1955-01-03 Regular Meeting, . 56 3 , r ti Meetin? of Decanber 20, 1954, ecntinued. IAI? ?'? bill for $25.00 submitte3 by the Junior Chamber of Comnerce for advertising in the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce Directory, the same not being a budget item was received for investigation. „! h6y?>Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by P•;r. Maylian, payment of $5.00 surety bond premium to Glasgow Hicks, Agent, covering bond for James Stanley Williamson ss Clerk in the County Auditors officejiras approved. n l. Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, Surety bond for Dr. Fred R. Coleman, as Coroner of New Hanover County in the amount o£ $2,000.00 with the National Surety Corporation as surety, the said bond having been Approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney, was approved by the Board. G`\ Upon motion of N,r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. 19ayhan, payment of surety bond premiums for Mr. T. D. Love, County Auditor with the United States Fidelity and GUaranty Compar?y as surety, in the follotaing amounts were approved: $50,000.00 as Treasurer of County Flznds - Premium $540.00 , 5,000.00 as County Accountant - " 25.00 ? 5,000,00 Fsithful performance - " 25.00 Upon motion of ?4r. Trask, secondei by Nr. 0'Shileds, k635.47 was authorize9 transferred from the emengency fund to Airport under Capital Butlay, and authorized the payment of $621.00 out o£ the same to the North Carolina Equipment Company for the purchase of one 3-Disc Hoster Fire-line Plow and parts $14..47. ?,,,,Q?The Chairman reported 7485 feet dragline work south of Kure Beach will be completed this week. 3,100 feet north oF W?? Yure Heach and 3 miles Parnards Creek to Whiskey Creek, next project to drain the blue-berry section and farm land in the rear. Recommendation of the Chairman to purchase a portable power saw out of the emergency fund to clear off the trees G? £or dragline work and right of ways and £or service elseiahere which would save ti.me and manpower and render the sturie srrvice pexformed by the number of inen now on the dragline work, was referred to the Chairman to look into size of the saw needed and report to the Board. ? A question raised by :4r. Hall as to the drainage at Kures i3each taking the water away from the lake at Carolina ??'? Beach. P4r. Trask felt the installation o£ a proper valve arould take care o£ that situation, and asked that the matter be continued untilafter they get through with the debris removal , and we will take cate of that problem. Mr. T. D. Love, Ccunty Tax Supervisor, brought up the matter of changing last years tax abstract £orm and recommended that the same be revised by eliminating listing two yea.rs on the same abstract, and.new ones be printed to replace the same, which, he said, would provide a more accvrate record and expedite the handling of the tax listing and save money for the County, especially in view of the many real estate changes that will have to be made by.reason of ths hurricane 3amage o£ October 15th. Mr. Horton called attention to the Commissioners having adopted the system of putting two years on the same sheet from a standpoint of economy and eP£iciency, which t,ras also approved by the State Board of Assessment: To the contrary,Mr. I,ove felt that the new proposed abstract would be a saving to the County and less errors. Stating the two year abstract will not provide an accurate and complete record and recommended the adoption of the new aUstract. The matter was discussed at length and a motion o£fered by Mr. Hall to continue the use of the present ttiro-year,abstract for another year, and a motion offered by Idr.. Aiayhan to adopt the new proposca3 abstract recommended by ]vir. Love, both failed of an immediate second, and the discussion continued, after which, the motion offered by Mr. N,aj*han to adopt the new abstract recommended by Mr. Love, was seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, and carried. Inasmuch as Mr. Love is charged with the responsibility and duties of Tax Supervisor, the action was made unanimous. ??11_1 Upon motion of Nir. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, C'ounty bi11s Ido. 1803 to 1901 taere approvea £or payment. Christmas_Day fallirg on Saturday, the Board on motion of Mr. Dfayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, authorized closing ??