1955-01-31 Regular Meeting;. Meeting of Janvary 24, 1955, contizrued. ?djpL&L audit report of the Cormolidated Board of Health presented by Messra Cherry, Bekeart and Holland, CPAs., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, was received for study and discussion at a sutsequent meeting. d?-A report of Airport Cash receipts'for Janvary 12;18, and 21st, and report'of James Walker Hospital for e?? December were receibed amd ordered filed. John C. Uessell 71uberculosis Sanatorium Census report for waek ending January 21, 1955: White patients Negro " Nonresidents Vacant beda Discharged Admitted Deatha: 7 13 20 0 12 = Male white 3, 0 0 Female white 6. Female colored 3. 1= Harry Williama, colored male, Jamuary 18, 1955; 3:45 P.M. port on tioiler inspections for the County Home Dairy boiler was received from the State Bureau of (A' Boiler Inspectiona, recommending that the present *" relief valve be replaced with an approved type at ? least 3/4 inch in size, equipped with a testing lever, set to relieve at no greater preesure than 100 pounds. Payment of $1.00to the Department of Iabor for operating the same under State Certificate to be is'sued, was approved. Mr. T. D. Love, Tax Supervisor, announced satisfactory progress in tax listing to date compared with former years, and called attention to Monday, January 31, being the last dqy, and s ruah in listing is expected from now on, and ylould not recommend an extenbion of :ther>time at ithis time. ?,?15 Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Trask, County billa No. 2123 to 2235 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. C18rk. ? Wilmington, N. C., January 31, 1955. 5'7 1'4 The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this daq at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coonissionera J. M. Hall, Jr., and Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend James A. Marrox, Pastor of Cape Fear Presbyterian Churchy Maffitt Uillage. Copies of the mimites of ineeting of Janvary 24, 1955, haning previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the eame were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Ns. Hall, approved. ' Petitions sutmitted on State Form R;10p by property owners for improvements to the following roads in Harnett torraship, were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for its consi3eration: 1. Park Avenue - from City limits along old street car Tight of vay ( Park Avenue) to Floral Parkwqy. Length of road approximately 19000 feet . Sketch attached. -- 2. Azalea Boulevard - Verbena Avettue - Roaeland Avenue and 11il.ip Avenue, locatel in Azalea Aeighta on US 74/76 3.6 miles from the city limits as shown on sketch attached. 1 3. Seagate Cemetery Road - on AS 74/76. ?IAA,c A report on possible saving on bond premiwns by the County Auditor was continued to a subsequent meeting. ? A letter was received from Mayor E.L.White concerning a meeting to be held in the City Managers office 4:P,M. C? February 3rd, to discuss the matter of firrling a suitable location for the Museum. The chairman will attend / the meeting and report back to the Board. , A letter was received from the Navy Department requesting a meeting with the County Commissioners) at a corrvenient time , either here or in Washington with the view of resching an amicable agreement.with the I County regarding the joint use of those lands and facilities owned by the Government and the County at i rv? ?Bluethenthal Field. The Navy Department suggested that, should the Commissioners desire to come to Washington, it wovld be poasible to provide £ull representation o£ Navy and Marine Corps agencies interested in the joint use to be made of the field. The Commisaioners in order to expedite handling the matter, felt it would be best to meet with top Government heads in lJashington who have the authority to pass definite]y on any question that may arise during the discussion, and to that end the Chairman was authorized to arrange a date for the meeting with the Navy Department suthoritiea in Washington on February 9th or lbth, either date that can be arranged. Upon motion, Permits granted the Navy under permit NOy (R)-47403 covering office space in the New Administration ?kt?1,RJ?)Building, New Aanover County Airport, use.i ty the Resident Officer in charge of Construction, Marine Corps ` Auxiliary Ianding Field; and permi.t under the terms of LeAse NOy (R)-48471 covering Warehouse Building No. T-978, used for storage of lighting equiFmment for the Marine Corps Auxiliary Ianding Field, crere terminated by the County at the request of the Navy Department, and execution of the Navy Form terminating the lease was authorized. A liat of s},reete in and around Wilmington bearing duplicate names was sukmitted to the Board by Mr. Mayhan• as being confuaing and the same was referred to the 5tate Highway and Public Works Commission, Promotes of rural sub-divisions and the City of Wilmiagton with request that every possible effort be made to eliminate this practice and every thing they can do to correct this duplications of names. , i-a ?,1?!?? A report of the Grarri Jury for the January Term 1955, xas received and filed. d( ? ? , 572 Meeting of January 31, 1955, continued. rA A letter was received from Mr. Franklin W. Bell, Civil Defense Director, advising that a siren test will take z place in Charlotte on February 1, and? if agreeable a survey of New Hanover County, which includes the four municipalities will begin on Monday, February 7?h ? Instructions were given to secure six maps of the County requested by him for use in connect9.on with the survep and tests. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board on recommendation of Tax Supervisor T.D.Love, extended the 1955 te.x listing time (which was acheduled to end at 5:30 P,M., January 31st) through / Saturday, February 5th, 5:30 P.M. And voted to go on record not to allow ar{y extension of time for listing ? taxes next year after January 31, 1956. This action was taken to enable the County Auditor's Department to secure the final figures necessary for the tsx rate and complete the tax books in time for collection in - accordance with the lax. Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded b,y Mr. Hall, Seatrice Lofton 70 yoar old and paralyzed colored citizen, ready for discharge from Community Hospital, but no place to go , uas on recommendation of the Supt., of Public ? Welfare, granted admi.ssion to the County I3ome as an inmate. Reports were roceived from: North Carolina Public Wel£are Statistice on Source of Funds for County Administration of Public Welfare in North Carolina £or the fiscal years 1945 through 1954; Wilmington Colored IiUrary Statement ? of cash receipts, disbursements and balances; estimated and actual, as of November 1954• Copy of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting o£ the Board of Health of January 12, 1955 which was the re-organization meeting, xere ordered £ile3. ?u`Drainage report for the week ending January 23, 1955 = -? 17 men worked 2 days ditching and shrubbing 600 yards, East Wilmingtdn. 19 "` 2County Farm work. 9" " 1" Cutting right-of Way for dragline. John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Cenaun Report for week ending January 28th = White patienta 7 ' Negro " 13 20 Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 12 = White male 3, white female 6, colored female 3. Discharged 0 ' Admitted 0 -? The Chairman reported to the Board objections made by Mr. Phillips to the dragline matk crossing his land in 1ap> Nasonboro township in connection with the drainage project in the area between Bernards and Whiskey Creeka, _ claiming he had no riotice of the same. Mr. Hall suggested that advanced notice be given the property owners in the designated areas invloved in the future. The Chairmun reported progt`eas_in the construction of temporary-sand dunes in the unincorporated areas at Fort Fisher Beach 7,900 line'al feet oompleted leaving 1000 feet between the pier and monument, Kure Beach,5,700 lineal ?A feet completed out of 7,200 feet, Freeman Beach 4,950'lineal feet completed out of 6,950 feet. It ie hoped to have all the work completed within approximately two weeks, Breaks of from ten to twenty fest gaps in the dunes: would be provided in the areas. We should decide on the type of sand fence atop the ssnd hills that could be raised when required as the sand builds up, and recommended a lattice type of fence reinforced with wire which was approved and advertisement for bida for constructing the same according to specifications to be prepared. The Chairman further announced first invoices for payments for portion of the work completed will be sent out this week. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconfled by Mr. Mnyhan, the Board agreed to build a small office building west side of la helor Pennington will be r a1C ? concrete accruecto•ourebeCounty nefit Airport wil ' P 't4 b?ld it PPreciated bY the ? received. We have wood material that can be salvaged and used in the construction, we will have to buv the blocks. ' The present building is in very bad state of repairs. ' Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded ly+ Mr, Hall, County bills No. 2236 to 2334 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjoubned. --7// ?i`i.. ?l. ?.__.. G-c Clerk. / Wilmington, N. C., February 7, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud 0'Shielda, Raiford 1rask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Cicero P. Yow 6odnty Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. C N , Mayhan, i' The meeting was opeaed with prayer by the Reverend Dr. B. Frank Hall, Pastor of Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian ChuMch. Copies oS the minutes of the meeting of January 31, 1955, hav3.ng previous]y been msilea to each member of the , Hoard, the same were upon motion of Mr. N',ayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approve3. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded Uj Mr. Hall, the Board went on record to oppose a proposed Bill sponsored of citLlimi.ets f as to Municipalities, would Vmunicipalities over s within the h arearis le Y P]anning and aPPoval o£ Futuro real estate develoPmnt , as eXPlained bY Mr. Richard A. Shew, Preaident of the North Carolina Board of Realtora, and Messrs Hugh Morton and Hugh MacRae,II- Realtore, who appeared to urge the Commissioners to give theix support to oppose any such type of an Act, that in their opinion, would destroy efforts for future developments within the area. Upon motion of Mr. Traski seconded by Mr. O'Shields, ff,r. LeRoy Godbold, aa Morningside Drive, xae exenpt from t the payment of poll taxes on recoimnendation of Mr. A.H.Seawell, Veterana' Service Officer, as beinf a 1008 ? disabled Veteran o£ the Korean War, as is provided by law in such casea. F An offer submitted by Mr. A. B. 7hreatt to purchase tax foreclosed lot SWJ2 in block 27, at a price of $3?.00 ??was referred to the Tax Asaeasor for alipraisal as to its sale value. The Chairman announced progress on the sand dune work at the southern beaches. Invoices in the amount of $11,349.00 have been submitted covering construction of sand dunes at Freeraan Beach, Fort Fisher, Wilmington and Hanby Beaches and the same forwarded by the Uisaatear Relief 0£Picer to Mr. G.A.Brooks, State Budget Bureau for payment. , ,