1955-03-28 Regular MeetingI ?84 Meeting of I4arch 21; 1955, continued. Information received from Nessrs Poisson, Campbell and Marsha7.1, Attorneys, that the Attorney General ruled c/ that monthly pay of $25:00 to the figsi'stant'Clet? of C'ourt out of the Lihrary Fluid fees for services as _G librarian, did not constitute holding two offices in contemplation of the law, was referred to the County Attorney. • Dr. W. C. Mebane and others appearefl to protest the routing of a propose9 highway through Winter Park connecting the Castle Hayne Road (US-117) with the Carolina Peach Highway (US-421) at Monkey Junetion. J p?C? Stating the proposed highway through Winter Park wou13 be dangerous to Old people and children crossing the same, and suggested a re-location of the route south of Long Leaf Community through the area between the Covenant Club and Margarets' Oyster Rpast, thence via the T.B.Sanatorium and Drive Inn Theatre; connecting with the proposed route at the intersection of the Castle Hayne Highway (US-117). It was agreed to arrange a meeting of the County Commissioners, Mr. C. Heide Trask, TI]ird Division State . Highvray Commissioner and IJinter Park Residents at the ZJinter Park School at a date to be set by the ' petitioners to discuss the matter. The petitioners to advise the date of the meeting lahen determined. The following monthly reports were received and ordered filed: r State Board of Public Welfare Institutional Statistics and Research; James Llalker Hosnital, and ? State Department of Public i•7-e showing that $61,933.78 was sent to this County in January for OAA, ADC, APTD grants and for Administration. John C. Wessell 1uberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending A9arch 18, 1955: White patienta ]./a Negro " L 28, . Nonresidents 0 Vacant beds 4= Whzte female 2, Colored £emale 2. Discharged 2= Rosa Bertha, colored, transferrea to McCane March 9th. ' Mrs. Pearl Mintz, March 13, 1955. Admitted 0 ? Airport cash receipts for March 15, $632.60-Liability insurance on metal hangar (Pennington)2deposited by Auditor $293.21. Report from Mr. Franklin W. Be11,Civi1 Defense Director answering inquiries concerning First P3d taught in Schools as a Civil Defense r!easure, Mr. Hall, County Representative on the Board of Directors of Community Hospital announced that at their ?p y? pay-ment. The Board having finished its business, the Commissioners reassembled as the ?ioard of Fqualization and Qy4; Review, to hear and consider complaints on assessments, and each me.?nber qualified by taking the oath ?,??prescribed by larr which was administered by the Deputy Clerk ef the Superior Court. ?? After the Chairman explained that the Commissioners ?aoula sit as the Board o£ Equalization and Reviecr Ueginnine with this meeting and recess from time to time until its duties shall have been comp.leted, ? V which must be not later than the Third 1•ionday following this meeting, v?hich will be Apri1 L,? 1955. The following complaints of assessments iaere then considered, and action taken as noted: help meet the cost o£ ?12.81 per pat,ient per day, in an effort to reduce the deficit in the per diem cost. and also to employ an architect at a cost of not exceeding $500.00 to make a survey of the feasiuility of last Upon motion meeting, of A'I the r. room Mayhan, rates sec for onded out by of Mr. town Ha11, patients County were bills No. increased 2823 from to 2918 $6,00 to were $10.00 approve?: per for day to converting available wards into private rooms to increase the revenue of the hospital, Councilman Gorda n Doran wi_11 take this up with the City Cour.cil for recommendations. l F.B.Graham, 1ot F 49 l•lr-phtsville Beach, house assessed at $1,550.00, destroye3 by the hurricane and ordered abated for the yea: 1^55, ? H.A.N,cFachern, p,a:t of ].ots 9 and 9-A, Masonboro Beach assessed at $160.00, reduced to $75.00 account of ' b,iing under water, alate on a valuation of $85.00. --hiattie LP,W15 Barrier, 3.lock R, 1ot 12 and 10-A 4irightsville Beach Ectension, housp assessed at $2,000.00 destroyed by the hurricane, abatement alZowed. .4lalter A. Wells, House on lots part 14 and 15 in block 14„ ldrightsville Reach, assesse3 at i3,250.00, destroyed by the hurr-cane, abated. Block ]L, lot 7 $4,500.00 reduced to vc?2,500.00, $2,000.00 assessment abated. The foregoing reductions ^ecommended hy- the Tax kssFSSer,,iaere umn notion of I?ir. Hall, secon3ed Uy -11V? Mr. Mayhan, approved. ??,? The Board of P'qualization and Fteview ±hen went out to make investigatione e£ other cor?plaints and requests <??"(?for assessment adjustrients, andPa recess was taken until next meeting, Iforlaj=, Yarch 7E, 1955. ` ? ? il. -aer?