ No 1 No 2 No 3 t ' ? A copy of a letter written by Mr. J. R. Benson? City Manager, to Mr. Dugan Aycock, Lexi.ngton County Club, Lexington,N.C. was received advising that the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County will guarantee the sum ? of $1,250.00 priae money, should the Carolina PGA honor us with its tournament next fall, whic}j was upon motion ? of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, approved for the County's half part of the amount $625,00 out of the ' advertising £und in lieu of appropriations of $750.00, an3 $500.00 subnitted at meetings of October Qth and llth, respectively. The County to be re-imbursed through the sale of tickets. Upon motion of P9r..Davis, seconded by Mr. O'Shields, the Board authorized and directed the pQyment of $200.00 to the Azalea Festival Committee, ( a like amount having been appropriated by the City) toward the expense for -?? the construction of a"Goodwill Float" at a aost of $600,00. The CommissionerS,in their opinion, feel that the above expenditures wauld be to the best interest of the County for advertising its resources and advantages. A report of John C. Wessell lhberculosis Sanatorium for week ending October 22, 1954, wss received as follous; White patients 7 Pdegro ° 1? • 21 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 11 = White male 4, white female 5, colore3 fenale 2,( Discharged: 3 Ns. Lawrence Brown,white, October 16, 54 N:r. Carl Skipper ° if Lula Belle NeKoy colored It Admitted Q i 54 9 • Neeting o£ October 25, 1954 contihued, , ? Mrs. G. Reynolds, Puimlic Health Nurse, reported that N,r. Henry Williams, ( admitted to the Sanatorium this month) ? would not aign an application for admiasion to a State Sanatorium. The ChA;+mAn advised that it is the practice to have patients sign an application for admission to a State Institution at the same time admisaion is made to our T.B.Hospital. Mr. Davis expressed his feeling that we hene no authority to take away from him his right of refusal to sign a State applicstion. The poiicy is good in cases of".emergency, the Chairmen said, and leave the mattex up to the medical authorities. A letter of thanks was received from the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce on behalf of that orgsnization and the othex co-aponsoring agencies - The City Fire Department and the Wilmington Board of Fire Underwriters, for the Boards aplendid cooperation in stsgi.ng a successful Nat3onal Fire Prevention Week. ,4,j\,?_ Upon motion of Mr. Davis, aeconded by Mr. ?ask, suthority was given to purchase a fire plov for foreat fire t,, revention at a cost of a roximate P PP 7,v $533•00,out of the emergency fland if necessary. Upon motion of Mrl Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, Nary Ursula Gary, a pt?yaically and mentall,p disabled 72 year old bed patient and former old age asaistant recipient, recently diacharged from the hospital and no place to go, was on recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home. .A'The following good and lawflz7. persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of ? civil cases for the Special Civil Term beginning lst November 1954; and for the first week of the Criminal Tern beginning S, November 1954: i Alfred K. Dudley, 4503 Wrightsville Ave. Paul G. Naqlor, 249 Lake Forest. G.C,Jenkins,131 Castle Hayne Road. Thomas Crisp, Rt.l, Box 261. James A. Byers,2883 Jefferson St. J.B.Maultsby,10 Barnard Drive. E.E.Lee, 641 Castle Hayne Road. Mrs.Mary E. Swmnerlin,Rt.3, Box 103. Frank Herring, 710 Wooater St. Hubert McGee, Rt.l. Mrs: Niitchell F.A1'len,211 N. 4th St. Claud Murray, 109 N. Sth St. Jno.W.Meyland.Jr „ 25 Harrison Street. Mra.Elsie D. Frownfelter, 205 5.5tht J.E.Ke14,2204 Brandon Raad. Neill S. Cornwall, 1902 Church 5t. Wm.R.Denton, 2709 Uan Buren St. James E. Dix,Jr., Rt.3,3ox 128A. Mrs.O.F.Cooper, 1701 Chestnut St. Georgia H.Tindall, Rt.2, Box 25. J.W,Fullyroodt Rt.32 Box 242 AA. Geerge McFarland,lll N. 2nd St. Romolua Britt, Rt.3, Box 182. Leon Elswood Moore, Rt.l. Everett F.Jeffords,Jr., 85 Lee Drive. John H. Penny,Jr., 217 I{enxood Ave. J.W.Smith? 