1955-05-02 Regular Meeting5,9 3 , Meeting of April 25th, 1955 -Continued Jos. S. Lane, 53 Lee Drive G. W. Guyton, 19-E Nesbitt Court R. H. Kenan, 161 Colonial Village Edward D. Williams, 307 Wright Street Civil Term- S. B. Goffney, 4305 Wrightsville Avenue T. W. Pylant, 1728 Orange Street Charles S. Dfayer, 19 Hami.lton S. D. Bartholow, 110 Swnter Drive Herbert Bordeaus, 2521 Iiari°ison Street H. M. Powell, 506 Park Terrace John K. Galog, Box 155 Wade H. Harper, 9 Cape Fbar Apartments William J. Sherman; 133 Gordon Road. W. R. Rogers, 2711 Afonroe Street J. D. Watkins, Route 1, }3ox 167 Joseph H. Halicks, 3498 Lake View Teri°ace C. E. Carney, 309 Nun Street E. C. DeBose, 208 Davie Drive Jas. D. Whitehead, 4120 Lake Street E. L. Lewis 2109 Pine Stree, Sunmier Ilill R. E. Lewis, 309 Wrightsville Avenue Carl E. Phillips, 805 Central Blvd. Second Iaeelc Civil- George F. Malpass, 240 Vance Street L. D. Smith, 415 {9rightsville Avenue P4arion G. Pieares, 5-A Nesbitt Court Jas. G. Alerritt, 120 Gordon Road Richard H. Le<<-is, 2521 Plonroe Street F. N. Slcipper, 102 Orange Street Herman J. Gerdes, 2308 Brandon Road W. B. Norton, 239 Wil.liamson llrive T. M. Surruler, 2206 Carlton Avenue R. J. Eag1e, 14-P Lake Vi.llage B. G. White, 25 Van Buren Street George W. Goodrian, Box 525 E. D. Pate, 3-G ATesbitt Court A. T. Parker, 323 Davie Drive Lionel Potter, Raute 2, Box 157 A. B. Riggs, Jr., Route 2- Box 310-C W. P. Holmes, 5r., Kure Beaciz Carlton Darden, 2062 ATorth Carolina Avenue The meeting then adjourned. ? ? A. J. Barnhill, 104 South 21st Street Henry bTurnberger, 211 Orange Street W. C. r4oore, 619 South 6th Street C. H. Daughtry, 22 Morningside Drive Jake Horne, Jr., 704 South 3rd Street L. L. Grissom, 2234 Pfetts Avenue M. L. Goldstein, 2724 Colwnbia Avenue Russell S. Smi.th, 1119 Market Street C. L. Diekinson, 1519 Princess Street D. T. Aavis, P. 0. Box'120 J.as. V. Gallagher, 4106 Oleander Drive J. P. Croven, Castle Ilayne R. A. Brand, 2919 Oleander Drive H. M. Plillioner, 118 Dlercer Avenue F. W. Selden, 1804 Carolina Avenue J. F. Hughes, 62 West Drive, Lake Village L. L. Hanchey, 2220 Plaza Drive Roy R. Carter, 2859 Jefferson Street Thomas B. White, 4908 Pine Street Alfred Sternberger, 172 Colonial Drive Herman G. Dail, 214 North 22nd Street D. V. Plitton, 82 Pinecrest Parkway Severt N. Olness, 1908 Perry Avenue John Thomas Burton, Roiate 2- Box 148 Bec.ford Jackson, 2407 South I?ront Street P. J. Eason,.506 North 21st Street Henry Janicki, Route 1, Castle Iiayne A. Elwood Hilburn, 5003 0].eander llrive C. D. Parker, 101 Pinecrest Parkway R. M. «illiams, 1801 Grace Street Thos. E. Allen, 2471 Princess Street Road H. C. Paterson, 2112 Fbrest I3ills Drive 14. I. Gideon, Route 3, I3ox 415 D. G. Register, 1818 Caro].ina Avenue W. L. Rogers, 10-5 Lake Village H. L. Chtarch, Jr., 323 llavie llrive N. W. Pridgen, 111 Rutledge Drive Gerald Ormsby, 2870-A Jefferson Stieet John E. T3oi°deaux, 2416 Jackson Street U. V. Campbell, 2531 Nortll Hari°ison Street Wilmington, N. C., May 2, 1956 The regular -weekly meeting of tlae Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present; R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan and Leon E. Biro aelhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend W. P. Summers, Pastor of Southside Baptist Church. Mr. Leon E. to serve the fice before man. Broadhui°st, newly appointed member oP tliis .Board by the Clerlc of tlze Superior Court?C? unexpired term of PIr. Claud 0'Shields, resigned, and having ta;cen the oath of of- the C1erk of the Superior Court, was welcomed as a uiember of this Bod.y Uy the Chair- ?? P1r. 0'Shields who was present was extended the Board's thanks and apnreciation for the valued Ce services he has rendered this County as a member of this Board. Copies of the minutes of ineeting of April 25, 1955, havii7g previously been mail.ed to each mem- ber of the Board, the same were upon motion of P1r. Mayhan, seconded Uy Mr. Hall, approved. A petiti_on of 24 property owners of P'ederal Point TownshiP presented by I4r, W. E. Powell on Stateed5- Form R-10 for paving St. Joseph r..oad which runs from extemsion of S.t. Joseph Street to the Inland tdaterway, thence to US Highway 421 at a point 200 feet south of the Inland Sdaterway right-of-laay, a distance of approximately one and one half miles, on