- ? C7.Prk. ? Wilmington, N. C., March 28, 1955. t ? The regulsr weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at.10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J.M,Ha11,Jr., Frnest R. Mayhan, Cicero P. Yox, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Recerend S. J. Howie, Preaiding Elder A.M.E.Church. Copies of the minutes of the meeting of March 21, 1955, having previously been rasiled to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of D7r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. The Chairman announced that the Courrty Commissioners and State Highway representatives uill meet with. Winter Park Citizens at the Winter Park School 8:00 P.M., April 5. to hear their suggextions for an ) . alternate route for the new proposed highway in lieu of the proposed route through Winter Park which was ` opposed by Dr. W. C. Mehane and others at meeting of March 21, 1955. The Chairman urged that all membera of the Board be present. , 1585 Y Meeting of March 28, 1955, continued. Mr, Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the New Hanover Historical Comnission appeared to request that in the preparation of the 1955 budget, funds in the advertising appropriation be earmarked for miscellaneous ?' printed matter, such as booglets and leaflets of historisal interest, Daughters of the American Revolution booklet, Guide books to inform tourists etc., was taken under advisement. Mr. S. C. Davis, Manager of Cape Fear Ambulance Company complained of bill collecting problem in connection with ambulance,service to hospitals flirnished on call to:persons who were not receiving public assistance at the time, but did soon thereafter,.and the.hospital receiving its pay through the Welfare Department, but they , were not paid for the ambulance aervice, and asked that they be given the consideration due them. The matter was received for investigation. . 4 . . . Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan,.14r. James H. Adams, Deputy Clerk of the Superior.Court? was appointed part time librarian for the New Fiamver County 1aw Lilarary on recoimnendation of the Iaw Library Comraittee and on opinion of the Attorney General's Office.that he oould serve as Librarian inasmuch as the law Librarian would be a position of employment rather than a public office. Payment of $25.00 per month to Mr. Adams out of the library fund fees for hia services as pQrt time librarian to be retroactive in effect from the time his duties started, was approved. n Acknowledgnent of the receipt of tuo resolutions prepared and aubmi'tted by the South Fastern North Carolina Confirmation telegram was received from the Phillips Pipe Line Company concerning its applications for pipe line ?_?,?n^'crossing and driveway construction Old River Road, which has been taken care of through the State Highway and ????? Public Works Coaunission. , , . No obfections were indicated by the }3oard to the United Ste.tes D3:strict Fhgineer granting a permit to the State Highway and Puhlic Works Commission to construct a bridge across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway ? g??a?Jg3 feet North-east of the present bridge at Wrightsville Sound and.a bridge across Banks Channel to Wrightsville Beach at Sal3abury Street. ? Beach Association, endorsed by this Board at meeting of March 14, 1955, pertaining to the establishment of a highway along the Outer-Banks of North Carolina, and for the improvement of the coastal and other navigable , waterways, and the control of marsh mosquitoes, was received from the Governor, Nr.A,H.Graham Chairman of the State Highway and Azblic Worka Corrunission, and N?r. M. A. Huggins, General.Secretary of the Haptist Stste Convention, to whom copies of the resolutions were maile3. ?A copy of a letter written by,Mr. Franklir_ W. Bell, Director of Civil Defenae, to Mr. C. G. Berry, Civil Defense Director for Schools, clarifying Students Ground Observer Corps duties, was received, and filed. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, a petition of 43 property owners for widening and paving State Highway which runs fron Little Creek to Ftitchi9-, Creek in Harnett township, a distance of half a mile on which 7 houses are located, and also another petition of 21 property oGmers asking that Lennan Drive in Harnett township which buns frok Market Street to Kerr Avenue, a distance of 1000 feet on uhich 13 houses are locate3, be graded and paved, were apporved and referred to the State Highway and Public Works Commission for co,isideration. n motion of r. Hall, seconded by Mr. Trask, payment of $75.00 to James Walker Hospital for autopsy performed on the body of Marcell 13uckner February 7, 1955, at the request of Dr. Fred H. Coleman, Coroner, was approved. Drainage report for tuo weeks ending March 27, 1955= . 