- of the Countj offices from twelve o'clock noon Friday, December 24th to 8:30 A.M., Tuesday, December 28th in observance of the Christmas holidays, and the next re?jular meeting of the Board was postponed until 10:00 o'clock A,M,, Monday, January 3, 1955. And all were extended a hearty welcome by the Chairman to attend a Christmas party for County employees at the Court House, twelve o'cloclc noon Friday. , The meeting then adjourned. lerk. Llilmington, N. C., January 3, 1955: The regzlar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J.b1.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County fittorney and T.D. Inve, County Auditor. . The meeting was opened with prayer by the reverend Thomas B. Ruff, Pastor of Delgado Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeti.ng.of December 20, 1954, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded Uy t<s. Traslc, approved. . Mr. W. J. Farrow appeared,to ask the Board's endorsement of the efforts of the Winter Park Volunteer FYre Department tc _ P??secure a lot QO x 100 feet at Hugh MacRae Park for their fire station, and said they had $1,500.00 on hand to pay for approximately half uost of oonstruction of the 5tation Building. IIpon motion of Mr. Trask, the Board recommended to the Hugh MacRae interest, sale of the lot to them es being necessaryfor that public service. ,_,,,y?Upon motion of Mr. Hall, the attached Rules and Regulations for the County Home and Farm Prison Policies, ?Y`??? after changea were made, 3ncluding recommendations made and subnitted by Mr. Mayhan, " That the Superintendent shall have fill power in running the County Aome and Farm and that the Assistand Superintendent and Foreman shall be responsible to the Superintendent at all times. Let the Superintendent give orders and let the Assistant Superintendent and Foreman-see that they are carried out. The Superintendent shall be responsible , to the Board of County Commissioners.° Was adopted. ?p5 Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Chairman was authorized to purchase three pieces of equiFmment for the County Garage, out of the emergency fluid. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Hoard authorized the payment of $109.03 to Adrain J. Nexton, ?p-cC- Supreme Court Clerk, expense for record and Brief flurnished in the case of State v. George Vance Smith,acquitted on appeal to the 5upreme Court, as provided by General Statutes 6-38. .w ?Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Board accepted an offer of James H. Sloan to piu'ch?se tax IKat foreclosure lots psrt of 3,45 and 6, in block 499 at a price of $450.00 and part of lot 5 in block 499 at a price of $270.00, making a total of $720.00, subject to approval bg the City. 'A 5?4 Meeting of January 3, 1955 corrtinued. p? Upon motion, the Hoard suthorized continuation of repairs to the hurricane damage3 Butler Hangar at the Airport with Mr. Charles W. Henness, Contractor, to completion out of funds within•the budget and bill the 5tate for Federal funda allotted for this expense. Mr. Hall objected to the un-worl=n-like manner in which the metal covering id being installed, uneven edges, over-lapping etc., and insisted on a more woblman like job. Have him to do it right or pay for what he has done and get from under t2ie wntract, he said. An inquiry of the Coastal Terminal, Inc., of Charleston, S. C., as to our syatem and basia of assessing storage tanka, with the view of assisting them in arriving at a fair tax assessment of their property with i the South Carolina authorities. Instructions were given to write them as to our basis of assessing. A letter of thanks was received f;om Stonerrall Jackson Training School, Concord,N.C., for our $90.00 _ appropriation to their Christaoas Fund. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board accepted and offer of Mr. Waddell Waters to purchaSe two parcels of tax foreclosed prope'rty in hlock 83, om piece, parcel No. 51, 29 x 82* feet; facing Tlrelfth • 5treet, and parcel No. 13, behind the same, 33 x 82* feet, at a-total pribe:6f,9450.00, sub3ect to approval of the City Council. • A aurety bond fbr. Mr. C. S. Sidbury as a Justice of the Peace, in the penalty of •$1,000.00 with the National ' Surety Corporation as surety; the same having been approved as to form and execution by the County Attorney, was approved •by the Board. The Chairman gresented a letter received from Mr. John Alexander