1954-12-06 Regular Meeting5-57 Meeting of November 29, 1954, continued. `. ' ffle? invitation was received from 14r. L. Graham Wslton, Chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the 41i1mington Chamber of Commerce, to attend a dinner meeting ("Dutch" affair) planned for Wednesday . ? evening, December 15, at a place and hour to be announced later, to hear a report and review of the ' yeras' activities to be followe3 by a discussion of the results obtained. Then a full discussion regarding what should be 3one in 1955 and following years. K' o objections were indicr?tc?i by the Eoard to the District ?hgineers approving an application submitted ? y the Carolina Power and Light Company to lay £our steel pipes containing electric power cables under ? the Cape PeAr River just north of Castle Street. The Chairman announced that the audit of the County Officers books and records tor the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954 is now in progress and urged that all Department.Heads and employees give their full cooperation ? in connection with t,he work in the interest of saving time to assure an early oomplction of the same, which will be a big saving as the audit is paid on an hourly basis. " The Chairman requested that a comrnittee of three Commissioners be appointed to check the annua.l report of the ? Clerk of the Superior Court. Thereupon a committee of Mr. Davis, Mr. Trask and the Chairman, were upon motion . f.C of Mr. Love, named to serve on that committee. ? _V?? Drainage report was receive3 for week ending November 29, 1954: 200 yards shrubbed and ditched - new ditch on Castle Aayne Hnad. 1 day digging sweet potatoes, County Farm. 1 day work on County Farm. John C. Wessell 1liberculosis Sanatoriiun Census report for week ending November 26, 1954: White patients 8 Negro ° 16 24 . Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 8= Male white 3, Female white 5. Discharged 0 . Admitted: 1= Mr. Albert E. Branch, (white) November 222 1954. ?.? A list of Government Surplus supplies, Property Disposal Officer, Marietta, Penn., was received from the ? Local Office of Civil De£ense. An agreement to £urnish electricity to John Q. ldessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn on a ten year contract, on ??`'? commercial rate basis, submitted by Carolina Pow? and Light Compary, was upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded , by Mr. Love, approved on a yearly basis and referred to the County Attorney. dPpO"'A report of the Board of Health for October was received and filed. Copies of the Farri Census Nianual of Instructions ard Agricultural Agencies Usages in the Fducational Training Program of the 1955 Farm Census Surviay were received from the Federal-State Reporting Service, and distributed. Copies of Rules and Regulations pertaining to the County Aome and Prison Farm Policies were presente3 by the Chairman £or adoption. Action on the seme were postpone3 to the next meeting for further time for study and recommendations for changes, if necessary. Upon motion of 14r. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, County Ui11s Ido. 1534 to 1589 were approved £or payment. r • The meeting then adjourned. .?-v Clerk. ? Wilmington, N. C,, December 6, 1954• The regtzlar weekly meeting of the Soard scheduleti to be held this day iirunediately following quali£ications •? of the nerorly elected members of the Board by taking the oath of o£fice before the Honorable Henry L.Stevens, ?C CN yr,W? Judge Presiding, December 1954 Civil Term o£ the Superior Court, at 10:00 o'clock A,M., and it being reported to the Board that the Honorable FIenry L. Stevens would be detained and could not attend at that hovs' by reason of a perious engagement to render a similar service for Sampson County, a recess was taken until 2:30 P.M.? Pursvant to recess taken this day at 10:00 o'clock A.i4., the Board met at 2:30 P.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J,M.