1954-11-01 Regular Meeting54 9 • Neeting o£ October 25, 1954 contihued, , ? Mrs. G. Reynolds, Puimlic Health Nurse, reported that N,r. Henry Williams, ( admitted to the Sanatorium this month) ? would not aign an application for admiasion to a State Sanatorium. The ChA;+mAn advised that it is the practice to have patients sign an application for admission to a State Institution at the same time admisaion is made to our T.B.Hospital. Mr. Davis expressed his feeling that we hene no authority to take away from him his right of refusal to sign a State applicstion. The poiicy is good in cases of".emergency, the Chairmen said, and leave the mattex up to the medical authorities. A letter of thanks was received from the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce on behalf of that orgsnization and the othex co-aponsoring agencies - The City Fire Department and the Wilmington Board of Fire Underwriters, for the Boards aplendid cooperation in stsgi.ng a successful Nat3onal Fire Prevention Week. ,4,j\,?_ Upon motion of Mr. Davis, aeconded by Mr. ?ask, suthority was given to purchase a fire plov for foreat fire t,, revention at a cost of a roximate P PP 7,v $533•00,out of the emergency fland if necessary. Upon motion of Mrl Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, Nary Ursula Gary, a pt?yaically and mentall,p disabled 72 year old bed patient and former old age asaistant recipient, recently diacharged from the hospital and no place to go, was on recommendation of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home. .A'The following good and lawflz7. persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of ? civil cases for the Special Civil Term beginning lst November 1954; and for the first week of the Criminal Tern beginning S, November 1954: i Alfred K. Dudley, 4503 Wrightsville Ave. Paul G. Naqlor, 249 Lake Forest. G.C,Jenkins,131 Castle Hayne Road. Thomas Crisp, Rt.l, Box 261. James A. Byers,2883 Jefferson St. J.B.Maultsby,10 Barnard Drive. E.E.Lee, 641 Castle Hayne Road. Mrs.Mary E. Swmnerlin,Rt.3, Box 103. Frank Herring, 710 Wooater St. Hubert McGee, Rt.l. Mrs: Niitchell F.A1'len,211 N. 4th St. Claud Murray, 109 N. Sth St. Jno.W.Meyland.Jr „ 25 Harrison Street. Mra.Elsie D. Frownfelter, 205 5.5tht J.E.Ke14,2204 Brandon Raad. Neill S. Cornwall, 1902 Church 5t. Wm.R.Denton, 2709 Uan Buren St. James E. Dix,Jr., Rt.3,3ox 128A. Mrs.O.F.Cooper, 1701 Chestnut St. Georgia H.Tindall, Rt.2, Box 25. J.W,Fullyroodt Rt.32 Box 242 AA. Geerge McFarland,lll N. 2nd St. Romolua Britt, Rt.3, Box 182. Leon Elswood Moore, Rt.l. Everett F.Jeffords,Jr., 85 Lee Drive. John H. Penny,Jr., 217 I{enxood Ave. J.W.Smith? 208 Dawson St. Wm.C.Marks, 616 Cheatnut St, Fttdolph Lee, 429i Castle Hayne Aoad. Mary Jane Helbig, 515 S. 3rd, St. R,B.Davis, Rt.l, Box 288B. Lena B. 5ellers, 801 S. 5th St. Jno.T,Kemp'Jt., 1516 Ann St. M,C.Boswell, 67 SpofforclsMill. Chas.Cavenaugh.Jr., 2712 Mimosa Place. B.S.Carroll, 417 N. 5th St. Eor the Criminal'_Term?beginning 8, November 1954: B,W,Browning, 174 Spoffords Mill. A.R. Bunn, 249 Pinecrest Parkway. W,M.Moas? 652 Castle Hayne Road. E.L.Burnett,Rt.2. Box 513. Liston Ianier, Rt.l. Box 280. Paul Mills, 217 Williamson Drive. I,H,Herring, 300 Watson St. T,S.Ramaeur, 1930 Church St. M.W.Iiadolph,2836 Adams St. Lucille M. Donnell, 214 Nun St. E,E.Humbles, Oastle Hayne Road. James W. James, 4602 Cedar Ave. W,P,Troutman, 308 S. 17th St. W,O.Jones,Jr. 420 S. 19th St. Walker W. Bellatqy, 1916 Market St. H.W.Williams, 110 Park Terrace. Graham C.Cashwell, 229 Rutledge Dr. Ernest L. Pittman, 2950 Parl Ave. Jno.S,Cameron,Rt.l. Lloyd F. Williams, 4702 Peachtree St. M.W,Pridgen,7 S. 8th St. Leon Stein, 901 Hawthorne Road. E,A.Divine, 1118 S. 3rd St. Jimmie Walton, Rt.2, Box 37. R.J,Innfrs,3712 Narket St, lin.Hosa Connor, Kerr Ave Rt.l., F.S.Burr,Jr.,315 S. 2nd St. Louis