1955-01-10 Regular Meeting?ss a Meeting of January 3, 1955, continued. The following good and lawful persona were drawn to aerve as 3urora in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term beginning Tanuary 17, 1955: Geo.C.Jackeon, 114 Keaton Avenue. E,G.Harrell,Rt.2, Box 496. C.E.Joyner.2310 S. Frant St. G.D.Doughtry, 1811 Nun St. Herbert D. Hale,2316 Princess Street Rd. D,J.Battei4910 Wrightsville Ane, Doris V. Westbrook,2715 Uan Buren 5t. A.S.Johnson,2415 Jackson Street. E.J,5chaefer,524 Colonisl Drive. Geo.YJ.Hardison.12 9 Iake i/illage. M.B.Barefoot,2922 Harrison St. T,A.Binkley, 607 N. 23rd St. James C.Seymour, 2736 Coluanbia Ave. Jos.R.Miller, 307 N. 21st, St. James E.Jones, 23 Pinecreat Parkway. P.M.Haysden, Rt.l. Castle Hayne. J.H.Schoolcraft, 16W Community Dr. Dewitt T. Scott, 318 S. 2nd St. Jas.M.Hurna, 1015 Hawthorne 8oad. Irving L. Esaick,Rt.3, Box 454• M.L.Barron,3 Iake Forest Parkxay, J.B.Rues,901 Market St. H.G.Sutton,305 S. 46th St.. R.D.Jewett, 323 S. 3rd St. C.E.White,121 Forest Hills Drive. Joseph W.Chinnis, 29/+1 Adams St. N.E.hberson,4710 Park Ave. R.Luther Johneon,109 Castle St. J,L.Sistar,2834E Community Dr. Macon J.Davis.8-T Iake Forest. James L. Hanchey,34 Jackson Drive. O.L.Seawell, 220 Borden Ave. Farl L. Brown, 2219 Camellta Dr. Paul J. Melvin, 20 Hudson Dr. Geddie L. Boone, 2$76 Adams St. S.H.Glover,QOZ S. 5th St. M.C.Pearce, Rt.l. C.S,Melton, Rt.2. Box 473. E.C.Huband,3710 Wrightsville Ave. L.M.Crumpler,J-2 Lake Forest. J.A.5mith, 2008 Market St. J.Isaac Duncan, 2713 Harrison 5t. Gilmer White, 213 Borden Ave. E.E.Strickland,4028 Cherry Ave, H.R.Dekle,512 S. 18th St. Geo.F.Potter, 807, Country Club Rd R.H.Dowdy,1107 S. 2nd St. P.D,Ffilliams, Kure Beach. ' Ray W. Jarrell,Jr.2835B,Jefferson'St. E.G.Whianant,2708 Jefferson St. . R.E.Galloxay, 110 Sunset Park. R.G.Peteraon,3808 Park Ave. E.A.Brown, 2615 Wrightsville Ave. Louis Smith, Box 2411 Swomer Hill. Jos.M.Spencer,3719 Wrightsville Ave. Bernice Farr,8-Y Iske Foreat. E,G.Mi111ken,1902 Creasy Ave.. Miss Dorotk?y Mills,2815 Pri.ncess St.Rd, H.F.Snipes, Rt.1.Box 416. For the Fi.rst Week Civil Term begi.nning February 7s 1955: Geo.R.Johnson, 11-M lake Uillage. W,S? Godfrey,3717 Wrightsville Ave. Jas.Frank Jamison, 4lrll Iake Ave. R,M,Meson, 906 N. 42nd St. Harrold F. Dobbins,209 N. 15th St. J.C.Thompson,4421 Maple St. Grag Horton, 626 Fern Drive. W.R.Ea]cins.2001 Pender Ave. Bernsrd R. Rudica3l, 212 S. 3rd, St. Man],y J.Jones.1402 Princesa St. R.T.Webster, 109 Morningaide Drive. H.M.Jones,2110 Creasy Ave. J.R.Hendbick, 2730 5,Jefferaon St. C.A.Jurgenson,Jr. 504 s. 18th St. M.O.Messersmith, 222 Forest Hills Dr. W.R,I{iser, 124 Stradteiph Road. Wm.G.Mallard,Jr., 4308 Wrightaville Av. W,M.Martin,Box 11 Wrightsville Ave. A.P.McAdams,P.O.Hox 625A Car.Bch. Jos.T.Thompson, 32 Woodlawn.- - Winston Brosdfoot,133 Forest Hills Dr.A.M.LoWrimore,4421 Maple St.. R.R,McDoxell,Box 606 Carolina Bch, Marvin E. Benton, 69 Lee Drive. ? Marlin L. Pierce, 404 S. 17th St. C.Everett Teachey, 2824 WashingtoA.St. V,A.Moore,314A Williamson Dr. John A. Wallace, 2131 iSlein Road. G.J.McClell.and, P,O.Box 253 Wri.Bch. Jesse W.Hodges,415 S,18th St. W.E.Heath, 8 Iaurel Dr. D.F.Wallace,2204 Mimosa Place. C.E.Cole,Carolina Beach. Mary Henri Lennon.260 Iake Forest Pkwy, Rell,y G. Lloyd,153 Colonial Vil. Perase K. Deverall, 3806 Park Ave. Clerk. / Wilmington, N. C., January 10, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board wss held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. ? Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissionera Claud 0!Shielda, Raiford Trask, J.M.Ha11sJr.t Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. _ The meeting was opened with praqer by the Reverend H. K. Iisylor, Pastor of Westminister Presbyterian Church. Copies of the minutes of January 31 1955, having previously been mailed to e ach member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. . en adjourned. zwti th J! J! ?_ ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Hall, a petition submitted by Mr. Alonzo Harris for exemption of poll .?Q.? taxes on account of p2?ysical disability was granted. It appeared that D1r. Harris is unable to earn s living for ? himself and family and will be 50 years of age in February 1955, and not subject to poll taxes after that date according to the law. A letter xas received from the State Highway and Public Works Commission, Raleigh,N.C., advising that at its meeting held December 23, 1954, approved the addition of the following roada to our Courity Highw%y System: / ?. 