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. DSayhan, Cicero P. You, County.Attorney-and T.U.Love, County Auditor. There were also present, Thurston C. Davis and Hal J. Love, Members of this Body who have complete3 their term of office. ? , Commissioners J.M,Ha11,Jr., and Esnest R. Mayhan, netrly elected County Commissioners at the Goneral Election held November 2, 1954, having qualified by taking the oath of office before the Honorable Henry L.Stevens, Judge Presiding, Superior Court, the IIoard proceeded to re-organization: The term of the Chairman of the Board having expired this day and this being the meeting at iohich a Chairman y,•,1uw+. is to oe elected, Mr. 'Prask moved that I•ir. Horton be re-electc"3 Chairman. The notion was seconded by Mr. Hall. (A substitute motion was offered by Nir. O'Shields and seconded by t+Ir. A".ayhan, that we adopt a N,anagerial form of Government and appoint a manager or administrator to carry out instructions and policies to be set-up by the Board. A vote was talcen on the substitute motion and Commissionexs O'Shields and Mayhan voted for the motion, ' and Commissioners Trask and Hall voted against the motion. A tie was declared and the Chairnan voted against the motion and it failed to.carry. The original motion was then put to vote and carried on the af£irmative vote of '- Cotmnissioners Trask, Hall and Horton, and br. Horton was re-elected Chairman of the Board for a term of one year beginning as o£ this date and ending on the first Pionday of DecemUer 1955. Upon a motion offere3 by Mr. 0'5hields, and seconded by Mr. Ha11, D4r. Raiford Trask was elected Vice Chairman of the Board to act in the atisence of the Chairman, after Ns. O'Shields declinect to accept the nomination on motion offeretl by Nr. Trask to reelect him as the Vice Chairman. Upon motion of Mr: Mayhan, seconded by N,r. Trask, Thos.K.Woody was re-elected C1erk of the Board, and upon ?- C1'°' motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, N?r. Cicero P. Yow was re-elected County Attorney. C 0. .Y ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan, I9r. T.D.Love was elected County Ta}c Supervisor £or the year ? 1955, under autkior'ity of Chapter 493 of the Public-Local Laws of 1913• All members voting affirmatively eaccept A1r, O'Shields who asked to be recor3ed as not voting. f ' -A 5?58 Meeting of December 6, 1954, continued. Mr. O'Shields told the two retiring Commissioners, h9r. Davis and A;r. Love, that it has been a pleasure serving --- ?C/ with them on this Body. The following Certificate o£ Award was then presented to Mr. Thurston C. Davis and Mr. Hal J. L9ve: CIItTIFICATE OF A'dARD OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COPHISSIONERS OF NE47 HANOVER COUPYPY, WILAfINGTON, IVORTH CAROLINA GREETINGS: In Apgreciation of The Fidelity and Allegisnce of THURSTON C. DAVIS AND HAL J. LOVE and in pro£ound recognition and in truly esteemed and grateful acknowledgnent o£ outstanding faithfltlness and service to their community as a valued member of the Board af New Hanover County Commissioners, we, of said Board are highly pleased and privileged to offer and present this citation, with the hope that it will perpetuate and commemorate your valiant personal effort and signal accomplishments, both of which have itmneasurably contributed to the'continued development, progress and growth of New Hanover County. SIGNED,WITH TdE SEAL OF THE COUriTY AFFIXED TAIS THE bth, DAY OF DECIINk3ER, 1954. Thos.K.Woody,Clerk 5 E A L R.T,Horton, Chairman Claud O'Shields Raiford Trask J.M,Ha11,Jr. Ernest R. Mayhan. .f? ` CC ? The following statement was read and presented to the Board by Mr. Hal J. Love: I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends who supported me in seeking the office of County Co;nmissioner and who stood behind me during my term of o£fice. I4any of you have taken time to discuss with me various problems and gave me advice that has been invaluable to me in my actions as County Commissioner. I regret due to the pressure of business that I was not in position to seek re-election. It has been iqy intentions and I have at all ti?mes made every effort to act in the best interest o£ the people o£ New Hanover County, To my fellow Commissioners I want to assure you that it has been a pleasuro to have had the opportunity to serve with you and to get to ]cnow you as I have, I appreciate the fact that we did not always see things under the same light, bxt I feel sure that each of you have always acted to the best of your ability according to your thinking. However, I am sure that each of you feel as I do that you have received an eriucation serving in your capacity. I am delightel to have been a member of such a distinguished body. To Mr. Hall and 14r. Mayhan, I oSfer my congratulations and hope that their association will be as pleasant and will mean as much to them as mine has to me . I also wish to express my appreciation to the County Clerk, Attorney, Auditor, and other elected officials and the many employees of the County for the splendid job they did an3 the cooperation that they gave me during my term of office. I can assure each of you that the past four years are going to be among my most pleasan't memories. 4?11fir. Thurston C. Davis assure3 the Board it has been a real pleasure for having served as a member of this I3ody - ? C for the pa.st five and one half years, and paid his most sincere respe cts to our former memUers Addison Hewlett.Sr., and James M. Ha11,Sr., deceased, and to Mr. George W. Trask, retired, which, he said, made his life fuller and richer for having served with them and led by their wise counsil, and offered his sincere thanks and appreciation to the press and radio for their cooperation, and to the two members his best wishes, and to the gaad citizena " of New Hanover County for the opportunity to serve them. The following surety bonds having been approved as to £orm and execution by the County Attorney, were accepted by the Board: -H.Foster &Iwards, Clexk of Superior Court, Faithful Performance $25,000.00 -'Marvin B. Register, Sheriff, State Taxes 15000.00 ? - it it " " Faithflil. Performance 2,500.00 - Thaddeus Delavo Love, County Auditor,-County Accountant 5,000.00 n " " Treasurer County rlmds 50,000.00 _, n n n 11 to Treasurer Board Education' 25,000.00 , - ? n n " ° Faithful Performance 5,,000.00 • -B.B.Christmas, Constable, Federal Point Township- 11000.00 -Iewrence F. Duke, " Wilmington " 11000.00 "Gorman E. Morgan, " Masonboro " 12000.00 'Joseph M. Shingleton, " Harnett " 1)000.00 J. D. James, Jostice of the Peace 12000.00 -Thos,K.Woody, Clerk Board of Commissioners 11000.00 The Chairman then briefed the members o£ the Board as to their duties and responsibilities as County Commissioners) CC ? and urged unity of the menhers to carry out the policies of the Board to the end that it may bring progr-.ess. ? to our commwtity. 9 ?The following Committee appointments submitted by the Chairman was approved: ?#? Cormnunity Hospital, J.M.8a11,Jr. fGa County Home and Farm, Ennest R. Mayhan. Bluethenthal Airport, Ra.iford Trask. Court House and Jail, R. T. Horton. Welfare and Health, R. T. Horton. Chamber of Comerce, Claud O'Shields. T. B. Hospital, Board at Targe. Hugh 14acfise Park and Oak Grove Cemetery, Board at Isrge. Industrial Promotion, Board at Lerge. Committee members along with the Chairman will serve in the capacity of fact-finding and report back to the Board on their discretion to act. ' 559 P4eeting of December 6, 1954 continued. ,,-?,+rP?The Chairman reported work is in progress for remounting the Confederate monwnent at Kure Beach which was blown-over and moved by the hurricane October 15, 1954• "?V011`The Chairman asked that action on Rules and Regulations pertaining to the County Home and Prison Farm ?„wwlPolicies presented at meeting of ivovember 29th be postponed for further study. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded lry Mr. I9ayhan, the minutes of Novrmber 29, 1954, were approved. A communication was received from the Aavy Department of December 1, 1954, with reference to our request for p,pXa definite maintenance allowance to be included in the proposed agreenent between the County and the Government for the joint use of the facilities at Bluethenthal Field, which said communication stated in part that, • " Since it is imnossible to forecast the exact extent of the use which will be made of the field, guarantee of a minimum payment by the Government is considered inappropriate". 14r. Hall commenting on the question said ? he would not sign the contract without a guarantee of a minimwn allovrance. N?r. Trask said he laould look into it czrefully to provide for a fair minimum allowance an8 suggested $5,000.00 plus obligation of the Government to take care o£ any flood damage by rains. Mr. OtShields made no comment, ?'After further discussion ond upon motion of Mr. Alayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Trask, the Board indicated its ?