B. Johnson,41 Spofford. Mi11S. David A. Banner, 610 Greenfield St. J.H.Srving,Sr. P,O.Box 1058 Esther M. Crisp, Rt.2, Box 197. O.H.Champion, 8]./+ S. 5th St. Donald E. Haigler, Kure Beach. W,A.Bataon, 1011 S. 5th 5t. F.M.Gray, 1312 Queen St. T.M.Herritage, 2740 Hasrison St. . D,R,Wheeler, 226A Williamson Dr, Love E. West, 407 Church St, i Will L. Ives, Rt.3. Box 269. O.U,Rnwel 16 Lee Drive. O,B.Ivea, 4608 Oleander Dr. E.B,Snipes,Jr., 216 N. 22 St. Theo Bullard.209 S. 41 St. W,M.Mi1li.kin,1901 Castle St. ? Iawrence P.Robbins, 2507 Washington S,L.Crawley,4309 Wrightsville Ave. Mrs.Jas.F.Post, 106 N. 17th St: Juanita V. Rankin, 1016 Market St. Mary E. Braswell, 305 S. Front St. Curtis FUrr, Rt, l. ? Upon motion of P1r. Trask, seco rrled by Mr. Davis, the meeting was then adjourned. -r ? C1 G ? i idilmington.N.C., November 1, 195/+. '. ? The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. • Present: R.T,Horton, Chairnan and Coffinissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston' C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, and County Auditor T. D. Love. ? • The meeting was opene3 with grayer by the Reverend Ma3or I.isle S. Shackelford of the Salvation Aray. Copies oi' the Miirutes of ineeting of October 25, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion lf Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ,?Upon motion of hir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board approved the sale of tax foreclosed lot part o£ 6 - v h in block !/148, 30 x 75 8eet in size, formerly owned by Effie Evans, to J.E.Canady at a price of $392.00 subject to anproval by the City o£ Wilmington. ' ? . Upon motion o£ h1r. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Board approved the sale o£ 25 acres of tax foreclosed land in Cape Fear Township £ormerly owned by Joseph Cordell, and 18 acres Cape Fear Towrship formerly owned by Mary C. Smith, to J.E,Canady at a price of $750.00 ard $200.00 respectively. And the Chairman and the C1erk of the Board were authorized and directed to sign a deed in the name of the County transferring the above three parcels of property to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price as aforesaid. ' I Mr. Horton reported that at the secord meeting of the Governor's Commtttee, County Commissioners were asked to handle all matters of financial assistance account of hurricane damage in uninco?porated areas, Forms Have been received for maldng applications for assistance from the Federal Government. The County Attorney and Adiison Healett,Jr., left this morning for Washington,D.C,, to confer with the Civil Defense Administrator as to an interpretation } and clarification of the law concerning government aid. In order to expedite the handling of request for assistence in unincorporated areas in the County, in connection with the hurricane of October 15, 1951r, the following • rresolution was upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, uranimously adopted: I 51) 5 U _t"' bursements as of September 30, 1954, showing 2[,.75% oP budget used, was received. .-G' .? A copy of the Civil Defense Iriformation Bulletin dealing with the hurricane disaster relie£ was received from -`?S the State Civil Defense Directors Office, Raleigh, N. C. f.I?i? Areport of the Veterans' Service Officer for October was received. Census Report of Johh C. Wessell 7.lzberculosis Sanatorium £or week ending October 29: k?hite patients Negro " Non-residents Vacant beds Discharged Admitted ? Meeting of November 1, 1954, continued. It is hereby o?edered that Mr. R. T. Horton, Chairman of the Board of County Comnisaionera of New Hanover Courrty and Mr. Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney of New Hanover County, as the agexits of said County, that both or either of them are hereby authorized and empowerei to sign and execute all papers and documents which may be proper and necessary in connection with the request to the Federal Civil Defense Administration and/or the State of North Carolina for financial and other assistance in unincorporated areas of this county, growing out of and in connection with the hurricane of October 15, 1954, and the acts of said person ob persons in said behalf are in al reepects validated, approved and confirmed. The authorized signature of said peraoh.• or persons appear upon the copy of this resolution, which shall be duly certifie3 by the Clerk of this Board. A request of the Willetts Realty Compar?y that the following new hard surfaced Streeta in Devon Park Extension, Harnett Township, beplace on the County High?.ay system for State Maintenance, was upon motiom of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'5hields, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public iJorks Commission for consi3eration: --1. McDonald Drive £rom Winston Boulevard to Ashley Circle. - 2. Ashley Circle Enom McDonald Drive to Larchmont Drive. - 3. Iarchmont Drive from Ashley Circle to Winston Boulevard. -k, Winston Boulefard from Downy Branch to Hoggard Drive. `5. Hoggard Drive from Bonhazn Avenue to the end of the hard surface near Sweetirater Branch. A coannunication was received from the State Highway and Public Works Commission, Raleigh,N.C., advising that Hoggard Drive and Winston Boulevard in Devon Park, Harnett township, and Csrlton Avenue in Cape Fear Township £r?ym US 11'7 west on o13 graded road to connect with southwest end of paved road,(Newton's Isne), were added to our County HighWay System on Oetober 15, 1954. •.? IV/ Mr. Horton called attention to a contract previously given to repair the Butler Hangar. Party had gone to certain fOl? amount of expense when further damages were caused by the hurricane. Re-survey shows seven sections in hangar; .?Q•\ 40 foot beams, one left, that along with othersections will give more area than before. Thinks amount we haae in N the contract will be satisfactory as salvaging expense would would cost more anti would have been a gr'eater loss if it had not been tied down. The Chairman reported a request of the Navy Department that we reconsider our action of October 4th,1954, cancelling and declaring null and,void the agreement between the County and the United States of America for the joint use of the runways and landing areas of Bluethenthal Airport, which agreement the Goverhment never acknowledged receipt of or indicated its acceptance after a period o£ three months or more has elapsed. On recommendation of the County Attorney, action was postponed pending receipt of our copy of the agreement properly executed by the Government' Officials. N,r. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, reported that the Navy has failed to cut certain trees that obstruct approaches to some of the runways at the,airport, as was agreed, and recommended that the trees be removed before the Navy takes over the joint use of the airport. Instructions were given to take the matter up with the Civil Aeronautics Administration. . - ? A letter was received from the Institute of Government advising that Mr. Horton had appointed to fill one of the lif enacted into law. The Chairman urged that each member o£ the Board give serious thought to any proposed A list Sf ballot boxes and booths required at each of the 27 polling places in the County for the General Election to be he13 November 2? 1954, was received fi•om Mr. James D. Carr, Chairman of the Board of Electiona. ?G vacancies on the Legislative Committee of the State Association of County Commissioners. . A copy of the Official Nawsletter of the State Association of County Comnissioners uas received, bearing ??