1954-11-29 Regular Meeting:i 56 Meeting of November 22, 1954, continued. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, Lola Ludluta Carlisle , 6$ year old white physical disabled citizen was on recoramendation:of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, admitted to the County Home as an inmate. • " , Mr9,John A. Miller, 5201 Oleander Drive complained to the office o£ certain autor?ol?iles traveling at a dangerous '???yn? rate of speed over 53rd Avenue in Avondale, off the Wrightsville Beach Highway, which she said endangered the lives of school children. It was the feeling of the Board that Sheriffs' Deputies and State Highway Patrolmen would arrest any offenders For speeding and reckless driving in that area. A request of Mr. Joe IQewton, Castle Hayne Road that the "Youth For Christ" religious organization be permitted ? V to use the Recorders Court Room one Friday a moitth 7:00 to 9:00 P,M., was declined, but would allow the use of the Recorders Court Room for one date for their organization meeting if desire3. With reference to matters pertaining to the proposed Grain ELevator, the Ch3irman szid the City has the same rights ? CQ__ as the County has and the County Attorney advised that it would be better for one unit to handle it to keep down duplication. The City will persue it for the benefit of all concerne3. ? The Chairman announced that Mr- J.14.Hd11, Jr,, and lNr. Ernest R. I?ayhan, newly elected County Commissioners will take the oath o£ office before the Judge Presiding, Superior Court, Monday morning 10:00 o'clock, Dece,uber 6,1954• Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, submitte3 prices for furnishing and installing three lights in his office for $100.00, and 40 y2rds of 36 inch rubber runner for his floors at $2.65 per yard-$106.00, which was upon motion o£ Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Trask, 2pproved. , Upon motion.oCounty IIills Ivo.1443 to 1533 were approvei for pzyment. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court £or the trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks term beginning December 6, 1954: , John K. Ward, 168 Colonial ?rive. C.J.Montgomery, 216 S. 3rd St, W,H.Nesbitt,Jr, 2544 Burnett Boulevard. Herbert B.Brand, 10112 Pinecrest Pkwy. L,A.Raney,Raney-Chev Co., Geo.D.Hardee. 409 S. 16th St. U.L.Spence, Jr., 2418 Oleander Drive. J.H.Ruckley, 2414 Poplar St. Gea:Ttiomas,Savage, 2019 Perry Ave. J.C,Hobbs, 4$14 Park Avenue. George Thomas, 319 Market St. Charles Benson, 9 West Lake. For the Second week: L.A.David,712 S. 12th St. B.L.Qutlaw, 3821 Princess St.Road. George Davis,Jr., 38 West Drive. R,C.14oods,311 Mercer Ave. George T.Newton,615 S. 5th St. Fnbert M. Archer,507 N. 5th St. David E. Bullock, 106 Stratlleigh Rd. Willisua R. Britt, Qlg S. 6th St. 1J.0.skinner,401 N. 13th st, Qames L. Smith.103 Graha.m St. Robert R. Srown, 1611 Castle St. W. C. Riggs, 3723 N?arket St. W.S.Pittman,4012 Wrightsville Ave. W,C.Harlow, 2915-G Adams Street. Ellis W. Covil, Rt.l. M.T.Wooten.812 S. 5th 5t. V.W.Andrews, 1725 Carolina Ave. W.B.Golding,116 Bryan Ave. J.L.Smith, 313 Dawson St. I,avander Bowers, 117 S. 6th St. R.L.Foy, Rt.l. John S. Clark, 506 S. 17th St. Albert S. Logel, 178 Pinecrest Pkwy. Donald Page, 105 Bryan Ave. R.F.Rankin, 1016 Market St. H.N.Radecliffe, 312 N. 15th St. Stacy Preswood, 5-M Lake Forest. J.E.Newton,Jr., 2512 Burnett Blvd. Thurston M. Smith,320 Church St. Thos.H.Jones, 81 S. 7th St, G.C.Bridgers,Jr.2732 S. Front St. Albert Y. Norris, 182 Colonial Crl. O.D.Strawn, 111 Princess St. Kenneth C. Ward, 1921 Rlein Road J.G.Womble, 4913 Oleander Drive. , Ralph Soverel, Y1S&TCo., F.W,Gerken.803 Ann St. R.G.Poooey,311 Pine Grove Drive. J.H.EVerett, 2009 rletts Ave. Irving Lieberman, 402 S. 18th St. JJicholas 5aleeby, 2710 Jefferson St. Earl H. Pierce, 1207 S. 3rd St. B.H.Smith, 717 Chestnut St. J.E.Simpson,108 Meares St. Henry Milli.ner, Rt.2, Box 170. ,.. James W. Palmeter, 302 N. Qlst St. W,R.Pape, 4940 Oleander Drive. Jzmes M. Newton, 15 Pinecreast Ter W,M.Peacock, 3-D Lake Forest. T.F.Smith, 210 Ann St. R.L.Relly, 514 S. 2nd St. Geo.W,Fogleman, 85 Maple St. P.G.Casteen,4809 Wrightsville Ave. J.E.Ati.ntz,Sr, 1209 S. 2nd St. Luther W.Kellum, 7 Ct.V- Lake Vi11.26. Graham J. Burkheimer.151 Colon&al Dr. included is rules and regulytions pertaining to the County Home and Prison Farm policies for careful atuc'?y a.nd V/such changes you would recoramend and be prepzred to adopt the sune zt next Monday's regular meeting, November ? 