1955-01-24 Regular Meetingi 570 Meeting of January 17, 1955, continued. For the two weeks criminal term beginning February 28, 1955: D,R,Iangley,4301 Oleander Drive. Geo.B,MePherson,Rt.3, Box 191. R.L.Jenkins,1509 S. 5th St, W,S,Beasley,Jr.,47 Lee Drive. Alton D. Rivenbark,3303 Market St. Ghn.A.Caton,162.Colonial Circle. W. H. Andrews,2805 Market St. A.E,Huggins,412 Market St. R.S.Hyman,205 Princess Parkway. Robert G.Hodgldn,M46 Park Ave. Spencer S:Fountain, 2510 Jeckson St. bnory H. Southerland,2527 Guilford Ave. Charles R. Howard, Rt.2, Box 153. Paul W. Beethlinger, 4803J Wrightsville Cato M.Littleton,Jr., 111 Colonial Cir. R,H.Orrell,Jr., 493$ Pine St. William Au1d.410 S. 16th St. W.L,Bozeman,1515 Chestnut St. E.S.Murphey.2201 Brandon Ftoad. Fred Gies, 3807 Park Ave. E.C.Godwin,259 Castle Hayne Road. J,S,Newton,Jr., 3716 Market St. J.,C,Hatchell, 2016 Woolcott Ave. H. Band, 2510 Grace 5t. The meeting then adjourned. ? ?J h' /?• ?-.- - --??s? Clerk. ? S.F.Highsmith.2704 b1az'ket St. N,E,King,232 N. 25th St. W.R,Baker,1124 Country Club Road. A.E,Mathis, 223 N. 23rd'St.. L.H,Jones.4302 Oleander Dr. L.R,Mincey,408 S. yth St. Leah Sasser,34 I,ake Village. David B,Jacobi,17 S. 2nd St. Edward E. Moore,3801, Peachtree St. Herbert D. Flitrelle.316 N./,5th St." Stewart F.Collins,504 Park Terrace. A.C.Weasell, 2711 Park Ave. Peter Barkas, 1403 Chestnut St. Glasgow Hicks,108 Murchison Bldg. ' Bennie Harriss, 510 S. 6th St, d,5,McKenzie,1514 Ann St. C.C.King,503 S. 17th, St. H,A.Gibson,2255 Ndmosa Place. Jos,S,Parker, 123 Pinecrest Pkwy. J.R.Benson,Jr., 1903 Ann St. R.L.Barnhill,Washington St. Thomas P. Brown, 2012 Market St. Roy Hinson, 125 Penn St. Ralph C. Creech,2520 Burnett Blvd. E.A,Orre11,4205 Wrightsville Ave. M.L.Meyland,Rt.3p Box 311. Berry G. Jenkins,4701 Wri. Ave. G,4linston Smith, Seagate. Bert ISite.315 Wrightaville Ave. W.D.Smith,708 Dock St. L.F.Hsar,2248 Mimosa Place. Robert Scott,101 N. 5th St. " C.R,Peterson,100 Live Oak Ave. W,P.Powe11,210 S. 17th St. Herman Fbstma, 110 Keaton Ave. ' J.D,Walker,1508 Nun St. Spurgeon Baxley,Willetts Bldg. John F. Rogera, 4411 Greenfield St. Murray E. Begga,138 Coloniel Vil. R,J.Morris,1812 Ann St. ' O.H.Young,2521 N. Jefferaon St. Charles R. Ragister,1920 Church St. W.B.Godwin,4907 Oleander Drive. Peter L.Knight,Jr., 312 S.Front St. Isonard J. Hannah,Jr., 54 woodlarm Ave. A.H.Smith, 2017 Woolcott Ave:. J.W.Strickland, 16 Kenwood Ave, William M.Abrams,lOQ Central Blvd. Wilmington,N.C., January 24, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloxk A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J.M,Hall,Jr., Ernest R..Mqyhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend S. M. Houck, Pastor of Bethar?y Presbyterian Church. Copies of the hiinutes of ineeting of January 17, 1955, having previousl,p been mailed to mch member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Nr. O'Shields, secorxled ]Zr Mr. 1rask, approved. Pvrsuant to request made by Dr, Fred H. Coleman, Coroner, at meeting of danuary 17, 1955, for an incrense in pay ?. for his services as 8oroner, and that the same be changed from fees to atraight salary, Mr. Trask moved and ^ it was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and carried, that the Coroners salary be aet at $1,800.00 per year plus $200.00 per year allowance for travel expenae, the same to be in lieu of all fees or other compensation for hie services as Coroner. And our representatives in the Legislature are hereby requested to introduce and give their support to the passage of a bill to that effect. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board approved a recommendation by Commissioner Mayhan, -? ?,g?that the Coroner be requested to rotate any burial arrangementa that may come within his official duties, among the varilous underte.ker's establishments in the County. ^?, C Mr. Horton, Mr. Hall and ilir. Mayhan reported upon the attendance upon the two-day school for County Conunissionera at the Institute of Government Januarq 18, and 19th, Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, aeconded by Mr. Hall, the Board endorsed the passage of an Act aponsored bg the ?CCY Legislative Committee of the State Association of County Commissioberso to create a flirtd for the hospitalization of Public Assistance recipients and recommended that our representatives in the Legislsture give their support to the passage of the Bill. • r . n?,?A^'`Another State-wide Bill dea.ling with Social Security in addition to County Retirement uas brought up for ? discussion, but postponed pending Peceipt of more information. The Board approved the passage of an Act requi.ring Building Permits for County Construction at $500.00 minimwn, similar to the Forsyth Bill. A note of thanks was received from Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Ham ver Historical Commission for ???'a the restoration and re-location of the stone market at Kure Beach, which said marker commemoratea important facts in connection with the Battles of Fort Fisher in December 1864 and January 1865. An invitation was received from the All Seashore Highway Asaociation, Inc., to attend its annual Election oP 1?G Officers Luncheon at the Sanatary Restaurant, Morehead City, 12:30 P,M., Tuesday, Sanuarp 25th,1955, Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shielda, the Chairman was named to represent the Coucrty. _?rYA statement of Expenditures and Revenue receipts was received from the County Auditor for the six months period ending December•31,1954, ehouing 45% of the General FLind•and 48% of other flxnds axpended. Collected - 60% of.the total levy. ' • Upon motion of Mr. 0!Shields, seconded try Mr Trask, the Board authorized and directed the payment of $1,331,25 , ? to.Robert C. Cantwell.Agent., for four years premium on the Clerk o£ the'Superior CourtIs Official bond to ,? enable the County to save $168.75 on the four year tarm, xhich otherwise would amount to $375.00 annually, Said saving would equal 15% on the deferred payments. It was flurther authorized'that payment of the same or so much thereof that may be necessary be paid out of the emergancy £und to meei: this expense. ' Upon motion of N;r. 0'Shileds,seconded•by Mr, Hall, authority uas given to set-up not exceeding $500.00 out ? of the emergancy fund for the expense of maintenance and operation of Tractor and Plow for foreat fire prevention work, and $230.35 ordered transferred from the emergency fluid to Court House Maintenance for cost of Judges' Chair purchased for the Recordere Court. • L_ ;. Meeting of Janvary 24, 1955, contizrued. ?djpL&L audit report of the Cormolidated Board of Health presented by Messra Cherry, Bekeart and Holland, CPAs., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, was received for study and discussion at a sutsequent meeting. d?-A report of Airport Cash receipts'for Janvary 12;18, and 21st, and report'of James Walker Hospital for e?? December were receibed amd ordered filed. John C. Uessell 71uberculosis Sanatorium Census report for waek ending January 21, 1955: White patients Negro " Nonresidents Vacant beda Discharged Admitted Deatha: 7 13 20 0 12 = Male white 3, 0 0 Female white 6. Female colored 3. 1= Harry Williama, colored male, Jamuary 18, 1955; 3:45 P.M. port on tioiler inspections for the County Home Dairy boiler was received from the State Bureau of (A' Boiler Inspectiona, recommending that the present *" relief valve be replaced with an approved type at ? least 3/4 inch in size, equipped with a testing lever, set to relieve at no greater preesure than 100 pounds. Payment of $1.00to the Department of Iabor for operating the same under State Certificate to be is'sued, was approved. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, announced satisfactory progress in tax listing to date compared with former years, and called attention to Monday, January 31, being the last dqy, and s ruah in listing is expected from now on, and ylould not recommend an extenbion of :ther>time at ithis time. ?,?15 Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, County billa No. 2123 to 2235 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. C18rk. ? Wilmington, N. C., January 31, 1955. 5'7 1'4 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this daq at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coonissionera J. M. Hall, Jr., and Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend James A. Marrox, Pastor of Cape Fear Presbyterian Churchy Maffitt Uillage. Copies of the mimites of ineeting of Janvary 24, 1955, haning previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the eame were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Ns. Hall, approved. ' Petitions sutmitted on State Form R;10p by property owners for improvements to the following roads in Harnett torraship, were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consi3eration: 1. Park Avenue - from City limits along old street car Tight of vay ( Park Avenue) to Floral Parkwqy. Length of road approximately 19000 feet . Sketch attached. -- 2. Azalea Boulevard - Verbena Avettue - Roaeland Avenue and 11il.ip Avenue, locatel in Azalea Aeighta on US 74/76 3.6 miles from the city limits as shown on sketch attached. 1 3. Seagate Cemetery Road - on AS 74/76. ?IAA,c A report on possible saving on bond premiwns by the County Auditor was continued to a subsequent meeting. ? A letter was received from Mayor E.L.White concerning a meeting to be held in the City Managers office 4:P,M. C? February 3rd, to discuss the matter of firrling a suitable location for the Museum. The chairman will attend / the meeting and report back to the Board. , A letter was received from the Navy Department requesting a meeting with the County Commissioners) at a corrvenient time , either here or in Washington with the view of resching an amicable agreement.with the I County regarding the joint use of those lands and facilities owned by the Government and the County at i rv? ?Bluethenthal Field. The Navy Department suggested that, should the Commissioners desire to come to Washington, it wovld be poasible to provide £ull representation o£ Navy and Marine Corps agencies interested in the joint use to be made of the field. The Commisaioners in order to expedite handling the matter, felt it would be best to meet with top Government heads in lJashington who have the authority to pass definite]y on any question that may arise during the discussion, and to that end the Chairman was authorized to arrange a date for the meeting with the Navy Department suthoritiea in Washington on February 9th or lbth, either date that can be arranged. Upon motion, Permits granted the Navy under permit NOy (R)-47403 covering office space in the New Administration ?kt?1,RJ?)Building, New Aanover County Airport, use.i ty the Resident Officer in charge of Construction, Marine Corps ` Auxiliary Ianding Field; and permi.t under the terms of LeAse NOy (R)-48471 covering Warehouse Building No. T-978, used for storage of lighting equiFmment for the Marine Corps Auxiliary Ianding Field, crere terminated by the County at the request of the Navy Department, and execution of the Navy Form terminating the lease was authorized. A liat of s},reete in and around Wilmington bearing duplicate names was sukmitted to the Board by Mr. Mayhan• as being confuaing and the same was referred to the 5tate Highway and Public Works Commission, Promotes of rural sub-divisions and the City of Wilmiagton with request that every possible effort be made to eliminate this practice and every thing they can do to correct this duplications of names. , i-a ?,1?!?? A report of the Grarri Jury for the January Term 1955, xas received and filed. d( ? ? ,