1955-03-14 Regular MeetingMeeting of March 7, 1955, continued. 61 Report of Airport Cash receipts fcr February 25, 28 and March 3 and Q were received and £ile3. k- 4 sta±Ament of receipts fro..?drinks an3 cending machines at the Airport, for eight months from July 1954 '0,0q throua.h February 1955, showirg: . Vending Maehines 0,427•43 ATet prQ£its Drinks ,410.88 Total 0838•111 , ?Q„ Upon motion of A'r. 0'Shiel3s, seconded by A1r. Trask, the Board wen.t on record to oppose a proposed bill that if enacted into lat•r wou18 place a 1% tax on real estate transfers; and further opposed any act of the State to levy any adva-lorem taxes on property. ??Delayed monthly reports taere received from the County Electrical Inspector for the year 1954• Printed copies of personnel Rules and Regulations and amendments, and Connty Home and Prison Farm Fblicies O ??P"or New Hanover County, iaere preser.ted to the Board by the Chairman. ? The meetin then a3journed. 7 Clerk, • ? Wilmington, N. C., March 14, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Yresent: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Coinmissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J.M.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. N,ayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. , The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend J.Frank Davis, Pastor of St. Pauls Lutheran Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of N,arch 7, 1955, hsving previously been mailed to each member o£ the Board, the same were upon motion of N,r. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, approved. 4lith reference to Recorder H. Uinfield Smith,s request for an increase in salary and to be allowed an aflditional Deputy Recorder, the Chairman asked the County Attorney to clarify our position as to that responsibility. The County Attorney advised that would require legi"slatmve action. The salary is set by the legislature incl.uding a11 elective officials. Mr. I?iayhan said he was'_oppose?r.to•salary increases for elective o£ficials " 'dhat I have to say is not personal. It is the tax payers thaL' I am thinking of as I see it now. There are several of the elected officers of New Hanover County wanting a large raise in salaries. All of them are making over $5,000.00 a year. I want to make myself Imown in this matter. I am against any salary increase for them. They knew what the job paid when they ran for the office last Idovember, If :I was not satisfied with wnat my job pays I would resign to day. ide have thousandsof inen in New Hanover County that don't make $2,000.00 a year. I will not recommend to spend the tax payers money like that. We will have to stop raising taxes some time and it is time to start now. It is time for a change for the tax payer". Mr. 0'Shield9._ said, if Department heads want salary increases, and if that is in the hands of the legislature, he is not willing to discuss it. ' The County Attorney felt it was up to the County Co;.unissioners to pay what they want and prepare a bi11 s?accordingly. As to salary for an additional Deputy Recorder, the Commissioners would have the authority ?to £iY the salary and set it up in the budget. N,r. Aall suggested that Mr. Yow be instructed to secure a bill to give authority to the Board to appoint an ?5j-a? additional Deputy Recorder, The Chairman felt t.hat is up to the Recorder to reet that situation by appointment. Nr. Trask suggested raisirg the Deputy Recorder by $50.00 per morrth to provide for an assistant deputy recorder _159? for three months, Mr. Yow felt we should confer further with Recorder Smith be£ore taking action, and the question was tabled S? for further study. r President B. Frank Hall and members of Community Council appeared in further interest o£ converting the County Home into a Boarding Home. A reply to our letter concerning requirements necessary to qualify £or to convert and operate the County Home gs a private boarding home under 'rules and regulations prescriUed by the State Board of Public Welfare, was received from 1^ss. Annie May Pemberton, Supervisor, Services to the Aged, and rez;d to the Board by the Chairman. In part Mrs. Pemberton adv=sed: In order to make it poasible for persons living in the County Home to qualify for public assistance the facilit}r will have to be leased to an irriividual , and the lease will have to be approved by the Director of Public Assistance. The Lease-Agreement must include rental terms consistant with rental values in the Comnunity. The State Board of Public Welfare cannot license any facility which does not meet the requirements of ?he Aiorth Carolina Building Code. Another requirement is that £acilities tha.t are licensed by the State Board of Riblic Welfare have f1z11 approval o£ the local Sanatoriwn. After the fire and sanitary inspections are made and recommendations for full