1955-04-18 Regular Meetinga . 589 P4eeting oP April 12, 1955 - Continued . Afx?,??- ditching 1,200 yards, Airport cash receipts for March 31, and April 8th, and Institute of Government weekly legislative swnnary for April 9i:h.? John C. S-7esse1l Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for weelc ending April 8th, 1955: ? 1lhite patients 13 A'egro " 14 7 '57 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 5= Female white 3; Afale colox^ed 1; 1+'emale colored 1. Discharged 0 Admitted 1= Tir. James C. Jackson, white male, April 2, 1955. An audit reporf, of the accoi.2nts and records of Arew IIa,nover County, for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1954, prepared bg Cherry,Bei[aert &: Holland, C.P.A.'s, and comnients were received fo.~ stucly. Mr. Iiall raised the question of fixing the daie to start a.nd finish the audit whi_ch was dis- cussed. The County Aud.iLor suggesi;ed the auflit should start abouL the nidd.le of Azgust and shoi:ld take 60 days to complete it: Ti1e Chairman announced that a meeting of the 1.9th District North Carolina Fedei°atioiz of Home lleinoustration Clubs will be held at Pearsall iiemorial Presbyterian Church 10:30 A.r1., April 13th, 1955, and w°ged all r,tembeis of the Board to attend. The reb lai° weekl.y meeting was then adjourned and the Cot;vnissioners met as the Board of Equal i•r.wtion and Review to hear and investigate complaints on assessments tehich is the final meet- ing to be held to coiisider assessment reciuctions for the year 1955, in accort3ance with the Law. r i?'??? /?.?__ ? - -i / Wilmi»gton, N. C., April 18, 1955. The regular iaeekly neeting of the Board [aas held this day at 10:00 o'cl.ock A. M. Present: R. T. Hcrtoil, Chairman and Comraissicners Claud Q'Shields, Raiford Trask, J. M. Ilall, i Jr., Ernest R. r4ayhan and T. B. I,ove, Coun'by Auditor. In the absence of a minister, the Chairman asked that we stand for a Pe« moments witil bowed • heads in silent prayer. Mr. L. E. Broadhiu st recently appointed to fill the unex.pired term of Pir. Claud 0'Shields, eC fwhose resiAglation becomes efPective the last oP this month, ivas present at the i2lvitation of r the ]3oard, to acquaint himself with the proceedings of the Comumissionci^s befoi°e taliing his seat as a member, was extendec3 a hearty caeleome by the Chairman. Copies of the minutes of iaeeting of April 11, 1955, Izavinb previously been mailed to each ment- ber oP the Board, the sac,e were upon motiion of T1r. Piayhan, seconcled Uy Mr. IIa1:L, approved. - Upon motion of Air. Hall, seconded by YSr. Mayhan, an audit report of the accounts and recordsyl?40rz? of the County Officers for the fiscal year en3ing June 30, 1954, prepared by Cherry, Bekaert and Hollarid, C.P.A.'s iaas accepteQ. The Board of ConwLissioners of New Hanover County, ii1 reb lar sessitin this 18th day of April, 1955, upon motion made by P1r. J. M. Iiall, Jr., atxt duly seconded by Mr. Ernest R. Tlayhan, deem it apgropriate and deserved, to incorporate the following actioiz in the official records of tliis Board. WIiEREAS, the members of tnis Board bow in resignati.on to ti'le Will of a Icindly Heavenly Aather in summoning from earth the soul oi' our frienci and co-worker, James C. Roe; and WI1EREAS, in his passing it is reoobi7ized and poignantly felt tlzat the City of Wil- mington, and New Hanover County, have lost one sahose strength, influence, ana good works have been notable and oustancting for more than a quarter of a century; and WII'i.REAS, James C. Roe has indelibly recorded in the hearts of frieizcl ancl aequaint- ance alike, the permanent memory devout Christian; oP civic leader ancl wosker who sacriPiced willingly of time and eff'ort that our commwiity might beceme a bettei° place in «ilich to live, a frieiid of chilclren; an unwavering advocate of education over aperiod of many years, so that the youth might be given, thru the schools wliich he loved and aided, iaell tramed minds, sup- poited with vigorous physical bodies; of signal accomplislunent and sur,cess in the realm of business acl;ivity, and of willingness to serve modestly, yet faithfully and caell, those ma- terial matters which had for their objective community advancement and bettermenL;- NOW, 'iHEftEb'012E BE IT RESOLVED -BY- The 13oard of Commissioners of Neia Ha.nover County, that the regiet of this coimnunit3 be recorded in Lhis manner, which aci.ion'is.to be incorporated in the minutes of said meeting; BE TT RESOliVED, PSJRTIILR, that copies of this resolution be Porwarded to memUers of his fai;LiLy, with an expression of continuing sympathy; and Be it Flzrther Resolved, that other copies be mac[e available foi° the Board of Educa- Lion of' New fIanover County, of which the late rjr. Roe was a memUer for many yetirs, and for the g;ress, and rac3io. C012UqoL, Upon motion of P1r. Hall, seconded by Pir. Aiayhan, a resignatioii submitted Uy Dr. 13^ed H. Coleman as Coroner of New Hanover County, was accepted with regret, Lo qecome ePfective as of bSay 1, 1955. Mr. FIorton tolci the Board that after coni'erring with parties iizterested in locating a new in- ??