1955-02-21 Regular Meeting?176 Meeting of February 14, 1955, continued. ? With reference to acquiring a site for the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department outside the oark area, or at the ball psrk area as an alternate, the same was referred to the Chairman to handle with Ns. Augh MacRae and Mr. Hugh Morton. ??p Upon motion of Idr. N,ayhan, seconded by Nir. Hall, County bills No. 2335 to 2499 were approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. . .? Clerk. . ? Wilmington, N. C., February 21, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.4. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Cormnissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J.M.Hall, Jr., Ernest R. 1+Iayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Horace Hilton, pastor of Winter Park Presbyterian Church. iCopies o£ the minutes of ineeting of February L,, 1955 having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of ]9r. Mayhan, seconded k3* Mr. Hall, approved. A letter was received from Dr:.Ellen Winston, Co:nmissioner, State Board of Azblic lJelfare, expressing her SGi appreciation and thanks for attendance of the Chairman and other members of•this Body upon the ftzblic Welfare ? hearings in Raleigh February lOth. "It means a great deal to the program to have ovr splendid suppori; both in relation to local programs and on a State-wide basis,"she said. ? The following memorandum of agreement reached at a conference held between the County and Navy Department in Washington, D. C., February lb, 1955, was presented by the Chairman, and formal executed contract covering the same is expente3 from the Navy Depa.rtment within the next few days:. ME170RANDiR4 OF AGRr.II?,ANT A conference vras held in the Navy Ilepartment, Bureau of Yards and Docks in the City of Washington, D. C., on 16 February 1955 for the purpose of discussing an agreement for the joint Utilization of facilities at Bluethenthal Fie13, Llilmington, North Carolina, by the County and Dep3rtment of the Navy. The following were _present: _ Mr. Horton, Chairman of the ]3oard of Commissioners o£ Neia Hanover County . Mr. Mayhan, Member , Mr. Hall, Member Nir. Trask, Member Lt. Col. Dew, U.S.Marine Corps . Mjr. Kopman, Office of the Chief oE Naval Operations , Mr. Lord, Bureau of Aeronautics • Mr. Dudley, Bureau of Yards and Docks Cdr, Mosley, Bureau of Yards and Docks hfr. Brunson, Bureau of Yards and Docks Mr. Smith, Bureau o£ Yards and Docks At this conference it was agreed as follows: 1. That the Joint Use Agreement between the Government and New Hanover County should be modified in substance. as £ollows: " a. The Maximum obligation of the Goverrunent shall be $10,000.00 per annum and the minimum obligation shall shall be $5,000.00 per a:uium. Such minimum is established in consideration o£ the assumption by the County of responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the Government-owned lands, runways and facilities as provided in paragraph 5 for which the County is not otherwise obligated. b. In the discharge o£ its obligation of maintenance and upkeep, the County shall not be obligated to perform any item or repair or replacement, the cost of which would be ordinarily chargeable under good acoounting practice to capital account, if the actual cost thereof is in excess of $500.00 per year. c. The Government is to be granted free ingress and egress to the Government-oaned jet fuel stores and the exclusive use of sufficient surrounding property to permit compliance with safety standards during the transfer and hapoling of such fuel. 2.Except as herein stated the proposed joint use Agreement sha11 be and remain the same in substance. 3.The Government will take ?rompt steps to provide for correction of the existing drainage problem, and £ailure of runway lighting system. UNITED STATFS OF AMERICA By F. M. I,ord By Direction of the Chief of the Date: 16 February 1955. Bureau of Yards and Docks, acting under the direction of the Secretary of the Nav"g • Board of County Commissioners of New lianover County, North Carolina ' ` R. T. Horton, Chairman Raiford Trask, Member J.M,Ha11,Jr., Member - Frnest R. Niayhan, Member. A letter was received from Addison Hewlett, Jr,, New Hanover County Representative in the Legislature, requesting the number of patients at our local T. B. Hospital who are non-residents of New Ha mver County, and what counties they are from, TnstruGtions were given to furnish him with the in£ormation requested. ? 5 v 1 4 Meeting of February 21, 1955, continued. -1 The Board having received a certificate of approval of the New Hanover County Inspection Committee that the South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department started operations January 1, 1955,..and their truck and equipment was inspected JanuarY 31, 1955, and found to meet all requirements to receive appropriations of $75.00 per month under the terms of contract executed with the County June 23, 1954, which was approved and so ordered by the Board. 