/ principal],y on proposed.legielation which would increase the operational effectiveness of county government, legislation they would care to recoimnend to the Committee for consideration,by the 1955 General Assembly: J n'ot having received ?iida•;fo'r'auditing the books and records of the County offices for tlie•past fiscal year, it was agreeable to the Board that i.he County Auditor go ahead with necessary arrangements with the CPAs, and also go along_„ with the Board of £ducation with its audit. A state:nent of budget expenditures and revenue receipts for period July • 1 to September 30, 1954, was received from ^ Auditor the County ,showing: ? . Appropriation ?3,562,1Og.61 Expended 831,558.65 Balance 2,73?,550.96 = 23% expended. Revenue Receipts 679,935.77 ? _,?. Mr. Horton told the Board ?hrs. Cliff Lewis, Federal Point Townahip Tax Lister will not be with us this year and we should consider at least two applications for list takers for the 1954-1955 tctx listing period ? . Upon motion of ? Nir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the matter was referred to the Chairnan with power to act. A copy of the minutes of the Board o£ Trustees o£ Community Hospital for September 8th and statement of receipts and ?? dis 7 1 21 1 11 = 'kiite male L,, 0 0 white female 5, colored female 2. % Upon motion, duly seconded, County bills No. 1030 to 1226 were approved for payment. -_!/° With reference to beach erosion caused by Hurricane Hazel, it was the sense o£ the Board to ask the United States ? District Fngineers to furrish the County with necessary iriformation, on applications, from an erosion standpoint. , { eJ?'151 Meeting o£ November 1, 1954, continued. • The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal Cases for the second week November Criminel Term beginning Nonday, November 15, 1954. E.E.Heath,Castle Hayne. • C.F.Lennon,100 Pinecrest Parkway. John A. Lewis,l-P Lake Forest. Haron H? Dale, 201z Castle Street. H.H.Best,Sr., 806 Ann St. J.L,Parker,128A Williamson Drive. E,S,Horner,217 Floral Parkway. C.L.Farr,108-B Williamson Drive.1 Walter L. Garris, 231 Vance Street. MaltciillifinrMid4leton,4213 Wrightsville Ave. Carl B.Gaddy,133 Graham St. Huber IIoyex,303 S 5th St. Orland Dale, 234 Calhoun Drive. Earl G. Burroughs, 220 Idutledge Dr. L.R.Gay,110 Ward St. Geo.C.Avant, 101•N.' 15th St, W.R.Guerin, 1902 Carolina Ave. R.R.Croom, 4102 Lake St. H.Cleeve, 1723 Orange St. J.R,Carter,2017 Metts Ave. G.W,Ba.refoot, Rt.l. Aarry E. Thomas, 110 Vance St. C.H,Atkinson, Rt.l, Box 166. Daisy G. Page, % Star-News. H.J.Rackley,Rt.2, Box 442. N,,G.Johnson, 3017 Market St. I H.D.Avery, 406 S. 5th St, William Allen, 8 Castle Street. Alberta L.Henderson, 20U Iake F6rest,W,A.Barlow.251 Lake Forest Parkway. John F. Crosley, 107 Morningside Drive. J.H.Dixon, Rt.l. Geo.Ira Jones, Rt.2, box 147. K.W,Dewalt, 20 Lake Forest Pa:kway. L•.R.Armstrong, 3301 Market St, Sam Gibson, 602 Colwell Ave. A.H.Ketchum,2519 Van Buren•St. Curtis Benton, 218 Wright St. W,H.Arnette,128B Williams Drive. Fdward L.Wood, 1506 Pdun St, ilavid R. Nawkirk, 64 Lee Drive. Wm.P.Dnerson, 2225 Arcadia Drive. Elwood J. Smith,5rr,70tJ Dr. Iake Forest. Cary W. Niintz, 413 Queen St. Lloyd H.Coleman,702 Colwell Ave. Wm,E.Perdew, 1707 Chestnut St, G,C.Stromsoe,3805 Peachtree St. G.E,Burnett, 4708 Park Ave. The Chairman announced that the Board wou13 now meet with representatives from Carolina, Kure and idrightsville Beaches to give consideration to the appointment of a comr.ittee to study the damage situation at the beaches and revaluation of property in those areas where improvements have been made and not assessed to bring the values in line since last assessing time, and submit their recoinmendations to the Board for study and use in requesting aid, if necessary, by reason o£ loss of taxable values by the Hurricane Hazel of October 15th, 1954, and to that end welcomed recommendations. - The suggestio# did