-- dustry hei°e in a location without interference Uy objectiouable n].ants, now or in the future, he took up with ou.t Representat:i.ves in the Leoislature the matter of a possible .aning ordin- ance or bill which w.auld ai'cl in the pi ocurement of the industry, _-A r 59 0 rfeei;ing of A7ri1 18, 1955 - Continued A lettei was received from P1r. Franklin W. Bell, Civil Defense Director( co?zfirming his leave of absence granted by the City a.nd County fo; a period of four (4J months, i+ridliout / pay, tc become efiective as from Afay 15., 1955. Mr. Bell advised that Mr. John M. Meditz, 1206 Azalea llrive, was duly appointecl last July as Civil Defense Executive Di.rector for Wilniington aild New Hanover Caunty, has kindly consented to accept responsibiiity of the, execution of his duties while he is away. ?.? The following statement was received from the Tax Collector showing a break-doian of 1954 tases collected ttu°u Plarch 31, 1955: r October 1954 $ 195,253.42 November " 202,112.11 December " 146,741.19 $? 544,136.72 January 1955 167,958.14 Febi^uary " 521005.67 Plarch " 26,771..14 ? 246,734.95 Total collected $790,871.67 ? The Chairman read a letter received i'rom Hotel John Tiarshall, Richmond, Va., confirming C reservations for the Commussioners July 1.7-20, to attend the National Association of County -? Officers Convention, llue to a renovation program goind on at the John Afarshall Hoi:el, ac- commodations were reserved at their Itichmond tiotel, they advised. The Chairman asked the Commissioners to keep in miild the procurement of an available site of fr•om three (3) to seven (7) acres, preferably five (5) acres for a larbe govei^mnent pi^oject L? of approximately a quarter of a million dollars constii°uction, that wanted to come in here, ? which wou:Ld also be available for comraunity purposes, and suggested the oid Red Cross Sana- toriwn site. No immediate acLioii was taken. ` ' The Chairman annowzced that a meeting oP the recently appointed group of Real Estate men to serve on the Equal.ization Study Board for New I3anover County/property valuations, will be held 4:00 P.Ai., Wednesday, April ?.Oth. _A0n _ / S 1he following reports for March were received: Housing Authority of the City of lJilmington; State Board of I=ublic Welfare_Stati.stics Report fore Count,y IIome Inmates, ,TUVeniles and Prison.ers; Consolidated Board oi' Ie Ltkarri James Halker Afemoriaa.__Hospital. New Hano?er Courity A;.'raart cash receiPts for April 12, 14 and 15th, together witli Aix°F)_ort Recei,3ts and ,fy-D?isUursemeni;s for Ma'rch. ??pS RJ' Jol1n C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanai;orium Census 12eport fo a? 0aeek ending April 15, 1955: J Tdhite patients 12 ? Negro " 15 27 Non-residents 1 Vacant beds 5= tiJhite female 4. Colored male 1. Discharged 1= James Thomas Nezaton, White, April 14. Admitted 1= Lizzie Bey, colored female, April 9. Upon motion of Mr. rtayhan, secnded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 2823 to 3259 toere appi^oved for payment. The Board then took up the matter of assessment adjustment on Long Leaf fIomes property, form- IOX erly Plaffitt Village, wh:l.ch was continued from a previous meeting by t12e Boai^d of Equaliza- / tion and Review. A statement was presented showing the original cost of 122.31 acres of land and 486 units, plus cost foi° fixtures, equipment, streets and sidewal.ks, architect and engineering and ad- ministration to be $? 3,136,294.34 remaining cost figures under Long Leaf Iiomes $p 1,924,872.02 Less expenditures for water and setaer, electric system, streets and sidewall.s, landscaping, fences, architect and engineering and admitiistration expense that are not assessed for tax purposes 338,609.42 JS 1,586,262.60 40 0 of i eniaining cost f'igures is ? 634,505.40 T? Mr. Mayhan said he would not agree to a reduction of more than 20% oP the assessment as it / now stancls on our books. A lengthy discussion followed after which Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Mr. o'Shields that the assessment be reduced to $508,000.00 and was carried on a two to one vote; Mr. Hall I/' and Air. 0'Shields voted for the motion and Mr. riayhan voted against tlze motion, P1r. Trask not voting. Mr. O'Shields stated he was not willing to pass the matter on a two to one vote with all mem- G7?, bers present, and moved to resculd the fore?oing action, the motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and carrieci. Mr. 0'Shields then moved that the assessmeilt be put in line with the assessment on Riverside ?aY Apartments, usi.ng the same percenLage and basis for assessing Long LeaP Iiomes. It Ueing un- r derstood that ibis action is not to be construed as establishing a general precedeizt, same applying only to the housing projects. The motiun was seconded by Mr. Hall and carried, all voting affirmatively except Mr. riayhan who voted no, feeling the assessment should not be reduced by more than 20%. A recess caas then taken subject to the call of the Chairfnan. ?i yiD i!• 3'! - rk . ?