1954-11-08 Regular Meeting{ eJ?'151 Meeting o£ November 1, 1954, continued. • The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal Cases for the second week November Criminel Term beginning Nonday, November 15, 1954. E.E.Heath,Castle Hayne. • C.F.Lennon,100 Pinecrest Parkway. John A. Lewis,l-P Lake Forest. Haron H? Dale, 201z Castle Street. H.H.Best,Sr., 806 Ann St. J.L,Parker,128A Williamson Drive. E,S,Horner,217 Floral Parkway. C.L.Farr,108-B Williamson Drive.1 Walter L. Garris, 231 Vance Street. MaltciillifinrMid4leton,4213 Wrightsville Ave. Carl B.Gaddy,133 Graham St. Huber IIoyex,303 S 5th St. Orland Dale, 234 Calhoun Drive. Earl G. Burroughs, 220 Idutledge Dr. L.R.Gay,110 Ward St. Geo.C.Avant, 101•N.' 15th St, W.R.Guerin, 1902 Carolina Ave. R.R.Croom, 4102 Lake St. H.Cleeve, 1723 Orange St. J.R,Carter,2017 Metts Ave. G.W,Ba.refoot, Rt.l. Aarry E. Thomas, 110 Vance St. C.H,Atkinson, Rt.l, Box 166. Daisy G. Page, % Star-News. H.J.Rackley,Rt.2, Box 442. N,,G.Johnson, 3017 Market St. I H.D.Avery, 406 S. 5th St, William Allen, 8 Castle Street. Alberta L.Henderson, 20U Iake F6rest,W,A.Barlow.251 Lake Forest Parkway. John F. Crosley, 107 Morningside Drive. J.H.Dixon, Rt.l. Geo.Ira Jones, Rt.2, box 147. K.W,Dewalt, 20 Lake Forest Pa:kway. L•.R.Armstrong, 3301 Market St, Sam Gibson, 602 Colwell Ave. A.H.Ketchum,2519 Van Buren•St. Curtis Benton, 218 Wright St. W,H.Arnette,128B Williams Drive. Fdward L.Wood, 1506 Pdun St, ilavid R. Nawkirk, 64 Lee Drive. Wm.P.Dnerson, 2225 Arcadia Drive. Elwood J. Smith,5rr,70tJ Dr. Iake Forest. Cary W. Niintz, 413 Queen St. Lloyd H.Coleman,702 Colwell Ave. Wm,E.Perdew, 1707 Chestnut St, G,C.Stromsoe,3805 Peachtree St. G.E,Burnett, 4708 Park Ave. The Chairman announced that the Board wou13 now meet with representatives from Carolina, Kure and idrightsville Beaches to give consideration to the appointment of a comr.ittee to study the damage situation at the beaches and revaluation of property in those areas where improvements have been made and not assessed to bring the values in line since last assessing time, and submit their recoinmendations to the Board for study and use in requesting aid, if necessary, by reason o£ loss of taxable values by the Hurricane Hazel of October 15th, 1954, and to that end welcomed recommendations. - The suggestio# did not appeal to the other memUers of the meeting: Mr, 0'Shields £elt that the Govermmng Bodies of the Municipalities know their conditions best and should handle their own problems, and ar?y recommendations should be initiated by them. It was 19r. Trasks' thought that we have no right to adjust values at this time, that will take care of itself ? at Listing time January lst. IArs. Striclcland, City 14anager of Carolina Beach, felt that Carolina Beach sufferza a greater loss than any other area in the County, a 33 1/3 to 50% loss. Any lot in Carolina Beach, she said, is worth less now than beiore the hurricane and should no up-values on any lots to increase taxable values. p? A;r. Richard ideier, representirg Wrightsville 5each, said to raise values on beach property now would retard building and improvements. Thought it premature to undertake such steps now. Tir. Joel C. Herrin, Town Clerk, Rure Beach, reported approx.imately, 10% 1oss, Felt for some time'a]i-evaluation ?D was needed, but did not think this was the time unless county-wide, and should not raise values on lots in the rear to off-set loss of values on the ocean front. Mr. T. R. Orrell suggested that the Insurance Commissioner be called in to expidite adjustment of insurance claims. ? ?..?? Nr. T. A. Croom, 14ayor of Carolina Beach, said it would be discriminating to start revaluation o£ property only at the beach resorts. Ns. Horton made it clear that the meeting was £or the purpose of sitting together to formulate some plan Uy which property values could be adjusted and assessments ascertained for the purpose of establishing some concrete figures as a;gixideto expedite handling o£ the•situation promptly when the Teaislature meets in Januaryr rather than '.;o wait until Jam:a.ry lst. +n ste,rt {;n Cet this informatioii. ' lifter further discassior•`Lr. 2rask 1nni.e3 and it was seconded by Mr. Lot*e and carried that the Governor be requested to h2»e the Connissione*,of Insurance spee3-up adus?Lments oi insurance claims in this &rea, ?'he mePtir,a then adjourned. Wilmington,N.C., November 8, 19A -k The regular weekly neeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. Out of respect in the passing of Governor William B. Umstead, the Chairman asked that we stand as a body and bow our heads for one minute of silent meditation in memory of a friend and Governor who was close to and loved ? by all of North Carolina, especially people of New Hanover County, whose untimely