McMahon, Assistant Director of Institute of Government, calling attention to a txo-day school for County Commisaioners to be held by the Institute , of Government at Chapel Hill January 18-19, and urged that every member of the Board make an effort to attend. Mr. Hall and Mr. Mayhan iniicated their intention to attend uith the Chairman. A petition of eight property owners for improvements to 43rd Street in Winter Park, Harnett township, which. said road runs from Peachtree Street to Wrightsville Avenue, that the same be included in the County Highasy System for State Maintenance, Draining end Grading, vas upon motion of Mr. Trask, aeconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved and referred to the State Highway and Axblic Works Coirmmission for its consideration. ?., The 1955 Legislature convening January 4, the following proposed billa which were unanimously approve3 by ^/XMh the'State Tax 5upervisors Association of the State Association of County Commissioners, at their annual `9 meeting held November 3, 1954, to be submitted to the 1955 General Assembl,y, were approved: l 1. A BIL? TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO AP?INT A5SISTANT TAX , SUPERVISORS AND DFSIGNATE THEIR DUTIFS. ? 2. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO PERMIT THE 6PPOINTMENT OF MORE THdN ONE PROPERTY TAX LIST TAIiER PER TOWNSHIP AND TO GRANT BOARAS OF CAUNTY COMt4ISSI0NERS DISCRETIONARY AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE SOME OR ALL TAXPAYERS TO LIST PROPERTY FOR TAXATION AT THE COURTHOUSE. ? 3. A BILL TO BE ENT.ITLED AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR PAYING THE NECESSARY TRAVEL E7{PENSFS OF MEMBERS OF COUNTY BCTARDS OF EQOALIZATION AND REVIEW REQUIRED TO MAKE SPECIAL INVFSTIGATIONS AS hMERS OF COMMITTEFS OF TfiAT BO&RD. ? 4. A BILL 1O BE ENTdTLED AN ACT TO CLARIFY AND MODERNIZE THE LISTS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE PRINTED ON COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL AD VAI.OFtEM TAX AHSTRACTS, . / 5. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR REINIDURSFMENT FOR ACTUAL C0.STS INCURRID BY THE DEPARTN,ENT OF MOTOR VIIiICLFS IN FURNISHING LISTS OF MOTOR VIIiICLES REGISTRATIONS TO COONTY PROPERTY TAX OFFICIALS, ,. ? 6 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO CLARIFY THE PROVISIONS OF G.S. 105-331 PROUIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF DISCOVERED REAL ESTATE AND FOR CARRYING REALTY FORWARD FROM YEAR TO YEAR ON THE PROPERTY TAX RECORDS, . / 7. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT TO DEFINE THE REASONS FOR WHICH REAL PROPERTY MAY BE R.E-ASSFSSED FOR AD UALaREM PROPEFiTY TAX PURP0.5FS IN YEAAS IN WHICH NO GENERAL RE1/9LUATION IS BEING HELD. S. A BILL TO BE INTITLED AN ACT TO EXFdMPT FROM TAXATION THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS AND BUILDINGS USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR CaNS7UNITY OR PUBLIC PURPOSFS WITHOUT PAAFIT. ??. Change in the law that would permit assistsnce payments to be made to irnaatea in the County Home. ?i This would help out with the expense at the County Home. / ? Suggestions concerning legislation affecting County Governmentp becked by State Association of County ? Commissionera: 1. Increase W61fare Board to five members, if desired. 2. Should the term of office of the members of the county velfare board begin at a time other than April 1? 3. Should it be necessary for the Chairioan of the County Board of Public Welfare to sign assistance and administration checks7 Under the suggestion the law would be amended to eliminate the need of signatures of the Chairman of the Welfare Board. 4. Should the Federal Law•be amended so as to make residents of County Homea eligible for old age assistance and aid to the permanent7,y and totslly disabled? Federal legislation should be secured in order that County Home residents could receive OAA or APTD grants and use a portion thereof to pay for their care at the Home. 5. Should a pooled flmd plan for the hoapitakization of public assistance recipients be inaugurated? At the present time, money to meet the costs of hospital care for public assiatance recipiente is available at the rate of $6 per day, $3 of which comes from the Federal Government,. $1.50 from the States $1.50 from the County. Anyy excess of costs oner $6 per day must be met wholly from county f\mds. Moreover, under the present