approval in these areas are available an estimate of the cost of necessary renovations should be secured. The Board will likewise crish to weigh the expenditures involvPd with the permanency of the project, keeping in mind that as new an3 up-to-date facilities are built these renovated plants will be ;essiin demand. Under the rules anx regulations governing the licensing of boarding homes, persons requiring restraint cannot be taken care of in the Home. Neither can the Home accept persons with contagious or infectious diseases, nor narcotic addicts and alcoholics, Boarding Homes are not licensed for the care of both negro and whites. Pfisoners cannot be assigned to work at the Home. Neither wou7.d there be any provision for having prisoners supervised by the persons operating the Home. ",AA? Inasmuch as Nrs. Pemberton has asked Fcr a cop;/ of the report on survey made by the idursing Committee of the -?`? ? Community Council, and the same has been sent to hf?*, action on the question was postponed pending receipt from her of £urther reco:omendations and cormnent on the mattmr, which met with the approval of the Community Council. ? It cuas reguested that 17r. Wallace Murchison, Attorney for the Community Council, confer with the County Attorney - O)l ? concerning County jwrisdiction in tlie matte:. -A , ?8 2 Meeting of March 14, 1955, continued, ? A request of P;r. George N. Harriss, Agent for the Colonial Life Accident Insurance Company o£ ? Columbia, S. C,, for the Boards approval of their payroll deduction plan for county employees ? insurance policy preniums, was advise3 that is not a function of the Board, but was a matter entirely with the employees and the County Auditor, On request of the individual employees the ' County Auditor may deduct the amount of such premium from their pay if it will not require additional help. , Mr. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, appeare3 to ask for legislative authority to accept and put in ? use, smaller maps for recordir.g in his o£fice, which hr said would be more convenient'to handle and ? would last 1oncer than the 7arger maps now in use. The County Attorney suggested that it would be best for the legislature to set a uniform size e£ the naps to be recommendc3 by the Par Association a?2d Surveyo*s, tc meet the requirement. 14r, Henry C. Bost of the Bost Advertising Agency, appeared to solicit advertisement to appear in the May issue of the Charlotte Observer Vacation Guide, to be taken care of out of next years budget, was advised that wou13 have to be considered at budget making time. Upon motion o£ Nr. Ha11, seconded by Mr. Trask, the Eoard endorsed the following resolution prepared ar.` and adopted bjr the Boar3 of Directors of the Southeastern North Caro].ira Fieach Gssociation: i ?QY WHF.REAS, The Southeastern Idorth Carolina Beach Association previously, and novr requests the Governor o£ Idorth Carolina to consider giving favorable consideration to adopt the recorded request of the A11 ; Seashore Highway kssociation, Inc., of North Garolina, t•hat a highiaay be established along the Outer- IIanks of North Carolina from Virginia to South Carolina, and - k+HERE4S, with special and iiamediate attention to provide a means of crossing the lotaer Cape Fear River. betiaeen Fort Fisher and Southport or Fort Caswell, and : l-fdERE4S, The Southeastern North Carolina Beach Association endorse3 the recent request of the All Seashore Eighway Association, Inc,, that the State of North Carolina establish a program for the control of marsh mosquitoes, and . litI'r'REAS, The Southeastern Idortn Czrolina Eeach Associatior.,expresses its sincere appreciation to the ? Governor of Piorth Cerolina, and the State Highw.ay Coru-uission £o* its recent allocation of ft:nds for the establishment of a high-or,j on Ocracolce Island and a ferry connection. NO?J, THERr."F.'ORE BE Ii RI50LVED, that the Governor of A'orth Carolina ar.d the State Highway Department take such steps to consider r-iving favorable attention to establish, (A) a hightaay along the Outer-Banks of North Carolina from Virginia to South Carolina; (B) iuunediate attent;cn for ameans of crossirg the lomer ' Cape Fear River Uetween Fort Fisher and Southport or Fort l;aswell, by ferry or by bridge; (C) For the Siate of North Carolina to adopt a program for the contrcl o£ marsh mosquitoes." -?? The follotaing resolution of the Southeastern idorth Carolina Beach Association was upon motion o£ Mr.Hall,. ? seconded by Nr. Mayhan, endorsed by the Board: WNEREAS, This ,§ssociation (SE.