death is most regrettable. May our prayers be with those near and dear to,him in this hour of sorrow, and we dedicate our help and best wishes to those in authority to carry on in tliis responsible place of leadership. The meeting was then opene3 with prayer by the Reverend Charles E. Barnhardt, Pastor of St. Matthews Lutheran Church. Copies o£ the minutes of the meeting of November lst, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member a£ the Board, were upon motion of Nr. Love, seconded by ms: Davis, approved. The County Attorney reported on a conference that he , Mr. Addison Hewlett,Jr., and Col. Wade Bruton had with r t;r. Val Peterson, National Director of Civil De£ense in Washington,D.C,, for a clarification and interpretation ?C of Public Iaw No. 875 concerning comnunities eligihle to.receive Fe3eral aid in hurricane damage, at which time he reported that the Director of Civil Defanse was of the opinion thnt incorporated areas could get emergency repairs to their water and sewer systems, clearing of debris and emergency and temporary repairs o£ streets along with some repair to the beach strand. The County Attorney emphasized that any help that could be gotten ' by uninuorporated areas would have to be petitioned by the County inasmuch as they are the governing body;for the unincorporated areas. ' .... .t!?' . -A I Meeting of November 8, 1954, continued. Mr. Horton callec attention to the forms to be filled-out by the applicants for sid in unincorporated areas to be certified by the County, and read a letter received from Mr. Franklin W. Bell, Local Director of Civil DePense, quoting a ruling from the Federal Civil Defense Administrator to the effect " Use Public Law 875 £unds to remove private property obstructing public streets pending insurance adjustuients. It,is customary that all local public bodies have authority and reaponszbility to keep public thoroughfares open to public use. Prive property in question would be considered as debris and as such should be removed, provided that the property in question not be move3 to its former site as,a convenience to the property owner". Also a copy of a letter written by -{L Colonel George W. Gillette, Consulting Engineer, to:Mayor Michael Brown of Wrightsville Beach and Mayor T.A.Croom of Carolina Beach offering his professional and other services, in these trt.ing days, without charge. Careful consideration, he said, should be given immediately to the end that a plan will evolve £or the protection I of the beaches. This protectipn ohould ir,clude the prevention of beach erosion and should include a strict building code. The Chairman announced that in accordance with a ruling of the Attorney General, no reduction of taxes on property destroyed by the hurricane can be made for the year 1994, That will be adjusted at listing:time January lst for the year 1955, and can be handled by the Boatd of Fqualization and Review. Mr, Davis felt it bebooves us to have the United States Ehgineers restore.beach areas damaged by erosion along the ?^?A shore line. , . _ NW1`10vf! The Chairman raninded the Commissioners of the invitation to participate in the parade and dedication exercises for Company I, 119 Infantry New Armory Building, Thursday, idovember llth. The Chairman gave a brief history of the proposed agreement iaith the Navy for the joint use of the runwaqs and ' landing strips of Bluethenthal Field,executed by the County on June 17, 1954, and stibsequent cancellation of the ,fn%N,Y,1"'?( same by the Board of Commissioners on October 4? 1954, after waiting for more than three months without receiv3ng ? aclmowledgnent of the same or any indication that it would be accepted by the Government, an3 15resen"ted a copy of t e agreement recently received from the Navy Department asking that we reconsider our action of October Qth, 1954;"'° cancelling the same, and accept it with changes made by the Government, which changes the contract from a lease,to?,a- use agreement, which is a material change in the opinion o£ the County Attorney. P;r, Trask said he would not vote for the agreenent. If it would Uring money in here he wovld vote for it. DonIt want just a nuisance. Let thera maintain what they have there and we will maintain ourIs, and we stand by our former action. h1r. Davis felt we should not build our economy on military installations. Ns. 0'Shields said he was fed-up with wrangling ovet the County-Idavy sirport agreement over the past five years and should take immediate, definite action on it, and move3 that the matter be postponed until next Monday? -io November 15, £or final action,and that the County Attorney give his interpretation of the affects of the changes made in the agreement, and obtsin a ruling from the CAA on the use of the Idavy constructed runways. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask and carried. A letter was received £rom U.S.Senator Alton Lennon enclosing a copy of a letter he received from the Farmers .?/ Home Administration, United States Department of kgriculture, which lists North Carolina Counties in which Farmers are eligible to apply £or emergency loans because of serious damage and losses from the recent hurricane. A petition submitted by seven property owners on State Form R-10, requesting improvements to a roadway in g?5 Harnett township, which runs from a poir,t on the south side of US 17,•bettaeen Ogden and Porters Neck Road? . . ? Y thence west for a distance of approximately 500 yards to J.C.Holts residence, on which said road four houses are located, was upon motion of A4r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the State Highway . and Public Works Commission £or corssideration. An of£er sub:ai.tted by*Nir. J. E. Canac?y to purchase tax £oreclosure lots 50 and 51 in block 5, Sout? 'dilmi?i?;ton Heights, ?,? and lots 18, and 19 in block 5, South Wi]mington Heights at a price of $100.00 for the said lots 50 and 51, and -? $97.00 for the said lots 18 and 19, was upon motion of T's. Davis, seconded by ifir, 0'Shields, accepted and the Chairnan and the Clerk o£ the Doard were authorized and directed to sign a deed in the name of the County, , transferring the said lots to hin upon peyment of the purchase price. ?rL+-. fiorton presented a letter he received from the National Association of Assessing 0£ficers advising of his appointment as I7AA0 Chairman for the StatP of Nnrth C,srolina. The Chairmnr na11ed attention to the importance of giving study to proposed legislation with our representatives G for the coming_ seasion of the General kssembly, and eli?ninate objectionable bills that appear not to be to the ? _?? ? best advantage and interest to our County. , Upon motion o£ 17r. Love, secon3ed Uy 141r. Davis, Matthew Dees a physically disabled colored citizen was granted tamporary admission to the County Home as an emergency case on recommendation of the Supt,, of Public 47elfare ? to the effect that he was living alone and fuffered a stroke and at present cannot-care for himself. He was -?? placeti in the County Eome on November 6th as an emergency. '!'he Doctor thinks in one or two months he msy be able to leave. A census report of John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending IJovember 5, 1954, was received: . ? White patients tdegro " Ivonresidents Vacant beds Discharged: Admitted: 8 , 14 zz 1 10 = G.rhite male 3, 0 white female 5. colored femnle 2, 1= Mr. W. H. Alexander, iahite, October 31, 1954• , i?.? ? Reports were received from the County Farm Agent, an3 Colored Home Agent for October and ordered filed. l05 Third Quarter Report of State Agricaltural Statistics, featuring revise3 corn; County estimates for period 1925 through 1952, was received and filed. , .. Meeting of Noveanber 8, 1454, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Dav'is, seconded by Mr. Love, the IIoard authorize3 the payment of $200,00 appropriation ? to the Aza.lea Festival Committee toward the axpense for the construction of & nGOOdWlll F].O&Gnp feeling that the expenditure will be to the best advantage to the County for advertising its resouraes_and advantages . And also an appropriat3on of $250.00 to Company I, 119 Infantry toward the expense in connection with the dedication of their New Armory Building Thursday, November llth 1954• Upon motion of if,r. Love, seconded by Mr. Trask, the County Attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate resolution in connection with the passing of Governor 14illiam B. Umstead, and that a copy of the same be sent to the family. Upon motion o£ Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Slzieldst payment of bills of expense for holding the election November 2, 1954, in the amount of $7,282.40 and bi11 the City for proportionate pe.rt for holding the bond election, and postpone payment of bills £or the election officials services pending further investigation, was approved iP vrithin the budget, and it was so ordered, !,n ? Instructions were given to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to the 5tate Highway and Public Works ?`? Cormnission, Third Division Office, Wilminp,tonlN.C,, for services rendered in connection with the removal of debris fro.n the streets aind highway at Harbor Island. Upon motion of Mr. Love, secon3ed by Mr. Davis; County bi11S 3io. 1227 to 1311 were approve(f for pa?anent. The neeting then adjourned. ? 