plan the Federal and State money is made available by adding to the public assistsnce grant of the recipient concerned, using the difference between the present grant and the - maximum grant on a monthly basia to meet the Hospital coata. Of covrse, if the grant has been at the maximum or 3f the recipient dies, the county must stand the full cost of hospitalizatlont In addition, the present systam makes the bookkeeping complicated. Under a pooled fund plan, each county would pay a small amount per recipient per month into a State fUnd. This would be matbhed immediately by • State and Federal funda.' Then when a recipient was hospitalized , all or part of the bill would be 1paid 3mmediately from this fund. For exsmple, the plan might provide that up to $12 per day would be paid ; then and in that event an amount equal to 012. per daq would be paid immediately and the County would not pay any additional amount. The advsntsges of the pooled fund plan are these: the county is certain to receive State and Federal Aid on every recipient's hospital bill, whereas it does not now receive and help if the grant is at the maximum or if the recipient dies; the bookkeeping involved xould ? be extremely simplified, both for the county and for the hospital; and the county funds for hospitalization xould go further,:than under the present system. L_ 56 5 ` Meeting of January 3, 1955, continued. 6. Should the aettlement law be changedY Not entirely as suggested. Amend 9 month_socisl aecutity:.law on deserting fathers to enable care of children and family. 7. Should atate-wide legislation•be enacta3 proniding that the fees and salaries of the Clerk of Superior Court, Register of Deeds, 5heriff and other county officials be set •by the Board of County Commisaioners? Not as to elective offices: Qualification of salary on basis of old salary by election. 8.. Should state-wide legislation be enacted providing for four-year ataggered tertns of County Comai.ssioners? ? 9. Should counties be authorized to take out liability insurance, waiving their Governmental immunity to the - extent of such insurance? 10. Should the Board of County Commissionera be authorized in its discretion to designate an official other • than the Rsgister of Deeda as Clerk to.the Board? • • Leave the suthority to desigiate the Clerk in the hands of the Board on a State?-xide set-up:- 11. Should supplements be paiditeschera by local governments? • Place them in competition to one another and teachere. 12. Justices of the Peace and Mayors who hold courta be required to use a syatem of pre-numbered warrants • -and pre-numbered receipts and be required to be audited annuslly, in order to insure proper accounting for funds paid into these officials. 13. Amend lax 1937 governing the ABC Board and leave it entirelq in the 6ounty Commisaioners juristiction as they are responsible for raising and disbursing the necessary funds for operation of the County Government. As to bills concerning xelfare it was thought best to leave that with our representatives Mr. Yow and ? Mr. Hevlett to handle, and to take up ar?y additional legislative matters with them. ?`f„ The Chairman advised there would be no refund on account of property damage bq the hurricane, this uill adjuat •A l itself when the new assesaments are made in January. ? The Chairmanrecommended that building permits be reqvired for County building construction, which he said, • i?5 would be most helpflzl to the tax,aesessor in ascertaining the cost and location of new corotruction and the ? owners, which would not require additional personnel, which was approved by the Board for an Act to be passed to that effect. Mr. Trask objected to requiring pet2oits for minor repairs or construction and suggested that the minimum coet of construction be set at $500.00. - The hog sanitation problem was diacusaed with the viex of aecuring legislation that would require keepirig of hogs at a satisfactory distance from residential areas that would be lese 3bnoxious. / The Chairman recoammended an Act that would require all money or fees peid in by any local municYpality to 4W.Goszernmental Agents for•tax work performed or fees for collectiona paid to the Tax Collector should come to the City or County who does the work and each charged with their respective proportionate part of the eacpense, and sll should be benefited. The Chairman announcen'receipt of $60,000.00 County's share of profits from the ABC Board for quarter ending - ? December 31, 1954. ?