whi.ch six (G) houses are located, was upon motion of PSr. Hall, seconded by Mr. biayhan, approved and referred to the State Hi4lway ancl Pub- lic Works Commission. The Chairman reported upon Congressman Carlyle's hearing in Washington, D. C., NY-iday, April 29th in regard to the five million dollar Bill for hurricane clisaster relief for Eastern North Ca.rolina,0 which said Bill was approved by the Board. Iiowever, it was the feel.ing of the Commissi.oners that the erosion portion of the Bill should haue been restricted inasmuch as it tends to confuse tlie issue in regard to i.mmediate aid for rehabilitation nurposes, because erosion is the gradual wearing acaay over a long period oP Lime, which was not the case in regard to the Ylurricane damage, and emergency funds should be made a vaila.ble now for repairs oP damages by the hurricane of Oct- ober 15, 1954, and to that end instructions were given to write Congressman Carlyle, calling this to lv.s attention and offer.'any assistance we can to expedzte the same. sS ? Upon motiort of Pir. Hall, seconded by P1r. Pia,yhan, County employes were granted privilege to hear Mr. Nathan Yelton, Secretary 5tate RetiremeiiL System, at the Iiigh School 3:30 P.Df., explain pro- cedui°e and beiiefits that ceould be avail.aole for Social Security under an Act now pending in the Legislature. -A l+feeting of Piay 2, 1955 - Continued A request of the Superintendent of Yublic Welfare tizat the publi.c assistance lien on the home G, of rirs. Loula M. Alford will be cancelled for the purpose of allowing a first morLgage to be IZ7/ placed on the property for the purpose of making repairs, after which public assistance lien will again apply. Similar action having been tal:en by tYie tdelfai^e Bmrd at meeting of April 26th, was upon motion of Mr. llall, seconded by Mr. Trask, granteci. The Super•intendent of Yublic Welfare presented the case of Elizabeth S. Player receiving OAA in New Hanover County and owned a piece of property in Buncombe County on which New Hanover ?? County had a lien. She sold this property and was due to receive $'1,193.00, Uut when her Attorney found there was an OAA lien, the money was put in escrow, and Neia Hanover County was requested to malce a compromise settlement allowing her to have more of thi.s money than the $300.00 allowed by Law as she had made commitments caith an undertalcer in Buncombe County for her burial and xoork on a cemetery lot in Greenville, S. C., In the opinion of the Coun- ty Attorney, the Commissioners do not have the legal right Lo do this, and the matter was left with Mr. Hollis, Superintendeiit of PuUlic Welfare. ? Inasmuch as the term of Mr. Cicero p. Yow as member of the County Sdelfare Board will expire on June 30, 1955, and under the Law will not be eligible to succeed himself, Mr. Iioll.is an- nounced that i;he Welfare l3oard as of Ju1y 1, 1955 will be composed of Mr. Thurston C. Davis; Pirs. Eva Long and Mr. W. Allen Cobb the third member appointed to succeed ,1r. Yow. A letter was received from Mr. James A. Graham, Secretary and Treasurer of the North Carolina ? liereford Breeders' Association, expressirg his pleasure Por having attended the Fat Stock Show and Sa1es, and offered his congratulations on the fiize job we are doing. Swnmer hours for L'ne County employes was then discussed caith Department Heads, and it was sug- _ T?? gester that the City and Count,y should be on the same basis. Mr. L. C. LeGwin representing the City advised that City Manager J. R. Benson will pursue the matter f'urther with each of his llepartments. The present feeling is 39 for early hours and , 8 against. . County auditor T. ll. Love recommended that it be I.eft as is. 1i'oster lidxqards, Clerk of' auperior Court, reported lzis Department is 50/50 on the question 7:30 to 4::30, but iaouLd go along with the 13oard's decision. R. L. Black, Register of Deeds, recoimiiended stait at 8:00 A.M. iP City caoul(l. go along. Woul.d prei'er llaylight saving 'i'1me. Don't changemore than 30 minutes, reconmiended 8:00 A.PI. to 5:00 P.M. Sheriff Marvin Register said any change made would make no difference with his Department'. J. H. Hollis, superintendent Public Welfare said his Department woulcl be dissatisfied to?start early hours at 7:30, 3U minutes dii'S'erence woul.d suit