1erk. ? Wilmington, N. C., November 151 1954. The regu7.ar weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.t4 Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Cormnissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicexo P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend T.A.Green, Pastor of Sunset Park Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Idovember 8, 1954, having previously been mailed to eeach member af the Board, the same were upon motion of N?r. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. Allotment of wppropriations out of the County's advertising fund f or the fiscal year 1954-1955 to the £ollowing organizations in the amounts shot+n, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded Uy Mr, Love, approved. The Co;mnissioners feeling that such expenditures will be to Lhe best interest of the County in advertising i?s resources and advsntages. t'""•'Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee $500.00 Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commeroe 500.00 i Ccj Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association 500.00 ' ??,y?,JS9 Wilmington Nerchants Association 200.00 ,?,a,,,mao-fi-Garolina Beach Chamber of Commerce 500.00 New Hanover Junior High School Band 250.00 Williston Junior High School Band 250.00 ,Tyqks'QavCarolina PGA Golf Tournament 625.00 .__4ftp. Tileston-Sunset Park Junior High Band 250.00 ?llilmington Chamber of Commerce 500.00 Company I, 119 Infantry-Dedication Program 250.00 ?s? A2alea Festival 200.00 New Hanover High School Band Boosters Club 250.00 $4,775.00 --C_?C- Industrial Promotion - Entertainment - $65.85 Excess Balance,Commissioners Convention 53•59 -?_Cl'" Transportation Commissioners Convention 122.75 0242.17 c) 5 e Ns. Albest Beach appeared to ask that the appropriation for Carolina Beach Chsmber of Commerce be set at $2,000.00. Mr. John H. Farrell, Executive Manager of SENCBA,and Nir, T. R. Orrell were present and targed more generous - --tomnV-t"g-ppropriations in view of the recent fiurricane disaster an4 curLai]ment of business. Mr. O'Shields than called attention to allotments to organizations aggregating more than $3,500.00 all tentatively trying to do the same thing in ef£ect, anfl reminded that the £und was for advertising purposes ?nd not an operation fund. request o£ f•1r. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, £or rubber runners for his office floor, and improvemer,ts to lightsp ?- ??was instructed to get prices and subnit same to the Board. The proposed Navy-County joint agreement whe*eby the County and the Navy Department could piake.joirit and_concurrent f' use of the rurn+ays and landing areas of 131uethenthal Field which was continued 1'rom last meeting, was brought up ? ?or further discussion and consideration by the Chairman. The Count;? kttorney called att,ention to the maximum obligation of the Government to the Couxrty of $10,000.00 per annun on a proportionate share of the costs incurred in the upkeep, maintenance and operation o£ the landing areas which shall be camnensurate with the use made of the landing areas by military aircra£t under the control of the Commander, Marine Corps Air Base, Cherry Point,N.C,, based on the ratio of Kilitary aircraft to Civil aircraft as calculated by the taeight frequency formula. No provision, however, is made for a mini.mum payment to the Caunty, Mr, Sohn k, Westbrook' Airport Manager, in answer to a question by the Chairman, recomnended that an amount equal to half as much as the maximwn should Ue set-up as a minimum annual payment to the County. Thereupon the County ltttorney recornrnended ne?negotiation of the agreement wit? the Tdavy Department to that end. Air. O'Shields then suggested that we don't accept the contract. If the Navy wants to renegotiate let them come in __,),A.t}??01%on it. The Chairman suggested that we confer with the Cherry Point authorities as to extent of potential use by all planes, inasmuch as the field would have to be maintained by the County, it wouid be weZl to get what we can out o£ the Navy to help maintain it. In vietr o£ no grovision having been made for a minimwn maintenance allowance, a motion was offered by Mr. Trask ar,d seconded by Nir, 0'Shields, to reject the contract offered by the Government. Discussion followed and Mr. O'Shields with3rew his seco nl•to the Poregoing motion when A9r. Love offered a sukstitute motion to notify the `Navy that we will be willing to sign the contract if given sufficient minimtun maintanance allowance and cut the trees in the area that obstruct_the tower controllers vision on a taxaway and ru mray taith the associated £inal approach path, as previously agreed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask and carried by the affirmative vote of all members except I-ir. Davis who voted no, for the reason he is in favor of carrying out our verbal agreement with the Navy of a few days ago that the contract wouZd be accepted. ? , ?