208 Dawson St. Wm.C.Marks, 616 Cheatnut St, Fttdolph Lee, 429i Castle Hayne Aoad. Mary Jane Helbig, 515 S. 3rd, St. R,B.Davis, Rt.l, Box 288B. Lena B. 5ellers, 801 S. 5th St. Jno.T,Kemp'Jt., 1516 Ann St. M,C.Boswell, 67 SpofforclsMill. Chas.Cavenaugh.Jr., 2712 Mimosa Place. B.S.Carroll, 417 N. 5th St. Eor the Criminal'_Term?beginning 8, November 1954: B,W,Browning, 174 Spoffords Mill. A.R. Bunn, 249 Pinecrest Parkway. W,M.Moas? 652 Castle Hayne Road. E.L.Burnett,Rt.2. Box 513. Liston Ianier, Rt.l. Box 280. Paul Mills, 217 Williamson Drive. I,H,Herring, 300 Watson St. T,S.Ramaeur, 1930 Church St. M.W.Iiadolph,2836 Adams St. Lucille M. Donnell, 214 Nun St. E,E.Humbles, Oastle Hayne Road. James W. James, 4602 Cedar Ave. W,P,Troutman, 308 S. 17th St. W,O.Jones,Jr. 420 S. 19th St. Walker W. Bellatqy, 1916 Market St. H.W.Williams, 110 Park Terrace. Graham C.Cashwell, 229 Rutledge Dr. Ernest L. Pittman, 2950 Parl Ave. Jno.S,Cameron,Rt.l. Lloyd F. Williams, 4702 Peachtree St. M.W,Pridgen,7 S. 8th St. Leon Stein, 901 Hawthorne Road. E,A.Divine, 1118 S. 3rd St. Jimmie Walton, Rt.2, Box 37. R.J,Innfrs,3712 Narket St, lin.Hosa Connor, Kerr Ave Rt.l., F.S.Burr,Jr.,315 S. 2nd St. Louis B. Johnson,41 Spofford. Mi11S. David A. Banner, 610 Greenfield St. J.H.Srving,Sr. P,O.Box 1058 Esther M. Crisp, Rt.2, Box 197. O.H.Champion, 8]./+ S. 5th St. Donald E. Haigler, Kure Beach. W,A.Bataon, 1011 S. 5th 5t. F.M.Gray, 1312 Queen St. T.M.Herritage, 2740 Hasrison St. . D,R,Wheeler, 226A Williamson Dr, Love E. West, 407 Church St, i Will L. Ives, Rt.3. Box 269. O.U,Rnwel 16 Lee Drive. O,B.Ivea, 4608 Oleander Dr. E.B,Snipes,Jr., 216 N. 22 St. Theo Bullard.209 S. 41 St. W,M.Mi1li.kin,1901 Castle St. ? Iawrence P.Robbins, 2507 Washington S,L.Crawley,4309 Wrightsville Ave. Mrs.Jas.F.Post, 106 N. 17th St: Juanita V. Rankin, 1016 Market St. Mary E. Braswell, 305 S. Front St. Curtis FUrr, Rt, l. ? Upon motion of P1r. Trask, seco rrled by Mr. Davis, the meeting was then adjourned. -r ? C1 G ? i idilmington.N.C., November 1, 195/+. '. ? The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. • Present: R.T,Horton, Chairnan and Coffinissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston' C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Auditor T. D. Love. ? • The meeting was opene3 with grayer by the Reverend Ma3or I.isle S. Shackelford of the Salvation Aray. Copies oi' the Miirutes of ineeting of October 25, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion lf Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ,?Upon motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board approved the sale of tax foreclosed lot part o£ 6 - v h in block !/148, 30 x 75 8eet in size, formerly owned by Effie Evans, to J.E.Canady at a price of $392.00 subject to anproval by the City o£ Wilmington. ' ? . Upon motion o£ h1r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved the sale o£ 25 acres of tax foreclosed land in Cape Fear Township £ormerly owned by Joseph Cordell, and 18 acres Cape Fear Towrship formerly owned by Mary C. Smith, to J.E,Canady at a price of $750.00 ard $200.00 respectively. And the Chairman and the C1erk of the Board were authorized and directed to sign a deed in the name of the County transferring the above three parcels of property to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price as aforesaid. ' I Mr. Horton reported that at the secord meeting of the Governor's Commtttee, County Commissioners were asked to handle all matters of financial assistance account of hurricane damage in uninco?porated areas, Forms Have been received for maldng applications for assistance from the Federal Government. The County Attorney and Adiison Healett,Jr., left this morning for Washington,D.C,, to confer with the Civil Defense Administrator as to an interpretation } and clarification of the law concerning government aid. In order to expedite the handling of request for assistence in unincorporated areas in the County, in connection with the hurricane of October 15, 1951r, the following • rresolution was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, uranimously adopted: