1955-04-04 Regular Meeting:58s Meeting of March 28, 1955, continued. The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurora in the Superior Court for the triel of ? civil cases for the two weeks term beginning April 18, 1955= E,L.Matthews,Sr, 1817 Woolcott Ave. Oliver C. RoseP20 N. 23rd St. Jas.H.Foyles, 10161 C.C.Road. Wealey J. Henry,Sr. 221 N. 22 St. Geo.G,Iynch, 418 Forest Hilla Dr. W,D,Hannah.302 N. 21st St. Earl B. Merrill, 4944 Pine St, W,6,Raney, P.O.Box 299. I.E.Fergus,2903 Wrightsville Ave. E.L.Roya1,4312 Wrightsville Ave. William Henderson, 1814 Grace St. Steve Pantages, 520 Nun St. . G,C.Walker,261 N. 25th St. C]ark W. Poisson, 315 S. Fxront St. Robt.C.Andrews,4803 Maple Ave. H.A.Pearce,106 N. 462 St. Robt.C.Kooser, 2214 Klein Rd. Glasgow Hicks, 208 Murchison•Bldg. R.B.Musselwhite,1916 Church St. R,G.5harpe, 4905 lilrightsville Ave. J.Alfred Bodine,509 Grace 3t. L,R,Merritt, 122 Newton Lane. E,B.Cox,10 Foreat Hilla Dr, John Starkey,2821 Washington St. J.A.Munn, 3825 Princeae Street Road. U.A,Moore, 2833 Adams St. Joseph E. Edwarde, 101 Virginia Ave. Toseph Rhodes,407 S. 17th St. Waddell Waters, 505 S. 3rd St. D.H.Maultaby,Sr. 4402 Peachtree St. Mrs.Bevlah Meier, P,O.Box 1312.. J.D,Orrell,Jr. Rt.2, Box 123, ' &nest L. Johnson, 306 Castle St. H.A.Marks, Box 597. G.W,Graves, 415 Mercer Ave. Joseptt S. Davis, 2013 Breasy Ave. For the second week beginning April 25, 1955= Wm. H. Thorton,1145 I3veoak Pkwy. H.W,Stova1,1216 Fairway Drive. Miss Fannie NcCless, 212 N. 7th St. L,W,Swinson, 1514 Dock St. J.M.Bryan, 16-P Ieke Village. J.C.Sanders, 136 Mercer Ave. C.C.Holmes,1908 Carolina Ave. S.H.tilierse, 105 Southern Boulevard. T.D,Hall, 2109 N,etts Ave. E.L,Efird,Efirds Dept Store. H,R.Mc]{innep,340;* Wrightaville Ave. R.E.Piner, 419 Mercer Ave. ????The regular meeting was then adjourned and the Conmii.ssioners met as the Boaxd of Fquslization and Review, pursuant to recess taken Monday, March 21., 1955, to hear and act on complainta of assessments on real estate, ? filed in accordance with the law. O Clerk. Linwood B. Todd, Rt,2, Box 86. Cyrus D.Gurganous,1930 Grace St. C.E.Murri11,1822 Chestuut St. R.B.Isne,Rt.l, Box 480. M.W.Watkins,317 S. lbth St. M.L.Harris, 2528 Monroe St. R,G.White, 215 Park Ave. Clarence D. Powell, 606 Northern Blvd. Salvatore R,Borino,2212 Klein Road. Richard W. Sellera,25 Sutrtnit Walk Chas.E.O'Rei1J,y,52 Yupon Dr. Richard W.Jordan, 531 Castle Hayne Road. Edw.W.Carr, 1106 Magnolia Ave. Walter R. Register,519 S. 5th St. David H. Howes,503 Colonial Dr. Willie E. Boatic, 110 Morgan St. C,E.Bender, 501 Grace St. S.D.Gribb, 125 Graham St. Arnold Neuwirth, 520 N. 3rd. T.E.Mu11in,2750 S. Front St. C]arence L. Huggins, 120 Castle Hayne Road. Fred,8lLugin, 803 N. Qth St. W.J.Reaves, Rt.2, Hox l+20. A. T. Iawhorae, 712 Dock Street. Wilmington, N. C., April 4, 1955. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, ClZairman.and Couunissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J. M. I3a11, Ernesi: R. Aiayhan and Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. No Piinister bei.ng present to render the invocation, Mr. Hall asked the members of the Board and others present, to bow their heads, for a few moments in si.lent prayer. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of Tlarch 28, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Boar.d, the same were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seanded by Mr. Hall, approved. .?0 The Chairman announced that arrangeraents have been made foi° the Cammissioners and State High- _65, way Representatives to meet toith the group at F]inter Park School 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 5th, for a discussion of a proposed change in the new highiaay route through Winter Park. Mrs., J. M. Highsmith, County Investigator, was present to report that poor relief funds have ILQ? been entirely exhausted, and gave a cross section account of conditions and cases she has to cieal with. The Chaiiinan said we should take care of indigent residents, Uut nbt those peo- ple who just drift in here, and that Pirs. 1Iighsmith is ,familiar Naith the cases, imasmuch as the funds are exha.usted a recomuiendation of the County Auditor that $4,000.00 be transferred fron the emergency fund to meet that demand for the balance of the fiscal year, iaas upon mo- tion of P1r, liall, seconded by N1r. Piayhan, approved. Mr. W. P. Burkhimer, Attorney, appeared to discnss the civil issue docket xahich he said is in ? bad condition, and is accumulating a backlog of 600 cases per year and suggested that a com- mittee of the Bar Associati.on and Cowity Commissioners get together to the end that some re- -?