1954-11-22 Regular Meeting554 Meeting of Nove*nber 15, 1954, continued. A letter of thanks was received from tho members of the New Itamver County ]iome Demonstration Clubs for the cooperation given Uy the I3oard in helping to make their tenth annual meeting of the Southeastern District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs a success. " ? Upon motion of i9r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, Rebecca L. Hall, Colored Home Agent was granted a leave of absence for a period not to exceed one yeart effective January 1, 1955, which has been approve9 by the State. The State Extensmon Department will have some one to fill-mn during her absence. ? Rabbi Samuel A. Friedman reported to the office on an inspection of the County Dog Pound. Stated it was well kept, clean and_meets all requirements of the Humane Society. Huwever, he did recommend a wind break installed along the north side of the enclosure. The following monthly reports were receiued for October: • ' Wilmington Colore,9 Library; County Home Demonstration Agent; Housing Authority o£ the City of Wilmington and Wilmington Public Library. John C. Wessell 'lxUerculosis Sanatorium Ceneus report for week ending November 12th, 1954: ?Y White patients 7 Negro " 14 21 Pdon-residents 0 Vacant beds 11 = 29a1e white Q, Female white 5. remale colored 2. Discharge3 2= NIr. Sam Kintz ( white) 11/6 2Q • Albert Hall, (colored) 11 11/54• Admitted 1= Freddie Lee Johnson,(colored male) 11/10/54• Airport cash receipts £or October 22t 29, and Ivovember 5, and 12, 1954, and statement of airport receipts and ^Cr?? disUursements for October were received and filedt A statement of budget expenditures and receipts for period July 1, through S@pt'eYnber'30, was receive3. A letter was received from Mr. Franklin W. Bell, City-County Director of Civil Defense, advising that the Federal ? Civil Defense Administration has allotted $306,887.00 to North Carolina to be used as matching funds for purchasing J(?? defense equipment and supplies . Generators may be purchased on a r,iatching funds basis ( we pay half ) for hospitals, public safety communications, police, fire, sirens ete, may also be purchased. The Chairman announced that the Grain IIevator enterprise proposal was about to be a reality. Pinances (revenue bonds) ? can pretty leell be handled . Under the law the City has some rights in the matter as well as the County and feel we ? should sit with the City and come to some decision in the matter. The same was referred to the Chairrpan to arrange a meeting date with the City. ? Upon motion of tdr. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. O'Shields, County bills No. 1312 to 1442 were approved for payment,' together with ,p270.00 additional Election Bills for instruction meeting? inadvertently omiti;ed from the election bills of November 2p The veetin thenadjourned. !• Clerk. oe-? Wilmington,N.C., November 22, 1954• This being the date and hour for the regizlar weekly meeting of the i3oard, no quorum appeared and a recess was taken until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Pdovember 23, 1954. WilminEton, N. C., NoveiaUer 23, 1954• Pursuant to recess taken November 22, 1954, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud O'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal J.Love, Raiford Trask, Cicero P. Yow, Courrty Attorney and T.D.Love, Cour,ty Auditor. The meeting was opene3 with prayer by the Reverend J.C.Grady, Pastor of St. Matthews AA9E Church. Copies o£ the minutes o£ meeting oi November 15, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Traslc, approved, 1 The Chairman reported on the meeting held in Raleigh y,$sterday, called by the G@vernor to discuss the htu ricane damage situation and relief for the cleaxance of debris, restoration and protection of public strands along the ocean front in unincorporated areas of the Cour.ty. The Chairman said all claims were well presented and placed in the hands o£ the proper authorities and every Lhing possible will be'done to meet a speedy relief of the situat?on. The Chairman read a letter from Senator A1ton,Lennon enclosing a copy of a resolution adopted by the Town 13ourd of Aldermen of Atlantic Bea.ch in connection with,Hurricane Hazel which appealed to him as a wise and profitable step toward securing tangible aid £rom the Government in the matter o£ beach erosion. i ? A total estvnated cost of the project submitted by the Chairman for assistance and rehabilitation is, $172,085.65 Broken-down as follows: Fort Fisher Area: Debris Clearance 940.00 Beach Erosion 12:.905?