1954-11-15 Regular Meeting.. Meeting of Noveanber 8, 1454, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Dav'is, seconded by Mr. Love, the IIoard authorize3 the payment of $200,00 appropriation ? to the Aza.lea Festival Committee toward the axpense for the construction of & nGOOdWlll F].O&Gnp feeling that the expenditure will be to the best advantage to the County for advertising its resouraes_and advantages . And also an appropriat3on of $250.00 to Company I, 119 Infantry toward the expense in connection with the dedication of their New Armory Building Thursday, November llth 1954• Upon motion of if,r. Love, seconded by Mr. Trask, the County Attorney was requested to prepare an appropriate resolution in connection with the passing of Governor 14illiam B. Umstead, and that a copy of the same be sent to the family. Upon motion o£ Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. O'Slzieldst payment of bills of expense for holding the election November 2, 1954, in the amount of $7,282.40 and bi11 the City for proportionate pe.rt for holding the bond election, and postpone payment of bills £or the election officials services pending further investigation, was approved iP vrithin the budget, and it was so ordered, !,n ? Instructions were given to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to the 5tate Highway and Public Works ?`? Cormnission, Third Division Office, Wilminp,tonlN.C,, for services rendered in connection with the removal of debris fro.n the streets aind highway at Harbor Island. Upon motion of Mr. Love, secon3ed by Mr. Davis; County bi11S 3io. 1227 to 1311 were approve(f for pa?anent. The neeting then adjourned. ? 1erk. ? Wilmington, N. C., November 151 1954. The regu7.ar weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.t4 Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Cormnissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Raiford Trask, Cicexo P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend T.A.Green, Pastor of Sunset Park Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Idovember 8, 1954, having previously been mailed to eeach member af the Board, the same were upon motion of N?r. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, approved. Allotment of wppropriations out of the County's advertising fund f or the fiscal year 1954-1955 to the £ollowing organizations in the amounts shot+n, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded Uy Mr, Love, approved. The Co;mnissioners feeling that such expenditures will be to Lhe best interest of the County in advertising i?s resources and advsntages. t'""•'Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Committee $500.00 Wrightsville Beach Chamber of Commeroe 500.00 i Ccj Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association 500.00 ' ??,y?,JS9 Wilmington Nerchants Association 200.00 ,?,a,,,mao-fi-Garolina Beach Chamber of Commerce 500.00 New Hanover Junior High School Band 250.00 Williston Junior High School Band 250.00 ,Tyqks'QavCarolina PGA Golf Tournament 625.00 .__4ftp. Tileston-Sunset Park Junior High Band 250.00 ?llilmington Chamber of Commerce 500.00 Company I, 119 Infantry-Dedication Program 250.00 ?s? A2alea Festival 200.00 New Hanover High School Band Boosters Club 250.00 $4,775.00 --C_?C- Industrial Promotion - Entertainment - $65.85 Excess Balance,Commissioners Convention 53•59 -?_Cl'" Transportation Commissioners Convention 122.75 0242.17 c) 5 e Ns. Albest Beach appeared to ask that the appropriation for Carolina Beach Chsmber of Commerce be set at $2,000.00. Mr. John H. Farrell, Executive Manager of SENCBA,and Nir, T. R. Orrell were present and targed more generous - --tomnV-t"g-ppropriations in view of the recent fiurricane disaster an4 curLai]ment of business. Mr. O'Shields than called attention to allotments to organizations aggregating more than $3,500.00 all tentatively trying to do the same thing in ef£ect, anfl reminded that the £und was for advertising purposes ?nd not an operation fund. request o£ f•1r. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, £or rubber runners for his office floor, and improvemer,ts to lightsp ?- ??was instructed to get prices and subnit same to the Board. The proposed Navy-County joint agreement whe*eby the County and the Navy Department could piake.joirit and_concurrent f' use of the rurn+ays and landing areas of 131uethenthal Field which was continued 1'rom last meeting, was brought up ? ?or further discussion and consideration by the Chairman. The Count;? kttorney called att,ention to the maximum obligation of the Government to the Couxrty of $10,000.00 per annun on a proportionate share of the costs incurred in the upkeep, maintenance and operation o£ the landing areas which shall be camnensurate with the use made of the landing areas by military aircra£t under the control of the Commander, Marine Corps Air Base, Cherry Point,N.C,, based on the ratio of Kilitary aircraft to Civil aircraft as calculated by the taeight frequency formula. No provision, however, is made for a mini.mum payment to the Caunty, Mr, Sohn k, Westbrook' Airport Manager, in answer to a question by the Chairman, recomnended that an amount equal to half as much as the maximwn should Ue set-up as a minimum annual payment to the County. Thereupon the County ltttorney recornrnended ne?negotiation of the agreement wit? the Tdavy Department to that end. Air. O'Shields then suggested that we don't accept the contract. If the Navy wants to renegotiate let them come in __,),A.t}??01%on it. The Chairman suggested that we confer with the Cherry Point authorities as to extent of potential use by all planes, inasmuch as the field would have to be maintained by the County, it wouid be weZl to get what we can out o£ the Navy to help maintain it. In vietr o£ no grovision having been made for a minimwn maintenance allowance, a motion was offered by Mr. Trask ar,d seconded by Nir, 0'Shields, to reject the contract offered by the Government. Discussion followed and Mr. O'Shields with3rew his seco nl•to the Poregoing motion when A9r. Love offered a sukstitute motion to notify the `Navy that we will be willing to sign the contract if given sufficient minimtun maintanance allowance and cut the trees in the area that obstruct_the tower controllers vision on a taxaway and ru mray taith the associated £inal approach path, as previously agreed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Trask and carried by the affirmative vote of all members except I-ir. Davis who voted no, for the reason he is in favor of carrying out our verbal agreement with the Navy of a few days ago that the contract wouZd be accepted. ? , ? 