1955-04-25 Regular Meeting Wilmington, N. C., April 25, 1955. The regul.ar weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: H. T. Horton, Chairma,n and Commissioners Claud 0'Shields, Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and County Attorney Cicero P. Yow, and County Auclii.or T. D. Love. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend H. C. idalker; Presiding Elder A.M.E. Church. , Copies of the minutes of the meeting of April 18, 1955, having previfl usly been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Playhan, secondecl by Mr. Hall, aPproved. ???? A Statement of Revenue for period July 1, 1954, to March 31, 1955, was received from the County Auditoi^ as follows: UNREALIZED PERCENT OF ESTI1•IATLD ESTITiATED FtECEIVED TO DATE BALANCE REVENUE RECrIVED 1954 Taxes Estimated ? 1,174,996,12 ? 1,093,394.22 ? 81,601.90 93°fo 1953 Taxes and Prior 70,000.00 70,573.13 (573.13) 101°fo Total Taxes ? 1,244,996,12 ? 1,163,967.35 ? 81,028.77 93% Totals Overall Statement $ 2,613,215.69 $ 2,161,792.48 $ 4950077.37 83°fo S'PATEPIENT OF EXPEAT?ITURES - Januar,y 1, 1955 to March 31, 1955 BALANCE PERCLNT EXPENDED ' APPROP;3IATIONS EXPENDED UNEXPENDED PERIOD 75% _ TOTAI, BUpGET ? 3,564,474.11 ?p 2,475,960.98 ? 1,088,513.13 69°fo ? The County Auclitor iuforned the Board that due to i;he drain on Councy reserves, the financial condition of the County at the end oP the fiscal year, JUne 30th, will not be in as good a shape as in past years. • --' . Upon motion of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Hall, the County Auditor was authnrized to in- crease the Budget appropriation for repairs under Bookmobile by $200.00 money received from the Insurance Company in settlement of a claim for damages. P1r. R. M. WalcTorf appeared to advise the Board of a parcel of land in tlie Winter Park area, shown on .our records as half of Lot #60, tdinter Park Gai°dens, osaned by tlie Heirs of C. Van Leuven, that could be secured as a site for tlie Sdini:er Park Volunteer Ilire llepartment. It was report- ed that the lot has not been listed or taxes paid on the same for a nwnber of years. Mr. Waldorf was instructed to have his Attorney ascei^tain the amoun'u- of t;axes due on the sar:ie, and to contact the owners to see if i;hey iaould be willing to tw°n the lot over for i;he use as a site for the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department for the amount of the taxes due on it, and report baclc to the Board. ?dn Upon motion of Mr. I-Iall, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, anadditional appropriation of $3,000.00 was granted Por Boarding Iiome Care out of w7anticipated revenue received. ? The County Auditor announced that other items of expenditures that have exceecied the appro- '1D? priations will be brought up later for adjustment. ` Upon Afotion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, authority was given to transfer $2,283.93 from Auditing under County Aid (Schools) to Auditing under County Auditor, and appropriate $3,600.00 from the Emergency Fund to Auditing under the County Auditor, to meet the expense for Public Auditirk;. This question was discussed at length with the view of reaching a more eco- nomical method or procedure for having the work done. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the County Commissioners agreed to assist C? the Town of Carolina Beach in cleaning out the canal and ditches in the lake area at Carolina Beach, provided the Town iaill secure a signed statement from the private land owners giving the County pe'rmission to eizter UpOI1, cut ditches and move material across the said lands, and to indemnify the County against any liability for damages resulting therefrom in connection with the proposed drainage improvement. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seanded by Mr. Mayhan, a request of the T3oard of Education, presented ? by Dr. John T. Hoggard, Chairman of Lhe Boa rd of Education, and Yresident of Wilmington College, to increase its Budget by $13,420.00 under Wilmington College from receipts in hand above the amount anticipated as a result of increased collections in tuition and other student fees to meet a corresponding increase in the expenses incident thereto, for the month of April, was granted. , al A copy of a letter of thanks addressed to Mr. A. J. Grady, Neca Hanover County Airport Mechanic, for his cooperation and assistance in setLing up flood lights on arrival of Piedmont Plight 6, April 15th when the first shipment of the Polio Vaccine arrived Pron Indianapolis, was received from Mr. P. Jones; Station Manager of Piedmont Airlines, Wilmington, North Caroliiza. Upon recommendation of the Chairman after giving study to the appo:intment of a Coroner, and GOM.li)to, feeling thaL medical men can do a better job in the position, and two Doctors being interested, Drs. Piason and Williams, making a better service available as either of the two, the Coroner or his assistant could be called upon at any time, Mr. Trask:moved to appoint Dr. L. B. Mason Coroner of New tIanover County to fill the unexpired term of llr. Pred H. Coleman, resigned, as oT Play 1, 1955. The Chairman relin2uished the Chair temporarily to second the motion. A substitute motion was offered by Mr. liall to appoint Mr. IIarry E. Fa1es Coroner of New Iianover County tahich failed of a second. The first motion was then voted on and carried and Dr. L. B. Piascn was duly appointed Coroner of New Hanover County. Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. P;ayhan, the Board voted unanimously to i°equest our Hepresentatives in the Legislature to cnange the Law which places L17e Coroner on a fee basis, to a fl:zt salary of $2,000.00 per year, same to be in lieu of all per diem fees for viecaing or holding inquests over dead bodies, anci travel expenses. -A 6 Meetin; of April 25, 1855 - Continued tdith reference to sunmier hours schedule, the Chairman reported a poll of employes in the var- ious llepartments oi' the Court House was 33 in favor of early worki_ng hours from 7:30 A.PS., to 4:30 P.M., and 15 in favor of the present schedule of 8:30 A.M., to 5:30 P.M., or a vote of a little better than two to one in favor of tl;e early hours. It was agreed to ascertain what the City and otYier municipalities and organizations in the County have in mind and formulate a resolution adopting a uniform schedule if possible, and to that end the matter was oontinued unitil nex.' meeting, Pir. Trask suggested that the inatter be left up to the Department Heads to report next Mondap. Q Upon motion oP A4r. Hall, seconded by P.r. P4a,yhan, May 12, 1955 was approved for "Students' Government Day" when the New Hanover High School Students will take over County Govermnent functions in the various Departments for the day. ? In order Lo provide a better system and i_ncrease the effic9.ency of the two offices, the Bca rd, The follo?aing reports were received and fYled: Civil DePense reporL from General Edward P. GrifPin on radioactive fall-out from nuclear and thermo-nuclear explosions; Consolidated Hoard of Hea th; Yete?,ans' Service Officer; and tkie John C . Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census report i'or week ending April 22, 1955: White patients 11 Negro " 15 ? , Non-residents 0 Vacant beds 6= White male 1; white female 4; colored male 1. - Discharged 1= Mr. James C. Jackson, Lransferred to Wilson, April 17. Admitted 0 / /"Inasmuch as this is Tir. Claud 0'Shields' last formal meeting as a member of this Body, a de- 1 upon motion of rir. Hall,.seconded by rir. Mayhan, approved an exchange of their offices with the County Auditor, to enable him to have al.l lais books, tax listing recoids and equipment to- gether in connecting offices wliich will add to the ePficiency of the caork and c an do a better job. To that end instructions ?aere given to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 o'clock A.A1., Plonday, May 9, 1955, foi furni.shing, equipping and re-arrangiilg the said offic- es, cost to be paid out of funds received fi^om earned interest on Couiity Nluids investments. Report prepared for the State Board of Assessment sho???ing Ad Valorem yaluAtion and tax rate for ? Intarigible Tax Distribution for 1954-1955: Total Ad Valorem valuation of Real and Pei^sonal property $ 104,541,704.00 1954 Tax Rate 1.20 Total Ad Valorem Levy on real and personal property 1,2540500.44 CC served Certificate of Award, bearirig the following, Naas presented to him