not appeal to the other memUers of the meeting: Mr, 0'Shields £elt that the Govermmng Bodies of the Municipalities know their conditions best and should handle their own problems, and ar?y recommendations should be initiated by them. It was 19r. Trasks' thought that we have no right to adjust values at this time, that will take care of itself ? at Listing time January lst. IArs. Striclcland, City 14anager of Carolina Beach, felt that Carolina Beach sufferza a greater loss than any other area in the County, a 33 1/3 to 50% loss. Any lot in Carolina Beach, she said, is worth less now than beiore the hurricane and should no up-values on any lots to increase taxable values. p? A;r. Richard ideier, representirg Wrightsville 5each, said to raise values on beach property now would retard building and improvements. Thought it premature to undertake such steps now. Tir. Joel C. Herrin, Town Clerk, Rure Beach, reported approx.imately, 10% 1oss, Felt for some time'a]i-evaluation ?D was needed, but did not think this was the time unless county-wide, and should not raise values on lots in the rear to off-set loss of values on the ocean front. Mr. T. R. Orrell suggested that the Insurance Commissioner be called in to expidite adjustment of insurance claims. ? ?..?? Nr. T. A. Croom, 14ayor of Carolina Beach, said it would be discriminating to start revaluation o£ property only at the beach resorts. Ns. Horton made it clear that the meeting was £or the purpose of sitting together to formulate some plan Uy which property values could be adjusted and assessments ascertained for the purpose of establishing some concrete figures as a;gixideto expedite handling o£ the•situation promptly when the Teaislature meets in Januaryr rather than '.;o wait until Jam:a.ry lst. +n ste,rt {;n Cet this informatioii. ' lifter further discassior•`Lr. 2rask 1nni.e3 and it was seconded by Mr. Lot*e and carried that the Governor be requested to h2»e the Connissione*,of Insurance spee3-up adus?Lments oi insurance claims in this &rea, ?'he mePtir,a then adjourned. Wilmington,N.C., November 8, 19A -k The regular weekly neeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. Out of respect in the passing of Governor William B. Umstead, the Chairman asked that we stand as a body and bow our heads for one minute of silent meditation in memory of a friend and Governor who was close to and loved ? by all of North Carolina, especially people of New Hanover County, whose untimely death is most regrettable. May our prayers be with those near and dear to,him in this hour of sorrow, and we dedicate our help and best wishes to those in authority to carry on in tliis responsible place of leadership. The meeting was then opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Charles E. Barnhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Copies o£ the minutes of the meeting of November lst, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member a£ the Board, were upon motion of Nr. Love, seconded by ms: Davis, approved. The County Attorney reported on a conference that he , Mr. Addison Hewlett,Jr., and Col. Wade Bruton had with r t;r. Val Peterson, National Director of Civil De£ense in Washington,D.C,, for a clarification and interpretation ?C of Public Iaw No. 875 concerning comnunities eligihle to.receive Fe3eral aid in hurricane damage, at which time he reported that the Director of Civil Defanse was of the opinion thnt incorporated areas could get emergency repairs to their water and sewer systems, clearing of debris and emergency and temporary repairs o£ streets along with some repair to the beach strand. The County Attorney emphasized that any help that could be gotten ' by uninuorporated areas would have to be petitioned by the County inasmuch as they are the governing body;for the unincorporated areas. ' .... .t!?' . -A