1. North 29rd Street and Cedar Avenue, in Harnett tounship. 2. Park Avenue, Winter Park. 3. Long Leaf Hilla Drive. L,. Rivenbark Road Masonboro township. 6, Middle Sound - Wattera Road Harnett township. The Highway Coimnission could not see its xay clear to approve the addition of road shoun as number 5(MYrtle Grove Road running east from U5 421 north of Seabreeze), as their investigation ahows that the service rendered will not justifp this expenditure at this ti.me. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr..Trask, the Board, on recommendation of the County Attorney, granted a request of Mr. Woodus Kellum, Attorney, to refluid $49.68 to Mr. Dennis Blake on account of error in a tax -?Jo foreclosure settlement on 4,184 acres of land Federal Point township, in the case of New Hanover County v, C. Foard Lewis, et sl., judgment docket No. 37, Item 1792. Becauae the tax under which the land was foreclosed was charged on an erroneous assessment oF $100.00 per acre, whereas the correct assessment should have b'een $10.00 per acre. The emount of the taxes paid according to the judgment docket ia $90.43, the correct amount that should have been paid is $40.75, or a difference of $49.68. An offer sutmmitted by Mr. E. E. Bugg to purchase tax foreclosed lot part of 5, in block 37 - 331 x 165' located . _ on 8th Street 66, £rom the NW corner of Sth and Wright Streets; was referred to the tax assessor for appraisal price and report to the Bosrd. ` The Chairman announced a meeting scheduled xith Mr. DeKay, State Aurricane Relief Officer, and Contractors at Q^ 2:00 o'clock P.M,, to day at Kure Beach Town Hall, to get together on specifications and procedure for the restoration of the strand along the shore line damaged by erosion caused by the recent hurricane, with Federal Ftiinda that have been allotted for that purpbse, and with the view of coordinating such ef£orts with other aimilar ' vndertakinge to accomplish the best results in that area. A letter of thanka was received from Mrs. I.fluise W. Love, Executive Secretary of the Wilmington Merchante 6saociation on behalf of their Boerd of Directors and the entire memberahip, for the two hundred dollar f contribution the County made to their Christmas Street L3ghting program. , ? ? ?6d Meeting of January 10, 1955, continued. . ?S?'"? A letter of thanks was also received from Williston Junior High School for the $250.00 appropriation toward their band uniforms. „ A letter was received from Mr.Franklin W. Bell, Director of Civil Defense, directed jointly to the Chaismlan a?a Town, Hainett township, which he said was conflxsing to the Department in its effort to deliver mail to patrons living on McRae Street -?S in Wilmington and/or AfcRae Street in Fox town. Was upon motion of Mr. OtShielde, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, referred to the State Highway and Public Worka Commission for survey of the situation for wrrection and recommended that the Street in Fox Town be changed to North McRae Street, or aqy other name necessary to eliminate the conflxsion caused by the similar nemes of the txo streets. nd the City Manager, concerning the designation of a competent electxical engineer to visit Charlotte to when they arrive in New Hanover C'ounty to make a survey of the airen aituation here? and furnish the power to operate the 10 H.P.siren. It was the Consensus of th,e Board to cooperate with the City and to confer with observe A request a of Mr, siren ? test Charles T. scheduled Burke? there for Postmaster, tb Wednesday, change January the 12th, name of and who McRae can Street in accompaqy Fox the representatives Mr. Benson, City Manager? concerning the same. _-j?,n0`4*00.00 Federal Funds he has received from Mr. R,Eligene Brown, Director of Public Assistance, State Board of e-5?"Excerpt from the State Director of Civil Defense Newsletter, congratulating Mr. Franklin W. Bell, City-County ?