•I?`???e following mo?hly reports were received and ordered filed: Wilmington Colored Libr,ary, cash receipts and _f} disburaementa for September and October, Consolidated Board of Health, Veterans' Service Officer, Lwnbermana ,,,v+t?`„??__.?tual Casualty Compar?y Boiler Inspection of Nurses Home and T.B.Hosp2tal, and North Carolina Public Welfare `jStatistics. Drainage Report for two weeks ending December 26, 1954: 11 men 2 days Dragline right-of-way xork, Kure Beach. 12 "°" Pipe work, Winter Park. 10 " T " Clearing Cemetery. 20 ^ Q^ County Farm Work. 11 " 20 Gutting fence posts. John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatoriwn; Census report for week ending December 24, 1954: ? ?,'?? • White patients 7 Negro ° 13 20 Nonresidents 0 Uacant beds 12 = White male 3, white female 6, colored female 3. Discharged: Esther Williams,colored female , December 17, 1:00 P.M. F1sie Brown, a " December 18, 10:45 A.M. Admitted: 0. Upon motion of Nr. . Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, Jaraes Franklin Oliphant, 13 Bellwell Avenue, who suffered a broken neck in a wreck 1949, rendering him helpless, was granted tanporary admission to the County Home on recommendation of the Supt. of Public Welfare. ra3?' Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, payment of $92.88 to the Mason Flectric Compax?y for inspection ?1"?'? and repairs to all eirena throughout the county, rras approved. f? Upon motion of Mr. Traek, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the City was requested to provide additional free parking space on the narth sideof Princess Street from 3rd to kth streets, and any space not used by the 5heriff; for tax payers while listing taxes. ?The Chairman announced an izBpection trip p]anned to Topsail Beach to inspect the beach erosion repairs rr''lh5 and temporary sand dunes work account of hurricane damage, following adjourrnnent of the meeting. ?jq,`? Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, told the Doard tax listing started off this morning satisfactory. ?? I ?ss a Meeting of January 3, 1955, continued. The following good and lawful persona were drawn to aerve as 3urora in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term beginning Tanuary 17, 1955: Geo.C.Jackeon, 114 Keaton Avenue. E,G.Harrell,Rt.2, Box 496. C.E.Joyner.2310 S. Frant St. G.D.Doughtry, 1811 Nun St. Herbert D. Hale,2316 Princess Street Rd. D,J.Battei4910 Wrightsville Ane, Doris V. Westbrook,2715 Uan Buren 5t. A.S.Johnson,2415 Jackson Street. E.J,5chaefer,524 Colonisl Drive. Geo.YJ.Hardison.12 9 Iake i/illage. M.B.Barefoot,2922 Harrison St. T,A.Binkley, 607 N. 23rd St. James C.Seymour, 2736 Coluanbia Ave. Jos.R.Miller, 307 N. 21st, St. James E.Jones, 23 Pinecreat Parkway. P.M.Haysden, Rt.l. Castle Hayne. J.H.Schoolcraft, 16W Community Dr. Dewitt T. Scott, 318 S. 2nd St. Jas.M.Hurna, 1015 Hawthorne 8oad. Irving L. Esaick,Rt.3, Box 454• M.L.Barron,3 Iake Forest Parkxay, J.B.Rues,901 Market St. H.G.Sutton,305 S. 46th St.. R.D.Jewett, 323 S. 3rd St. C.E.White,121 Forest Hills Drive. Joseph W.Chinnis, 29/+1 Adams St. N.E.hberson,4710 Park Ave. R.Luther Johneon,109 Castle St. J,L.Sistar,2834E Community Dr. Macon J.Davis.8-T Iake Forest. James L. Hanchey,34 Jackson Drive. O.L.Seawell, 220 Borden Ave. Farl L. Brown, 2219 Camellta Dr. Paul J. Melvin, 20 Hudson Dr. Geddie L. Boone, 2$76 Adams St. S.H.Glover,QOZ S. 5th St. M.C.Pearce, Rt.l. C.S,Melton, Rt.2. Box 473. E.C.Huband,3710 Wrightsville Ave. L.M.Crumpler,J-2 Lake Forest. J.A.5mith, 2008 Market St. J.Isaac Duncan, 2713 Harrison 5t. Gilmer White, 213 Borden Ave. E.E.Strickland,4028 Cherry Ave, H.R.Dekle,512 S. 18th St. Geo.F.Potter, 807, Country Club Rd R.H.Dowdy,1107 S. 2nd St. P.D,Ffilliams, Kure Beach. ' Ray W. Jarrell,Jr.2835B,Jefferson'St. E.G.Whianant,2708 Jefferson St. . R.E.Galloxay, 110 Sunset Park. R.G.Peteraon,3808 Park Ave. E.A.Brown, 2615 Wrightsville Ave. Louis Smith, Box 2411 Swomer Hill. Jos.M.Spencer,3719 Wrightsville Ave. Bernice Farr,8-Y Iske Foreat. E,G.Mi111ken,1902 Creasy Ave.. Miss Dorotk?y Mills,2815 Pri.ncess St.Rd, H.F.Snipes, Rt.1.Box 416. For the Fi.rst Week Civil Term begi.nning February 7s 1955: Geo.R.Johnson, 11-M lake Uillage. W,S? Godfrey,3717 Wrightsville Ave. Jas.Frank Jamison, 4lrll Iake Ave. R,M,Meson, 906 N. 42nd St. Harrold F. Dobbins,209 N. 15th St. J.C.Thompson,4421 Maple St. Grag Horton, 626 Fern Drive. W.R.Ea]cins.2001 Pender Ave. Bernsrd R. Rudica3l, 212 S. 3rd, St. Man],y J.Jones.1402 Princesa St. R.T.Webster, 109 Morningaide Drive. H.M.Jones,2110 Creasy Ave. J.R.Hendbick, 2730 5,Jefferaon St. C.A.Jurgenson,Jr. 504 s. 18th St. M.O.Messersmith, 222 Forest Hills Dr. W.R,I{iser, 124 Stradteiph Road. Wm.G.Mallard,Jr., 4308 Wrightaville Av. W,M.Martin,Box 11 Wrightsville Ave. A.P.McAdams,P.O.Hox 625A Car.Bch. Jos.T.Thompson, 32 Woodlawn.