^iCBA) respect£ully endorses a bill recently introduced in the Stete House ef Re'-resentatives bp Rebresentativc Kirby Sullivan of Pxunswick County, calling for the State of North Chrolina to establish ways snd means for the improvement of the coastal and other navigable waterways of north Carona, and I1HE_RLlAS, a Division in one of our State Pgencies be created with thr, authority to purchase the necessary dredging equipment, and provide necessary labor fcr the purpose of maintaining standard or required depths in the smaller inlets, channels, soun3s, creeks and rivers, and lJHEREAS, commercial fishermen will be afforded the opportunity to operate their boats in sounds, inlets, channels, and creeks not now accessible to fishermen, but where said waterways are teeming with fish and shell sea food, thus providing steady and increased employment for commercial fishermen, and further tend to increase the value of the comnercial £ishing irriustry o£ our States, and WHL'REAS, necessary ft:iads to carry out provisions and operations as described in the Sullivan Bill will hP made available by the State of North Carolina retaining al.l taxes assessed on petxoleum products noia used by commercial fishing boats, sport fishing boats pleasure and a11 other marine motor crafts. NOW, THFREFORE BE IT RFSOLVED, that the members of the Houses' Conservation and Devclopment Committee , should give full consideration for reporting favorably on the Sullivan Bill for the improvement of the North Carolina waterways as described in this resolution. . A' Upon motion, the natter of working out a satisfactory method of disposing of City-County oumed tax £oreclosure property to the best advantage to the City and Ceunty, im smuch as the present program is not sa+isfactery, was re£e^red to the Chairman, City Manager J.R.Senson, Councilman J.E,L.Made and the Local Real Estate Board to work out a p13n and subrnit the same to the Board for approval. The Chairnan announced receipt of check for $516.88 from General Fdwin F. Griffin for project IdC-14 sand dune work done at Freeman, Fort Fisher, Ylilmington and Hanby beaches. `p A thank-you note ?aas received from N,r. Louis T. 14oore, Cha=rman of the Pdew Ha m ver Historical Commission, 12'for the Commissioners having had the mis-spelled word %he're" corrected, that appeared on the historical /I marker at Kure Beach. A letter iaas received £rom the 5tate Highiaay and Azblic Works Commissior_ advising that at its meeting held - ?5 February 24, 1955, aPProved the addition to ovr County Highway system; Tennessee, Maple anu' Alabsrna Streets on US 421 at Greenfield Lake. , `dith reference to our ].etter of P?`,arch 8th 1955, to the State Highway and Public Idorks Commission to acquire the Old Car Line right-of-way Wrhich runs from Wilmington to idrightsville Beach, t o enable the County to ?-- 0?7 dispose of that lart adjacent to 'Che lots of thA various property owners to enable them to extend their lots and put more taxes on our tax books. A letter was received from Mr. C. Heide Trask, Third Division State Highway Commissioner, advis'ng that the HighHiay Commission has decided to keep this right-of-way as is, for the present, since Idew Hanocer County is developing so fast they feel the right of way will be needed for a highway within the next ten years} , Three petitions for drainage in the southeastern part of the County where the drainage £orce is now Q? working were received and approval was given to turn the same ocwr to Ms.O,R.Hecht, Soil Conservationist to make the necessary'survey for the same. 1,800 feet of the project has been completed iaith 3,000 feet to go. It is the £eeling in the Fort Pisher area that the Doard should petition the Board of Eag;ineers to make ??° a survey pertaining to erosion around Fort Fisher Monument. It was suggested that if an opening was made Z? in the "rocks" the inlet there should help. Upon motion o£ Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, it was requested that a study of the matter be made and any break in the rocks to pass water through, provision should Ue made to provide travel over the same. ? 583 Meeting of March 1LF, 1955, continued. a?? Upon motion, instructions were given to write the State 141agazine our appreciation for the fine coverage f given the Eighth Annual Azalea Festival opening here March 31, thr•ough April 3rd. It was agreeable to the Board for the I9ew 1Ianover Garden Club to finish its beautification project at the ?ounty Aome with Azaleas to be furnishe3 by Mr. Arnold Peterson, City Parks and Recreation Superintendent, requested by Mrs. Ira A. Hines. Upon motion of P'.r. Ha11, seconded t?j idr. Nayhan, the Chairman vras authori.