/dj114nist of Government surplus peraonal property offered for sale at Fort Bragg was received from the office of Upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, secorided by Mr. Hall, the County Auditor was authorized and directed to transfer Public Welfare, to the Welfare Department A3ministration Budget, for the purchase of a dictating machine, in ' accordance with hia instructions to Mr. Hollis, Superintendent of Public Welfare, Janusry 7, 1955. Director of Civil Defense, for originating a plan to include FYrst Aid Training in the schools curriculimm throughout his balixick, was received. Civil Defense, Mr. Franklin W. Bell, Director, A copy of the mi.nutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Comnunity Hospital for November 24, 1954, was ? - received and filed. a,'?Reports Here received from Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent and Miss Verna Belle Lowery, Home Agent and Mrs. ?Fdith R. Wallace,Assistant Home Agent and k-H Clubs I7irector, for the month of December. ??ti .r? Drainage report for xeek ending January 2, 1955: . 27 men worked !,'days unloading coal at the Court House, 2 " Holiday. ? 1 " Sunday. John C. Wessell T1uberculosis Sanatorium Cenaus report for week ending December 31: , White Patienta 7 Negro ^ 13 20 Nonresidenta 0 Vacant beds 12 = Male white 3. female white 6, femsle colored 3. Discharged 1 Mr. W. H. Alexander, uhite, December 28, 1954. Admitted 1 Mr. James Thomas Newton, December 28, 1954• Week ending January 7, 1955: White patients Negro " Nonresidenta Vacant beds 13 = Male white 3, female white 6, Discharged Admitted 7 12 19 0 1 Jas.Taft Peteraon2 January 41 0 female colored 3, male colored 1. 1955. The Chairman aubmitted propoaed legislation suggeste3 by the Legislative Committee of the State Association of County Commissioners for the Board's endorsement - for the State to pay $5.00 per day for each T.B,patient, or to take over and operate the four remaining counV supported T.B.Sanatoriums. And called attention to the small number and gradual dropping-off patients at our T.B.Hospital xhich cost about as much to operate as if it was filled. Mr. Hall felt it would not be right to vote out a facility the people voted in without a flurther vote of the people , but he would agree to the State sending other patients there and accept the $5.00 per day for each patient in the hospital if without prejudice or inconvenience to our local patients. They should be given firat preference, he said. Mr. Mayhan concurred with Mr. Hall. Mr. O'Shields said,"Alotify the State we will accept State fluids." Mr. Trask said -nHe would favor State control if our patiente were given preference°. A letter bearing date of January 6, 1955, was received this morning from Mr. C.J.Watts,Jr., President oPaioBth Carolina Catholic Iaymens' Association, ob3ecting to a motion pietvre showing of " Banderilla ^ an allegedly 'l? " dramatic story of the Protestants in Spain " in the New Hanover County Court House. Stating in part, ?%?`?"sk?" Since this picture is directed towards attacking the Catholic Church in Spain, and portrays a otte man's vi.ewpoint of alleged injustices leveled at protestants, I feel sure it can achieve no other result than that of arousing religious bigotry in a peaceful community", and called attention that ° New Hanover County Court House is a public bui.lding, supported by taxpayer's money for the welfare of the coffinunity, and as president of the North Carolins Catholic Laymena' Association of Wilmington I protest against the use of a puhlic building for the showing of religioua pictures which are by their nature prejudicisl to religion, and offensive to the Catholic people of Wilmington°. " The North Carolina Catholic Laymans' Association does not object to the showing of the picture; it is only to the place where this picture is scheduled to be shown." At the meeting of December 13, 1954, the "Youth for Christ" a religious organization was granted the use of the Recorders Court for religious meetings, one Friday a morsth, 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., for a period of three months. The same having beon endorsed by the Pastors as a moat uorthwhile cause to channel youth into churches of their respective faith. Therefore, it was the consensus of the Board not to permit the use of the court rooms by any religious orgsnization to attack another. • A memorandum of damages to Community Hospital property by Hurricane Hazel, October 15, 1954, was received from Henry J. Whyte, Adminiatrator, together with esti.mates of the damage done. The same were referred to the insurance companies for adjustment. ?'b?Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded t;y tdr. Trask, County bills No. 1902 to 2066 were approve3 for payment. The meeting then adjourned. ? t c? r?.? >!- BL - y aLerk. U -A