\Ip'willingness to give consideration to acceptance of the agreement if the Government will include in the same a minimwn annual a.llowance of $5,000.00 to the County for the maintenance o£ the said field. • ?Ck? An audit report of the Consolidated City-Gounty Tax Office prepaxed by J.B.t4cCabe & Compar?y for the tax settlement year 1953 was received and after a,brief analyzation of the same by the Chairman, was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by lu'. 0'Shields, accepted. Ecknnual narrative reports were received from 14r. D. D. E3aggett, County I'arm Agent and Miss Verna Belle Lowery, r_?-County Home Agent for the year 1954• 0.?r . No objections were indicated by the Board, £ron a standpoint of navigation, to the United States District Engineer granting a permit to Mr. R. L. Fergus to construct a pier in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 320 feet south of Cape Fear Boulevard at Carolina Beach. A news letter concerning Pederal Disaster Loans was received from Mr. Jack Farrell, Executive Manager of SIIdCBA. . ?opies of letters written Uy Mr. J. R. Benson, City I,anager, to Dr. C. B. Davis, Health 0£ficer, board of ? ealth, and H.J.4lhyte, Administrator of Community Hospital, concerning re-adjustment of participation in ? employees retirer,ient fund on a basis of 113 b,y the City and 2/3 by the County, tahich was changed from a v 50/50 basis July 1, 1953, and the proper trans£er of fltnds to the Courrty Retirement Fund pai3 ir.to the City Pension Fhnd by the E3Qard of iiealth an3 Cotmnunity Hospital in excess of the 113 portion, was referre3 to the County Auditor to expedite the handling of the same to a success£ul conclusion. ? L A request of the Federal-State Crop Reporting Service for a list of the names of Crop Report Listers was )u?' re£erred to the County Auditor as Tax Supervisor to handle. r C? A request of Nir. Foster Edwards, Clerk oP the Superior Court, for a two weeks extension of time to sulmi.t his annual report, which tiras occasioned by failure to conl;act the Resi3ent Judge to sign the same, was granted by the Board. 0 A letter of thanks was received from the State Training 5chool for Negro girls, for the $25.00 donation from this Gounty for their Christmas Funi, im m nsideration of the number of children in the institution from this county. -G? T?._ Reports £or November were received from SEPdCBA, Veterans Service Officer, County Home Agent, Colored Coursty ?-E---Homg Agent, and Farm Demonstration Agent, an3 or3ered £iled. .-0.ob?,_Boiler Inspection Reports were received f?'om Lumberman's N,utuel Casualty? lEompar?y on boilers at the T.B.Hospital ?`?and Court House , advising that no conditions were observed that require attention at tYiis time. ? F White patients 8 Negro " 15 23 Non-residents 0 Vacant beds 9= White male 3, Discharge3: 1 = Betty P9cLean, ? Admitted: 1Vone. ?,<cPCensus Report for John C. Wessell 1uberculosis Sanatorium for week ending December 3, 1954P was received: "V White female 5, Colored female l. colored, Navember 30, 1954• aye4M1 N,r. Ernest R. Nrayhan, newly elected County Gommissioner, read the £ollowing statement to the Board: " I am in favor the County business being open to the press, the radio, and the puUlic at all tine. they have a right to be present at all meetings. When a Board of County Comtnissioners reaches the point it cannot transact the people's business in public, it has admitted a lack of courage, disregard of the people's rights and disgraceflul conduct of the public's business. " Aftex all, the right of the people to lmow how their public business is transacted is more important that the political career of any man who has ro ever viill be on the Board of County Commissioners. This office belongs to the people of IVeta Hanover County and not to three or five men. I will always' keep this in mind as long as I am on the 13oard of Couxaty Co;nmissioners". r b?.s Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, County bills No Upon motion o£ N,r. 0'Shields the meeting then adjourned. Isl Ernest R. Mayhan. 1590 to 1699 were approved for payment. I