41 men worked 4 deys 300 yards ditching and shrubbing at Wrightsboro. , 13 2 " 300 Arlington Drive. 12 1" On County Fram. zb 2400 yards ditched and 600 yards ahrubbed, Chadwick Branch. 24 n u 3 a 1300 y1 n n 1300 n n Piney WoodB. -? John C. Wessell 1laber'culosis $anatorium Census Report for two weeka ending March 25= For week endine 9/18/55= White patienta 14 • • Negro . " 1 28 Nonresidents 0 . . Vacant beds Q= White female 2. Colored female 2. Discharged: 2= Rosa Bethea, colored female transferred to McCain 3/9/55. Mrs. Pearl Mintz, uhite female 3113155. Admitted 0 For week endine 3/25/55. White patiehts 14 The Chairman announced the adecent_desth of Mr. L. U. Golson, Piedmont Airlines Executive, and mtir::.vire.to Negro " 13 27 • Nonresidents 0 . Vacant beds 5= Female white 3, Male colored 1, Female colored".1. Discharged 3= Lewis Andrews, colored.male transferred to McCain 3/21/55. Willie Vereen, "' a " " ° 3/21/55. Mrs. Abner F. Bradshaw, white male 3/19/55. Admitted 2= Mr. Joseph C. Cockfield, white male 3/25/55. Mrs. Golson expressing the sympathy of the Comaissioners. ,,?,n pY-'Airport caeh receipts for March 18, and 25, were received, and the Chairman announced a new motor line, ? a?'"1?„5 Jocie Motor Lines, started operating this week. Also atarted preparations for installing bleachers Friday for `?? the open golf tournament at Cape?Fear Country Club. And use of the Court Eouse parking lot for azalea festival dance, and a meeting of the Azalea &ecention Committee in the City Council Chambers 8:00 o'clock P.M. In vieu of the Legislature drawing to a close, the Board, upon motion of N,r. Hall, seconded ly Mr. Nayhan, gave instructions to write our representatives concerning the passage of two local bills we are interested in= l 1. Building permits to be required for County building construction beginning at $500.00 minimtun cost of construction before requiring permit. This will be helpful to the tax assessor in ascertaining the location and coet of the building and the owner thereof without additionsl personnel or cost to the County.( Forsyth County has introduced a similar bill). 2. Defer or postpone the valuation or re-assessment of real property for 1955-1956 and the same be left to the discretion of the Board of Commissioners until plans are completed -° as,to how and when such an assessment or equalization ,ap be conducted. The foregoing was adopted on motion ' offered by Mr. Hall, and seconded by 14r. Mayhan. ? :58s Meeting of March 28, 1955, continued. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurora in the Superior Court for the triel of ? civil cases for the two weeks term beginning April 18, 1955= E,L.Matthews,Sr, 1817 Woolcott Ave. Oliver C. RoseP20 N. 23rd St. Jas.H.Foyles, 10161 C.C.Road. Wealey J. Henry,Sr. 221 N. 22 St. Geo.G,Iynch, 418 Forest Hilla Dr. W,D,Hannah.302 N. 21st St. Earl B. Merrill, 4944 Pine St, W,6,Raney, P.O.Box 299. I.E.Fergus,2903 Wrightsville Ave. E.L.Roya1,4312 Wrightsville Ave. William Henderson, 1814 Grace St. Steve Pantages, 520 Nun St. . G,C.Walker,261 N. 25th St. C]ark W. Poisson, 315 S. Fxront St. Robt.C.Andrews,4803 Maple Ave. H.A.Pearce,106 N. 462 St. Robt.C.Kooser, 2214 Klein Rd. Glasgow Hicks, 208 Murchison•Bldg. R.B.Musselwhite,1916 Church St. R,G.5harpe, 4905 lilrightsville Ave. J.Alfred Bodine,509 Grace 3t. L,R,Merritt, 122 Newton Lane. E,B.Cox,10 Foreat Hilla Dr, John Starkey,2821 Washington St. J.A.Munn, 3825 Princeae Street Road. U.A,Moore, 2833 Adams St. Joseph E. Edwarde, 101 Virginia Ave. Toseph Rhodes,407 S. 17th St. Waddell Waters, 505 S. 3rd St. D.H.Maultaby,Sr. 4402 Peachtree St. Mrs.Bevlah Meier, P,O.Box 1312.. J.D,Orrell,Jr. Rt.2, Box 123, ' &nest L. Johnson, 306 Castle St. H.A.Marks, Box 597. G.W,Graves, 415 Mercer Ave. Joseptt S. Davis, 2013 Breasy Ave. For the second week beginning April 25, 1955= Wm. H. Thorton,1145 I3veoak Pkwy. H.W,Stova1,1216 Fairway Drive. Miss Fannie NcCless, 212 N. 7th St. L,W,Swinson, 1514 Dock St. J.M.Bryan, 16-P Ieke Village. J.C.Sanders, 136 Mercer Ave. C.C.Holmes,1908 Carolina Ave. S.H.tilierse, 105 Southern Boulevard. T.D,Hall, 2109 N,etts Ave. E.L,Efird,Efirds Dept Store. H,R.Mc]{innep,340;* Wrightaville Ave. R.E.Piner, 419 Mercer Ave. ????The regular meeting was then adjourned and the Conmii.ssioners met as the Boaxd of Fquslization and Review, pursuant to recess taken Monday, March 21., 1955, to hear and act on complainta of assessments on real estate, ? filed in accordance with the law. O Clerk. Linwood