1955-02-28 Regular Meeting578 Wilmington, N. C„ February 26, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J.M.Ha11,Jr., Frnest R. Nayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. . The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend A.B. Bumgardner, pastor of Wrightsboro Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of FeUruary 21, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by N,r. Trask, approved. _,yAPO?JUpon motion of IJr. Tras1<, seconaed tj 14r Hall} payment of ,?'p251.30 to Dr. Fred H. Coleman, Coroner, for fees, travel and summons, for services rendere3 in connection with hss office for January and February, were approved; including items No. 577 - 1/27/55, Wil].iam Frazier Hraoks and No. 558 - 1/6/55, Janie Merrick whose deaths certificates were signed by attending phyaicians after the Coroner was cal3ed in on the cases, it was.explained. , ? Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded'by Mr. Mayhan, the Board on order o£ the Honorable Henry L. Stevens,Jr., Judge Presiding over the October 1954 Civil Term of the Superior Court, in the case of New Nanover County and C.R.MorSe, City-County Tax Collector Plaintiffs vs Thomas J. Williams,Jr., and his wife Susanna W. Willitims, Defendents, ordered and directed :a refund of $79•00 to C. W. Davis and his wife Mary C. Davis, which said amount represents the gurchase priae which they paid to G,C.McIntire, Commissioner for a taac foreclosure parcel of lana in Harnett township bid-in at a tax sale, which said sale was since declared null and void and set aside by the Court. ?j.A1r. Hugh 11acRae,II- Chairman of the Aviation Cormnittee of the Chamber of Commerce appeared to complain of the resception room.at the Airport Terminal Building cluttered-up with vending and pin ball machines which create a p,? a a bad impression on important business men who-come in there. Things of interest and of significant attractions of the County and area should Ue aisplayed there, he said. The matter was referred back to the Committee for further and final recommendations and cost. - Mr. J.•D. Causey of the National Guard Organization appeared to ask for help to repair the Cape Fear krmory •`?? building which he said was damaged by Hurricane Hazel, For the benefit of the Board members the Chairman explained that ownership which is in the City in Couxtty took care of the maintenance until the Oxganization returned from the armed service when it was turned back to them to keep up minor repairs. It appears that • $2,567.00 is needed for repeirs, but as there is nothing i.n the budget to meet that expense, it would be best to use our personnel for repairs, to get by £or this year, Therefore, upon motion of M.r. Hall, seconded by A1r.. Trask, the matter was taken under consideration to work out what is necessary to be 3one at this time with the insurance company, and give it £urther cor,sideration in next years budget. e/ With reference to the applicatioo o£ the Coastal Cab Company to operate a taxi-cab service at F3luethenthal Airport; which was continued from 3.ast meeting , the County Attorney ruled that in his opinion the County Commissioners have the lagal right to grant permission to one or more taxi-cab companies, which ever would appear necessary, to provide ' a service that would be to the best interest. Mr. Carter then asked that the Coastal Cab Company be given a chance to bid on it. Mr. Mayhan suggested that a11 interested companies be given the privilege to opei•ate a taxi-cab service at the airport upon payment of $25.00 each per week. After further discussion the matter was tabled until next meeting for further study by the County Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, secon3ed by Mr. 34ayhan, payment of $50.00 to Mr. Henry M. Von Oesen, Consulting Engineer, £or services in the preparation of applications for stortn damage relief funds under Public Iaw 875, was ?approved and same to be presented to the Federal Government for re-imbursement. 1 Upon motion of Nr. Hall, seconde3 by Mr. Mayhan, payment of $358.54 net premiiua to F. E. Livingston & Co., Agents, ? on $30,575.18 fire and extended coverage insurance on New Hanover County Schedule for £ive years from February 15, 1955, was approved. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by 19r. Trask, the Aoard authorized the purahate of page advertisement in the ?a/ State Magazine featuring the Eighth Annual Azalea Festival Ebent at a cost of $200.00 on a 50/50 basis with the City of Wilmington, Dr. B. Frank Hall, President, and Members of Community Council appeared at the invitation of the Commiasioners to ? further discuss the possibilities of conversion of the New Hanover Countp Home into a private boarding home as recommended in their report of February 21, 1955. It was the feeling of the group that a better service muld be ?C rendered the community and the Aged if the Home was converted into a private institution and would re£lect a saving of some $20,000.00 to the tax payers. On the other hand the Commissioners were much concerned over the outcome and care of the various groups, aged, senile and mental cases, having experianced difficulty in the past in placing mental cases in overcrourded State Institutions. Also the question of Courrty Prisoners and many other problems which may necessitate additional buildings to care for those who could not qualify for admission to the private institution. After f.u^ther discussion the matter was taken under advisement with the State Board of Public We1£are to ascertain what steps would be necessary to qualify as a State approved private institution. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded ly Mr. Mayhan, a recommendation of the Booperative Ectension Department to employ Mabel Peterson, formerly o£ Duplin County, to asstuno the duties of Rebecca'Hall, County Colored Home Agent, at $80.00 per month while she is on leave of absence £or period March 1, 1955, to March 1, 1956, and when Rebecca Hall retnrns to work March 1, 1956, her salary be restored to its present 1eve1 of $130.00 per month, was approved. By this arrangement w604,00 would accrue to Rebecca Hall's salary account which they asked permission to use for needed equipment, was received for corsideration at the end o£ the fiscal year. ? The Chairman reported a very satisfactory meeting of the District Commissioners at Fayetteville Thursday, February 24th Matters discussed were - Problems o£ Board o£ Equalization and Review, Complaints on Assessments, Lowering of assessments after the Board of Equalization and Review has adjourned, what we can and can't do after adjournment and Blanket Bond coverage for all county employees which can be secured at a cheap rate. The Chairman furtherannounced that the County has received final payment on Hurricane Sand Dune work $10,251.00, an C?- that the sand fence work is now under way, ? Nonthly reports were received from the Wilmington Colored Librarv, Soard of Health, and John C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending February 25, 1955: White patients 11 Negro " 15 26 Nonresidents 0 Vacant IIeds 6= White male 1, white female Q, colored male 1. Discharged 1= James Wilson,colored, transferred to McCain, Admitted 1= Mrs. Hattie Harris, white, February 26, 1955. ? . . ??? Meeting of February 28, 1955, continued. ? No objections were indicated by the Board to the United States District ?gineer granting the Carolina Power and ? Light Company a permit to close the Cape Fear River to navigation at Castle 5tr eet 12 o'clock noon E.S.T. to 3 P.M., ? E.S.T. 71 10, 12, 14 March 1955, to permot the laying o£ a steel pipe under the river for electric power lines between the foot of 6astle Street and Fagle Island, With reference to proposed legislation coming up at this session of the legisla ture, recommended by the Study Commission on State Government appoint ed under authority of the 1953 General As sembly, that would do away with the Merit System and place personnel management under the State Personnel Departmen t dealing with job classifications, appointments, salaries, leave regulat ions etc., over which we would have no jurisdiction, but which we are trymng to retain. The Legislative Conrmi.ttee of the North Carolina Public Health Assoc iation has recommended that the Association oppose the passage of this bill when it is introduced. Therefore i t appears that it would be best to try to live under the present Merit System rather than the new venture, and to that end the Board, upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, went o{) record to oppose the passage of the bi ll if and when it is introduced as requested by the.North,Carolina Public Health Association. ,4A The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Civil cases for the two weeks March Term beg inning March 14, 1955: Dale K. Spencer,207 S. 46th St. W.E.Johnson,1612 Orange St, J.S.Hall, 4702 °eachtree St. • Thos. A. Gregg, 13-C Oleander Ct. Royal Mercer, 2009 Woolcott. W.C.Bowden, Jr., 1940 Church St. , Lloyd P. Grimes, 400 S. Lumina Ave. J.R.Bell, 1400 Wrightsville Ave. C.T.Farrow,A-6 Oleander Dr, Leon M. Fox, 109j Keaton Ave. E.W.Stillman, 219 N. 23rd St, A.T.Davis, 4011 Olesnder Drive. Hall Cain, 2237 Niimosa P]ace. F.W.Schley,8oz,66 Carolina Beach. W.R.Mintz, 212 Greenfield St. F.A,Debnam, % MacMillan-Buick Co. C.H.Sidbury, 2021 Woolcott Ave. G,F.Burriss, 3809 Park Ave. W.H,McEachern, 2516 Guilford Ave. J. E. Hawkins, 217 Keaton Ave. J.E.Southerland, 19 Keaton Ave. R.S,Dannenbaum, 2406 N. Harrison. J.E.Drew.184 Colonial Circle. C. W. Davis, Jr., 1812 Perry Ave. A.W,Brunjes, 23 N•25th St. W,A.Sti11,Jr., 1729 Carolina Ave. E.K.Sherman, 128 Uictoria. D.D.Ftitrelle, 4408 