1955-03-21 Regular Meeting583 Meeting of March 1LF, 1955, continued. a?? Upon motion, instructions were given to write the State 141agazine our appreciation for the fine coverage f given the Eighth Annual Azalea Festival opening here March 31, thr•ough April 3rd. It was agreeable to the Board for the I9ew 1Ianover Garden Club to finish its beautification project at the ?ounty Aome with Azaleas to be furnishe3 by Mr. Arnold Peterson, City Parks and Recreation Superintendent, requested by Mrs. Ira A. Hines. Upon motion of P'.r. Ha11, seconded t?j idr. Nayhan, the Chairman vras authori.$ed to attend a meeting•of the Legislative Committee of the State Association of County Corunissioners at Raleigh Ylednesday, March 16th. With reference to the refusal of the State Board of Health to certify milk laboratories other than {:hose on public property, and the local appropriating authorities would have to supply money to t2ke over the milk 41ork noor being done under cooperative pl.an ?ath White Ice Cream Compary at a saving of $10,000.00 per year as recited in the ninutes of the Board of Health of March 2, 1955, reported by the Chairman. ?4r. 0'Shields felt there should be a recommendation from the Board of Health i:xiicating their wishes in the matter, to remain as is if satisfactory and they want it that way. Inasmnch as this is a budget matter, the Board approved the action of the Board of Health to puraue the matter further with Dr. Idorton, State Health Officer and for recorimendations. .?' ?Ap Census report for John C. Hessell Tzbercul.osis Sanatorium for week ending biarch 11, 1956: 1?. v 7. White patients 15 Negro " 15 ' 30 - Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 2= White female 1, Colored £emale 1. Discharged 0 admitted 1•= Mr. John C. Moore, Narch Q, 1955, white male. Reports for Pelaruary were received from the County Farm Agent, Covnty Home Agent and Wilmington Housing Authori' v ?AT?v& A statement o£ airport receipts and disbursements for February and airport cash receipts for Narch 9, were ? received and filed.` . In order to clear the records, an application to admit Frank Seears, 77 yea= old County irdiger.t to the `,BynR-Cocnty Home was received, and it appeared that he was admitted tc the Home as an emergency case on March lst, 1955, and left on March 7th, 1955. ?0) If D*- The Chairman announced completion of the Butler Hangar repairs at the airport. Upon motion,nb1r..Llaiihan:iaas appointed as +,he Boa:ds representative on the Board o£ Directors of the - ?G?? Southeastern tdorth CaroJina Beach Associ_ation. Upon mot_on of Mr. Hall; seconded tr,? tlr. Mayhan, Court;,> bills Tuo. 2587 to 2822 were app*oved for payment. 'L'he neeting then adjourned. -: Clerk. Wilmington, N. C., March 21, 1955. The regular weekly neeting of the Board was held this day at lO:OG o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners RAiford Trask, J.M.Ha11,Jr., Ernest R. r;ayhan, Cicero P. Yow, County :ttorney and T.D.Love County A>>3itor. '?'he meeting was opened with prayer by t.he Revere,r.d Eli-rood R. Orr, Pastor of Winter Park Baptist Church. Copies of the mirn:tes of ineeting of-March 14, 1955, having previo.isly been maile3 to each member of the • Board, the same were upon notion o£ ?fr. Hal1, seconded by Mr. Trask, appreved. Tnasmuch as no su+^vey has beer_ made of individual court house uni-ts for air conditioning, it is a feel_ng ?,.,,l?n}?of the Board that an expert should be called ir, to make a suvey and iarite-up spec=fications, and rte ask ? ??? ?£or hids on indiiridt:al units. With reference to the Personnel System vs the Merit System, the Chairman told the Board that the contents ? of the original Bill did not suit the Clne Hundred Counties and will be re-written and will undertake to bring it before the Legislature. in this connection a letter was received from the Governor thar.king the / Chairman for his comments on the Tierit Council. A letter was received from Mr. Hugh i%iorton, speaking for the MacRae Family, said this Board and members of his family have been approachc3 fro:: time to time on the possibiiity of Hugh MacRae Park being cut up for t?(c sites for various civic undertakings, ircluding schools, T.B.Sanatoriun, fire station, Coirmiunity Building, f ?? etc., In the interest of clarifying how they £eel; Advised that there is no willingness on the part of those for whom he is spokesman, £or Hugh 14acRae Park to be used for ar?y purpose other than that required in the conveyance from Mr. MacRae to the County in 1925. It should not be considered as a free site for something else other tgan a park. Adherence to the restrictions of Mr. NacRae's gift to the County must be honored, he said. A note was received from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the Idew Hanover Historical Commission, enclosing a copy of a letter he wrote to Mr. Hugh N,orton with reference to their commendable decision that the terms ? of the gi£t of the N:emorial Park by Mr. MacAae must be observed. Upon motion of P;r. Trask, seconded by Mr. N,ayhan, the Board, on order of the Court, approved the payment of $25.00 to Dr, E. J. iJells £or his services as an expert witness in,the case of State vs Herron Dale, / charged with murder in the first degree, March Term 1955. With reference to a recent request o£ Recorder H. IJinfield Smith for an Assistant Deputy 3?ecnr$er account of the illness tlf Mr. George L. Peschau, Deputy Recorder. B letter was received from Mr. William L. Farmer, ?v Attorney, stating he would gladl,y of£er his services without charge or hope o£ any financial conpensation ? to act as Deputy Recorder so long as the Honorable George L. Peschau is kept on the payroll as Deputy Recorder, and will gladly hold ar?y court as o£ten as Judge Smith may see fit to call on him. 7he same was tabled for the time being pending taking the matter up with Judge Smith. -A I ?84 Meeting of I4arch 21; 1955, continued. Information received from Nessrs Poisson, Campbell and Marsha7.1, Attorneys, that the Attorney General ruled c/ that monthly pay of $25:00 to the figsi'stant'Clet? of C'ourt out of the Lihrary Fluid fees for services as _G librarian, did not constitute holding two offices in contemplation of the law, was referred to the County Attorney. • Dr. W. C. Mebane and others appearefl to protest the routing of a propose9 highway through Winter Park connecting the Castle Hayne Road (US-117) with the Carolina Peach Highway (US-421) at Monkey Junetion. J p?C? Stating the proposed highway through Winter Park wou13 be dangerous to Old people and children crossing the same, and suggested a re-location of the route south of Long Leaf Community through the area between the Covenant Club and Margarets' Oyster Rpast, thence via the T.B.Sanatorium and Drive Inn Theatre; connecting with the proposed route at the intersection of the Castle Hayne Highway (US-117). It was agreed to arrange a meeting of the County Commissioners, Mr. C. Heide Trask, TI]ird Division State . Highvray Commissioner and IJinter Park Residents at the ZJinter Park School at a date to be set by the ' petitioners to discuss the matter. The petitioners to advise the date of the meeting lahen determined. The following monthly reports were received and ordered filed: r State Board of Public Welfare Institutional Statistics and Research; James Llalker Hosnital, and ? State Department of Public i•7-e showing that $61,933.78 was sent to this County in January for OAA, ADC, APTD grants and for Administration. John C. Wessell 1uberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending A9arch 18, 1955: White patienta ]./a Negro " L 28, . Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 4= Whzte female 2, Colored £emale 2. Discharged 2= Rosa Bertha, colored, transferrea to McCane March 9th. ' Mrs. Pearl Mintz, March 13, 1955. Admitted 0 ? Airport cash receipts for March 15, $632.60-Liability insurance on metal hangar (Pennington)2deposited by Auditor $293.21. Report from Mr. Franklin W. Be11,Civi1 Defense Director answering inquiries concerning First P3d taught in Schools as a Civil Defense r!easure, Mr. Hall, County Representative on the Board of Directors of Community Hospital announced that at their ?p y? pay-ment. The Board having finished its business, the Commissioners reassembled as the ?ioard of Fqualization and Qy4; Review, to hear and consider complaints on assessments, and each me.?nber qualified by taking the oath ?,??prescribed by larr which was administered by the Deputy Clerk ef the Superior Court. ?? After the Chairman explained that the Commissioners ?aoula sit as the Board o£ Equalization and Reviecr Ueginnine with this meeting and recess from time to time until its duties shall have been comp.leted, ? V which must be not later than the Third 1•ionday following this meeting, v?hich will be Apri1 L,? 1955. The following complaints of assessments iaere then considered, and action taken as noted: help meet the cost o£ ?12.81 per pat,ient per day, in an effort to reduce the deficit in the per diem cost. and also to employ an architect at a cost of not exceeding $500.00 to make a survey of the feasiuility of last Upon motion meeting, of A'I the r. room Mayhan, rates sec for onded out by of Mr. town Ha11, patients County were bills No. increased 2823 from to 2918 $6,00 to were $10.00 approve?: per for day to converting available wards into private rooms to increase the revenue of the hospital, Councilman Gorda n Doran wi_11 take this up with the City Cour.cil for recommendations. l F.B.Graham, 1ot F 49 l•lr-phtsville Beach, house assessed at $1,550.00, destroye3 by the hurricane and ordered abated for the yea: 1^55, ? H.A.N,cFachern, p,a:t of ].ots 9 and 9-A, Masonboro Beach assessed at $160.00, reduced to $75.00 account of ' b,iing under water, alate on a valuation of $85.00. --hiattie LP,W15 Barrier, 3.lock R, 1ot 12 and 10-A 4irightsville Beach Ectension, housp assessed at $2,000.00 destroyed by the hurricane, abatement alZowed. .4lalter A. Wells, House on lots part 14 and 15 in block 14„ ldrightsville Reach, assesse3 at i3,250.00, destroyed by the hurr-cane, abated. Block ]L, lot 7 $4,500.00 reduced to vc?2,500.00, $2,000.00 assessment abated. The foregoing reductions ^ecommended hy- the Tax kssFSSer,,iaere umn notion of I?ir. Hall, secon3ed Uy -11V? Mr. Mayhan, approved. ??,? The Board of P'qualization and Fteview ±hen went out to make investigatione e£ other cor?plaints and requests <??"(?for assessment adjustrients, andPa recess was taken until next meeting, Iforlaj=, Yarch 7E, 1955. ` ? ? il. -aer?- ? C7.Prk. ? Wilmington, N. C., March 28, 1955. t ? The regulsr weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at.10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J.M,Ha11,Jr., Frnest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yox, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Recerend S. J. Howie, Preaiding Elder A.M.E.Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of March 21, 1955, having previously been rasiled to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of D7r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. The Chairman announced that the Courrty Commissioners and State Highway representatives uill meet with. Winter Park Citizens at the Winter Park School 8:00 P.M., April 5. to hear their suggextions for an ) . alternate route for the new proposed highway in lieu of the proposed route through Winter Park which was ` opposed by Dr. W. C. Mehane and others at meeting of March 21, 1955. The Chairman urged that all membera of the Board be present. ,