-,00 13,845.00 Wilmington-Hanby Deach: Debris Clearance and Erosion 10,440.00 Freeman Beach: Beach Erosion 10,077.50 • Wrightsville Sound-Shore Acres Areas: Debris Removal 2P100.00 Beach Erosion-unincorporAted Areas: Ntasonboro-Shell Island-Foy Island 1072445.00 hlnergency Hepairs to New Hanover County Airport: Butler Hangar 15.000.00 Summary cost of Projects: Labor-Materials-Supplies-Fquir,nent-Rental ? 158,907.50 Estimated Value of Donated Work and Materials ;j10,000.00 Administrative and 6ther Cost 3.178.15 13w178.15 Total Estvnated Cost of Rehabilitation Project $1722065.65 $172?085•65 , r? 5?e), Meeting of November 22, 1954, continued. - Thank's were extended to 14r. T. D. Love, County Auditoro Nir. David W. Ormsby, and IIr. Franlclin W. Bell, Local ,?? Director of Civil Defense , for their assistance in the preparation of the report submitted for relief. AThe Chairman further announced that President Ei.senhower, it was said, had about Five Million Dollsrs set ? aside for diaaster relief repairs which laill be looked into and followed-up. The Chairman reported receipt of $12,716.24 from the State Treasurer for County's pro-rata share of beer and wine ta3ces for period October 1, 1953, through September 30, 1954• A copy of a letter written by Mrs. Lillian D. Wade, President of Eight Agai,nst Tuberculosis Club, to Dr. R. B. Rndman, Superintendent of John C. Wessell 7lzberculosis Sanatorium, was received advising that they had two te3evision sets they wished to place in the T.B.Hospital for the use of the patients there. - t? A suggested press release for County Officials announcing participation in'Safe Driving-Day, Decenber 15, 1954, sponsore3 by the Iqational Association of County Officials, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by 1?ir. Love, adopted. A letter was received from Mr. A. 5chlegel . Chairman of the AAgricultuTe'Advisory Board, stating that the Board met with the Courrty Agent and his Assistant at the Customhouse November 9, to discuss the 1955 program, and expressed thair thanks to the Agents for having New Hanover County represented in the Q-H State Championship Contest. A letter was received from Community Hospital advising that Mabel Nixon, age 45, of 107 N. Piinth Street, was admitted to the Hospital September 19, 1954, and discharged November 18, 1954. Aer diagnosis is ltiiberculous- Cystitis. She was transferred to the T.13.Hospital. A copy of a letter written by Nr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, to trans-Canada Air Line, fhontreal,Canada, q,l?inviting them to have their planes stop here for gas, oil and repairs amd use of other facilities in connection with their non-scheduled flights through here between Nee York and Miami. Our airport is the last . checking point for weather and general flying information Uefore going over the Ocean Route to Bermuda, Cuba • or Miami. • Upon motion of tl,r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the following Snstitutions and Training 3chools were granted rY''donations in the amounts shown •beloia, to supplement their Christmas F1znd for their inrnates in consideration of the inmates from this County in .said Institutions, being the same amounts appropriated last year: - Caswell Training School, Kinston, N. C. . $25.00 - Eastern idorth Carolina Training School, fipcky Mount,m.c. 25.00 - Samarcand P;anor, Fagle Springs, N. C. . 30.00 - State Training School for Negro Girls, Kinston,N.C. 25.00 -Stonewall Jacksor. Trainir.g School, Concord, N. C. 30.00 - American Advent Christian 1!ome and Orphanage, Live Oak, Fla., 25.00 °-14orrison Training School, Hoffman, N. C. 25.00 ? A letter was received £rom 14ilhe7mina R. Laws, Negro District Hone Agent, State Agriculture and Home Econonics, Greensboro, N. C.? in appreciation of our cooperation and sincere-greeting given the Club members and Agents ? when the annual meeting of the Southeastern District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs met here recently. With our support, she said, it was one of the most successful meetings they have ever had. " A letter of thanks and appreciation was receive3 from James B. Norse, Captain, Infantry, rCNG Comu,anding, for J yn??'