554 Meeting of Nove*nber 15, 1954, continued. A letter of thanks was received from tho members of the New Itamver County ]iome Demonstration Clubs for the cooperation given Uy the I3oard in helping to make their tenth annual meeting of the Southeastern District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs a success. " ? Upon motion of i9r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, Rebecca L. Hall, Colored Home Agent was granted a leave of absence for a period not to exceed one yeart effective January 1, 1955, which has been approve9 by the State. The State Extensmon Department will have some one to fill-mn during her absence. ? Rabbi Samuel A. Friedman reported to the office on an inspection of the County Dog Pound. Stated it was well kept, clean and_meets all requirements of the Humane Society. Huwever, he did recommend a wind break installed along the north side of the enclosure. The following monthly reports were receiued for October: • ' Wilmington Colore,9 Library; County Home Demonstration Agent; Housing Authority o£ the City of Wilmington and Wilmington Public Library. John C. Wessell 'lxUerculosis Sanatorium Ceneus report for week ending November 12th, 1954: ?Y White patients 7 Negro " 14 21 Pdon-residents 0 Vacant beds 11 = 29a1e white Q, Female white 5. remale colored 2. Discharge3 2= NIr. Sam Kintz ( white) 11/6 2Q • Albert Hall, (colored) 11 11/54• Admitted 1= Freddie Lee Johnson,(colored male) 11/10/54• Airport cash receipts £or October 22t 29, and Ivovember 5, and 12, 1954, and statement of airport receipts and ^Cr?? disUursements for October were received and filedt A statement of budget expenditures and receipts for period July 1, through S@pt'eYnber'30, was receive3. A letter was received from Mr. Franklin W. Bell, City-County Director of Civil Defense, advising that the Federal ? Civil Defense Administration has allotted $306,887.00 to North Carolina to be used as matching funds for purchasing J(?? defense equipment and supplies . Generators may be purchased on a r,iatching funds basis ( we pay half ) for hospitals, public safety communications, police, fire, sirens ete, may also be purchased. The Chairman announced that the Grain IIevator enterprise proposal was about to be a reality. Pinances (revenue bonds) ? can pretty leell be handled . Under the law the City has some rights in the matter as well as the County and feel we ? should sit with the City and come to some decision in the matter. The same was referred to the Chairrpan to arrange a meeting date with the City. ? Upon motion of tdr. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. O'Shields, County bills No. 1312 to 1442 were approved for payment,' together with ,p270.00 additional Election Bills for instruction meeting? inadvertently omiti;ed from the election bills of November 2p The veetin thenadjourned. !• Clerk. oe-? Wilmington,N.C., November 22, 1954• This being the date and hour for the regizlar weekly meeting of the i3oard, no quorum appeared and a recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Pdovember 23, 1954. WilminEton, N. C., NoveiaUer 23, 1954• Pursuant to recess taken November 22, 1954, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J.Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, Courrty Attorney and T.D.Love, Cour,ty Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend J.C.Grady, Pastor of St. Matthews AA9E Church. Copies o£ the minutes o£ meeting oi November 15, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Traslc, approved, 1 The Chairman reported on the meeting held in Raleigh y,$sterday, called by the G@vernor to discuss the htu ricane damage situation and relief for the cleaxance of debris, restoration and protection of public strands along the ocean front in unincorporated areas of the Cour.ty. The Chairman said all claims were well presented and placed in the hands o£ the proper authorities and every Lhing possible will be'done to meet a speedy relief of the situat?on. The Chairman read a letter from Senator A1ton,Lennon enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Town 13ourd of Aldermen of Atlantic Bea.ch in connection with,Hurricane Hazel which appealed to him as a wise and profitable step toward securing tangible aid £rom the Government in the matter o£ beach erosion. i ? A total estvnated cost of the project submitted by the Chairman for assistance and rehabilitation is, $172,085.65 Broken-down as follows: Fort Fisher Area: Debris Clearance 940.00 Beach Erosion 12:.905?-,00 13,845.00 Wilmington-Hanby Deach: Debris Clearance and Erosion 10,440.00 Freeman Beach: Beach Erosion 10,077.50 • Wrightsville Sound-Shore Acres Areas: Debris Removal 2P100.00 Beach Erosion-unincorporAted Areas: Ntasonboro-Shell Island-Foy Island 1072445.00 hlnergency Hepairs to New Hanover County Airport: Butler Hangar 15.000.00 Summary cost of Projects: Labor-Materials-Supplies-Fquir,nent-Rental ? 158,907.50 Estimated Value of Donated Work and Materials ;j10,000.00 Administrative and 6ther Cost 3.178.15 13w178.15 Total Estvnated Cost of Rehabilitation Project $1722065.65 $172?085•65