--C medial action may Ue taken at the present session of the Legislature. The Couilty Attorney suggested that tl:e Bar Association make a study of the docket and tal:e the matter up with the Resident Judge and see if some satisfactory method can be worked out. Instructions'were given to write the Local Bar Association to that effect. .? DIr. George H. Autaff appeared to inquire about the contract with the Navy Department for the p At the suggestion of the Chairman, the Commissioners extended their thanlcs and appreciatioil ?to DIr. Louis W. Latham, President of the Azalea Festival, and Co?mnittee for the valuable ser- ?e`? vices they rendered and fine spirit of' cooperation throughout the undertaking Lo make our ? Eighth Annual Azalea Festival an outstancl3ng success. joint use of Illuethenthal FYeld, stating the Government had agreed to 8o certain drainage on his land adjoining the Airport which has not been done. Afr. Hutaff was advised that cae have not received the contract from the Navy, agreed upon at a meeting held with the Nav,y llepart- ment in ?dashington, D. C., PeUruary 16, 1955. `?t ? The Chairman told the Board a Govei°nment contract has been let for dredging in the State Ports Area, and in view of having to have sane place to dis}?ose of the dredgecl material ask- ed the Boai°d to give its approval to a request to have the Dredging Company pump the dredged material on 28 acres of low land near the Port Terminals to build up the land wliich would be most helpful in eliminating the mosquito pi^oblem there. The County Attoritey su;gested that we take the matt,er up with the property owners and in turn they take it up with the con- tractors thenselves inasmuch as a dra;naoe condition might become involved. The Commission- ers expressed themselves as being in accord with the deal provided the property olaners are contacted. . o'cloclc this afternoon. Jr The Chairman announced that the sand fence in L1=e•unincorporated areas at the southern beach- es have been completed, and urged the Board to a ttend an inspection of the same at 4:00 L_ 587 , Meeting of April 4, 1955, Continued. A copy of a letter written by Thomas & Hutton, Ccntractors, to the Navy DePartment March 28, 1955, /"?-- concerning an inspection of the eroded coizdition of the ditches at Bluethenthal llield and the re- medial measure for the correction of the same, was received. It appearing Lhat this is an oU- ligation of the Navy Department ass.umed in anticipation of taking over the Aiiport under the pro- posed joint use agreetuent, all the facts in the matter x,-il.l be turued over to the Counl:y Ilttorney who caill write the Navy Department explaining our position. Acknowledgment was received from Repi^esentative Addison Hewlett, Jr., of our protest to the proPosTqx - ecl tax bill increasing the tax on A.B.C. controlled ].iquor wdlicki would effect our County to the ex- tent of approximately $80,000.00 in lost revenue, or an eight cent increase in our tax rate, wl:icll woulti mostly go to the State, and caould also tend to drive legalized controlled liquor sales back into the hands of' the bootlegber. Very little eilcouragement was expressed by Pfr. Hewleti, inasmuch as the sentiment of the Legislature is defiiiitely for it, he said. Plans have been coniirmed to have the U. S. Department of Agricul.ture come in here to plane-spray land in the State Ports area and still waters of Greenfield Lake foi° the control cf the white-fringed beetle aild mosquitoes, without cost to the County other than for the materials used, it was announced. A letter was received f'rom Mr. A. H. Graham, Chairman of the State Hiohway and 1'ublic Worles Commis- sion, in answer to our request of riarch 8, to have the State convey the Old Car Line right-of-way to the County to enable the County to disrose of the land to adjoining property otaners and thereby putting the same on our tax books for taxes. Air. Graham advised tha,t the 5tate Highway Commissi.on would retain the said right-of-way for future highway needs since neNa Hanover County is developing so rapidly. Thereby confirming statement made by PSr. C. Heide Trask, Third Division State Iiigh[aas Commissioner by letter of March 14th. A letter was received SY•om Colonel R. L. Hill, United States District Engineer, with rePerence to F? ili&Ak our letter of March 23, concerning erosion correction in the Fort llisher area. He advised that a cooperative study was made by the B'each Erosion Board and the State of North Carolina in 1831. The report recanmended protective wortcs at an estimated cost of $71,600.00. The report of the Chief of Engi.neers stated that, the expencLitui°e, iahile desirable in the interest