$ed to attend a meeting•of the Legislative Committee of the State Association of County Corunissioners at Raleigh Ylednesday, March 16th. With reference to the refusal of the State Board of Health to certify milk laboratories other than {:hose on public property, and the local appropriating authorities would have to supply money to t2ke over the milk 41ork noor being done under cooperative pl.an ?ath White Ice Cream Compary at a saving of $10,000.00 per year as recited in the ninutes of the Board of Health of March 2, 1955, reported by the Chairman. ?4r. 0'Shields felt there should be a recommendation from the Board of Health i:xiicating their wishes in the matter, to remain as is if satisfactory and they want it that way. Inasmnch as this is a budget matter, the Board approved the action of the Board of Health to puraue the matter further with Dr. Idorton, State Health Officer and for recorimendations. .?' ?Ap Census report for John C. Hessell Tzbercul.osis Sanatorium for week ending biarch 11, 1956: 1?. v 7. White patients 15 Negro " 15 ' 30 - Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 2= White female 1, Colored £emale 1. Discharged 0 admitted 1•= Mr. John C. Moore, Narch Q, 1955, white male. Reports for Pelaruary were received from the County Farm Agent, Covnty Home Agent and Wilmington Housing Authori' v ?AT?v& A statement o£ airport receipts and disbursements for February and airport cash receipts for Narch 9, were ? received and filed.` . In order to clear the records, an application to admit Frank Seears, 77 yea= old County irdiger.t to the `,BynR-Cocnty Home was received, and it appeared that he was admitted tc the Home as an emergency case on March lst, 1955, and left on March 7th, 1955. ?0) If D*- The Chairman announced completion of the Butler Hangar repairs at the airport. Upon motion,nb1r..Llaiihan:iaas appointed as +,he Boa:ds representative on the Board o£ Directors of the - ?G?? Southeastern tdorth CaroJina Beach Associ_ation. Upon mot_on of Mr. Hall; seconded tr,? tlr. Mayhan, Court;,> bills Tuo. 2587 to 2822 were app*oved for payment. 'L'he neeting then adjourned. -: Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., March 21, 1955. The regular weekly neeting of the Board was held this day at lO:OG o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners RAiford Trask, J.M.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. r;ayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County :ttorney and T.D.Love County A>>3itor. '?'he meeting was opened with prayer by t.he Revere,r.d Eli-rood R. Orr, Pastor of Winter Park Baptist Church. Copies of the mirn:tes of ineeting of-March 14, 1955, having previo.isly been maile3 to each member of the • Board, the same were upon notion o£ ?fr. Hal1, seconded by Mr. Trask, appreved. Tnasmuch as no su+^vey has beer_ made of individual court house uni-ts for air conditioning, it is a feel_ng ?,.,,l?n}?of the Board that an expert should be called ir, to make a suvey and iarite-up spec=fications, and rte ask ? ??? ?£or hids on indiiridt:al units. With reference to the Personnel System vs the Merit System, the Chairman told the Board that the contents ? of the original Bill did not suit the Clne Hundred Counties and will be re-written and will undertake to bring it before the Legislature. in this connection a letter was received from the Governor thar.king the / Chairman for his comments on the Tierit Council. A letter was received from Mr. Hugh i%iorton, speaking for the MacRae Family, said this Board and members of his family have been approachc3 fro:: time to time on the possibiiity of Hugh MacRae Park being cut up for t?(c sites for various civic undertakings, ircluding schools, T.B.Sanatoriun, fire station, Coirmiunity Building, f ?? etc., In the interest of clarifying how they £eel; Advised that there is no willingness on the part of those for whom he is spokesman, £or Hugh 14acRae Park to be used for ar?y purpose other than that required in the conveyance from Mr. MacRae to the County in 1925. It should not be considered as a free site for something else other tgan a park. Adherence to the restrictions of Mr. NacRae's gift to the County must be honored, he said. A note was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the Idew Hanover Historical Commission, enclosing a copy of a letter he wrote to Mr. Hugh N,orton with reference to their commendable decision that the terms ? of the gi£t of the N:emorial Park by Mr. MacAae must be observed. Upon motion of P;r. Trask, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan, the Board, on order of the Court, approved the payment of $25.00 to Dr, E. J. iJells £or his services as an expert witness in,the case of State vs Herron Dale, / charged with murder in the first degree, March Term 1955. With reference to a recent request o£ Recorder H. IJinfield Smith for an Assistant Deputy 3?ecnr$er account of the illness tlf Mr. George L. Peschau, Deputy Recorder. B letter was received from Mr. William L. Farmer, ?v Attorney, stating he would gladl,y of£er his services without charge or hope o£ any financial conpensation ? to act as Deputy Recorder so long as the Honorable George L. Peschau is kept on the payroll as Deputy Recorder, and will gladly hold ar?y court as o£ten as Judge Smith may see fit to call on him. 7he same was tabled for the time being pending taking the matter up with Judge Smith. -A