by the Board: CERTI141CATF OF' AWtIRD OFF'ICL l)F THE T30A12D OF CQMAfISSIUNEiR5 ON' NEW IIANOVER COUNTY, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAE30LIATA GFtEETIATGS: In Appreciation of The Fidelity and Allegiance of CLAUD 0'SIiIELllS and in profound recognition and in truly esteemed and grateful acknowledgvient of outstanding faithfulness and service to his Community as a valued member of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, we, of said Board are highly pleased and privileged to offer and present this citation, with the hope tkiat it will perpetuate and commemorate your valiant personal effort and signal accomplislvnent, both of whiciz have immeasurably contributed to the continued development, progress and grotath of New Iianover County, SIGNED, WI'PH T}3r: SEAL OP THE COUNTY APFIXED TIiIS THE 253'H llAY OP' APRIL, 1955. Thos. K. Woody, Clerk , R. T. Horton, Chairman Raiford Trask J. M. Hall, Jr. S E A L Ernest R. piayhan b?(y Upon motion of Mr. Nlayhan, seconded by Mr. Hall, County bills No. 3260 to 3386 were approved for payment. d?'The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve'as jurors in the Superior Court for the trial of Criminal cases for the May Term begimiing May 23, 1955, and for the two weeks Civil Term Uegiiming May 30, 1955: R. C. Duncan, 67 Lee Drive Z. I'. Iibard, 266 Lake 1+'orest J. V. Thompson, 111 South 41st Street Maurice Barnhill, 2215 Acacia llrive J. L. Trogden, Route 3, Box 13 W. P. Sutton, 309 North 2nd Street Ernest ICirkham, Route 2, Box 57 Ocaen H. Wilson, Wrightsville Sound Lrnest E. Grainger, 217 Vance Street lidwin B Jos'ey, 413 Orange Street John P'.'Robers, 4411 Greenfiel.d Street FY?ed H. Garner, Itoute 1, Box 282 Joe W. Garner, 4605 Oleander Drive B. W. Dunham, 1736 Orange Street E. Paul Rogers, 412 Pri_ncess Street Joseph H. Carter, 24062 Princess Street W. G. Brizendine, 1415 Castle Street J. C. Frye, 610 Castle Hayne Road Raymond Garvey, 211 Craig Street Raymond Greemaood, Jr., 44 Pinecrest Pkwy. H. W. Tliller, 610 North 23rd Street Lloyd Dunn, 17 Woodlawn Avenue M. Nriedland, 2541 Burnett Blvd. Donald Parsley, Route 2, Box 57 " Carlton Hayes Balton, P. 0. IIox 161 John W. Vogels, Route 2, Box 440 Thos. H. Johnson, 2901 Jefferson Street Theodore Arven, 105 Ward Street; Niaffitt Village W. H. Brezeale, 4948 Idrightsvi].le Avemze 3ohn B. Fuller. % E. W. Godis1n's Sons ' R. H. Saunders, 222 Broolcwood Avenue George E. Dyke, 140 Colonial Circle G. W. Bennett, 187 Colonial Drive Theron Dunn, 2214 Brandon Road Martin FY-iecUnan, 119 Nun Street George H. Eason, 2850-C Adams 5treet W. H. Bradley, 4008 tJrightsville Avenue P. C. Mason, 2110 IClein Road Yancy G. Rich, 1919 Penc3er Avenue G. M. FIall, 6 L7rightsville Avenue Thos. L. Dunham, 115 South 3rfl Street E. P. Davis, Jr., 115 Graham Drive , 5,9 3 , Meeting of April 25th, 1955 -Continued Jos. S. Lane, 53 Lee Drive G. W. Guyton, 19-E Nesbitt Court R. H. Kenan, 161 Colonial Village Edward D. Williams, 307 Wright Street Civil Term- S. B. Goffney, 4305 Wrightsville Avenue T. W. Pylant, 1728 Orange Street Charles S. Dfayer, 19 Hami.lton S. D. Bartholow, 110 Swnter Drive Herbert Bordeaus, 2521 Iiari°ison Street H. M. Powell, 506 Park Terrace John K. Galog, Box 155 Wade H. Harper, 9 Cape Fbar Apartments William J. Sherman; 133 Gordon Road. W. R. Rogers, 2711 Afonroe Street J. D. Watkins, Route 1, }3ox 167 Joseph H. Halicks, 3498 Lake View Teri°ace C. E. Carney, 309 Nun Street E. C. DeBose, 208 Davie Drive Jas. D. Whitehead, 4120 Lake Street E. L. Lewis 2109 Pine Stree, Sunmier Ilill R. E. Lewis, 309 Wrightsville Avenue Carl E. Phillips, 805 Central Blvd. Second Iaeelc Civil- George F. Malpass, 240 Vance Street L. D. Smith, 415 {9rightsville Avenue P4arion G. Pieares, 5-A Nesbitt Court Jas. G. Alerritt, 120 Gordon Road Richard H. Le<<-is, 2521 Plonroe Street F. N. Slcipper, 102 Orange Street Herman J. Gerdes, 2308 Brandon Road W. B. Norton, 239 Wil.liamson llrive T. M. Surruler, 2206 Carlton Avenue R. J. Eag1e, 14-P Lake Vi.llage B. G. White, 25 Van Buren Street George W. Goodrian, Box 525 E. D. Pate, 3-G ATesbitt Court A. T. Parker, 323 Davie Drive Lionel Potter, Raute 2, Box 157 A. B. Riggs, Jr., Route 2- Box 310-C W. P. Holmes, 5r., Kure Beaciz Carlton Darden, 