of the protection oP an historic caork, is not jugtified in any Pederal interest in navigation. The beach would have to be publicly owned and if undertalcen wou7.d be on a 50%50 cooperative basis with the Cowlty. ATo action was taken. The Chairman asked thaL consideration be given to attending the Sixth Annual Regional Conference (Including five shoit courses in real estate Appraising and Equalization) of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, with the Active Cooperation of the National Association of Assessing Officers, ii1 CYiicago, April 21, 22 and 23 which he thought would be most helpful and worth whil.e for the members of tkie Board. No action was taken. A conununication was received from Mr. John H. Farrell stating that Congressman F. Ertel Carlyle has??Q ? introduced a bi11 in Congress seeking five million dollars in Federal flznds for permanent repairs to public property at the beach resorts and fishing places along the North Carolina Coast iohich suf- fered severe damage by Hurricane Hazel on October 15, 1954, ancl that it is the intention of the As- sociation to furnish rir. Paul Johnson, in Governor Luther H. Hodges' OPfice, with a complete re- port covering every community from Atlantic Beach to the South Carolina line, wisich suffered dam- age by the hurricane. A letter written by Dr. I. C. Long, Superintendent of the State Hospital at Goldsboro, to Mr. FosLer'?w Edwards, Clerk of the Superior Court, advising they could noL accept Bertha Piiles and Caidonia Bowden for care tor the reason it appears from their application papers that these are cases that can be taken care of in a County Home or Boarding IIome, and in further view of the fact that one of their buildings for female patients is under repairs and will be several months bePore they can ?use it. A copy of page advertisement by the City and County tlzat appeared in the State Plagazine'of March 12 (12,61S - 1955, covering the Eighth Annual Azalea Astival was received. The Chairman repori;ed final invoices being processed for repairs to the Butler Hangar, in the amoun?elp°z&_ of $8,956.41, and temporary sand f'ence in the souther.n beach areas in the amount of $6,486.45. A copy of the mi.nutes of the Trustees of the Conunwiity Hospital for February 13, 1955 was r.eceive and filed. Reports for the month of Plarch were received f rom the Wilmington Colored Library, Colored Home Agent and the Veterans' Service Officer. John C. [dessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report for week ending April 1, 1955: White patients 12 Negro " 14 m Non-residents 0 Vacant Beds 6= White female4, Colored male 1, Colored female 1. Discharged: 4= Mr. John C. Moore, white male 3/26/55. Mrs. Gladys Cliff, white Pemale 3/29/55. Pfr. Joseph C. Cockfield, white male, transferred to A4cCain 3/31/65.. Iierbert Williams, colored mal.e, 3/31/55. Admitted: 3= Mr. John S. Heery, white male 3/26/55 Sally Green, colored female 3/28/55 Joe Lewis Robinson, colored male 3/29/55. Drainage report for week ending April 1, 1955: 62 men worl:ed 5 days clearing ri,;ht-of-way. No objections were indicated bq the Board to the United States District Engineers making rederal improvements to Pantego Creek and Cucklers'Creek in Beaufort County, for floods ccntrol and better- ment of drainage. Mr. Claud 0'shields then announced that after careful consideration given, he would resign Prom the ?k" oPPi.ce as a member of the County Commi.ssioners at the end of this month, due to the pressure of busi- ness he could not devote all the time to the office that he should. r 588 Meeting of April 4, 1955 - Continued. The Board having agreed to observe Monday, April 11, (Easter Dionday) as a holiday for County Employes, and the same falling on the daLe of the next regular weelc.ly meeting, a reeess caas talcen until 10:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday April 12, 1955. ?lerk. Wilmington, N. C., April 12, 1955. Pursuant to recess taken Tlonday, ApriZ 4, 1955, the Board met in regular weekly session this day at 10:00 A.M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford 'frask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest DSayhan, and T. D. Love, County Auditor. ' The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend B. P1. Smith, Pastor of Lake Fbrest Baptist Church. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 4, 1955, having previously been mailed to each mem- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of Tir. }Iall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, approved. Commissioner Claud 0'Shields havi ng announced at'the meeting of April 4, 1955, that he would resign from the office of County Commissioner at the end of tliis month; ASr. Foster Edwards, _01'Clerlc of the Superior Court, appeared to advise the Boar•d that by virtue of 1:lie posaer vested in him Uy Section 153-6 General Statutes oP North Carolina, he appointed Mr. L. E. Broadhurst ' a County Commissioner of New Hanover County to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Claud 0'Shields, said term to expire on the lst Pionday in December, 1956. The matter of lzaving the dredged material pwnped on the low ground-marsh area near the State Ports dock was postponed until a better sand material deposit is available ivhen dredging is / started on the main channel. Pir. Meares IIart^iss, Ji^., appeared to complain of the $3,200.00 timber assessment on the lands of the late FY?ank G. Hairiss in Cape Pear Township for the year 1954, claiming timber on oth- er lands was not assessed and was therefore ciiscriminaLory, The Board explained to Mr. Iiai°riss / thai: the timber assessments were charged in 1954 on agreement with some of i:he large timber owners to provide funds for forest fire protection, but after the £irst year's trial it was feund not to be justified and was abandoned. No abatements were allowed for?the year 1954 be- cause the fw-ids were used for forest fire protection, but no assessments caere made for the year 1955. /With reference to ditch erosion at the Aiiport, the Navy llepartment will secure bids on that according to a copy of a letter wril:ten by the Navy to 'Pkioma.s & Iiutton, Engineers, requestiitg them to furnish the Navy Departmer_t with cost estimates for the same, was received. Aclcnowledgment of receipt of proposed documeatation on new Hanover Co wity project for Dis- ??aster Relief Fluids amounluig to ?p8,956.41 for materials, services and labor pertaining to tem- ` am porary repairs to the ]iutler Hangar was received from General Edward. F. Griffin. He advised same was trailsmitted to PIr. G. H. Brooks, State I3udget Bureau for approval. Notice was received from the State Board of Public Welfare that the tern nf the Thi.rd member y of the County Sielfare Board, Mr. Cicero P. Yow, will expire on June 30,1955, and he caill not be eligible°for reappointment. The member to be appointed as of June 30, wil.l serve for a term of tlzree (3) years. A communication was received from the liuman Betterment League of North Caro.lina, Inc., Sdiiiston Salem, extending its couunendation tc the Cowity Ldelfare Department for its part in the protec- ? tion of the next generation from the inheritance of menta.l disease and mental deficiency thru ?j the sterilization of institutiorial patients from our County. New Hanover County's two eugeilic ? sterilizations per 100,000 populaLion during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954 was higher than the rate in 18 other Counties. The average for the State was 7.6. Upon motion of Mr H. all, seanded by Mr. Trask, i?°. F'ranklin W. Bell, lli?rector of Civil Defense ? ?oas granted a leave? of absence without pa,y for a period from Piay 20 to September 14, 1955, to reswne his duties upon his return, subject to approval by the City Council. A letter was received from Pir. John H. lilarrell, Executive Afanager of the Southeastern North Caruliiia Ileach Association, advising that the Chairman, TIr, Ralph T. Horton, has been elected v a member of the Board of llii°ectors of SENCBA to serve during 1955. A general meeting of the ? Association will be held in the City Council ChamUers at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, April 14, he -- advised. The follocaing comparative statement of deliiiquei7t taxes collected for the first three months of the years 1954 and 1955 was received from the Tax Collector: 1954 1955 Jaizuary ? 4,318.99 ? 2,970.22 ?'?'el?ruar3* 41 346.02 2, 666.59 Plarch 3,105.33 6,331.£5 Total ? 11,770.39 ? 11,968.66 • The above shows that $198.27 more was collected in 1955 than for the same period in 1954. The County Auditor reported 850 of the current tax levy has been collected, against 83°fo for / the same period last year. The Chairman announced receipt of ;j40,000.00 our proportionate part A.B.C. profits for the first quarter ending tlarch 30, 1955. ASr. I3orton callecl attention to a meeting with the Real Estate Committee thi.s afternoon at _IIN bV_lAfi 2:00 o'clock,ard4:00 P.M., coordination meeting National Guard A1ert, ancl meeting last Thurs- day 5th at Winter Park conceriling the higknray alLernate question. - G , C ??- rlontYily reports iaere received from Wilmington Public Library ancl Bookmobi].e, Wilmington Co1- ored Library, County Farm and County iIome Agents, Ditching report showiilg 52 men worleed 5 d.ays , - , ^c