better. _ Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Pi:iyhan, the Board voted to continue observance of Lhe present working hours. , ?,?F? A letter ?aas received from Mr. John Alexanfler McMahan, Assistant llirector of the Institute of a' Government, urgino tkie Count?rAuditor and members of the Board to attend a School for Gounty _?? Accountants at tlie Institute of Government May 26 and 27. The program will cover a number of topics, including requirements of the new County Fiscal Control Act, Law governing Budget- ing and Accountiug, and so forth. _ ?h1r. Trask then raised tlie question of tl?ie large expense for outside auditing the County's ??r books and records, and suggested the employment of an extra clerk in the County Auditor's AOffice, if necessary, to cn eck.County Departments fY?om time Lo time and keep the work up to ? minimize the time and work to be performed for outside annual audit at the close of the fis- cal year. And', flirther insisted that the whole Board be inPormed of any general or special audit of any Departments and the same be approved by the Boarci bePore malcing a contract for the work. After further discussion, the Board decided to meet caith Chei^ry, Bekaert and Holland, C.P.A.'s at 8:00 P.P1., in their offices for a further discussion and better under- startding of the taork involved, inasmuch as they made the audit for the past fYscal year end- ing June'30, 1954. ' An invitation was received to attend the annual memUership meeting of the Wilmington Chapter _z,P of the American Red Cross, Thursday, May 5 at 8:00 o'clock P.PI., at the Chapter House, 411 South F)^ont Street, for the purpose of electing members of the,Board of Directors. A letter was receivea from Mrs. Ruth Cus°rent, State Hnme Demonstration Agent, advising tliat Mrs. Mary P1cAllister, Southeastern Disti^ict Home Agent, underwent major surgery several days ago and will not be able to return to work for at least two months, and will take over her work during her absence, and asked for our cooperation during the meantime in mattei^s'that may Ue brought up for consideration in connecl;ion with their Budget and other things for•the next fiscal year. ' ? Rinal report of siren tests and map showing locations of,sirens in tshe County were received from F7anklin SJ. Bell, Civil llefei7se Director. .p?C?o.pies of the agreement.for the joint utilization of facilities+at Bluethenthal I?eld by•the ` 6""Count.y and the bepartment of ?he Tdavy, along approximate lines i^eached at a confersnce of the County and Mavy Held in Washington, D. C., February 16, 1:955,*were received from the Navy Department and taken under thorough study by the.Board before taking a ction on the same. Needham Daniel Potter, 76 year old physically disabled'citizen and Social Security.recipient ?,?'at $30.00 per month, ready to be discharged fror,i the Hospital, but no one to care for him, r C was upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Public SdelPare, and upon motion of Pir.. Trask, seconded by Mr. P4ayhan, granted admission to the County Home as a pay patient. Nwr ?A report of the Veterans' Service Officer Por April and Aii°port cash receipts for April 22 ?and 29th were received and filed. - Ditching report for three (3) weeks ending 9pri1 29: 137 men worked 14 days - 5575 yards ? ditched and graded. . r ?. ? Pionthly Swine Report: Inventory for Apri1,1955 Pigs to 751bs. Shoats to 75/150-Hogs Sows Roars Tota1 150/250 On Fiand 73 63 40 14 1 191 rarrowed - None Acquisitions - None , Solcl - None Meeting of May 2, 1955 - Continued Monthly Swine Report - Continued Slaughtered: 10 killed for meat - 3,385 lbs, on foot - 2,457 lbs. dressed. Loss: 2 pigs disappeared Inoculati a1s: 69 pigs J01121 C. Sdessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for caeek ending April 29th White patients Negro " r- Nonresidents Vacant Beds Discharged Admitted 11 15 Zu N-osp - 0 6= P1ale white 1; Pemale white 4; Piale colored 1. 0 0 . Mr. Trask asked thaL check be made with John A. tdestbrook, Airport Manager to see wkiat can be realized out of furnishing an off'ice for Hall Watters CYiarter Service at the Airport. Upon motion of Mr. Tiayhan, secorxied by T1r. Hall, County bills No. 3337 to 3442 were approved ?.! for payment. The meeting then adjour•ned. Wilmington, N. C,, May 9, 1956. The regular. weekly meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A.N. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Gommissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Reverend Jack W. Ware, Paster of Carolina Beach Pres- byterian Church. Copies oP the minutes of ineeting of May 2,.1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the game were upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. Aall, approved. ' This being the hour and date advertised to receive bids for furnishing Office Equipment and in- stallation for the Commissioners' Office, Auditor's Office and Tax Office, only one bid was re- ceived and tkie Chairman asked iF there were other bids to be submitted, there was no response, and upon motion of Mr. Hall, instructions were given to proceed with the opening of the bid re- ceived, which follows: J. M. Weeks: Total price of new equipment listed by item numbers in accordance with Specifications as appeared in the advertisement, Delivered and Installed- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - $ 5,080.57 Less trade-in allowance on present equipment 600.00 Net price - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4,480.57 • Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, the foregoing bid was unanimously accepted. / . ? ? Attorneys R. S. McClelland and G. C. TfcIntire appeared to present a petition of 500 or more C?-- residents of Winter Park and vicinity, which petition is said to include the signatures of thirteen (13) operators of heavy trucks and oil tanlcers, protesting the routing of the new pro- ' posed Highway thru tdinter Park at 46th Street, on account of increasing the hazard to the res- idents and School children who have to travel over the Highway thru that area to attend the School and Churches in Winter Park, and also the damage that would be suffered by the propertq owners on said proposed Highway by the taking of most of their front yards to provide a four-lane Highway, and therefore feel the road could be easily routed to tlie east of Winter Park thru territory now uninhabited, or mostly so, at less expense to the State to construct. APter lengthy discussion Mr. Hall moved and it was seconded by Dir. Mayhan and carried, that the question be tahled for a week and same referred to the County Attorney for study and to advise the Board the proper procedure to take in the matter at the next meeting. ??- The Chairman advised the Board of a meeting ard good fellowship dinner with the Board of Education in the Students' Union, Brogden Hall 6:00 P.M., Friday May 13. Instructions were given to write a letter of thanks and appreciation to Mr. C. Heide Trask, Third ?- Division State Highwaq Commissioner, for improvements to Hugh MacRae Park in providing paved park- ing lot and courts, and other paving projects in the County and thru out the Third District. Calls from S. H. Kress Compaaiy and other Chain Stores concerning the Law prohibiting the sale of paper caps and other pyrotechnics in the State reported as having been repealed, a check with our Hepresentatives in the Legislature revealed that New Hanover County was excluded from the Act re- pealing the said State Law and Neia Hanover County aontiriues under the operation of the Law as here- toPore. ?kc? The Chairman called attentiou to Budget time drawing near, it will be necessary f or all Depart- _ ments of the County to submit their Budget Estimates before May 30, and the Glelfare Department on or before May 15 required by the State Board of Publfc Welfare. The Chairman presented two checka for small amounts covering items of damage by the hurricane of • October 15, 1954, one from Central Mutual Insurance Company, F. E. Livingston, Agent, and one ? Z from Indiana Lumbermans°.,Mutual Insurance Company, H. G. Latimer and Son, Agents, 3n the amounts of $1.77 and $3.31 respectively, which were tiu-ned over to the County Auditor for proper credit. The Chairman called attention to an article appearing in the April 1955 issue of Popular Govern- a?SJ ment, commenting that we are "one of two Governmental Units, the City of Greensboro and New Han- over County, who issued their Personnel Rules and Regulatioms in printed form last month. Cities and Counties considering a revision of their personnel rules in the flzture will find these recent publications extremely helpflil". ? J