2062 ATorth Carolina Avenue The meeting then adjourned. ? ? A. J. Barnhill, 104 South 21st Street Henry bTurnberger, 211 Orange Street W. C. r4oore, 619 South 6th Street C. H. Daughtry, 22 Morningside Drive Jake Horne, Jr., 704 South 3rd Street L. L. Grissom, 2234 Pfetts Avenue M. L. Goldstein, 2724 Colwnbia Avenue Russell S. Smi.th, 1119 Market Street C. L. Diekinson, 1519 Princess Street D. T. Aavis, P. 0. Box'120 J.as. V. Gallagher, 4106 Oleander Drive J. P. Croven, Castle Ilayne R. A. Brand, 2919 Oleander Drive H. M. Plillioner, 118 Dlercer Avenue F. W. Selden, 1804 Carolina Avenue J. F. Hughes, 62 West Drive, Lake Village L. L. Hanchey, 2220 Plaza Drive Roy R. Carter, 2859 Jefferson Street Thomas B. White, 4908 Pine Street Alfred Sternberger, 172 Colonial Drive Herman G. Dail, 214 North 22nd Street D. V. Plitton, 82 Pinecrest Parkway Severt N. Olness, 1908 Perry Avenue John Thomas Burton, Roiate 2- Box 148 Bec.ford Jackson, 2407 South I?ront Street P. J. Eason,.506 North 21st Street Henry Janicki, Route 1, Castle Iiayne A. Elwood Hilburn, 5003 0].eander llrive C. D. Parker, 101 Pinecrest Parkway R. M. «illiams, 1801 Grace Street Thos. E. Allen, 2471 Princess Street Road H. C. Paterson, 2112 Fbrest I3ills Drive 14. I. Gideon, Route 3, I3ox 415 D. G. Register, 1818 Caro].ina Avenue W. L. Rogers, 10-5 Lake Village H. L. Chtarch, Jr., 323 llavie llrive N. W. Pridgen, 111 Rutledge Drive Gerald Ormsby, 2870-A Jefferson Stieet John E. T3oi°deaux, 2416 Jackson Street U. V. Campbell, 2531 Nortll Hari°ison Street Wilmington, N. C., May 2, 1956 The regular -weekly meeting of tlae Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present; R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and Leon E. Biro aelhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. P. Summers, Pastor of Southside Baptist Church. Mr. Leon E. to serve the fice before man. Broadhui°st, newly appointed member oP tliis .Board by the Clerlc of tlze Superior Court?C? unexpired term of PIr. Claud 0'Shields, resigned, and having ta;cen the oath of of- the C1erk of the Superior Court, was welcomed as a uiember of this Bod.y Uy the Chair- ?? P1r. 0'Shields who was present was extended the Board's thanks and apnreciation for the valued Ce services he has rendered this County as a member of this Board. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 25, 1955, havii7g previously been mail.ed to each mem- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of P1r. Mayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Hall, approved. A petiti_on of 24 property owners of P'ederal Point TownshiP presented by I4r, W. E. Powell on Stateed5- Form R-10 for paving St. Joseph r..oad which runs from extemsion of S.t. Joseph Street to the Inland tdaterway, thence to US Highway 421 at a point 200 feet south of the Inland Sdaterway right-of-laay, a distance of approximately one and one half miles, on whi.ch six (G) houses are located, was upon motion of PSr. Hall, seconded by Mr. biayhan, approved and referred to the State Hi4lway ancl Pub- lic Works Commission. The Chairman reported upon Congressman Carlyle's hearing in Washington, D. C., NY-iday, April 29th in regard to the five million dollar Bill for hurricane clisaster relief for Eastern North Ca.rolina,0 which said Bill was approved by the Board. Iiowever, it was the feel.ing of the Commissi.oners that the erosion portion of the Bill should haue been restricted inasmuch as it tends to confuse tlie issue in regard to i.mmediate aid for rehabilitation nurposes, because erosion is the gradual wearing acaay over a long period oP Lime, which was not the case in regard to the Ylurricane damage, and emergency funds should be made a vaila.ble now for repairs oP damages by the hurricane of Oct- ober 15, 1954, and to that end instructions were given to write Congressman Carlyle, calling this to lv.s attention and offer.'any assistance we can to expedzte the same. sS ? Upon motiort of Pir. Hall, seconded by P1r. Pia,yhan, County employes were granted privilege to hear Mr. Nathan Yelton, Secretary 5tate RetiremeiiL System, at the Iiigh School 3:30 P.Df., explain pro- cedui°e and beiiefits that ceould be avail.aole for Social Security under an Act now pending in the Legislature. -A