Wrightsville Ave. K.C.Altman, 2856 Adams St. Allard Fiarrell, 50 Hudson DrSve. M.B.Thomas, 2532 Harrison St. A.L.Nansfield, Box 142 Carolina Beach. Adolph Best, 20A Nesbitt Ct. Thomas L. Bishop, 28 Kenwood Ave. B.J.Ahlin, 1802 Chestnut St. S.M.Spencer, 3872 Marke? St, Luther T. Rogers, P.O.Box 1585. L.C.Anderson, 2617 Market St. G.W.Mi.llso Rt.3, Box 340. John Verzaul,Jr., 4107 Greenfield St. Rob.G.Davis, 2203 Princess St. Harold Porter, 107 Lee Drive. F.A.N,ueller, 5005 Pine St. Theo. Zozefeilis, 305 S. Front St. R.A.Parnell, 1904 lJoolcott Ave. 9. T. Teachey, 2024 Klein Road. Geo. A. Brickle, 1917 Chestnut St. W. A. Walker, 1915 Pender Ave. R. L. Atkins, 3804.Wrightsville Ave. J.S.Zapf, Mimosa Place. R.F.Coleman, 2021 Creasy Ave. Geo. T. Shew, 105 S. 46th St. H. Steljes, 211 Orange St. W,T.Godbold, 52q Princess.St. R. A. Robbins, 226 Kenwood Ave. Paul Frizzelle, 2217 Klein Road. N.C.Magnuson, 1107 Azalea Drive. F. Jordan, b-J Iake Village, E,P.Blanchard, 138 Mercer Ave. W. G. Hatch,Jr., 2520 Harrison St. N;arvin B$y Howell, 112 Keaton Ave. G,W,Powell, 137 Colonial Circle. • Martha Sisbury, 1739 Carolina Ave. Mrs. Nellie A. Belvin, 15 Wrightsville Ave. J.H.Garrett,4408 Greenfield St. W.L.Fox,1808 Church St. I9cKean Naffitt, 119 BrYan Ave. W.K.Stewart,Jr., 1805 Chestnut St. Lee Key, Jr.t 2 Northern Boulevard, M.H.Shingleton, 2$08 Market St. Mary L. Branch, 1805 Nun St. Gerald J. Skinner, Rt.3. Upon motion of Nr. Trask, secinded by Mr. Mayhan, the meeting then adjourned. ?!'Clerk. - O ?darch 7 Wilmin ton N C 1955 g . ., , , . The regular weekly meeting o£ the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Claud OtShields, Raiford Trask, J.M.Ha11.Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T.D.Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend John T. Maides, Pastor of Wes3by"hfemorial Methodist Church, Winter Park. Copies of the minutes of ineFting of February 28, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Upon motion of I4r. Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the 13oard approved a petition of thirty seven property owners attache3 to State Form R,10, t@ widen Live Oak Avenue where it intersects Market Street Road (US-17) and remove the trees and telephone poles where they obstruct the view of traffic when entering the highway, and referred the same to the State Highway and Fublic Works Commission. Messrs Garland S. Carren and Marsden De11amy,Jr., appeared to object to the assessments charged against timber on their lands for taAes as not justified and inequitable. The assessment was put on the tax books in 1954 on agreement with some of the larger timber land owners to provide funds for forest fire protaction, but after the first year's trial, 1954, it is the feeling of the Board that it is not justified, and upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by , Nir. 0'Shields, it was ordere3 that no property owner be required to list his timber for taxes for 1955, a.nd any' timber that has been listed £or 1955 be stricken from the tax books, trat no abatement for taxes will be allowed on timber assessments for the year 1954• % The, Chairman then raised the question as to how the equipment purchased for the forect £ire protection set-up could be maintained and £uture expense of the sane. Very few tax payers have complained of the assessments and the Volunteer Fire Departments are not ekpected to respond to all forest fires. If the equipment is of no benefit, we should get rid of it and that expense. Nir. Trask felt that fire plows arid other equiprnent was just as much £or protection of homes as for timber. IJir. 0'Shields was oppose3 to the timber assessments unless all timber land owners were affected. ?C? Judge H.'Winfield Smith of the Recorders Court appeared to ask that he provided with a Deputy Recorder'Who can carry on the duties of his court during his absence, stating that Deputy Recorder George Peschau has been i11 for some eight months and not able to serve, but hesitated to tell him he would have to make some arrangements to take care of the situation. Re wrder Smith reco;.,mended that the $150.00 per month salary paid to Afr. Peschau be set up by the Board at $100.00 to Mr. Peschau and $50.00 to an assistant Deputy Recorder. Mr. Trask felt the distribution of salary and appointment of an Assistant Deputy Recorder is up to Mr. Smith. Mr. 0'Shields felt it was up to the Reoorder to make the split. AG Judge Smith further asked that he be provided with an office and secretary to off-set his private office expense necessary in connection with his duties as Recorder, or in lieu thereof his salary be increased by $1,500.00 per yeer, or he would get out (resign). oj? Upon motion of N,r. 0'Shields, secon3ed by 14r. Mayhan the City was requested to release possession of the City ?Y Juvenile Office in the Court House for the use of Mr. Smith. -A