'I r,A report on the study of the County Home and possibilities of the conversion of the same into a private boarding home made by the Nursing Home Gomffi?Ree of the Community Council of Wilmington and New Hanover County, was received for study to enable the Commissioners to familiarize themselves with it and meet the group at a subsequent date for consultation. -Due to our County Attorney, Yir. Cicero P. Yow, having been confined to his bed sick with flue all the past week, further consideration of the application of Mir. Woodrow Pridgen to approve an agreement with the Coastal Cab Company to operate a taxi-cab service at the Airport was postponed until next meeting. A petition presented by nine property owners of Harnett township to include Parkway Drive (Pineywoods Ectension) in the County Highway System for State 1,1aintenance and Drainage, was upon motion of Mr. O'Shields, seconded by Yir. Hall, approved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission. The Chairman announced that in accordance with our adopted Ftules and Regulations pertaining to personnel) the Gounty will observe Washington's Birth Day, Tuesday, January 22, 1955, as a holiday. _,,,volAlso called attention to Ground Breaking Ceromonies for the new library site at 415 Yiarket Street, (Old WLI Armory site) 2:30 P.M.today. Called the Boards attention to the one day District meeting for County Commissioners at Fayetteville sponsored by the Institute of Goverrment, for 10:30 A.M., Thursday, February 24, 1955. ,,aakAn invitation was received to attend a meeting of the Agricultural Gommittee of the Chamber of Commerce aboard ?,Lr Fergus Ark on Wednesday, February 23, at 12:30 P.M. The luncheon will be Dutch-Buffet at $1.00 per person. Following a statement by Dr. Fred H. Coleman, Coroner, that busibess is picking-up, and he would realize more out of his office if continued on dJee basis as now ett-up, than if changed to a salary basis, as proposed at Wot meeting bf January 24, 1955, asked that the same remain as is, and stated that remarks as to his resigrahg-the office were rumors and nothing has been submitted officially. Thereupon Mr. Trask moved and it was seconded by Mr. O'Shields and carried, that the resolution adopted by the Board at meeting of January 24, 1955, " That the Coroner's salary be set at $1,800.00 per year plus $200.00 per year allowance for travel expense, in lieu of all other compensation or fees for his services as Coroner, and that our representatives in the Legislature be requested to introduce and give their support to the passaae of a bill to that effect 11, be and the same is hereby rescinded. The Chairman-reported that the sand fence project in the unincorporated southern beach areas will begin this Qe??, week by the Moore-Fonvielle Realty Company the successful bidders, it having required about ten days to assemble the materials for the work. Upon motion, payment of $121.73 premium for five years coverage for fire and extended insurance on $8,821.49 \V?IVV County's prorata schedule, was approved and receipt of $13.92 Policyholders Dividend was acknowledged from the General Insurance Company of America on policy number 11IC1997 covering the same. Census report for John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium for week ending February 18: White patients 10 Negro n 16 ?_6 Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 6 = White female 5, Colored female 1. Discharged 0 Admitted 3 = Rosa Jane Betha, colored female, February 15, 1955. Mr. Abner Faison Bradshaw, white male Febi-uary 17, 1955. Mr. Henry H. Howell, III it 11 17? to Upon motion of 14r. Hall, seconded by Yir. O'Shields, the purchase of four tickets at $2.00 each for admission to the ',,?d,Cape Fear Sales Executive Club Clinic to be held March 18, at 8:00 P.M., New Hanover High School Auditorium, to be distributed among'the Gounty Department Heads, was approved. ?Pw"-?Recent bills submitted by the Coroner for payment were referred to the dhairman for checking. _,_J!,,dAn invitation was received to attend the Wilmington Merchants Association Annual Membership Meeting, Monday, 1 February 28, at 1:00 o'clock P.M., in the Banquet Room of the Chrystal Restaurant. Price $1.00 per person. A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community Hospital of December 15, 1954, were _,*?ykeceived and filed. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr., the County's representative on the Board of Trustees of Communiiy Hospital, told the Board thb Hospital accounts receivable were not in the good condition. Seems that some patients are run in ?,_?qtherefor free treatment who are not entitled to it and could pay, and legal action for the collection of such accounts is contemplated. ,,AAA copy of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Health of February 2, 1955, was received -eil and filed. ? VA copy of the minutes of the reo?ganization meeting of the Board of Man"agers of James Walker Memorial Hospital of January 24, 1955, was received and filed. oftA report of Airport cash receipts for February 14 and 18, was received and filed. North Carolina Public Welfare Statistics Report for period 1944 through 1954, and Biennial Report of the North Carolina State Commission for the Blind from July 1, 1952, through June 30, 1954, were received. Drainage report for the two weeks Pnding February 18th: 42 men and 3 guards worked 4 days cleaning right-of-way. 21 2 11 2 It -a a a it 42 1 21 3 of ditching. A copy of the executed agreeinent between the County and the Carolina Power and Light Company bearing date of December 23, 1954,to furnish 38KW electric service for the operation of the T.B.Hospital for period to Nov.26,1964 was received. Upon motion of Mr. Ilayhan, 5econded by Yir. Hall, County bills No. 2500 to 2586 were approved for payment. Upon m ion of Mr. O'Shields,seconded by Mr. Hall, the meeting adjourned. ?AIW ,e_,?. Al Clerk. 1?w -A