- - Winston Brosdfoot,133 Forest Hills Dr.A.M.LoWrimore,4421 Maple St.. R.R,McDoxell,Box 606 Carolina Bch, Marvin E. Benton, 69 Lee Drive. ? Marlin L. Pierce, 404 S. 17th St. C.Everett Teachey, 2824 WashingtoA.St. V,A.Moore,314A Williamson Dr. John A. Wallace, 2131 iSlein Road. G.J.McClell.and, P,O.Box 253 Wri.Bch. Jesse W.Hodges,415 S,18th St. W.E.Heath, 8 Iaurel Dr. D.F.Wallace,2204 Mimosa Place. C.E.Cole,Carolina Beach. Mary Henri Lennon.260 Iake Forest Pkwy, Rell,y G. Lloyd,153 Colonial Vil. Perase K. Deverall, 3806 Park Ave. Clerk. / Wilmington, N. C., January 10, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wss held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissionera Claud 0!Shielda, Raiford Trask, J.M.Ha11sJr.t Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. _ The meeting was opened with praqer by the Reverend H. K. Iisylor, Pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of January 31 1955, having previously been mailed to e ach member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. . en adjourned. zwti th J! J! ?_ ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, a petition submitted by Mr. Alonzo Harris for exemption of poll .?Q.? taxes on account of p2?ysical disability was granted. It appeared that D1r. Harris is unable to earn s living for ? himself and family and will be 50 years of age in February 1955, and not subject to poll taxes after that date according to the law. A letter xas received from the State Highway and Public Works Commission, Raleigh,N.C., advising that at its meeting held December 23, 1954, approved the addition of the following roada to our Courity Highw%y System: / ?. 1. North 29rd Street and Cedar Avenue, in Harnett tounship. 2. Park Avenue, Winter Park. 3. Long Leaf Hilla Drive. L,. Rivenbark Road Masonboro township. 6, Middle Sound - Wattera Road Harnett township. The Highway Coimnission could not see its xay clear to approve the addition of road shoun as number 5(MYrtle Grove Road running east from U5 421 north of Seabreeze), as their investigation ahows that the service rendered will not justifp this expenditure at this ti.me. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr..Trask, the Board, on recommendation of the County Attorney, granted a request of Mr. Woodus Kellum, Attorney, to refluid $49.68 to Mr. Dennis Blake on account of error in a tax -?Jo foreclosure settlement on 4,184 acres of land Federal Point township, in the case of New Hanover County v, C. Foard Lewis, et sl., judgment docket No. 37, Item 1792. Becauae the tax under which the land was foreclosed was charged on an erroneous assessment oF $100.00 per acre, whereas the correct assessment should have b'een $10.00 per acre. The emount of the taxes paid according to the judgment docket ia $90.43, the correct amount that should have been paid is $40.75, or a difference of $49.68. An offer sutmmitted by Mr. E. E. Bugg to purchase tax foreclosed lot part of 5, in block 37 - 331 x 165' located . _ on 8th Street 66, £rom the NW corner of Sth and Wright Streets; was referred to the tax assessor for appraisal price and report to the Bosrd. ` The Chairman announced a meeting scheduled xith Mr. DeKay, State Aurricane Relief Officer, and Contractors at Q^ 2:00 o'clock P.M,, to day at Kure Beach Town Hall, to get together on specifications and procedure for the restoration of the strand along the shore line damaged by erosion caused by the recent hurricane, with Federal Ftiinda that have been allotted for that purpbse, and with the view of coordinating such ef£orts with other aimilar ' vndertakinge to accomplish the best results in that area. A letter of thanka was received from Mrs. I.fluise W. Love, Executive Secretary of the Wilmington Merchante 6saociation on behalf of their Boerd of Directors and the entire memberahip, for the two hundred dollar f contribution the County made to their Christmas Street L3ghting program. ,