? our assistance in cgrrying out of their ldew Armory Dedication Program on November 11, 1954,• Instructions were given to write him for having erected such a nice building and the installation of a plaque to those who , were instrumental in making it possible. , A commt&ication.was reieived from Nir. Franklin W. Bell, Local Ditector of Civil Defense, concerning replacement of 11 to 15 obsolete sirens in the County exclusive of the four municipalities, with new ones on a matching ? fund basis of Federal Aid. It was agreeaUle to the Board for the Federal Regional Office to send a man here to make tests an3 survey of a siren lay-out for this Cvunty without charge. A petition of twelve property owners that the State Highway Commission take over Cardinal Drivp,Timber Lane and Long Leuf Drive for State 19aintenance, which sai3 roads run from the North side of US-74 in a loop to the North ??' side of US-74, approximately half mile in length on -vrhich six houses are located and three under construction, was upon motion o£ P§r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Gotmnission for its mr.sideration. . Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Nir. 0'Shields, the ?oard authorized an appropriation of $1,297•26 out of /F?,,S*0 the emergancy fund for the payment of School Pension for Fred J. Rogers, 710 Red Cross Street, for period October 1954 through June 30, 1955, on statement and request by Mr. H. M. Hnland, Superintendent of Schools. The said aruount was not anticipated in the School Budget. Surety bonds for Clarence T. Hendl,y and Wilbur 'rlest, as Justices of the Peace, in the amount of $1000.00 each f?:Y0 with the National Surety Company as surety. The 5a0d 'ponds having been approved by the County Attorney as to ? form and execution, were upon motion accepted by the Board, Report of cash raceipts for Pdovember 16, 19, and Drainage Report for week ending Tdovember 21, 1954, showing 33 men worked 5 days cutting right-of-way for dragiine at Y•ure Beach, were received and filed. ? . Census report for John C. LJessell 1laberculosis Sanatorium for week ending A'ovember 19, 1954: White patients 7 Negro " 16 23 Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 9= Yale white Q. Female white 5. Discharged 0 Admitted 2= Betty P4cLean, colored, 11/18/54• Maybel?e Nixon f0 " Stateinent was received from the State 3oar3 of Public Welfare showing that 5$58,259•25 was sent to this County in October for OAA, ADC, APTD and Administrstion. Grand Jury report for the Idoveqtber 1954 Term was received and £iled. )OA_A rescilution in connectioi-, with the Hurricane damage of October 15th 1954, calling upon the Governor of North -? Carolina to take such steps that he deem necessary to oUtain adequate flxnds for the rehabil3.tating the devastated areas was received from SEi1CBA. :i 56 Meeting of November 22, 1954, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, Lola Ludluta Carlisle , 6$ year old white physical disabled citizen was on recoramendation:of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home as an inmate. • " , Mr9,John A. Miller, 5201 Oleander Drive complained to the office o£ certain autor?ol?iles traveling at a dangerous '???yn? rate of speed over 53rd Avenue in Avondale, off the Wrightsville Beach Highway, which she said endangered the lives of school children. It was the feeling of the Board that Sheriffs' Deputies and State Highway Patrolmen would arrest any offenders For speeding and reckless driving in that area. A request of Mr. Joe IQewton, Castle Hayne Road that the "Youth For Christ" religious organization be permitted ? V to use the Recorders Court Room one Friday a moitth 7:00 to 9:00 P,M., was declined, but would allow the use of the Recorders Court Room for one date for their organization meeting if desire3. With reference to matters pertaining to the proposed Grain ELevator, the Ch3irman szid the City has the same rights ? CQ__ as the County has and the County Attorney advised that it would be better for one unit to handle it to keep down duplication. The City will persue it for the benefit of all concerne3. ? The Chairman announced that Mr- J.14.Hd11, Jr,, and lNr. Ernest R. I?ayhan, newly elected County Commissioners will take the oath o£ office before the Judge Presiding, Superior Court, Monday morning 10:00 o'clock, Dece,uber 6,1954• Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, submitte3 prices for furnishing and installing three lights in his office for $100.00, and 40 y2rds of 36 inch rubber runner for his floors at $2.65 per yard-$106.00, which was upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, 2pproved. , Upon motion.oCounty IIills Ivo.1443 to 1533 were approvei for pzyment. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court £or the trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks term beginning December 6, 1954: , John K. Ward, 168 Colonial ?rive. C.J.Montgomery, 216 S. 3rd St, W,H.Nesbitt,Jr, 2544 Burnett Boulevard. Herbert B.Brand, 10112 Pinecrest Pkwy. L,A.Raney,Raney-Chev Co., Geo.D.Hardee. 409 S. 16th St. U.L.Spence, Jr., 2418 Oleander Drive. J.H.Ruckley, 2414 Poplar St. Gea:Ttiomas,Savage, 2019 Perry Ave. J.C,Hobbs, 4$14 Park Avenue. George Thomas, 319 Market St. Charles Benson, 9 West Lake. For the Second week: L.A.David,712 S. 12th St. B.L.Qutlaw, 3821 Princess St.Road. George Davis,Jr., 38 West Drive. R,C.14oods,311 Mercer Ave. George T.Newton,615 S. 5th St. Fnbert M. Archer,507 N. 5th St. David E. Bullock, 106 Stratlleigh Rd. Willisua R. Britt, Qlg S. 6th St. 1J.0.skinner,401 N. 13th st, Qames L. Smith.103 Graha.m St. Robert R. Srown, 1611 Castle St. W. C. Riggs, 3723 N?arket St. W.S.Pittman,4012 Wrightsville Ave. W,C.Harlow, 2915-G Adams Street. Ellis W. Covil, Rt.l. M.T.Wooten.812 S. 5th 5t. V.W.Andrews, 1725 Carolina Ave. W.B.Golding,116 Bryan Ave. J.L.Smith, 313 Dawson St. I,avander Bowers, 117 S. 6th St. R.L.Foy, Rt.l. John S. Clark, 506 S. 17th St. Albert S. Logel, 178 Pinecrest Pkwy. Donald Page, 105 Bryan Ave. R.F.Rankin, 1016 Market St. H.N.Radecliffe, 312 N. 15th St. Stacy Preswood, 5-M Lake Forest. J.E.Newton,Jr., 2512 Burnett Blvd. Thurston M. Smith,320 Church St. Thos.H.Jones, 81 S. 7th St, G.C.Bridgers,Jr.2732 S. Front St. Albert Y. Norris, 182 Colonial Crl. O.D.Strawn, 111 Princess St. Kenneth C. Ward, 1921 Rlein Road J.G.Womble, 4913 Oleander Drive. , Ralph Soverel, Y1S&TCo., F.W,Gerken.803 Ann St. R.G.Poooey,311 Pine Grove Drive. J.H.EVerett, 2009 rletts Ave. Irving Lieberman, 402 S. 18th St. JJicholas 5aleeby, 2710 Jefferson St. Earl H. Pierce, 1207 S. 3rd St. B.H.Smith, 717 Chestnut St. J.E.Simpson,108 Meares St. Henry Milli.ner, Rt.2, Box 170. ,.. James W. Palmeter, 302 N. Qlst St. W,R.Pape, 4940 Oleander Drive. Jzmes M. Newton, 15 Pinecreast Ter W,M.Peacock, 3-D Lake Forest. T.F.Smith, 210 Ann St. R.L.Relly, 514 S. 2nd St. Geo.W,Fogleman, 85 Maple St. P.G.Casteen,4809 Wrightsville Ave. J.E.Ati.ntz,Sr, 1209 S. 2nd St. Luther W.Kellum, 7 Ct.V- Lake Vi11.26. Graham J. Burkheimer.151 Colon&al Dr. included is rules and regulytions pertaining to the County Home and Prison Farm policies for careful atuc'?y a.nd V/such changes you would recoramend and be prepzred to adopt the sune zt next Monday's regular meeting, November ? 29, 1954. The meeting then adjourned. ???.•. /!.? _..'?yClerk. ? l•lilmington,N.C., n'ovember 29, 1954• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day nt 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Hnl J. Love, Raiford Trask, an3 T. D. Love, County Auditor. . The meeting tiras opened with prayer by the Reverend E.D.Witherspoon? Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant PresUyterian Church Copies of the minutes of ineetingsof November 22,md.23, having previously been mailed to each member o£ the BoardJ ? the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded }y Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ? Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, reported the removal of the Confederate ?v.,yi marker at Hure Beach some 12 or 15 feet by Hurricane Hazel October 15th, same falling with the inscription up, ? / and asked that the same be re-mounted, and suggssted that it be moved to n new location and installed at , the N-W corner of the State Highway and the Street leading into Kure Beach. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the same was referre3 to the.Chairman to check with the State Highway Department to have them a, move the monument to the new location with i;heir equipment, i£ it can Ue arranged, Upon motion of N;r. Love, seconded Uy A4r, Davis, payment to members of the Bonrd of Elections for their services -?\? for holding the election Pdovember 2, 1954, the same being within the budget appropriation reported by the County Au3itor, was approved. $1,664•50 was received from the Cityfor its proportionate part of election expense due to the vote on the City bond issue. ,g?A letter of thsnks was received £rom the Wriphtsville Beach Chamber of Commerce for the recent appropriation the Count; made to their organization. . A ballot form for the tomixiatzon of new memUers was recetved £rom Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, and upon motion 4 C?of Mr. Love, seconded b,? Mr. Davis, was referred to the Chairman to designate the men on behalf of this Board. ` ?