29, 1954. The meeting then adjourned. ???.•. /!.? _..'?yClerk. ? l•lilmington,N.C., n'ovember 29, 1954• The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day nt 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman, and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Thurston C. Davis, Hnl J. Love, Raiford Trask, an3 T. D. Love, County Auditor. . The meeting tiras opened with prayer by the Reverend E.D.Witherspoon? Pastor of St. Andrews-Covenant PresUyterian Church Copies of the minutes of ineetingsof November 22,md.23, having previously been mailed to each member o£ the BoardJ ? the same were upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded }y Mr. 0'Shields, approved. ? Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Commission, reported the removal of the Confederate ?v.,yi marker at Hure Beach some 12 or 15 feet by Hurricane Hazel October 15th, same falling with the inscription up, ? / and asked that the same be re-mounted, and suggssted that it be moved to n new location and installed at , the N-W corner of the State Highway and the Street leading into Kure Beach. Upon motion of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. Davis, the same was referre3 to the.Chairman to check with the State Highway Department to have them a, move the monument to the new location with i;heir equipment, i£ it can Ue arranged, Upon motion of N;r. Love, seconded Uy A4r, Davis, payment to members of the Bonrd of Elections for their services -?\? for holding the election Pdovember 2, 1954, the same being within the budget appropriation reported by the County Au3itor, was approved. $1,664•50 was received from the Cityfor its proportionate part of election expense due to the vote on the City bond issue. ,g?A letter of thsnks was received £rom the Wriphtsville Beach Chamber of Commerce for the recent appropriation the Count; made to their organization. . A ballot form for the tomixiatzon of new memUers was recetved £rom Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, and upon motion 4 C?of Mr. Love, seconded b,? Mr. Davis, was referred to the Chairman to designate the men on behalf of this Board. ` ? 5-57 Meeting of November 29, 1954, continued. `. ' ffle? invitation was received from 14r. L. Graham Wslton, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the 41i1mington Chamber of Commerce, to attend a dinner meeting ("Dutch" affair) planned for Wednesday . ? evening, December 15, at a place and hour to be announced later, to hear a report and review of the ' yeras' activities to be followe3 by a discussion of the results obtained. Then a full discussion regarding what should be 3one in 1955 and following years. K' o objections were indicr?tc?i by the Eoard to the District ?hgineers approving an application submitted ? y the Carolina Power and Light Company to lay £our steel pipes containing electric power cables under ? the Cape PeAr River just north of Castle Street. The Chairman announced that the audit of the County Officers books and records tor the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954 is now in progress and urged that all Department.Heads and employees give their full cooperation ? in connection with t,he work in the interest of saving time to assure an early oomplction of the same, which will be a big saving as the audit is paid on an hourly basis. " The Chairman requested that a comrnittee of three Commissioners be appointed to check the annua.l report of the ? Clerk of the Superior Court. Thereupon a committee of Mr. Davis, Mr. Trask and the Chairman, were upon motion . f.C of Mr. Love, named to serve on that committee. ? _V?? Drainage report was receive3 for week ending November 29, 1954: 200 yards shrubbed and ditched - new ditch on Castle Aayne Hnad. 1 day digging sweet potatoes, County Farm. 1 day work on County Farm. John C. Wessell 1liberculosis Sanatoriiun Census report for week ending November 26, 1954: White patients 8 Negro ° 16 24 . Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 8= Male white 3, Female white 5. Discharged 0 . Admitted: 1= Mr. Albert E. Branch, (white) November 222 1954. ?.? A list of Government Surplus supplies, Property Disposal Officer, Marietta, Penn., was received from the ? Local Office of Civil De£ense. An agreement to £urnish electricity to John Q. ldessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn on a ten year contract, on ??`'? commercial rate basis, submitted by Carolina Pow? and Light Compary, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded , by Mr. Love, approved on a yearly basis and referred to the County Attorney. dPpO"'A report of the Board of Health for October was received and filed. Copies of the Farri Census Nianual of Instructions ard Agricultural Agencies Usages in the Fducational Training Program of the 1955 Farm Census Surviay were received from the Federal-State Reporting Service, and distributed. Copies of Rules and Regulations pertaining to the County Aome and Prison Farm Policies were presente3 by the Chairman £or adoption. Action on the seme were postpone3 to the next meeting for further time for study and recommendations for changes, if necessary. Upon motion of 14r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, County Ui11s Ido. 1534 to 1589 were approved £or payment. r • The meeting then adjourned. .?-v Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C,, December 6, 1954• The regtzlar weekly meeting of the Soard scheduleti to be held this day iirunediately following quali£ications •? of the nerorly elected members of the Board by taking the oath of o£fice before the Honorable Henry L.Stevens, ?C CN yr,W? Judge Presiding, December 1954 Civil Term o£ the Superior Court, at 10:00 o'clock A,M., and it being reported to the Board that the Honorable FIenry L. Stevens would be detained and could not attend at that hovs' by reason of a perious engagement to render a similar service for Sampson County, a recess was taken until 2:30 P.M.? Pursvant to recess taken this day at 10:00 o'clock A.i4., the Board met at 2:30 P.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J,M.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. DSayhan, Cicero P. You, County.Attorney-and T.U.Love, County Auditor. There were also present, Thurston C. Davis and Hal J. Love, Members of this Body who have complete3 their term of office. ? , Commissioners J.M,Ha11,Jr., and Esnest R. Mayhan, netrly elected County Commissioners at the Goneral Election held November 2, 1954, having qualified by taking the oath of office before the Honorable Henry L.Stevens, Judge Presiding, Superior Court, the IIoard proceeded to re-organization: The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day and this being the meeting at iohich a Chairman y,•,1uw+. is to oe elected, Mr. 'Prask moved that I•ir. Horton be re-electc"3 Chairman. The notion was seconded by Mr. Hall. (A substitute motion was offered by Nir. O'Shields and seconded by t+Ir. A".ayhan, that we adopt a N,anagerial form of Government and appoint a manager or administrator to carry out instructions and policies to be set-up by the Board. A vote was talcen on the substitute motion and Commissionexs O'Shields and Mayhan voted for the motion, ' and Commissioners Trask and Hall voted against the motion. A tie was declared and the Chairnan voted against the motion and it failed to.carry. The original motion was then put to vote and carried on the af£irmative vote of '- Cotmnissioners Trask, Hall and Horton, and br. Horton was re-elected Chairman of the Board for a term of one year beginning as o£ this date and ending on the first Pionday of DecemUer 1955. Upon a motion offere3 by Mr. 0'5hields, and seconded by Mr. Ha11, D4r. Raiford Trask was elected Vice Chairman of the Board to act in the atisence of the Chairman, after Ns. O'Shields declinect to accept the nomination on motion offeretl by Nr. Trask to reelect him as the Vice Chairman. Upon motion of Mr: Mayhan, seconded by N,r. Trask, Thos.K.Woody was re-elected C1erk of the Board, and upon ?- C1'°' motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, N?r. Cicero P. Yow was re-elected County Attorney. C 0. .Y ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan, I9r. T.D.Love was elected County Ta}c Supervisor £or the year ? 1955, under autkior'ity of Chapter 493 of the Public-Local Laws of 1913• All members voting affirmatively eaccept A1r, O'Shields who asked to be recor3ed as not voting. f ' -A