B. Todd, Rt,2, Box 86. Cyrus D.Gurganous,1930 Grace St. C.E.Murri11,1822 Chestuut St. R.B.Isne,Rt.l, Box 480. M.W.Watkins,317 S. lbth St. M.L.Harris, 2528 Monroe St. R,G.White, 215 Park Ave. Clarence D. Powell, 606 Northern Blvd. Salvatore R,Borino,2212 Klein Road. Richard W. Sellera,25 Sutrtnit Walk Chas.E.O'Rei1J,y,52 Yupon Dr. Richard W.Jordan, 531 Castle Hayne Road. Edw.W.Carr, 1106 Magnolia Ave. Walter R. Register,519 S. 5th St. David H. Howes,503 Colonial Dr. Willie E. Boatic, 110 Morgan St. C,E.Bender, 501 Grace St. S.D.Gribb, 125 Graham St. Arnold Neuwirth, 520 N. 3rd. T.E.Mu11in,2750 S. Front St. C]arence L. Huggins, 120 Castle Hayne Road. Fred,8lLugin, 803 N. Qth St. W.J.Reaves, Rt.2, Hox l+20. A. T. Iawhorae, 712 Dock Street. Wilmington, N. C., April 4, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, ClZairman.and Couunissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J. M. I3a11, Ernesi: R. Aiayhan and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. No Piinister bei.ng present to render the invocation, Mr. Hall asked the members of the Board and others present, to bow their heads, for a few moments in si.lent prayer. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Tlarch 28, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Boar.d, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seanded by Mr. Hall, approved. .?0 The Chairman announced that arrangeraents have been made foi° the Cammissioners and State High- _65, way Representatives to meet toith the group at F]inter Park School 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 5th, for a discussion of a proposed change in the new highiaay route through Winter Park. Mrs., J. M. Highsmith, County Investigator, was present to report that poor relief funds have ILQ? been entirely exhausted, and gave a cross section account of conditions and cases she has to cieal with. The Chaiiinan said we should take care of indigent residents, Uut nbt those peo- ple who just drift in here, and that Pirs. 1Iighsmith is ,familiar Naith the cases, imasmuch as the funds are exha.usted a recomuiendation of the County Auditor that $4,000.00 be transferred fron the emergency fund to meet that demand for the balance of the fiscal year, iaas upon mo- tion of P1r, liall, seconded by N1r. Piayhan, approved. Mr. W. P. Burkhimer, Attorney, appeared to discnss the civil issue docket xahich he said is in ? bad condition, and is accumulating a backlog of 600 cases per year and suggested that a com- mittee of the Bar Associati.on and Cowity Commissioners get together to the end that some re- -?--C medial action may Ue taken at the present session of the Legislature. The Couilty Attorney suggested that tl:e Bar Association make a study of the docket and tal:e the matter up with the Resident Judge and see if some satisfactory method can be worked out. Instructions'were given to write the Local Bar Association to that effect. .? DIr. George H. Autaff appeared to inquire about the contract with the Navy Department for the p At the suggestion of the Chairman, the Commissioners extended their thanlcs and appreciatioil ?to DIr. Louis W. Latham, President of the Azalea Festival, and Co?mnittee for the valuable ser- ?e`? vices they rendered and fine spirit of' cooperation throughout the undertaking Lo make our ? Eighth Annual Azalea Festival an outstancl3ng success. joint use of Illuethenthal FYeld, stating the Government had agreed to 8o certain drainage on his land adjoining the Airport which has not been done. Afr. Hutaff was advised that cae have not received the contract from the Navy, agreed upon at a meeting held with the Nav,y llepart- ment in ?dashington, D. C., PeUruary 16, 1955. `?t ? The Chairman told the Board a Govei°nment contract has been let for dredging in the State Ports Area, and in view of having to have sane place to dis}?ose of the dredgecl material ask- ed the Boai°d to give its approval to a request to have the Dredging Company pump the dredged material on 28 acres of low land near the Port Terminals to build up the land wliich would be most helpful in eliminating the mosquito pi^oblem there. The County Attoritey su;gested that we take the matt,er up with the property owners and in turn they take it up with the con- tractors thenselves inasmuch as a dra;naoe condition might become involved. The Commission- ers expressed themselves as being in accord with the deal provided the property olaners are contacted. . o'cloclc this afternoon. Jr The Chairman announced that the sand fence in L1=e•unincorporated areas at the southern beach- es have been completed, and urged the Board to a ttend an inspection of the same at 4:00 L_